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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Janet, What do you think is "terrible writing" in Atlas Shrugged? Too bad Jeff Riggenbach is currently not posting here. For he thinks Rand is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. I'll answer you at solo. I'd prefer you to answer it here since you have decided to come back to OL. On another thread, you wrote that you want to place Rand among the post-modernist philosophers. What are your criteria for this? But Rand certainly is no postmodern writer. I have dug out some old notes from a seminar on modern vs postmodern literature I attended during my student years; the characteristics of post-modern llterature listed there in no way fit Rand's writing. On the contrary, those post-modern traits are diametrically opposed to everything Rand valued highly, for example the disjunction, deconstruction, the indetermination, the refusal to offer a definite meaning, to name but a few. All that is completely un-Randian.I forget, so tellen muttle will insult me again, but did I already mention to you that Fountainhead has a great deal of aphoristic writing in it. This is Nietzsche, and although he died more than 100 years ago, the aphorism is a post modern kind of trope,a special form of style requiring the reader to let the meaning resonate, to ruminate on it. As Nietzsche said, "Words written in blood are meant to be learnt by heart, not to be just read." Think Novalis, Wittgenstein. And of course Nietzsche. Rand wrote her words in blood. She gave up mother Russia, never an easy thing for a writer, (ask Solzhenitsyn) learned English, wrote in English so she gave up her mother tongue, but kept her accent, gave up her family, all to write her words in blood because that's what it cost her. Nonsense. She hated the Russia she lived in, cared little for her family, and gladly gave up her mother country and tongue for what she believed to be better ones for her own life and advancement.
  2. What you said, Reading OO and Solo and Noodles can be entertaining though, The solemnity of the newbies is touching and frequently hilarious. There is a thread on OO that roughly translates as "I am a boring workaholic, why can't my friends see that they should be just like me?" Where did you get this? --Brant OOnet "My purpose and productiveness is the essence of my being, my main identity....this makes for very few friends." The thread title is "How to encourage purpose and productiveness in friends".
  3. What you said, Reading OO and Solo and Noodles can be entertaining though, The solemnity of the newbies is touching and frequently hilarious. There is a thread on OO that roughly translates as "I am a boring workaholic, why can't my friends see that they should be just like me?" Further to which, I just looked at Solo where Perigo informs that he last looked at OL "several years ago" and that it contains "the lowest life forms which exist." I was not here several years ago, but someone should inform him that the life forms have evolved into superbeings.
  4. What you said, Reading OO and Solo and Noodles can be entertaining though, The solemnity of the newbies is touching and frequently hilarious. There is a thread on OO that roughly translates as "I am a boring workaholic, why can't my friends see that they should be just like me?"
  5. It's great to be back! I just flew in from Pella, and boy are my wings tired. You know what they say.."Third Prize, three weeks in Pella.." I;ve been taking care of some empirical responsibilities there. That empire needs some taking care of, I can tell you. Today's letter is from Lady Anonyma of Onomatopoeia the Lesser, who is still seeking her own prize in the marital Olympiad: Honoured Aristotle, I am a wellborn maiden with a goodly dowry. My father has been seeking to arrange a suitable match for me for some time now, well since I was born really, but most of the men of our polis were killed in the Minarchist wars and Father says he does not have the resources to bid for the survivors. The other fathers are just showoff spendthrift plutocrats, he says. So he consulted the Oracle at Delphi, and after negotiations over the offering, in which Father says he came off best, Apollo told her to tell him this: "In a valley far to the west is a land where dwell 1,000 men and only four women. There it is you shall find what you seek," Long story short, it was as he/she said. After many adventures and considerable slave turnover, we arrived in the valley of Onomatopoeia the Lesser, population now 1,006. What a dump. ..Zeus! here comes Father I'm supposed to be weaving...Later! to be continued
  6. A few more posts like this and you'll be gone. --Brant did he ever return, did he ever return? his fate is still unlearned--gone forever beneath the streets of Boston, Michael never returned MTA I love it! "And through the open window Kat hands him a sandwich as the train* comes rumblin' through!" *John Galt line of course
  7. Right on point. On reflection I am not surprised that it is mostly men who are discussing this, because it is in fact about the man - the usual perpetrator of rape, whether the victim is female or male. Peikoff seems to have the archaic view that men once aroused lose their reason and "can't stop themselves" (a line used by many hoping to get lucky in the dim and distant sixties and seventies) Maybe he used it himself. I hate to tell you but that's exactly what the two women writers in the Atlantic Monthly zine of jan/feb 2009 come down to. Read Karen's power point fuck list. Peikoff is correct when you are dealing with the kind of athlete that Duke coeds were dealing with. Please stop telling me to read things. I know retired schoolteachers get like that, butI never asked for your literary recommendations.
