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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The RAM says 768.I assume the 768 refers to MBs (megabytes), not to GBs (gigabytes), since the latter would be incredibly fast. For example, on my HP computer, which is around 4 years old, the RAM is listed at 3 GB. This was decent when I got the computer, but I'm sure it is child's play by today's standards. Even so, my computer is quite fast, and I have no complaints. Someone who actually knows something about computers can correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe there are 1000 MBs in a GB. Thus, if you have only 768 MBs of RAM, you are working with an obsolete dinosaur, and I'm surprised you can watch videos at all. I can only wish you good luck with that fossil. 8-) I may be exaggerating here, but it is my understanding that videos take up a lot of RAM, so I assume that the 768 MBs of RAM is the source of your problem. Ghs Looks like it. Carol Obsolescent
  2. "That ego..."; I really don't think Newt has a bigger ego than Romney, Paul etc. And not even close to Obama's "Emperor of the Universe" ego. "...I just don't think he is as smart as he thinks he is." And that is true of almost everyone. Yes, but everyone else is not a potential leader of the free world. We need such a person to have a good grip on assessing his own abilities.
  3. Late thirties to early forties is mine. I think she was in her mid-to-late twenties in 1997-98 when I had a bit of correspondence with her while she was still running NB's web site. Ellen And she's had three husbands? Not fair! Some deserving females don't even get one! Where did she bury the other two (2)? lol. This reminds me of my telemarketing days. A distraught lady was outraged that she was called - "How dare you intrude on me, I've just buried my husband!" Jeez thought I, I hope he was dead at the time.
  4. Late thirties to early forties is mine. I think she was in her mid-to-late twenties in 1997-98 when I had a bit of correspondence with her while she was still running NB's web site. Ellen And she's had three husbands? Not fair! Some deserving females don't even get one!
  5. You deserve to have fun, Peter. Even a poor Taylor is entitled to some happiness. Carol watching Fiddler on the Roof again.
  6. Leroy, it just gets better. Maybe bad, bad Leroy G. could beat Obama. But I can't see him being a good president. That ego...I just don't think he is as smart as he thinks he is.
  7. You have some serious delusions. Hey Ninth, as a Floridian will you be voting in the primary? This race is the best reality show going . I have a vision of you and Phil,tight-lipped and professional in tweed and gingham, out hustling the votes together. Maybe Adam can fly down to join you, rounding up the Kink vote for his Gingribread Man.
  8. Carol, That is very perceptive. I believe there is even more going on. Let me psychologize for a minute. In the beginning of contact with Objectivism, Phil, like many in the Objectivist orbit, got a glimpse of what it would be like for Galt's Gulch to spread to the rest of mankind. A way to fix a broken world. Heroic stuff. Mountain moving. Very heady. But it was a glimpse, an ephemeral shadow out of the corner of his eye, ultimately a sleight of mind. But it didn't feel like that. It felt so right. It was like a blast of high you get when you first get hooked on crack cocaine. You know you felt it because it's there in your memory. But you can't repeat it. Once in a very blue moon you can come close, but that, too, is over before it starts. So you spend your time and efforts chasing that original high and hoping this time will be the one. And it never is. So where the hell is Galt's Gulch? Phil doesn't know. He's been kicked out of evey place that looked like one. But he feels it doesn't have to be that way. All he tried to do was bring the different venues up to snuff. Ungrateful bastards. And he thinks the glimpses he saw in those places refer to something that actually exists. What's worse, OL is the closest thing he has found to that original blast, but it is nowhere near Galt's Gulch--nor do the OL people (including and especially me) show signs of ever wishing to make OL into a Galt's Gulch. In other words, every place that should be isn't. And the one place that shouldn't be is the closest. That hurts more than he can acknowledge. What the hell happened? Where did the vision go? That's a lot to work through. I'm pschologizing, I know, but I feel very confident of what I speak. Been there. That's why I give Phil space and patience. But I still try to keep a balance, which is why I sometimes inhibit his nagging from contaminating the spirit of independent thinking we all have managed to achieve here. As to his critics, I let it unfold the way it unfolds. Ya' dish it out ya' gotta take it. Anyway, he needs to learn how to handle his critics more than he realizes, that is if he is ever going to find a path to making his lifetime of effort devoted to Objectivism mean something more than the illusion of martyrdom. There's actually a beautiful dream to be had by Rand's light. It's just not Galt's Gulch and it takes a while to see it. Michael Michael,I hear you. Variously on here I have I have tried to acknowledge the shining light,which you so well keep lit
  9. This is weird. Some of my contemporaries have always said Warshington and Warshroom, we know not why. must be a conspiracy
  10. No of course don't want to, I dont know about installs. what is defrag? In your start menu bottom left of your screen - will see Programs with an arrow pointing right - when you place your cursor over the arrow, a long menu will appear off the arrow on your right ... then you go up to accessories where another window will appear wherein you will see system tools and in there is: Disk Cleanup Disk Defragmenter Basically these operations will compress files and clean up items that can cause your system to "drag" or lag. It could be that you need more RAM, or more memory. Don't most computers nowadays defrag automatically, in the background? Carol's problem sounds like a slow connection or, as you suggested, insufficient RAM. Ghs Most newer computers may, but the one I work on is older with all sorts of additions by my associate who builds these things. However, I am going to break down and get a Mac laptop in a month or so, maybe sooner. I think insufficient Ram sounds right, my computer is secondhand and I said when I bought it I would only need minimum whatever.
