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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Precisely Dennis. I have rarely been that kind of a fan and in this case, the man has done a great job everywhere he has been. However, the sometimes addled NY sports "fan" makes this place the toughest place to play and coach. Did you here that in Boston, someone drove to the Boston Commons and dumped cartons of Butterfingers bars with a sign saying the Chris Welker Award! Damn they are getting close to the NY psychosis. Thanks for the congrats Dennis. Adam Here is the Butterfingers picture and it was 90 lbs of Butterfingers! Butterfingers: Protesters dump 90lb of Butterfingers candy in Boston in reference to Wes Welker's costly drop in the fourth quarter Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz1lqttfeyZ Looks like you trying to find Vinny Needle in Dungeon Haystack! How long does it take to search all the Bondage Dens in Tampa anyway. Mme Lecavalier is getting real fed up. ISS but grudgungly Gord Temporary Agent Coordinator Nanook is on strike
  2. Adam, Adam --choke chains and farm animals -- I fear for you. Self control!! A Friend
  3. when you post links, why not spellcheck your own comments? You never fact-check , so it's the least you could do. Just a suggestion
  4. In a sense, yes. Monday to Friday is out, so between Saturday and Sunday, which would you pick? Pshaw! He got off easy! So did this guy: http://en.wikipedia....homas_aikenhead A mere hanging! Back in the good ole days, they’d start by tearing the flesh with red hot pincers, then came the really rough stuff. I’m going to spare the full description for the sake of any squeamish Canadian socialists who might be reading this. We all saw Braveheart! Och, ye can take away ma sense of decorum, but ye can never take away ma freedom!
  5. Why are you so worked up over this? But to get back to the discussion: you said you have "no dog in the fight" when it comes to open vs. closed Objectivism. I believe you because your focus is elsewhere indeed. But you do have a dog (two actually) in that fight: they are called 'Faucault' and 'Nietzsche', right?Do you want to argue about this? Is this why when you asked a question of me and I wanted to answer it over on my blog and you wanted it done here because of the ease of the software in quoting? You do remember? That's not the real reason you wanted it over here. Do you want me to interpret the real reason for you? I "read" through Nietzsche, Foucault, Baudrilard, Virilio, Freud, Lacan. I do not argue theory as I think theory lies in the Hegelian dialectic. Foucault demolished Hegel. This demolished Marxism and Foucault did not fire a shot at Marxism to destroy Marxian theory. It's gone. Good-bye. Xray "reads" through Xray, in my yearlong experience of "reading" Xray through Lynam, Stuart. McAloon, Montgomery and occasionally Lapointe-Gelinas. She hasn't demolished Hegel or Foucault or Marx yet, but she could probably do it. A la prochaine
  6. Carol: Actually, with the hyper pornographic internet glut, many young men have developed what I call a "visual impotency." They are requiring pornography to engage in sexual activity which is not really the kind of four or five play that most women expect. In that Atlantic article that our semi resident of OL cited above, there is one testimonial story from the authoress wherein she relates the following regarding that "ready willing and able" myth: "...during a one-night stand with a man I had actually known for quite a while. A polite, educated fellow with a beautifulLower East Side apartment invited me to a perfunctory dinner right after his long-term girlfriend had left him. Wequickly progressed to his bed, and things did not go well. He couldn’t stay aroused. Over the course of the tryst, Itrotted out every parlor trick and sexual persona I knew. I was coquettish then submissive, vocal then silent,aggressive then downright commandeering; in a moment of exasperation, he asked if we could have anal sex.I asked why, seeing as how any straight man who has had experience with anal sex knows that it’s a big production and usually has a lot of false starts and abrupt stops*. He answered, almost without thought, “Because that’s the only thing that will make you uncomfortable.*” This was, perhaps, the greatest moment of sexual honesty I’ve everexperienced—and without hesitation, I complied. This encounter proves an unpleasant fact that does not fit thefeminist script on sexuality: pleasure and displeasure wrap around each other like two snakes." *Now there is a boy that has issues! *not when you know what you are doing I might add! What does this anecdote have to do with the reality of most young men and women today? Jaded overprivileged Americans in the tiny circle of northeastern who-cares-what-they-think chattering classes, and their hangers-on with their outdated tattered copies of the Atlantic Monthly? Please, this is today, it's tomorrow.
