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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Janet, All I did was looking for info because the name "Young Man Afraid of his Horses" seemed so contradictory for a warrior and chief . This method is not ridiculed here - on the contrary: it is part of checking premises. Contradictions frequently rest on false premises. The false premise exposed in this case was the (erroneus) belief that it was a correct transation. It was actually a mistranslation.Yes it was a mistranslation because it was an interpretation by the translater. Until Kauffman Nietzsche was poorly translated. The problem always in interpretation. Now this is of interest to me because of the implications and intersections of "misunderstanding" and "mistranslation" of which I have some actual knowledge. Full disclosure,I studied linguistics and Saussure at semi-postgraduate level )"Honours" in Canadian) though I cannot say I have retained much. Where is Ted Keer when you need him? I have also worked translating French into English. Not philosophy of course, the subtleties of thought and difficulties of communication are endlessly interesting though. Janet, how would you assess your own level of interpretation of the writings of Baudrillard and Babich in the original? I do not read German so I have not read Nietzsche in German. I have read him in English. I have read Baudrillard and Foucault in English. Sheridan is an inspired translater of Foucault. The rest are very good and also very devoted. Chris Turner is the translater of most of Baudrillard. Forget Foucault is the edition by sylvere Lotringer and that translation is by Nicole Dufresne. I will accept Lotringer's choice anytime. Diane Rubenstein first introduced me to Baudrillard (she waves off Foucault) and her graduate work was in france where she studied with all of them and more. she is a prof in political studies at Cornell the last I looked at her site. Exquisite scholarship and very funny. Babich is American, graduate work in Germany, writes in German and English so her translations, depending on which she originally wrote the article or book in, is her own translation. I do not believe I am being misled by any of them. And something I have longed to get into for almost 20 years now: translating Francoise Dolto into English (she was Lacan's " clinical partner" in psychoanalysis and her case studies are so perfect. and too few of her books are in English although the Spaniards and Italians have kept up with her. I Interested? Thank you for the comprehensive answer. I infer that you have read all these texts in English, and through your knowledge of the texts and their interpreters, and your reading of same, have reached your own conclusions. There are few writers who convey the same nuanced meanings in English and French both ( although I would say Flaubert comes closest from what I have read)--it is a tough judgment to make..And it is a long hard academic road to make second-handedly.
  2. caroljane


    O thanks Adam! I have been fascinated by this little known culture ever since I read The Covenant, I think think the Queen should send all qualified Commonwealthers on a Seniors Exchange and I could go there and Tony could go to Inuvik and pay his bar tab from ArcticCon 2010. (Heh, good one eh! - -Iss Nanook & Gord)
  3. caroljane


    I have just read an article on Mapungubwe, and the Golden Rhino, a tiny wondrous work of art. it is a place I would love to visit. From the photos, it looks spectacular and the building at the centre is perfect for the setting. The history and archaeology of this place and artefact of great beauty were hindered, until the late 20th century, from being known or appreciated, through racial bigotry, intellectual elitism, and tribal politics amongst all colours of tribes. Now that they are known, there have been very few visitors in South Africa to enjoy this new knowledge. A few hundred, according to what I read. Somehow I think Tony (WHYnot) has been one of them, and I do not mean to be presumptuous.
  4. Janet, All I did was looking for info because the name "Young Man Afraid of his Horses" seemed so contradictory for a warrior and chief . This method is not ridiculed here - on the contrary: it is part of checking premises. Contradictions frequently rest on false premises. The false premise exposed in this case was the (erroneus) belief that it was a correct transation. It was actually a mistranslation.Yes it was a mistranslation because it was an interpretation by the translater. Until Kauffman Nietzsche was poorly translated. The problem always in interpretation. Now this is of interest to me because of the implications and intersections of "misunderstanding" and "mistranslation" of which I have some actual knowledge. Full disclosure,I studied linguistics and Saussure at semi-postgraduate level )"Honours" in Canadian) though I cannot say I have retained much. Where is Ted Keer when you need him? I have also worked translating French into English. Not philosophy of course, the subtleties of thought and difficulties of communication are endlessly interesting though. Janet, how would you assess your own level of interpretation of the writings of Baudrillard and Babich in the original?
  5. My pleasure, Carol. It hadn't been to Solo for some time. I must say I was quite surprised to see a confirmed theist ('Burnsy') trying to make the 'Case for God' over there. My pleasure, Carol. It hadn't been to Solo for some time. I must say I was quite surprised to see a confirmed theist ('Burnsy') trying to make the 'Case for God' over there. Good heavens! When I frist started reading there, a christian lady was posting all the time, andI mean all the time. Finally she went to a party at Lindsay's place and apparently they got drunk and had a fight, and she never came back on solo. I must admit I skim a lot there but I would not have thought a Burnsy was a Deist, the name suggests more a satanist to my mind,-- ok, no irony. Hell or heaven? One or both? "from what I've tasted of desire I'd be inclined to answer fire''''' (Frost)_ You must peruse my groundbreaking Lizard/Penguin Hypothethisis of Variable Hyperthmereality, published in the Journal of Notional Regioneurotics, Vol.111 pp112-133.