  11. One of the best days of my life was the birth of my second son. It was nearly six years after the birth of the first, partly because I feared a recurrence of the dreadful postnatal depression I had had, really a psychosis in retrospect. I had a perfect the first time, except I was bigger and fatter. The baby was expected on April 1, but obviously intended to be nobody;s April Fool, and I woke up on March 27 at midnight in labour.. At 2.30 n on March 28 n\he was born. My husband missed the birth because he was led along the wrong corridor by a ditzy nurse. The next day I woke up dreading my feelings, then luxuriating in them. My husband brought me the most beautiful flowers I will ever see. My older son solemnly held his brother, shouldering the burden of a lifetime with the bashful heroism which is the hallmark of the Lynams. Iwas waited on hand and foot by hospital staff and let to go home when I was good and ready. Five days. This joy, so unexpected, so undeserved, so real so vivid.
  12. No of course don't want to, I dont know about installs. what is defrag?
  13. Phil is working out his emotions and reasoning on the highly emotional unreasonable "darkling plain" of the O movement or nonmovement, from that one first shining moment to now. And he is doing it among friends. Let him lumber as he wills.
  14. Exodus, and Mila 18, were my introductions to history which I had never been told of, nor read of , enough to understand them. I and my girlfriends read Exodus at ages about 12 or 13, awed and speculative, realizing that our fathers all probably knew these things but did not tell us. It was another world, the past , yet we knew there was an Israel. We wept for David and Jordana, we adored Ari, the movie came along later for us and some of us (me) were not allowed to go see it because it was a school night. The turgid music is appropriate, but somehow, it does not echo the music that was then in my heart.
  15. Thanks Phil extraordinary fits better. Where did I get potent from? Likely the Wine Rack as usual.
  16. I read those posts too. They were the most interesting things I ever read on there, and after Ethel closed off the discussion it was all thyroid and Thomas Jefferson and Poor Patients: Kill them or cure them? The site just became boring after that, and I am not surprised its followership has fallen off.
  17. Do you have any assessment of why? Was it because she didn't speak out pro-McCaskey or because she didn't defend Peikoff? Ellen Oh, wait, on second read I see I misread your question. Argh. I meant that there were eighty-response long furious and well-read threads while she weighed the evidences, before her decision to shut down discussion. When those open threads ended, the tang and lure of free discussion moved on elsewhere, and thus Noodlefood slumbers on irrelevant and bland. It is a heartless world, the internets. If there is no bang, there is little buck. It was a moment akin to a moment of the misnomer Arab Spring: would the carapace of lies and delusion and authoritarianism and corruption fall off? Would the Shah be toppled? Would Mubarak be humbled, would Assad reform, would Truth Be Told and Glasnost prevail? Yeah, you did misread my question at first. Your answer still doesn't get at what I was wondering about, but maybe I misunderstood your comment. I took you to be saying not merely that attention to Noodlefood had faded after the stretch where there was debate on the McCaskey/Peikoff issue but that Noodlefood had lost former regular participants. I was wondering if you had a feeling about which side in the dispute the regulars favored. Yes. My feeling is the regulars overwhelming support the inner-reform (Young Turk) of ARI wing. In practical terms, though, the last event in the reform was OK Shut Up for now -- since everyone agreed to not Go There for now and foreseeable, audience shrinks just by virtue of this new climate. Which begs the question in turn of course. Can Diana influence Climate -- and if yes, then by how much and where and who will get swamped and who burnt and so on. I should mention in fairness that Diana has written a couple of times at least that, frankly, her interests and energy are moving in different places besides the blog per se (but bear in mind that I looked at traffic to the entire empire, not just the blog). I think she may have noted fewer numbers of posts, but also noted she is fine with that. So, in some important measure Diana herself has turned some of the knobs down herself. Noodlefood is not a central discussion forum now. She may retain the right to pulpit the next time something happens in the hierarchy. If and when the Pope dies and all wait for the white puff of smoke or the black puff of smoke, no doubt whatsoever in my mind that DIana will be jostling with everyone else. Back to Tahrir Square, and that brave voice, Diana Hsieh, figger? Me, I do not think so. She really did fence and sign her property, and it said, Agree or STFU or be Shot. Good point and I agree that a new ARI should give thanksbyebye to Harriman, but as you may have noted I am bitter and cynical on these and other issues. I do not think he will even be asked to move out of the Palace marketing area. Why should ARI de-corrupt itself? Why would anyone want to be contaminated by sweeping or touching old shit? I see only further corruption and cultism in ARI. The Pope Leonard moniker really does fit. I just read somewhere else (old thread on Valliant) his letter (if it was not a parody) to Wikipedia demanding something because the Head Honcho should listen to "someone of my credentials". And he signed it Executor. Like the Phil Schoolmarm trope, at first I thought these were just tired catchphrases, but I now see them as shorthand for essentialism in identification which exists here on OL, better than anywhere else I have seen that discusses these matters.
