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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Peter, Canadia was funny and did cause a laugh. I enjoy the Canuckistan banter here very much, I start some of it myself. But surely you can see the difference between Amcan jokes, and Panzer references, as causes for humour. I am assuming you were just not thinking, and if you had thought of Oktoberfest or David Hassellhoff you would have used them instead. I didn't see that comment, but I'm assuming X probably ignored it as one of her admirable qualities is her imperturbable focus on a serious topic she's pursuing, along with her contributions to fun when real fun is being had.
  2. So he wouldn't be interested in his own birthday?
  3. You know I love the kitties! And I know you would like to add one so you could enjoy the yowling and scratching, but it is no use hinting, I am not going to pick a fight with Angela or Ellen just for your sick entertainment.
  4. Now, who amongst our kin and kith Can best discourse with wit and pith Of law and history and myth- And who's the best to discourse with? Why George of course, our Mr PSmith Many more, George Carol -just 33 more years and you will catch up with me
  5. Good move. You should take my advice more often. http://www.objectivi...ndpost&p=154798 On crack? How do you tell the difference? Ah just intuited it honey. Ah don't know how, ah can jes know things. It all started after Aunt Pitty brought that Monsewer Bodiddley to the Cotillion Ball.
  6. I am not going to air your grievances in public and no, I am not going to fire you, not right now anyway, but you were hired because you seemed to fit in with the Mission Statement of the Committee and care about our Goals and I am assuming you still do and...come back here! still work for me until I say you don't and...WHAT did you say? ..How dare you... answer that phone right now..NO, I'll do it...don't move, don't you dare go anywhere....
  7. I'm not available - tell her to call back - where's my Red Bull?..use your initiative NOOO don't say that..give me that phone..
  8. Sorry, I can't seem to fix the above post. The comment is mine of course, about Objectivist Class Reunion. I am picturing the alumni now, on their way to the Meet'n'Greet, as they debate how best to get their party bus out of a ditch.
  9. [quote name='william.scherk' timestamp='1328836117' post='155) I also liked the casual description of Bizarro/Archie-World Objectivism: "an uncharacteristically menacing Mr. Lodge" Who is playing Mr Lodge at the Objectivish Class Reunion (well, of course, there would have to be at least seven separate reunions, to accomodate and the factions and their snits)? [] Don't , don't don't tempt me...please. "Lenny Peikoff! Hey! Read any good books lately? Dave Kelley, how ya doin! Seen any good movies lately?"
  10. So-Called Honourable Aristotle, thanks a lot. Father has found out I wrote to you, I don't know how he found out, publishing won't be invented for another 1900 years and the slaves cant read,and I called myself Anonyma anyway, but he found out somehow and now he says I have disgraced him and he is going to get back his offering from the Oracle and sue you, and serve you right, he's locked me iinto my room with the weaving again and I hate weaving I hate it i hate it i HAAAAATE it and its all your fault you dirty old man i hope king philip of macedon fires your stupid ass you traitor anyway, you are a big traitor you milesian traitor you ...PSSST Hymettos!..look, through the window!...yes, here! Quick!.. ...(does this stola make me look fat?)
  11. I finally twigged to the Ethel (unless it was to Ethel of Lucy fame) lol-- no, it was the Mertzes of ILL I named the dauntless doctors for.. I don't remember this Ethel but she's kinda cute. I used to have a two-piece just like that! Mine had straps of course. A sad thing, that body IS on magazine covers today. The girl behind her would be "too fat." My 1967 body would hardly dare to go on the beach today. Just leave your head at home. --Brant Snap! That's what I usually did, now that I think back on it.
  12. Whew! How in the world did I miss that TV movie? Coincidence, I live nearly next to Riverdale High (like millions of others in North America I' m sure. Also in Neighbourhood Notes, McGuigan's Scottish Pub has opened, three doors down. I feel like Kevin Costner. I built the Hag&Sporran, here on OL out of airy nothing. Then along came Mcguigan's with the sporran. I feel confident that I can provide the hag element. I am looking out my raincoat and perching crag. sorry I forgot the quotes there .."out of airy nothing/ a local habitation and a name" I don't remember who wrote it (Shakespeare?)
  13. Whew! How in the world did I miss that TV movie? Coincidence, I live nearly next to Riverdale High (like millions of others in North America I' m sure. Also in Neighbourhood Notes, McGuigan's Scottish Pub has opened, three doors down. I feel like Kevin Costner. I built the Hag&Sporran, here on OL out of airy nothing. Then along came Mcguigan's with the sporran. I feel confident that I can provide the hag element. I am looking out my raincoat and perching crag.