  6. Good fun on Solo just now. I don't mind giving it the hits as I read it at least weekly anyway, and there are some intelligent, articulate posters there. The visits of Ghs, Brant and Xray have greatly increased my enjoyment there this week and I would like to thank them. Sometimes that beat is an awful chore. I have a question about hits -does it mean just one reading by a particular browser, or the total number of readings irrespective of who reads? If the latter I am going to go back over my own favourite underappreciated deathless prose and read it to death.
  7. Ugh, I just spent a few minutes over yonder, at the SLOP trough, and got a good reminder of why I suggested the right image for this whack job is Medusa from Clash of the Titans. Try making sense of her shit and your head is liable to turn to stone. Along with the rest of you. If only there was some way to harness her power for good. Maybe get her a position in the Obama administration, they’d never get anything done again! To defeat the Kraken, desperate measures must be taken! Ugh, I just spent a few minutes over yonder, at the SLOP trough, and got a good reminder of why I suggested the right image for this whack job is Medusa from Clash of the Titans. Try making sense of her shit and your head is liable to turn to stone. Along with the rest of you. If only there was some way to harness her power for good. Maybe get her a position in the Obama administration, they’d never get anything done again! To defeat the Kraken, desperate measures must be taken! Ninth Doctor: As the legal representatives of Medusa, we demand that you cease and desist harassing and slandering her with whack job designations, falsely associating her with a mortal of whom she has never heard, which have caused her dire harm and damage to reputation and loss of income. The federal authorities have been informed. We expect your grovelling apology and full restitution within 24 hours, in the absence of which you will be arrested at 3:00 am of the following night by a full SWAT team and never seen again. Maurice Gord Snowe LLB, QC Snowe & Snowe. Olympus, Mo.
  8. Deliver to Lady Anonyma only Lady Anonyma, Despite the uncivil and blasphemous tone of your latest, and I trust last missive, I send this reply, as I realize it cost you considerable risk and effort to despatch it out of OL., and that you are under stress. I cannot and will not approach any Macedonian officers on your behalf,and I urge you again to abandon your hopes in that direction. I repeat, nearly all of them are married,some of them to each other. Furthermore, they are preparing to march East to conquer everyplace they find and never return. Your father has been causing me no little annoyance, whilst making a spectacle of himself all over Athens. He was seen yesterday taking an acrimonious leave of Dioklos the innkeeper, and has set out homeward accompanied by the rhetor Perigos, a low fellow who scrapes a living in the agora and scribes for illiterate country smallholders when his rhetoric business is slow. I trust he will return to you safely. Farewell. Aristotle
  9. INTERSECTION AHEAD Can it be that a crucial conjunction of the Yesterday and Tomorrow has occurred in the dialectic right here on OL and it has been shrewdly observed only by moi? Has no one noticed the deep pulsing throbbing regularity with which Janet *(Tomorrow's Woman) ends her posts with "a pity." - a catchphrase that will je predict will become the "Who is John Galt" of the Randeitschian New World Order? And how this resonates with the weekly pity of Mr T (Yesterday's Man)?? Note that while Mr T pitied only fools who were trying to thwart or escape the A-team, Janet transcends the outmoded mold and pities not just fools, not just individuals, not just all of humanity but situations, misdirected screenplays, unproduced movies -- entities which previously had narrowly been perceived as inanimate objects, or even nonexistent entities ... Je ne suis pas capable de l'encompasser - even a Babette Bichon - frise could barely begin to understand the implications...truly c'est la fin de Baudiddley.
  10. You were right in a previous post Brant, modern medicine is amazing..I thought giving birth after death was pretty amazing but sex after death - just wow. Carol -yeah, you did construct the sentence right, but you gave me that opening by not punctuating enough.
  11. Well Eugene has started his new job. he says it is challenging and he gets to work in beautiful surroundings as it is the Lord Black mansion. Mostly he sees the beautiful yard because Lady B (as she invited him to call her in her aristocratic but humorous manner) has 17 dogs and it is one of his tasks to walk them, after he has ironed the newspaper for her to read. The uniform is very classy but it does not fit him too well. The person who had the job before him was a woman, as the chauffeur mentioned to Eugene. Aunt Marlene said she could let out the seams on it, but Eugene thinks Lady B might notice that her property had been tampered with, Classical liberals are very particular about private property. He thinks it is better not to make waves when he is new on the job. He has matured so much! They told him the uniform is called "livery" but he jokes to us in good natured fashion when letting off steam, at the end of a work day it feels more like deadery.