  18. Beats me what's wrong with it. It should come as a blow to the venerable Lindsay Perigo however, from his writings I had assumed NZ was a slave socialist state even more awful to live in than Canada.
  19. There is probably no help for this and it is just my computer, but it doesn't hurt to ask. All the youtube links I click on give me three seconds of sound and then a minute of frozen silence with the whirly thing going around and around,then three more seconds of sound, then so on ad infinitum. it is exasperating. Is there any fix.?
  20. In fairness to PET, he was mostly so considered by sour-grapes 20 year olds who were jealous of Margaret.
  21. Gulp. WE- aggregate North Americans Carol ancient joker
  22. Too right, this reporting, this elicitation of certain emotions. Curious, George, to gauge or to discover your mood? I love the metaphor but can't figure out the machinery of testing. Your comment reminds me of a line from a stand-up comedian c. 1977, after Debby Boone's "You Light Up My Life" had been playing on the radio incessantly: "I liked that song the first one-thousand times I heard it." Some Schmaltz (like Boone's nightmarish drone) has so many strings and plods along so slowly that emotion is leached out. The horror of Boone was that she was not lit up at all. She was propped up by production, like a singing carcass hanging in a meat locker. As for LOVE lighting up her life, no, that would be like an orgasm in a coma patient, no point, no apparent movement, no corresponding ping of pleasure in the brain. What kind of erotic love could the young Debbie testify to, anyway? All such longings were expunged in production. Another exemplar of this poisonous schmaltz is Rita Coolidge's Higher and Higher song. I called this Music To Iron By, and imagined the video would show the singer reclining like an invalid, looking sadly out windows, coughing into a basin and sighing, yawning, resting. This was a song about Your Love Is Lifting Me Higher, with horns, sass, sex and loins a moving. Rita Coolidge's version was suitable for Funerals, if you know what I mean. Children can nap through it. No sweat is raised, The iron irons, the singer yawns. Oh, I am so Bitter. I must admit that I my eyes water each time I listen to Trenet's La Mer, and this is by no means the only song acting as 'tear-jerker' in my soul. This is lovely to know. Yes, the operation of emotion is so felt in our appreciation of these (amost-awful, sentiment-inducing) things. George says he uses music to gauge, to elicit, emotion. I call this sub-genre of French schmaltz Hello Papa It`s Time To Die (from Terry Jacks bad remake of Brel). They are all about the kind of love words that never get said enough, same with the Howl-In-Your-Face tag-team, even Debbie fixed in goo. The good stuff is just pulling the same string on the monkey as the bad stuff, with differing results. [Ed. -- there is no real poisonous schmaltz, more accurate is probably Ersatz Schmaltz, but what a mouthful. If I am sold a a gigantic sweet confection, don't give me fudge made of styrofoam and guar gum, FFS . Oh what made me so Bitter ] What Italian director said, "I hate music, I never listen to it unless I have to, because it makes me feel" (or approx) .. his score writer was Morricone. "Curious how potent cheap music is", said Noel Coward who was in no way a cynic and knew there is no cheap music, anymore than there is cheap emotion. Or any less.
  23. I think the 'Schmaltz' thing has more the functinon of a 'respite', giving the 'cyber-salon' members the time to recharge their intellectual batteries ... I think the 'Schmaltz' thing has more the functinon of a 'respite', giving the 'cyber-salon' members the time to recharge their intellectual batteries ... Speaking of knife edge X, those of us of a certain age, even those who have never been to Las Vegas, have been subjected over the years to endless song stylings of one Wayne Newton. "Danke schoen", he croons and re-croons, "darling, danke schoen". As a member of the German nation I hold you accountable expect a little astringent Goethe in compensation. Merci!