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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Here's a YouTube search so you can find more goodies. Here's a YouTube search so you can find more goodies. Here's a YouTube search so you can find more goodies. Here's a YouTube search so you can find more goodies. Oh, thank you! Even the whirly things stopped and I got to see it straight through. The philosophical credentials of BTF are simply impeccable - I never knew how to think until I heard the cataclysmic words, "Moore, do you have apples in that basket?" Was "A Mighty Wind" the movie named in tribute?
  2. This reminds me of a great SCTV episode, a military epic, "The Loooong...HARD...War!" I will run the nondemoninational Chapel and write letters for the homesick boys to their mothers.
  3. Close, I speak French and am a Maritimer but from the south anglo part.(Bay of Fundy)
  4. Michael Yes, it is accurate and sad beyond words. No one could exult in killing except a sadist, and I cannot believe Baal to be that.
  5. Well, NB and BB and others were "the children" as she said, and she considered herself a good matchmaker. Yet she pretty much mandated, that having children was the very last thing a serious student of Objectivism should do with her life., and we all know what happened to that devoted mother in the tunnel in AS. Adds up to a strange psychological formula for "living on earth.," or at the least replenishing human life on earth.
  6. lolol, Peter. Your best this year. The Committee has its eye on you.
  7. MSK: IMO this is cause enough to reduce potty-mouth's daily allotment to 4. Adolescence and senescence have their intersections. Ninth, it is not much use trying to make seymour laugh unless something is being blown up or destroyed, like the world. To which end I have a favour to ask you. A recent bout of predictions here that war will start next fall and global economic chaos will end civilization in our lifetimes, gave me a mighty yearning to revisit the Beyond the Fringe classic, "The End of the World." I have only heard it on records (yes, actual vinyl things.) Do you have any video on it? I'll wait patiently for 24 hours by my Ingersoll watch.
  8. I personally know at least 100 Muslims who do not want to kill Robert Kolker, or even Robert Ford. Which is strange because most of the Christians, Jews, Sikhs, Hindus and Zoroastrians in Toronto do want to kill Ford.
  9. Maybe you could get Ellen to enlist her husband to make some direct responses about those fundamental science things that were never done.... well, maybe not.
  10. Now that's what I call whirling! Drat you Adam, you have got me rereading an old Nadel when I should be doing my Assigned Reading.
  11. Bacon recipes! I told you to report on Objectivist sites, not the Ladies Home Journal...what? Oh, Jesus. Look, that reminds me though, while you're here, call Papa's and order the bacon poutine, it's the Tuesday special sometimes it runs out early...
  12. This has got to be one of the very wackiest things Ayn Rand ever wrote. Having observed several of those doomed couples on Death Row over the years in their lives of hopeless drudgery, and the even worse post-death slavery of several single mothers, I have to say that they seemed to enjoy their non-lives more than Rand ever did hers, most of the time.
  13. Gulch 8 said to Baal: "I don't find your harping on your contention that Ron Paul is not wanted by the GOP establishment helpful at all. We know the GOP elite oppose him for reasons they are not even willing to make public." Maybe those reasons include an analysis of some of the truly frightening people who support him. I do not mean libertarians. I was looking up something on Paul and got misdirected to the Comments section of an Alex Jones site. I thought at first it was a comedy thread. The display of bloodthirsty bigotry and severe mental illness there astonished me.
  14. Brant, I think it's in the Heller book. Michael EDIT: See here in The New Individualist: Incidentally, Barbara discussed this with me, too. My Mother lost her virginity to my Father in her ignorance about sex in it had to have been the winter of 1934. My sister, Joan (d. 2005), was the result of that. During her pregnancy she went to a hotel room in Harlem where the idea was to induce an abortion through physical exercise. She wasn't the only one there. The pregnancy was not aborted by that. Joan was her most precious and beautiful child. Mom never forgave herself for trying to end the pregnancy. Later in life, in spite of her liberal political views, her attitude was you do the sex you accept the possible consequences. I can imagine Ayn Rand getting very defensive on the subject of abortion if she had had one--and not being honest with herself and others about the matter. --Brant She certainly was not the only one there. Every woman in the world has been there. I have had the great good luck , that I was never pregnant when I did not want to be - except for one time I have come to think was probably an early miscarriage , I did not think of it so at the time, but in retrospect it is the likeliest explanation of something which had never happened to me before or since. I have read that there is a regular percentage of conceptions that spontaneously abort within 3 months, and most of the time the women do not realize it. Nature's way. Abortion has always existed and should always be a woman;s right, society can make it easier or harder. In necessity and sorrow.
  15. Yes, I own my own body, period. I always have and always will. Can another human body ever be inside my body? I know I have sovereignty over it.
  16. Maybe the guys can luck into a lodging like the Superbowl auction winners. They got to stay at a convent with nuns and the nuns picked them up and drove them everywhere, and their cooking was great. They had good seats at the game and the nuns decorated their rooms with team logos and who knows what else went on. I will tell Stu to look into it, it sounds like a good deal, and his father was a Catholic, maybe he could get a discount.