  7. Lady Anonyma , Greetings. Hark unto your father, He is a shrewd businessmman , but do not hark unto him when he repeats himself over and over. Hark unto me, because I will only say this once. Think no more of Macedonian officers. Yes, they are well-favoured, but they are all married. You are in a sad place, Maiden, Lower Onamatopoeia as we have heard of it is not very classy. You must rise above, rise up, Lady Anonyma, Raise your eyes unto the hills. Lord Zeus himself "married" Leda in the form of a swan. The great Alexander himself, my student though of course my contributions to his greatness are not for me to say, was the son of Apollo (only the two concerned know in what form). Take another look at those sheep. Remember, the gods walk, waddle, trot and amble, always amongst us.
  8. It seems that for men, in sex "ready, willing and able" are synonymous, physiologically, but for women "willing" is not physiological, physical or psychological
  9. Shall I pursue the trivia? Oh no! the trivia is not my forte. and so The proofreading of useless yesterday' With all of old dead winter, has to go. Tis not for me to proofread, or remember In February's glow, the thoughtless gems I dropped in old forgotten grey November (it was unworthy of my winsome whims) Ah no! My task is only to exhort You all to say it "Fortay" or just "Fort"
  10. I am lucky to know little of this labyrinth beyond the inane postings of Infidel. But I do know one thing of Pamela Geller. At the end of the dreadful Shafia case, in which three rich, nonreligious, amoral Afghans murdered half their family, I stumbled across a headline which turned out to be hers, "A Defeat for Sharia Law." The trial was held in Canada, where there is no sharia law, and I do not know much about the religious bases of sharia law. Apparently when any Muslim is convicted of anything, it is a defeat for sharia law however. The woman is not all there.
  11. There are 3 new books which have caught my eye but I will not get to read them soon, so I am hoping somebody might do so and report. 1. Robert Harris's new novel, I am a great fan of his, especially Fatherland and the historicals. Pompeii with its engineer hero, should appeal to any Objectivist. And the two Cicero novels, well, rhetorically speaking, words fail me. This one is about business and a corporation so I likely will not get to it soon. 2.Joseph Epstein, Gossip. As an inveterate gossip myself, I appreciate a book which appreciates it.The blurb says it covers the history of gossip from Saint-Simon in the 1600's to Matt Drudge tomorrow. I can see a clever screenwriter make a movie of it, As Mary McCarthy truly said, "all novels are gossip." 3.Charles Murray, "Coming Apart" Another take on the sociopolitical polarization of America, heavily researched. Argues it is a 20% elite tribe vs a 30% masses tribe. Pick a side, guys.
  12. Then Karen Owens' Power Point Fuck List is in order here. From Duke U with jocks. And Vargas on porn in the same 2011 Atlantic Monthly jan/feb.Tthings have changed a great deal .... He is not in the bubble of our past experiences. They don't count anymore... Any modern girl/woman in 2012 who does this is probably going to gt laid or raped. To say a guy needs to control himself? Forget it. They don't and they won't. And jocks are the worst ones to play around with in this situation. don't do it The coed culture at Duke University, and a two-year-old article in the Atlantic Monthly, do not describe the general behaviour of most individual young sexually active men, any more than a fifty-seven year old novel describes the state of transportation in the US today. I was not observing merely from my own past, but from the attitudes of young men , collegians and not, whom I know today, and their observations about their peers . Most are jocks. ONE YEAR OLD article in the long and prestigious Atlantic Monthly by two WOMEN writers of published books on this subject. JOCKS was the example Peikoff used as Kobe is indeed a jock. Women who flirt in a sexually suggestive way with them, show up drunk at their hotel doors at 3 AM have put themselves in a dangerous situation. Wendy McElroy said a few years back when she had been young and influenced by Rand, that she was homeless, it was night, she had no place to go and slept all night inside a church. And it was then she knew she could be responsible for her self and depend upon herself. And as Vargas-Cooper says in the AM porno article, when that girl dead drunk, led by a predator into the bathroom, who locked the door and raped her, she had many more legal protections than we did, but they were of no use to her that night in that bathroom. And I am not sure if that guy was a jock or not. But Vargas-Cooper does not limit her conclusions to jocks but to the huge percentage of young men and women who have experienced anal intercourse in leaping stats over a few years, and who search the internet for porn in huge numbers. They are becoming interfaced mentally and emotionally with visual internet porn. This is today. Now. Not even 5 or 10 years ago. Women have legal