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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. More like "tantrum in a teacup". Just guessing, but maybe "tantrum in a C-cup?" LOLXXXL
  2. Yup, we must. The House that Mike Built here he built as a community, not an MSK podium or an ARI or TAS communication arm. And every community has its Cranks and its Old Miseries as well as its Sages and Wiseacres, and the usual assortment of humanithy, Your comment made me think of my favourite song in Fiddler ."After 25 you love me?"
  3. I posted this on my Face Book Wall yesterday: Unfortunately, I lost the book in storage, along with thousands of other books, during the black hole in my life known as 1994. The book itself was of no particular interest -- it was one of those stories written for young women in the early 20th century -- so I suspect the woman (I think her name was Clara) valued it so highly because of the connection to her father. This is pure speculation, but given that the first entry was made in 1911, I sometimes wondered if her father might have been killed in WWI. There was no hint of anything like this, however. All the entries were short and straightforward, as I reported them in my piece. So why did she keep this record? For whom was it written? These are among the mysteries that make this story so fascinating to me. I have some plausible hunches, but that is all they are. There were no other notations or marks of any kind elsewhere else in the book. Ghs Her father would have likely been in his forties during WWI and not a combatant or direct participant. Can't be said of any brothers she might have had. If these people had been French though . . . Your story is better without the title for the title would weaken the universality of it by the detraction, especially for the literalists who would go to Amazon and order copies even trying to find your lost one. (Okay, that last was too much.) --Brant Maybe just a different title - say, Second Hand (george's being the second hand to open the book, the second hand on a clock etc)
  4. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO LOCAL 13 Office of the Grand Shaman Dear Brother Adam, Way to go, bro!! We'll take Gore and the money, we can enlarge the Satellite Hut and hire the Mongolian Throat Singers for whats shaping up to be the best ArcticCon ever! Gore can bunk out at Grampa McAloon's camp, we'll save more that way. Thanks to you and Paul for the great work. (Always better when you're dealing with a Brother, right? He sure learned a lot from his librarian grandparents growing up in Inuvik) The money looks right and we're all set to go ...just don't let them add on that fat guy from Toronto at the last minute. They've been trying to unload him on the Russians all year. ISS Gord Coordinates:
  5. You are are hard but fair bargainer. We have no, er, position on Americans visiting our country for any reason. Once the true heir of Beliveau is back where he belongs, breathing the clean air of the True North, He and his five beefy brothers will deal with tourists with customary habitant hospitality. If we have to take Biden, we will. He isn't much more garrulous than Brian Mulroney and seems less venal. As to Janet, given her views on borders, there are many Canadians who would like to get their hands on her. If by "other considerations" you are referring to the regular petitions that we repatriate Paul Anka and Celine Dion, the answer is NO, so we trust that you will not disrupt the excellent progress of our negotiations with such a suggestion. As to the others, you can forget including them in the deal. We can make no provision for groupies; however, if they prove they can support themselves here in a legal fashion, we will consider their applications with a suitable processing fee. Yours faithfully, Paul Benson Gross Parliamentary Undersecretary whenever possible
  6. As if we didn't already know the world is utterly degenerate and doomed, now these deranged individuals are actually allowed to start a website - a website which anyone could read - insinuating that Ethel is a False Friend of Objectivism, although these three or four people are clearly deranged and not PhD's, and not qualified to Look in Her Eyes much less comment upon her, and would not know a False Friend from an Ungrateful Protegee - truly, these are the End of Days.
  7. CONFIDENTIAL - URGENT Dear United States of America, Our scouts report that you are not all that United these days and as the trade deadline approaches, we have an offer we believe would be to our mutual advantage. Your star political player and captain Obama has proved a disappointment, not performing to expectations and getting no results and it is no secret that you would like to be rid of him. We are willing to trade for him, provided you also return Vincent Lecavalier to us. We will send Stephen Harper to Washington where you know he will fit in and spark the team to new conservative heights. It's a win-win - Helmet Head is a natural fit for Washington, and Obama ought to shine in Ottawa since he is used to skating around Senators. We are making this approach first to you because of our longstanding friendly ties. But don't wait too long, The Russians are also interested, and we mean intere$$$TED. Fraternally, CANADA PS.No deal without Vinny
  8. It could be because, in notable contrast to the other O-sites I have read, the regulars address serious subjects not only with deadly seriousness but also with humour (good humour, Phil), wit, and occasional satire. You do it yourself. They also banter for the pleasure of it and introduce irreverent frivolity (gasp) outside the LOLOL thread. There is an implication here of Ayn Rand's wonky theory of what should be laughed at and what shouldn't, which is an interesting subject, if you care to note it. Carol Proudly laughable
  9. Is this a transgression on a discussion forum? Many of Brant's one-liners are in fact essentialisations of a complex topic, and could be expanded into multipara posts, articles, nay even books if he felt like it. The most recent "what goes down down under" eg. It's a topic sentence for many areas of thought -the isolationist strain in American history being the most obvious. - and stimulates ideas in the reader. I have read quite a few long annotated posts which cannot be said to do the same.