  17. You are correct that rights are arbitrary, wherein a begun/potential.developing human life, within the body of an already developed human body, can be stopped or allowed to continue developing. I read a book once, by a doctor who ran an abortion ward in a hospital. the title of the book was "In Necessity and Sorrow.."
  18. Janet, All I did was looking for info because the name "Young Man Afraid of his Horses" seemed so contradictory for a warrior and chief . This method is not ridiculed here - on the contrary: it is part of checking premises. Contradictions frequently rest on false premises. The false premise exposed in this case was the (erroneus) belief that it was a correct transation. It was actually a mistranslation.Yes it was a mistranslation because it was an interpretation by the translater. Until Kauffman Nietzsche was poorly translated. The problem always in interpretation. Now this is of interest to me because of the implications and intersections of "misunderstanding" and "mistranslation" of which I have some actual knowledge. Full disclosure,I studied linguistics and Saussure at semi-postgraduate level )"Honours" in Canadian) though I cannot say I have retained much. Where is Ted Keer when you need him? I have also worked translating French into English. Not philosophy of course, the subtleties of thought and difficulties of communication are endlessly interesting though. Janet, how would you assess your own level of interpretation of the writings of Baudrillard and Babich in the original? I do not read German so I have not read Nietzsche in German. I have read him in English. I have read Baudrillard and Foucault in English. Sheridan is an inspired translater of Foucault. The rest are very good and also very devoted. Chris Turner is the translater of most of Baudrillard. Forget Foucault is the edition by sylvere Lotringer and that translation is by Nicole Dufresne. I will accept Lotringer's choice anytime. Diane Rubenstein first introduced me to Baudrillard (she waves off Foucault) and her graduate work was in france where she studied with all of them and more. she is a prof in political studies at Cornell the last I looked at her site. Exquisite scholarship and very funny. Babich is American, graduate work in Germany, writes in German and English so her translations, depending on which she originally wrote the article or book in, is her own translation. I do not believe I am being misled by any of them. And something I have longed to get into for almost 20 years now: translating Francoise Dolto into English (she was Lacan's " clinical partner" in psychoanalysis and her case studies are so perfect. and too few of her books are in English although the Spaniards and Italians have kept up with her. I Interested? Thank you for the comprehensive answer. I infer that you have read all these texts in English, and through your knowledge of the texts and their interpreters, and your reading of same, have reached your own conclusions. There are few writers who convey the same nuanced meanings in English and French both ( although I would say Flaubert comes closest from what I have read)--it is a tough judgment to make..And it is a long hard academic road to make second-handedly. And to have done it all by myself, without colleagues, and to find that the way I have read the texts corresponds to some of the best thinking in the field. This kind of thinking gives one not only a satisfaction but a confidence in independent judgement. Invaluable. Thanks. You're welcome.
  19. Kindly contain your private pleasures on your own private property, you kinko! This is hockey we talk about , as ever was and ever shall be , ah,men. amen.
  20. Nobody cares what I think, but I will tell you what I think anyway, because who else would listen to me anyway. Where was I ? O yes, there is a serious problem among young peoplel My own son has said that he is through with the Leafs, he has given them 25 years of his life and they have given him nothing but heartbreak and despair and he will not watch them anymore or even tallk tabout them. However he already has his plans set for the Leafs outdoor game next year.(Third cousin Norman the Ann Arbourmotel owner you're the best!)
  21. caroljane


    He looks really horny to me...good lad! Och aye! Here's tae us wha's like us? Damn few, and they're a" deid"
  22. caroljane


    O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord) O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord) The Gholden Rhino inexplicably reminds me of my tiny new grandson, why is that? Because he is a boy? Um, maybe. As we know, you have more knowledge and familarity with herd animals and wild beasts than other respectable widow type peoplel
  23. Some enterprising Paulian should be in Federal Court in Bangor with an Order to Show Cause and a temporary injunction - hell the publicity alone would be worth a couple of million! This ain't beanbag, it is politics - war with very few guns. Some enterprising Paulian should be in Federal Court in Bangor with an Order to Show Cause and a temporary injunction - hell the publicity alone would be worth a couple of million! This ain't beanbag, it is politics - war with very few guns. Hoo boy, this is the Maine I know all right.. Hope cousin David is OK in his Neutral Zone bunker.
  24. caroljane


    O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord) O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord) The Golden Rhino inexplicably reminds me of my tiny new grandson, why is that? Callum does not have hooves, he has soccer boots like every Lynam, and that nose! It would be offside before the ba' was kicked.
  25. caroljane


    O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord) O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord) The Gholden Rhino inexplicably reminds me of my tiny new grandson, why is that?