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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Welcome to OL. Why on earth do you call yourself Bogomilist? I can't imagine how it's a good thing. There was a new thread on OO today on the same subject, were you the author? Seems odd that there’s this sudden push to get O’ists onto Reddit. http://forum.objecti...ndpost&p=287520 I clicked your link, and what came up was garbage. I checked out a few items, everything I saw was inane. "Kira Peikoff (Leonard's smokin' hot daughter) is releasing a (fiction) novel..." with a link to her website. Oh brother. Oh daughter. Smokin hot or not, her fiction novel on government over-interference in stem cell research should be easier to read than a nonfiction novel.
  2. Well, that's a relief. I get easily alarmed at threats to teeth, since I spent most of my childhood brushing mine under severe tutelage and enduring torture at our medieval dentist's. There was nothing wrong with my teeth beyond the usual cavities, but my mother was paranoid on the subject since she unfortunately had bad ones and lost them at a young age. I still have all mine and they will probably see me out, but just the thought of them being kicked in due to my political views is alarming to a timid soul such as myself.
  3. Excuse me Phil, my one-liner was in fact profound and resonant of the paradoxical nature of the Maslovian hierarchy of needs. I will concede that it was lazy but so am I. Carol Here for a good time, not for a hard time.
  4. Ouch? Because it was cold or because it was gold? Ba'al Chatzaf No - because it was old and bold!
  5. Cogent? Then I better test out my comments here. Alright, how about, "I support Ron Paul because he is the only candidate I trust to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow". If not, there's always my old stand-by: That is perfect It will also secure those vital expat voters on Limbo v1xxiii
  6. Concur here. MSK??? Can you consolidate? - It will save me starting a thread called "Ron Paul - just what kind of gynecologist was he, anyway?" Goldfinger?? OUCH! The Truth of monetarism hurts!
  7. Hurrah, I have an ally. I particularly object to the misleading naming of threads. For example: How did we get so deeply in debt and who will rescue us? With a title like that, we better get something like this: Not a bunch of "Ron Paul is great" videos. BTW, I re-registered as a Republican (gag!) so I can vote for him in the FL primary in a couple weeks. I don't think a Ron Paul blitz on OL is going to earn him any more votes than he's already getting hereabouts. Which reminds me, today's Peikoff podcast had what sounded like the beginning of a turnaround (I wouldn't dare call it a "flip-flop") in position towards RP by LP. Listen and decide for yourself. http://www.peikoff.c...16/episode-199/ I was going to ask you if you and any other Floridians were going to vote in the primary. Please try to get interviewed on TV giving a false name and say something cogent. PS it doesn't have to be that false. Just "Howard Ninth" or "John Galt Gulch" - you can wear a wig. Or borrow Phil's gingham and be Dominique Dagny, a teacher.
  8. Hurrah, I have an ally. I particularly object to the misleading naming of threads. For example: How did we get so deeply in debt and who will rescue us? With a title like that, we better get something like this: Not a bunch of "Ron Paul is great" videos. BTW, I re-registered as a Republican (gag!) so I can vote for him in the FL primary in a couple weeks. I don't think a Ron Paul blitz on OL is going to earn him any more votes than he's already getting hereabouts. Which reminds me, today's Peikoff podcast had what sounded like the beginning of a turnaround (I wouldn't dare call it a "flip-flop") in position towards RP by LP. Listen and decide for yourself. http://www.peikoff.c...16/episode-199/ I was going to ask you if you and any other Floridians were going to vote in the primary. Please try to get interviewed on TV giving a false name and say something cogent.
  9. Concur here. MSK??? Can you consolidate? - It will save me starting a thread called "Ron Paul - just what kind of gynecologist was he, anyway?"
  10. Which non-a propos brings to mind a quote about the "memoirs" of defeated or retired politicians: "There's nothing like losing a good government job to bring out a man's literary talent" -Will Rogers
  11. The independence of the artist is a given, in that created art can only be independent. The production of the art is more problematic. The days of rich patrons are largely gone and although writers and visual artists can usually support themselves while writing, cost-intensive arts such as sculpture are fairly unsustainable - a scultpture is often created to be in a public space, and a community often has a reason to have a sculpture in a park or square - but who will pay for the materials and the sculptor's time? Michelangelo did not create the Pieta on spec, in an open market.