  8. Right on point. On reflection I am not surprised that it is mostly men who are discussing this, because it is in fact about the man - the usual perpetrator of rape, whether the victim is female or male. Peikoff seems to have the archaic view that men once aroused lose their reason and "can't stop themselves" (a line used by many hoping to get lucky in the dim and distant sixties and seventies) Maybe he used it himself.
  9. Hey, HEY!! If you are the guy in pink leather who's been askin around for me, please get me out of here! I dont know where it is I am but you gotta find me. They only give me goalie pads to wear. Also I have 34 years, I am pretty MAN not pretty boy, my mother is worried sick and I missed All Star weekend already! Move it! en desespoir Vincent L.
  10. Janet, What do you think is "terrible writing" in Atlas Shrugged? Too bad Jeff Riggenbach is currently not posting here. For he thinks Rand is one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. I'll answer you at solo. I'd prefer you to answer it here since you have decided to come back to OL. On another thread, you wrote that you want to place Rand among the post-modernist philosophers. What are your criteria for this? But Rand certainly is no postmodern writer. I have dug out some old notes from a seminar on modern vs postmodern literature I attended during my student years; the characteristics of post-modern llterature listed there in no way fit Rand's writing. On the contrary, those post-modern traits are diametrically opposed to everything Rand valued highly, for example the disjunction, deconstruction, the indetermination, the refusal to offer a definite meaning, to name but a few. All that is completely un-Randian.The software here does lend itself to pro and con much better than at solo. You cvan quote over there by cutting and pasting. I have already answered your question partly on my blogs: guerrillablog ; cosmoplisfilm and intellectual terrorist, as all 3 have posts on Rand. You can go over there and ask your question in the comments part and I can answer it there if you don't like solo software. At my blog it is disqus which I like in some respects as it is more comprehensive taking in many many blogs. I can show you why she is POMO. Remember Fountainhead was in the 40's and Atlas in the 50's which is the cut off for modernism. Rand was following Nietzsche's instructions on reading and writing, particularly in F in which she wrote and was known for writing aphoristically. I can give you examples if you haven't identified them. But not here. I do not plan to be around here very much at all; just in certain circumstances. Her fiction anticipated POMO while at the same time exemplifying it as F was following Nietzsche Really, this takes the cake. "Go to my blogs or to another website, or I won't answer you!" Talk about evasive. Jaysus Murphy.
  11. It's easy enough to download it. See the "Download" button? I'm afraid of viruses. Let me update my protection. The presence of his statement on my computer might mean I've given permission for him to fuck it. --Brant Don't pretend you didn't enjoy it, Toshiba BG2000! -Dell LP1982
  12. I just looked at Oonline. So far 18 people have commented. They were all males. Did they agree or voice disagreement? I just skimmed, but they appear to be as appalled as we are, with a minority trying to justify Dr Demento through tortuous rationalizations. ND would be more up on it, he started the thread, and good on him.
  13. To make matters worse, Peikoff isn't even talking about a woman changing her mind after the actual sex act has begun. He speaks only of a woman going into a man's bedroom late at night, after some drinks, and of the man doing "something" (presumably making moves on her). At that point, according to Peikoff, it is "too late" for the woman to say "No, I don't consent." The fact that the woman is in the man's bedroom at a certain hour, and after some drinks, is the "context" by which she indicated her willingness to have sex, and she cannot change her mind later on, even via an explicit refusal to consent. This is the most deplorable thing I have ever heard Peikoff say. If his podcast doesn't raise a hue and cry from his female listeners, then they have truly become the moral equivalent of Stepford Wives. Ghs I just looked at Oonline. So far 18 people have commented. They were all males.
