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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Really, what a time for a president to take a weekend off, but what do I know. Obviously, when the going gets tough, the tough go golfing.. Donald Trump, Donald Trump. teeing through the glen, Donald Trump, Donald Trump. with his brand of Zen - Used by the bad, feared by the good -- Vlad advises that he tries a 13 wood.
  2. I saw an interview with Carter Page on Fake News today. I am unclear about his importance in the Russia thing (he says he has none)* but I was quite riveted by his onair appearance. He nailed an agonized smile on his face throughout the whole time, while staring straight into the camera, without hardly blinking even, like the reverse of a bobblehead doll.. He laughed, not loudly but steadily, at allegations that he was recruited as a Russian agent. All without moving his face or anything in it one millimetre. He is an academic and a professor at NYU, and once met some Russian with whom he discussed academia when they "had went for coffee.".All I could conclude was, if that is th e best Russia can do for moles, the Republic is way safer than I thought. *or as he would probably put it, "hadn.t got none"
  3. , lucky she had a better half then isn't it?
  4. Peter, yur classical slip is showing! Prince Jiulus of Troy (twin of Cassandra?) would be more appropriate. Your reflections on communication made sense, anyway.
  5. I sort of tried to be, when I was first introduced to the philosophy, but it just didn't take. It was interesting and different and seemed so logical, but it didn't enhance my life in any way, it didn't give me the psychological benefits I saw the committed Objectivists attest to, I had not been previously asking any questions which discovering Rand answered. I'm not naturally drawn to philosophy as a subject anyway, so the truest answer is just, it didn't feel right to me. When I realized I was a natural collectivist it was a huge relief. But my interest in Rand and her life and the evolution of her movement - ah, that is such a fascinating story, I am firmly hooked on, even more than on gossip about the Royal Family!
  6. lol".Black or ISIS sympathizers, " I thought I wrote but obviously not. Still, to a racist the term "black sympathizer " would probably be a ephemism for a less polite term ,used for white ant-segregationists back in the ol pre-MAGA days. Both ways Barr's joke was racist ,
  7. This is very fair comment. But not about me. I wrote awhile ago here - on a thread to Jonathan, about a close relative whom I love and respect who supported Trump and voted for him. J's response to that was to accuse me of "universalizing", because antiTrump people never respect political opponents. In effect he called me a liar as always. Another anecdotal example is my co-inlaw, who drove me home from my first eye surgery with Rush Limbaugh on the radio. He is a great. big-hearted guy and we have agreed to disagree. His family including my daughter-in-law don't agree with him either. Also I will call upon Marc, a member here,who is wrong and unCanadian to support Trump, whom I still consider a friend.
  8. Michael, I don' t remember being any foggier or out of focus when I replied to J's post than when I read it.But Trump does suck, so you could be right, for all my conscious mind tells me. I emphasize, you Michael personallydo not suck! Just to be as clear as I can Mistily, Carol
  9. It was you who brought up Black Lives Matter, not me, but no matter. You have decided that I write disgusting racialism, and am not worth respect or consideration. I have become someone you have contempt, even hatred for, because of politics. Because I speak against a public leader who is probably less intelligent or knowledgeable than you are, whom the evidence of my senses tells me is a bad human being who cares nothing about you or anyone else except as blind worshippers, you have decided I must be derided and hated , because of politics. So because of politics , in retaliation I have to hate you too while you cuff me out of the way on your Yellow Brick Road. And in general, I never bother with people I hate. Call me a tramp if you like.
  10. Interesting comparison to Randian characters. are you thinking of Hank Rearden's beautiful wife Lilian? You can't be unawarethat Melania is widely believed not to love her husband, but she made a bargain in good faith for the chance of motherhood in the security of marriage (my opinion too) and has kept her bargain grimly and gallantly.
  11. I have read a lot of those. Len Deighton is my top favourite, with Ken Follettt and John Grisham tied for second and Robert Harris bringing up third, just because he has so far written fewer books than the others. Get moving, Harris!
  12. It's not a novel but is a collection of stories. Wiki calls it an "early psychological study." Charles MacKay's "Extraordinary Delusions and the Madness of Crowds", pub.1841. Still relevant today.
  13. Two thumbs up. We can only hope there is enough talent out there to replace all the other Gunns and Barrs who ought to be fired forpolluting tweets..
  14. I will change my brand of bubble gum if you will lay off the Kool-Aid.
  15. I was and am a big fan of Roseanne's talent and sad to see what her expressed views have been that we were not aware of before. I agree Michael, that she is crazy.
  16. Sorry, I meant "retweeting racist material, then periodically deleting them when the Ambien was it? wore off. I wasn't aware that Ambien was an anti-truth serum." And I thought, though perhaps I amalone in this , that the subtext of her Jarrett joke was quite racist, even if aimed at a white person, implying that whoever it was would look as described - i.e. were black or black sympathizers.
  17. "I know this mistake was honest because I've made it myself." I have made honest mistakes, for instance misspoken badly, giving the opposite impression to what I meant. But when politicians retract their words claiming honest mistakes, I seldom believe them, amost never. Even the ones I support, I don't believe them. Maybe Roseanne's acting abilities swayed you.
  18. That quote amply illustrates her honesty, and the mistake was her years of racist tweeting. Whining that her erstwhile tv family and best friends (all I grant you, equally venal amoral Hollywood types) threw her under the bus, illustrates her character. Still, I am not going to cry for Sweet Rosie O'KKKady.. She'll still be rich, and has survived the bus attack. And there is no word on the condition of the bus.
  19. Correction, Peter. I am a princess, always have been. Only child syndrome, you lnow,
  20. in the interests of general civility, I ask all members to refrain from posting more than 20 times in a row on the same theme, when the separate posts could easily be combined, especially if they are a succession of images. I understand that some are born trolls, some achieve trollhood and some have trollhood thrust upon them, and it is flattering to receive the same treatment as a high US government official,. NeverthelessI I believe I can speak for many OL community members in asking those to whom this appeal applies, to desist. Thank you.
  21. Not so fast Marc - this "study" is as solid as Michael Cohen's loyalty. Or his client's marital fidelity.