  10. So the Aughtofocus on OL is "American national interests". No need for all those other silly forums and subforums then. Carol interested international observer
  11. In that case it's probably safe to post these side by side. You could conceivably make a duet out of them by hitting play on both at the same time, but not with your decrepit gear. You want to really go nuts? Try all three at once. "You know I'm a dreamer, but my heart's of gold..." do these clowns steal their lyrics from the Monkees? Well, there's no doubt about it now. You really are a Time Lord.
  12. Alas I can only look, because my computer is so decrepit, or maybe not alas. She could be a character in one of Nadel's mystery novels, ever read any? The detective is a wonderful Istanbul police officer Cetin Ekmin, henpecked but imperturbable father of eight, an atheist with a devout Muslim wife and a Jewish son-n-law. The writing is terrific and the taste of Turkey irresistible
  13. Okay, I will slowly de-escalate. If I must stay the giant cannon that is Bulent Ersoy, then I will post Zeki Muren. Lovely, timeless voice, dull, and plodding Turkish classical accompaniment, only highlighted by Mr Muren's slow progression into full facial feminization. Beyond Liberace, yes, but not yet to Bulent Ersoy or Plan Nine. I withdraw my implicit threat of Total Classical Musical Video Warfare. Thank you for keeping the cap on the Big Guns. Those should be reserved for Objectivish Armageddon, I suppose. This being ostensibly an Australian redhead thread, if there exists a crypto-duet of Nellie Melba and Joan Sutherland singing Home sweet Home, I beg and implore you both not to post it, in the name of global sanity.
  14. OK, "Suggest imposing"., "Would like to impose", "Wish somebody would impose", "Why can't they see that they ought to impose?.." Your job - yes, you are right in that everyone on a discussion forum can comment on its content freely, as you and I are, and long live that.
  15. Free will and determinism are also omnipresent and their cycle never ends. You want to impose a balanced filing system on the ebb and flow of conversation. Not your job. If you want a rest from politics, check out the emerald tiara on the Order of Splendour. It's to die for, much less go insane.
  16. For heavens sake, Phil, the primaries are going on now and naturally people are interested in discussing them, even outsiders like me who have no stake in the outcome. The personalities of the pols are fascinating to say the least. And there's no "ought to focus" on OL, that is what makes it unique.
  17. Maybe so, but he knows what he is talking about. --Brant And snips like this remind us that there is a big world out there full of endangered species like the redhead. I for one enjoy Commonwealth references.
  18. lol. Snow white and Bashful - looks like the Leafs defense lately.
  19. But hockey players spend three hours hooking, holding, high-sticking and spearing without ever scoring.! Some of them get so frustrated they try to interfere with the goaltender.
  20. But hockey players spend three hours hooking, holding, high-sticking and spearing without ever scoring.!
  21. Very are one funny dude when you are completely droll! (I was going to write it as drool, but that did not work lol) He'll leave the drooling to you Mr Centrefold. He'll stick to dribbling.
  22. I sincerely hope you would not do that. If you were invited as an individual athlete, fine. Use the invitation to the president's home for a purely ceremonial occasion, to "cordially express dissatisfaction." to him. First of all, I would not disrespect him, or his family, or his home. If I was able to speak with him off camera, off mike, truly privately and with his consent, I would, as a citizen be fully within my comfort zone to express my thoughts on our[his and my] country and the direction I perceive it is going. If that opportunity did not present itself, I would be prepared to privately hand him my thoughts in writing. Adam I believe you would. Along with a copy of Atlas.