  14. Carol, LOL... Kat saw that thing for the first time today (the guy who never posts--with a moniker like that, the correct one being "Negative Meat Popsicle"--saying he's wasting his time here on OL, and his statement in a highlighted place for all to see, including new visitors). She said, "WTF?" And off it went. Hell, I'm not going to argue with Kat. I live with her. Michael lol. Good for Kat. I guess my typo was apt.
  15. Dear bg, believe it or not, this is atypical of OL. Your online name does not convey any sort of challlenge or coercion, to me. I think of it as a slightly ironic assertion of your interests )fitness/bodybuilding and tech, maybe (this is without looking at your profile. Anyway, as I am a fan of anyone who can do anything more with a computer than type on it, I will sign myself Cordially Carol Geek Buff
  16. [quote name='Peter Taylor' timestamp='1328543839' post='155} whining and complaining and demanding a bigger share of everything. And what is it with Daunce’s whining? Just put down your name, for Pete’s sake. Pete I'm whining because Negative Mean Popsicle did not stay around for this. You are throwing a childish tantrum, Peter.
  17. Well, that's one of the problems with the story, isn't it? If you know anything about billionaires, you know that they don't go out to get haircuts. The barber comes to them. I believe it was Clinton who had a barber come to Air Force One to give him a haircut, and all the airplanes had to circle until it was done; no one was allowed to land while the President was on the plane. It was one of the minor scandals of the Clinton era. Of course Clinton isn't a billionaire, I just use this as an illustration. I've worked for some mega-wealthy people, and can tell you that not only do they get home or office service, but they're on a schedule, worked out well in advance. It's expensive, but these people don't rub elbows with no plebs. Or proles. Whatever. You are reading it literally instead of through "floating signs" or at least through metaphors and/or symbols. Silly boys. All this time you've been reading through prescription lenses! Floating signs and metaphors are a lot cheaper.
  18. No, indeed. I could not even open the "Eek" video. Due to Respectability of course, not the computer block. Somewhere in the Bay of Fundy Lloyd the Lobster is languishing, waiting to be discovered . He knows the Leafs will take it in 6 games, and hopes someone will ask him about it before he is eaten.
  19. But you are a human predictor. Well....yeah, human. I'm pretty sure. What we need is one with animal instincts...oh, never mind.
  20. I totally ignored this thread until now, went back and looked and holy crap! I second the complaint about Peter. Imagine him as a Walmart greeter! I too am just reading for the first time. Is there a full moon tonight or something? A new poster introduces the familiar topic of galts gulch real-world viability, Peter trashes his username, Michael (who has usually borne with patience with absolute subliterates) points out a spelling error, and MEM leaps for Michael's throat. I'd head for Atlantis myself - but I'm already here.
  21. Adam, thanks for this delightful story. Since the sad demise of Paul the World Cup Octopus there has been a dearth of clairvoyant creatures in the sports world. I don't think there are any Stanley Cup beavers, moose or polar bears. The residents of the Toronto Zoo seem more interested in eating their young (literally) than showing a decent interest in the national game. We might be getting a panda though, and I expect Helmet Head to have it thoroughly briefed when he gets back with it from China.
  22. caroljane

    Sympathy Card

    I liked the poem, I just thought I should share some relevant data. You're in Toronto, right? Chilly outside? Were you going to dine on that lobster roll al fresco? It is a balmy 4 degrees Centigrade and people are strolling in shorts. But it is still Toronto and not a seafood stand in sight.
  23. I think many arrived at Objectivism through being "a stranger and afraid/ in a world I never made" -Housman
  24. caroljane

    Sympathy Card

    In Hogtown burns a midnight light where one still strives with main and might to finish up Alongside Night