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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. No Peter, deliberately planning and executing the murder of every child in the world, is on a par with the holocaust. A PROVEN, witnessed,acknowledged by history for woeful decades plan and execution illustrated by millions of tortured and burned bodies, would be on a par with the holocaust. Have you forgotten what "on a par" connotes, if you ever morally knew it?
  2. I just came across this thread - I don't know who the philosopher was, but the brilliant classicist and poet AE Housman wrote this which was obviously based on him (or her!!) "Good people, do you love your lives,/And have you ears for sense? I have a knife like other knives, that cost me thirteen pence. I need but stick it in my heart, and down will come the sky, And earth's foundations will depart. And all you folk will die."
  3. I just heard Putin is going to Washington in a few months! Is this true? If so, ifI were you guys I would try to find out how long he plans to stay.
  4. I occasionally agree with Pres Trump, and his recent comment about his negotiations with Putin yielded one of these occasions. He said Putin's offer to help interrogate American witnesses was in his opinion "an incredible offer", and I fully agree, it is incredible, well-chosen word. Incredulously, Carol
  5. Michael, not having followed this thread I should probably not comment on just part of your post where I don't know the context of the discussion in progress, but being interested in both humour and propaganda I can't help butting in. Why do you feel the need to emphasize the value of appealing to parental feelings in propaganda? This is so overwhelmingly known , and for so long in human history, that even those who don't understand the biological mechanics of that particular appeal to emotion, have always used ity. Right from the time of the unknown biographers of Abraham and Isaac, up to now. I don't suppose the executives of Hill and Knowlton who devised the fiction of Iraqis murdering Kuwait infants in their incubators, were all neuroscientists. When people get well and truly emotionally manipulated, they are totally invested in what they have been propagandized into, and being told in scientific terms why they believe what they do, will not change them one bit. Most will double down I would think. But there are always exceptions. Maybe that was kind of your point, after all.
  6. And we're not going to take it any more! After three centuries plus of being broiled under genuinely false pretences, we finally earn TV privileges and what do we see? The Governor of our colony, whatever they call themselves now, now, whining like a baby that he is being hunted as a witch. Why then isn't he being pressed under heavy weights, or at least locked up all year in a freezing outhouse like Vanessa Redgrave in that movie about us? She was really too tall for the role but did a good job acting. This Esquire Trump is so clueless even the real witches here are having their best laugh in decades. He is an affront to hunted witches everywhere, guilty or not of witchcraft, and we demand that he cease immediately smearing our name by identifying as one of us. It is cultural appropriation at the criminal level. If he does not comply immediately there will be no negotiation, and he will next hear from our attorney, our brilliant and accomplished new neighbour, Advocate Cohn. Wrathfully, The Salem 13
  7. Gary Johnson because he was the best looking, she would have been able to reconcile her views on libertarianism I think. This is not a quip comment. She incorporated her personal sexuality into her philosophy in a variety of ways, and though Frank was an ideal husband , she would never have looked at him if he had not been handsome in the "Cyrus", Gary Cooper, Eric Braeden spectrum. She liked to think outer comeliness reflected character qualities, just as she said she could tell a man's characteer by who he slept with...but I digress.
  8. I cannot say I will miss him, as I thought he was an unbalanced individual, who was unbalancing the forum , myself certainly included. I did not think he could effectively support his passionately held beliefs or his chosen president by participating here, and will find a better method. Maybe he went on a trip to Helsinki in a handbasket with other... idealistic patriots. Idealists used to be called dreamers, but apparently that has gone out of fashion.
  9. You can even take a picture..with HIM? There must be a catch. This seems too good to be true - you can't get a pure gold nugget for the price of an orange Cheeto. Better check this offer's premises carefully.
  10. Your meditation shows again that you are that rare thing in the cyberworld, indeed in human natureworld itself, a genuinely free mind, a developed mature brain and conscience and dare I say it, soul. Part of the wilds of the unharvested from Fox Farms,com. and Wild thing, I think you move me. So glad Peter is likely not following me or he would have been inspired by some other oldie and spoiled my train of thought!
  11. BTW Bill were you ever in MTL on St Jean le Baptiste Day, with the torches? I came down from Ottawa to my friend, who lived there --it was magique'gens du Pays..." yeah, racist. When I saw Cabaret around the same time, "Tomorrow Belong to Me" sounded familiar. But that is art, life lags so sadly behind.
  12. Sorry for my awful editing, I have my other eye operation tomorrow, and the combination of drops is practically psychidelic. The curse of the touch typist!
  13. Thanks for the peripharel view. Itmight be interesting to an artist to see a quickie artwork being constructed, and the artists having to be on the world stage, and I am interested in a modenr-day artist's comments on this. As a person who will never even learn to draw - I love MSK keeps learning - I am imagining thatGhilandaio's workshop in Florence had much the same atmosphere. Twice you have responded civilly J, twice I am glad. Your "but" belongs elsewhere.