  12. Actually, Phadam, I wanted to ask a question about the title of this topic. Was it just a reflexive caption for the political and pr wars which as we all know are vicious and kick in more sensitive parts than teeth? Or does it express a visceral wish to defeat and make suffer those who don't agree with our politics?
  13. Carol was the first to realize that you and Phil are the same person. It's still hard to believe; the deception is that good! --Brant Carol was the first to realize that you and Phil are the same person. It's still hard to believe; the deception is that good! --Brant Good lord, you could be right! Have they ever been seen together? The schoolmarm twins...lizards from... no!! go awayy!!
  14. Yes. I was reading too hastily. Mea maxima culpa. This is likely the only time you will ever be confused with Phil. But that I thought you made the same comment that he did, is something of a tribute to both of you, n'est-ce pas?
  15. Well, I've looked for where you would put the Canucki references that would be of interest to nobody but us, or maybe Phil if he was bored. I tried Obscure, Heavy Fog, Incorrigible and Paradise hence I am here. You must devise a tag category for these whim-worshipping asides. but it will require thought. Canadian Boring is already taken (it will stir from its slumbers soon).The Confederalist Papers? Behind the Green Gables door? We must also lure the trusting into the web of the Secret Plan and swell the coffers of the Sacred Igloo. I will compile a shortlist, please submit suggestions.
  16. Adam, as one of "them" I take exception to your optimistic but simplistic view of the leftish attitude. I can't believe Canada is so different from the US, so immune to historical trends and intellectual history, that our experiences have been so different. Few people think much about philosophy, it is true, or learn logic in any depth. But argument and counter-argument seldom move an adult from his own worldview to that of another. Most people, on the left and right, know that there is more to life than logic.
  17. This deOtherization is so good it could lead to group hugs followed by an AngloObjectivish service (but you forgot the most fun part, the music!)
  18. Beg to differ mon gars. As you should know, Victor Tem of Moose Jaw, Sask. is the designer of the Hockey Hood which easily converts to a face mask for postgame revels. The Vic Tem Hood is a hallmark of our culture and I am reporting you to the UnCanadian Activities Committee for failiing to mention that. Obviously you take your orders straight from Washington. Incidentally ND, Saskatchewan is a large place with lots of space and a good economy, if you or Phil ever feel the need to move northward you should consider it. The state of Florida doesn't seem to be big enough for the both of you. I' m just saying!
  19. Amen. Its other offences aside, going so far beyond the novel was just, well, an organized crime..
  20. Not achieving your aspirations is depressing, but achieving them can be worse. Margaret, Ayn & Al OK Carol: Apparently you were finally able to hook up the two Dixie cups and the string that I sent you! Yes thanks - they're not very practical winterwear though.
  21. Not achieving your aspirations is depressing, but achieving them can be worse. Margaret, Ayn & Al
  22. Sorry not to have reported back. I am having net connection problems again ( and I paid the bill this time!) it is the DSL or something, so cannot read online. Here at the library, as you cn imagine in a Socialist Indoctrination Centre, the only copies of Alongside Night are "reference only" and can't be checked out.
  23. Gotcha. ND. thanks for this. I don't think I've seen a holograph of IFF before. I used to dabble in graphology (I know it isn't a real science) and some things come back to me l;ooking at this. The handwriting shows self-discipline, high idealism, physical weakness and pessimism-- easy to see in hindsight, but it is there. The words show the whole, greater than the sum of the parts.
  24. Way to tarnish the sparkle of a beautiful day, you thugs. I hope they throw away the kiey on you. Bobby Clarke would be ashamed.
  25. I read Nicholas and Alexandra, and a bio of Peter the Great tho not sure if it was by him. He's excellent, looking forward to this one.