  12. Very helpful "Americanized" adj, - misspelled -Canadian Oxford Dictionary
  13. DAMN - I am good at this! Wasn't more than 5 points off of any of their percentages! My Romney bias shows through. Romney won by just three points, 39 percent to Ron Paul’s 36 percent. Rick Santorum trailed in third with 18 percent, and Newt Gingrich received 6 percent of the vote. Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz1m7dLGXsD Carol: The cauci are held at numerous locations throughout the state. You are a pretty good predictor. Santorum 20%???? Those aren't the Mainers I know. Reminds me of the famous line at a Manhattan cocktail party of the effete, emotionally crippled left wing drones and the hostess said, "I can't believe that Reagan took all those States, no one that I know voted for him!" It might have been Nixon, but it illustrate how clueless the elites are! Not you of course... Of course not dahling. The Mainers I was thinking of would have voted for John McCain again, whether he was on the ballot or not. Ahh...did they all have pre-frontal lobotomys? You are not far off the mark. Vietnam scythed the smalltown Maine I knew in my youth. Many of the returning young vets became Democrats to say the least; most became just vets, more or less damaged. And those who did not return - and the grandparents who liked Ike - war heroism is the legacy they know. There are Democrats in Maine obviously(maybe Stephen King, or tabitha King) but the only one I really know is my cousin David , and he's half Canadian.
  14. DAMN - I am good at this! Wasn't more than 5 points off of any of their percentages! My Romney bias shows through. Romney won by just three points, 39 percent to Ron Paul’s 36 percent. Rick Santorum trailed in third with 18 percent, and Newt Gingrich received 6 percent of the vote. Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz1m7dLGXsD Carol: The cauci are held at numerous locations throughout the state. You are a pretty good predictor. Santorum 20%???? Those aren't the Mainers I know. Reminds me of the famous line at a Manhattan cocktail party of the effete, emotionally crippled left wing drones and the hostess said, "I can't believe that Reagan took all those States, no one that I know voted for him!" It might have been Nixon, but it illustrate how clueless the elites are! Not you of course... Of course not dahling. The Mainers I was thinking of would have voted for John McCain again, whether he was on the ballot or not.
  15. And not that I mind, but poor Eugene is only 28, he has just been misunderstood, and Aunt Marlene won't claim a day over 60. And Lady Black refers to herself as geriatric but would highly resent anyone else doing so. So why did you choose this thread? As a geriatric and grandmother myself.I enjoyed the anecdotes.
  16. DAMN - I am good at this! Wasn't more than 5 points off of any of their percentages! My Romney bias shows through. Romney won by just three points, 39 percent to Ron Paul’s 36 percent. Rick Santorum trailed in third with 18 percent, and Newt Gingrich received 6 percent of the vote. Read more: http://www.politico....l#ixzz1m7dLGXsD Carol: The cauci are held at numerous locations throughout the state. You are a pretty good predictor. Santorum 20%???? Those aren't the Mainers I know.
  17. Oh. My. Gordie. Next year it's Wings vs. Leafs. The alumni game alone should be one for the ages. Got your tickets yet PDS?
  18. While you are blathering on about philosophy the buzzards are zooming in at my liver! OWWWW-- HELP! -Prometheus
  19. Oh no, not Brant! When did this happen?..last time I looked he was saying stuff. I have the same recollection, Carol. He was definitely saying stuff. So we already have eyewitness statements of two posters as to Brant definitely not being aphasic. I just looked again and yet another new post by him has appeared! I ask myself how on earth Janet is going to refute this overwhelming amount of evidence!! [before Janet sails into us on the wrong premise that we don't seem to know the difference between denotation and connotation, we'd better put up an 'attention banter' sign to avoid possible misunderstandings]. Is it this? I am tired of tears and laughter And men that laugh and weep; Of what may come hereafter For men that sow to reap: I am weary of days and hours, Blown buds of barren flowers, Desires and dreams and powers And everything but sleep. -Algernon Charles Swinburne (1837-1909), The Garden of Proserpine Good one. I love your sparkling wit, Carol. It lightens things up and is always on point. Back at you., Angela. Yes, I remember now - Cheerful Charles, a favourite of Ayn Rand's I believe. I do recall his final gratitude in that poem, "that no life lives forever/ that dead men rise up never/ that even the weariest river/wends somewhere safe to sea.." I am using him in comic context, but actually, his poetry was pretty great.