  14. lol I gather your li'l wrangler is an angler.
  15. Hey, thanks for the praise, but it was not my joke . I will pass it along to the guy who said it, however cautioning him not to quit his day job, but he is like I would have to be, a sit-down comic at my advanced age, and he is a bus driver who does a routine as a tour guide on his route. He does not get booed much, even when he does the late shift on the Church Street route (don't ask), he gets double time. Politics is deadly, but comedy is harder. I'm not as funny as Roseanne Barr, and I would hate her guts, if she had any, but she is a great comic. I do not think, despite scurrilous rumours, that you should refer to M. Macron as a "delicate, helpless lady." He is in enough trouble with Mme Macron as it is.
  16. Dear Diary, Just returned from checking on Grandmamma, as it is my turn in rota after American visits for the last year or so. She was lying upon the sofa in the Blue Withdrawing toom, with a cold cloth over her eyes, but sat up and called for tea immediately. The Trumps were not too bad, she reported, although he did keep darting his eyes around as if he were evaluating a property for sale, and Mrs T noticed that and said to me loudly, "Nice Palace you have here, Ma'am" as if to distract from him. Grandmamma thought that was rather endearing, as she recalls many such occasions when dear Grandpapa caused awkward pauses in convrsation., The president praised the beautiful grounds of Balmoral , which he had seen on Fox News on the Illuminati, whatever they are, and asked if Her Majesty had played golf on them. Years of training gave her the answer -- broad beaming smile, while she thought of what on earth to say. The president took a sip of tea, curling his little finger as hard as he could curl it. It was hard to distinguish from his other fingers. "No, not yet," she replied, "But I hope someday to say "Tee off!" Ich dien. William
  17. First, a request. In the local paper today I saw a small photo of a large painting in progress, of the Thai youth soccer team so gloriously rescued recently. If anyone could render a bigger image of it here, I would love to see it. I am a paleotech as you all know. How could this not cause everyone on earth, to feel that they were not part of everyone else on earth? Of course, as I've written over the years, as a soccer/hockey parent, wife of a coach, etc etc I know what the bonds and the fun and learning are for children and young men. In a way, like milliojns of women over the world, I was married to Coach Api (not speaking Thai I am guessing his kids might have called him that) and know his strange-to-me but instinctive-to-him leadership over his team. It is good that the coach was young with reserves of strength and health which he would need for his young charges, Modern science is wonderful, wonderful. Navy Seals beyond praise.
  18. Yes! Men and Women in Suits, elected leaders of their countries, getting rained on like losers, which only one of them was, while the host gets 4 umbrellas, Vlad's good friend Trump must have laughed his ample you know what off about this, especially when that overweight woman whose country lost the game got her country's team jersey drenched. And Macron's wife will be furious his new Armani is now ruined! It was a great game actually and the rain must have been a relief to the exhausted players. I watched it at my son's place and regret to say that his friends made sport of the one-umbrella -3 leaders situation, if USA had made the final. Their odds were that POTUS would have elbowed the fat lady out of the way to get his hair under shelter.
  19. Good idea! Chewing on ideas is way better for the canines and the incisors both.
  20. I understand your stance. The restaurant owner two doors up did not trust the government to evaluate electrcians for her, hired her talented student nephew using her own best judgment to wire the place.,and she is still in the hospital. True story! Just an anecdotal aside but true. No universalizing going on here.
  21. Hey hold on, I never said or thought the one way you were using them, was the only way of using of analogy or metaphor! I have way too much respect for language than to think in those terms.. But the one way you were using them, yes I did object to. As to trivial gotchas, I will likely continue to overuse them, and cannot be bothered to keep track, so you can take all my Bubblemiles and declare yourself the rightful winner. No harm no foul. IOTE , I actually did read it --so long ago that my impression of it is so overlaid with my own commentary, sort of like trying to attend yeshiva again at approximately the age of Methusaleh - I could say I would read it again, but I would be lying. I will just apologize for previous errors of interpretation, try to correct where I am in error, and stumble along in my own version of awefullnes, while respecting yours.
  22. Doctors everywhere are grateful that you have no status to evaluate them at all. Doctors of chiropractic, philosophy,dentistry, law and many others will all rema8n happy to take your money.
  23. Probably he could, starting with John the Baptist and Jesus and ending up with concentration camp inmates and up-to=the minute anorexics like Lily-Rose Depp and Angelina Jolie, but I am pre-empting him because he has been toting the weary load of trying to speak to you reasonably and needs a respite, he is a friend of mine.
  24. Oh yes? I did not lknow Chiros were licensed to treat terminal patients dying of all known causes let alone bring them back to life! Think what a burden they must all be on the health care system. This must be looked into.