  14. So much for previews. The committee have spent arduous days, well hours. Half hour, whatever, entering a Best of the Weeks and confidently hitting Post and seeing it evaporate from the face of the planet, so we will be issuing an Interim Awards bulletin and we will be taking our own sweet time about it. We're having staff problems, too. And the so-called rare roast beef in our sandwich is as grey as gravel and not much juicier.. Grumpily, Committee
  15. From his papal self's endless supply of Preston Manning impersonations, pratfalls, bulls, encyclicals, and other painful stumbles. A striking Geezenstacks TV episode (of series Tales From The Darkside) was made back in the day. This video has spoilers, so let Uncle G have his tease, and don't watch the stunning ending. What an attention span that man has...what a mind. All that time to get through a short story. No wonder it takes him 20 years to write a book. That photo on the website...God! He looks like Leonard Cohen's developmentally challenged brother.
  16. I finally twigged to the Ethel (unless it was to Ethel of Lucy fame) lol-- no, it was the Mertzes of ILL I named the dauntless doctors for.. I don't remember this Ethel but she's kinda cute. I used to have a two-piece just like that! Mine had straps of course. A sad thing, that body IS on magazine covers today. The girl behind her would be "too fat." My 1967 body would hardly dare to go on the beach today.
  17. I finally twigged to the Ethel (unless it was to Ethel of Lucy fame) lol-- no, it was the Mertzes of ILL I named the dauntless doctors for.. I don't remember this Ethel but she's kinda cute. I used to have a two-piece just like that!
  18. Well, the impotent ones can hardly go around raping, can they. Guess it's up to the geriatrics like Lennie. I got that, but i did not think we were talking exclusively about "rape" in this conversation. No, of course we weren't. I was just being zappy. But if I start to twitch, please send help. I am not crazy! Interesting that the Papal website is down, and the last comments on Ethelfood are 15 hours old. And the comments are about..comments (she is reteching the comments section). And vaccination, and exercise systems, and did I mention the tattoos?
  19. Brant, Come to think of it, that's true. What the hell happened to the dialectic ping-pong game and reading MSK through Perigo? (Oh God, I don't believe I actually wrote that... ) I just restricted Semourblogger to 5 posts a day. She can still charge at her silly windmills from her mangy horse, but no longer can she hog the forum doing it. Now, on OL, she has to actually think before she posts if she does not want to squander her allowance, but I'm not expecting much. As usual, if goodwill emerges over time, I'll lift the restriction. Michael Good idea. If she thinks about and plans her posts, rather than just swinging wildly at the latest target, she will be less repetetitive. And, we hope. sound less like Aunt Pittypat Hamilton on crack.
  20. Well, the impotent ones can hardly go around raping, can they. Guess it's up to the geriatrics like Lennie.
  21. That video is a fake. It actually is of the Nunavut Lacrosse League Semifinals in Iqalit, 2010 , The carp are just the regional variation of the Tuktoyaktuk Rules.
  22. Guess the moon is still full. Uncharacteristically nasty from you, bro. Funny though.
  23. Why are you so worked up over this? But to get back to the discussion: you said you have "no dog in the fight" when it comes to open vs. closed Objectivism. I believe you because your focus is elsewhere indeed. But you do have a dog (two actually) in that fight: they are called 'Faucault' and 'Nietzsche', right?Do you want to argue about this? Is this why when you asked a question of me and I wanted to answer it over on my blog and you wanted it done here because of the ease of the software in quoting? You do remember? That's not the real reason you wanted it over here. Do you want me to interpret the real reason for you? I "read" through Nietzsche, Foucault, Baudrilard, Virilio, Freud, Lacan. I do not argue theory as I think theory lies in the Hegelian dialectic. Foucault demolished Hegel. This demolished Marxism and Foucault did not fire a shot at Marxism to destroy Marxian theory. It's gone. Good-bye. Xray "reads" through Xray, in my yearlong experience of "reading" Xray through Lynam, Stuart. McAloon, Montgomery and occasionally Lapointe-Gelinas. She hasn't demolished Hegel or Foucault or Marx yet, but she could probably do it. A la prochaine Don't reinvent the wheel. Foucault has already done in Hegel. If you do in Hegel, Marx just dissolves as Marxian structure is based on Hegel. If you want to get the best of me you are going to have to get smarter. If there is a best of you. please bring it on. We have already seen the worst for free.
  24. Lonely and solitude: 2 different things. Jonathan Franzen on Solitude. All writers live in solitude MSK. How else can you read and think. Nietzsche: either children or books. MSK was addressing you, however. You are neither Frantzen nor Nietsche nor a writer.