  20. Thanks for brightening our day. We'd rather stay clueless, thanks The General Public
  21. I am finished with you too. I disagree with someone - I forget who now - having decided you didn't want to know "in good faith." A pity. How can you be "finished" when you have not even got started in terms of convincingly presenting your case here? But It was discourse... Yesterday. That's why Brant never engages in it. But then he never says anything at all either. Oh no, not Brant! When did this happen?..last time I looked he was saying stuff. Say it isn't so...that he is not "weary of tears and of laughter and of men who laugh and weep/ of fears of the hereafter, and those who {forget the word) to keep." I do remember though that the great Johnson said that "He who is tired of Objectivist Living is tired of life"... He seemed so healthy and cheerful just yesterday. She's just pissed off at me for my recent remarks. Sadly, her stuff before she first left was better than her stuff when she first came back. Now she's back for the second time--third time here--and I suspect once she leaves again she'll be back again. I tried to engage her substantially when she first appeared, but all she had was her message. So I switched to humor on minor points, which I enjoyed. If I lived anywhere near her I might look her up, but I'd leave the car running. For me the stuff she hasn't talked about hardly at all seems interesting. Like her experiences in real estate. Not psychoanalysis. For me therapy is abreactive, altered states of consciousness, not talk, talk, talk. --Brant Real estate - that is interesting - to everybody really, isn't it? We all have to live someplace. I had to sell my house and endure the beratings of my sons while it was falling down and flooding, explaining that I couldn't afford to sell the wretched hovel until its sale value rose above the mortgages I owed on it. I had no reason to think that would happen, but it did (prices rose). I lucked out through sheer intertia. Then I inherited my mother's house and the roof pretty much fell off it and the taxes, though meagre, are beyond my means. I had the impression seymour was a schoolteacher - Grade 5 or 6.Of course a lot of schoolteachers get into real estate, I have some fri colleagues who got quite rich, by my standards. It was their husbands though actually who did the deals. I agree that the things she doesn't write about much are more interesting. She did announce her focus - spread her ideas, which are 2 by my count: 1.. Baudrillard is the Allah of knowing how to think about and look at everything, and some French lady is his Prophet. 2.Vampirism is the only metaphor for sexuality. But she just repeats them over and over and over in the same words until even the most reluctant reader has memorised them. Maybe she has achieved her plan.
  22. So he wouldn't be interested in his own birthday? If I were 73, I wouldn't be either. I'll be 68 in late March. That's bad enough. That's why I took my birthday out of my profile--also to avoid ID theft--I hate happy birthdays these days. --Brant grump I hear you. That is why I have 3 birthdays and will never be younger than 106, or older than 17, except on pension days or when paying bus fare, or at Happy Hour at the Hag & Sporran.
  23. He's out! Really out, not like that time down in the states where they got him back from Als Topless after three days. Cousin Eugene is officially a free man and Aunt Marlene has got all his probation appointments up on the fridge and we have all signed up for a date to drive him to the probation office. It is only three blocks away but Aunt Marlene says Better Safe than Sorry. And he has got a job! His friend Conrad from Coleman has got his wife Barbara to hire him, and he will get to be in an atmosphere of Philosophy and they will give him a free uniform. And if Conrad has to lay him off, because technically they should not associate with each other, and they let Conrad back into Canada, then he will only get laid off until Conrad goes away out of Canada again. And that is the only way he could get laid off, unless he makes Barbara really mad, and she will hire him back again without him even having to apply again and he can keep his uniform that whole time. That Conrad really is a prince, well he is a duke or something in England, he has done so much for Eugene talking to him and talking and talking, Eug says he can talk all night without stopping. The other inmates called him names like Lord Tubby and Royal Pain and other things I cannot repeat, but he is a real Lord and did not mind. He even laughed that some lady had called him "the Biggest Bore Unhung", he was proud of that because the lady was the daughter of John winston Lennon churchill. I looked that up Eugene says we should look things up and not just ask somebody. One thing, Eugene is not an Objectivist anymore because Sir Conrad and Princess Barbara are not, they are Classical Liberals so he has converted. Hope nobody minds.
  24. I am finished with you too. I disagree with someone - I forget who now - having decided you didn't want to know "in good faith." A pity. How can you be "finished" when you have not even got started in terms of convincingly presenting your case here? But It was discourse... Yesterday. That's why Brant never engages in it. But then he never says anything at all either. Oh no, not Brant! When did this happen?..last time I looked he was saying stuff. Say it isn't so...that he is not "weary of tears and of laughter and of men who laugh and weep/ of fears of the hereafter, and those who {forget the word) to keep." I do remember though that the great Johnson said that "He who is tired of Objectivist Living is tired of life"... He seemed so healthy and cheerful just yesterday.