protections, but the social protections we depended upon are in shreds. You really only have yourself now. So women need to be more careful and at the same time they are signaled that the guy will come to them, at that party, only if they are drunk in a way young coeds get drunk that has never been seen before either. And this interface is a running theme throughout Cosmopolis. Oh, I forgot, you just like simple straight foward writing not anything with layers and layers to play with. And sexual and transportation analogies are well....very Freudian of you, eh. The coed culture at Duke University, and a two-year-old article in the Atlantic Monthly, do not describe the general behaviour of most individual young sexually active men, any more than a fifty-seven year old novel describes the state of transportation in the US today. You are just wrong. Unless the Twilight culture has changed the girls as it has in huge numbers, much to the chagrin of PC Feminists. But go read the robsessed fan site say one year ago where all they did was drool over him, fantasize wehre they would like to have his fingers, how they wanted to "jump" him, how they fantasized about him in bed with their husbands, how they got their husbands to hold the headboard of their bed so he could "thrust" deeper, and so on as Vonnegut says. Thee are the kinds of girls/women that one can easily imagine in the place of Karen Owen. Or the examples Vargas-cooper uses. You cannot expect guys now to control themselves or act like gentlemen when you tease. In simulated reality, where you are interfaced with the media, there are only "floating signs" . No can easily mean yes. The legal protections in place have taken the place of social restrictions. This is the main problem with all this government intervention. I think Peikoff was trying to get that across. Hey! don't do stupid things! As in the Kobe incident. But I think she had a different agenda than just getting laid. IMHO. The shreds of the onion - McElroy - are you sure you made up all this yourself? For your information, McElroy is a well-known plagiarist who had "layers and layers of meaning" to play with, and she played with them to her own profit. But they belonged to somebody else. I provide this info which is well known to readers of this site, not just for years, but for only one. I browsed it for a couple months before I joined. In that time of reading I noticed things like the McElroy issue, the Kelley split and various other things people were talking about, most of which you seemed to have missed. I believe by the way that you did read OL "for years" ( that is quicker and dirtier by the way, than "for (exact number) years". But you do not seem to have retained much of what you read.
  13. Cripes, don't they have a private message system on Solo? Or do they only use it to plan their takeover of Christchurch "probably by force, while the sheeple are asleep"?
  14. Is that a mission statement? Or just village gossip from a lonely old lady? There's a lot more if anyone wants to go to that SLOP thread I linked to. I want to feel mad, but I don't. I feel sorry for this person. That's not snark. Pity is the emotion that is in my heart. It makes me want to do something to help her to make her pain go away, but I can't think of anything that would make a difference. Michael Goodness gracious, MSK. Very sad. I hope you don't get "destroyed" in all of this. Alas the process has begun. By her own account the Mountain Guerilla "brought MSK to his intellectual knees" in eight short days. Her mentor Lindsay riposted that it would have taken anyone else much less time. No wonder he has adopted pomo non-linearism, since in real time he has been losing out to MSK in audience for several years now. Though maybe Janet's lengthy presence there has boosted the fan base. She must have thousands of disciples.
  15. "And malt does more than Milton can to justify God's ways to man." Gotta love Housman too.
  16. Then Karen Owens' Power Point Fuck List is in order here. From Duke U with jocks. And Vargas on porn in the same 2011 Atlantic Monthly jan/feb.Tthings have changed a great deal .... He is not in the bubble of our past experiences. They don't count anymore... Any modern girl/woman in 2012 who does this is probably going to gt laid or raped. To say a guy needs to control himself? Forget it. They don't and they won't. And jocks are the worst ones to play around with in this situation. don't do it The coed culture at Duke University, and a two-year-old article in the Atlantic Monthly, do not describe the general behaviour of most individual young sexually active men, any more than a fifty-seven year old novel describes the state of transportation in the US today. I was not observing merely from my own past, but from the attitudes of young men , collegians and not, whom I know today, and their observations about their peers . Most are jocks.
  17. Her post for today was a "Humorous Update" on a previous post about the crucial subject of Tattoos. Female voices on the topic at OO stand at 1 (one). And she didn't tell us anything.
  18. Synchronicity seems to be the order of the day here. I said earlier in the thread that the issue is about men, and what they do and can do, so it is for them to think about and discuss that; yet the fact that they do it more often to women (because as WSS pointed out, they can, more easily than they can to a man or strong youth) allows the observations of women to have a place. Nobody on the one Osite where it is being discussed, has been a woman so I will have to do. I will say first that this is not a theoretical issue such as "What if I was Mike McQueary?" It is about a situation in which most adults have actually been, including presumably Leonard Peikoff. And maybe more than once. The situation in which a flirtatious meeting becomes physical at close quarters. The man wants to continue and the woman does not. I've been that woman, and I bet nearly every man reading has been that man. I merely record my own observations from experience. At some point, and some points were further than others, I pulled back and said "No, stop" or such words.To be blunt, I was not aroused and did not wish to become aroused, with this guy. Usually I had to repeat it, push, etc. But the man stopped. usually in fury, cursing me to deepest hell, but he stopped. Somehow he was able to stop. Of course these were just ordinary men, regular guys really. Not basketball superstars, or Heirs to Estates.
  19. Not yet. Stay tuned. If you like watching Peikoff cultists get skewered, you’ll enjoy the thread. I know you have some odd tastes in entertainment, you’ve said you enjoy unmasking phonies like…nah, I’ll spare the names, they’re not around any more, anyway this ought to serve as a tasty snack until the next full meal comes along. Check out Prometheus, the Rational [Re]programmer, the force is strong with this one. http://forum.objecti...ndpost&p=288413 Not yet. Stay tuned. If you like watching Peikoff cultists get skewered, you’ll enjoy the thread. I know you have some odd tastes in entertainment, you’ve said you enjoy unmasking phonies like…nah, I’ll spare the names, they’re not around any more, anyway this ought to serve as a tasty snack until the next full meal comes along. Check out Prometheus, the Rational [Re]programmer, the force is strong with this one. http://forum.objecti...ndpost&p=288413 I have looked again, and see that out of 96 comments so far, exactly one was from a female. She said she would wait a couple weeks for Peikoff to clarify his statement. And not a peep from Ethel yet. It seems you were right George, Stepford is a real Gals Gulch.
  20. If you're an ancap, read Old Nick's Guide to Happiness a novelized exposition of AC ideas. It will probably take you the rest of high school to finish, but it will make you think. Welcome to OL.
  21. See This is outrageous You had the name first. You must hire Piekoff's lawyer and sue.
  22. ..contiinued. So, here we are. Sure, there are men all over the place. But Father can't seem to find anybody more suitable than the dead Minarchists back home. This one is too poor, that one is too middle class (not that we have a middle class here that I can see), the other one is known to be possessed by Dionysus on occasion but not in an auspicious form.. on and on. One suitor (who looked pretty good to me at first) actually criticized my weaving (which is unsurpassable). And then, and then, he told Father that he could not feel alchemy with fat maidens. I am not fat! Father rightly ended the negotiations there. He said that a certain kinkiness in a son-in-law is understandable, but a bad eye for cloth he could never tolerate. Even the four other women here offer no companionship. One is too lowborn for me to associate with. One is a silly, jealous matron who thinks I am after her son, a total loser I would not touch with Charon's bargepole. The third is nice enough, but she's prettier than me, and the last one is a crazy old bat who has got religion in her old age and walks around dressed like Aphrodite, and raves about Mother Dia and Persephone all day and night. I look up, up at the sheep dotted hills and my heart cries, "Is there an Onomatopoeia Major out there, where all the bestloookiing men are not poor or slaves, wherein I can find the husband I deserve or at least get away from the old man?" Honoured Aristotle, I know you are acquainted with many Macedonian officers in Pella. You are my last hope. Pleadingly, Anonyma
  23. Somebody needs to get this impious man an oracle, quick! lest he "bring the unthought to be..." We are not mocked! Bacchus Communications Director Intercelestial Association of gods
  24. PS - WSS. Since OL Customer Service still has not sent my Tshirt despite repeated courteous, rational requests, I am all the more appreciative of the fine pair of Kookiepants you were thoughtful enough to send me. At least somebody cares. The Soros cartoon print is just adorable.
  25. [From http://www.livescien...s-mistrust.html ] This is a persistent thread in imaginative fiction, the what-if-they-didn't really die, )Joan of Arc in Holland's Angel and the Sword for example - and the New Testament of course. And yeah, Elvis.