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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. That Czech goalie Mzarek is simply spectacular. The Red Wings have got a real diamond in their draft box.
  2. Jesus, "well known son of God and football analyst", has also weighed in with a request that Tim Tebow stop praying to him to be made a starter, because Tebow will never be worthy.
  3. Neuro Fractured Losers. If you check out the latest sports edition of the Onion, you will see that God has issued a press release in which he explains that He did not design the human body to play football.
  4. What is NFL? Non French Lacrosse? Thorry . I meant to thay Lacrotthe.
  5. I am watching the movie Clerks for the first time. I never saw it before because I had heard it was filthy and disgusting, but no one ever told me it had important social values such as the roller hockey game on the roof. The MSM are such evil conspiratorialists.
  6. Either you are saying you wouldn't hate Hitler if he were alive or that you've done no research on modern monsters. --Brant Yes, you are right in your second supposition. I have done no research. I know what I can bear to know, I know the bright lovely kids in Syrian schools who I got to know from TV for two years, I know some are probably tortured and murdered now and I know who did it.I know the lovely Syrian-Iraqi tradition of torturing and murdering children in front of their parents, then hanging the parents. I know the Somali way of just killing all the men and raping all the women, though I don't know the names of the creatures who were in charge of this. I know many more such things, from eyewitnesses and survivors and dear friends. As I have said, I know what I can bear to know, I have a limited capacity to hate.
  7. The world Jr Hockey championships are being played in where else, Canada, and other countries are participating. This tournament is really a business story TSN has transformed it from an event of interest only to scouts, siblings and sweethearts of the pimply players, to a real sports event . Fans like me love it and we are looking at the NHL in 2020 as we watch Huberdeau of the Saint John Sea Dogs YESS! and others strut their stuff. Some teams are at a disadvantage, like Latvia who only have one set of goalie equipment and the 2010 goalie refuses to share it , as reported by S. McIndoe. Switzerland has the disadvantage of being Switzerland, where only 17 people play hockey , but they gamely show up for the tournament every year.The Russian team had an inspirational talk from a top Russian NHLer, and now they are all gazing at the sky saying "Wow" and mumbling about what a vast wasteland Winnipeg is. Things are looking good,
  8. Phil, you know how fond I am of you, but you are exhausting my patience. It is unrealitistic and not reasonable to expect responses from your best, most agonized over posts. I have sweated blood and tears over my finest creations, only to be ignored except by Rangers fans who only wanted to jeer and kick me when I was down. Such is life, such is living, especially Objectivist living, and living is worth all. Answering questions when you are asked is basic good manners, and not answering when you are asked a question is counter-instinctual, but people do these things. Don't worry about why.
  9. thank you Brant, I found it and have started reading. is the opening poem Schulman's own do you know? It's good.
  10. Michael, I have seen before that hatred is a theme you have thought on deeply, I get the sense that you have had cause to feel it, and have analysed it and fought it, and for that I honour you deeply. I hate Hitler, etc., but offhand I cannot think of a living person or group I feel personal enmity towards, because I have not been harmed or threatened by them in a personal way. I know I have been lucky. Hatred is always personal however the hysterical haters try to rationalise it or co-opt legitimate ideas for their purposes.
  11. I would like to add a very, very!! respectful annotation to the Donahue, which I think is an important addition to the Better Things to doBetter People to Talk to My Time is too valuable canon, which I characterize as the Pearls Before Swine attitude. I dunno. I kinda like swine in general, they are contrary to stereotype clean, intelligent and affectionate animals. I have known many and cast lots of things before them and always received good things back, like the bread upon the waters and I got a free pizza with my favourite toppings. Casting pearls I have got back sapphires and emeralds that I like a lot better than pearls. That is only some of the time of course, the times I remember. Mostly I cast the bread and got yelled at for throwing away good bread. Mostly I cast the pearls and the swine trompled them and tried to eat them and choked and I got blamed. But O, the other few times.
  12. Gotta love St Francis, the ultimate teenage rebel fruitcake. He would do anything to get out of joining his dad's big successful business and marrying the girl next door, and he did indeed do it.
  13. I have not read this book yet though I keep meaning to, I am predisposed to like it because of its terrific title, which I dare to think better than any of Rand's except maybe We the Living. Is the movie of it coming out anytime soon ? I do know that Schulman met God and have the vague idea that the stresses of trying to get the movie made drove him a little crazy. Is there any info on how it is going I don't know the history.
  14. The rest, however, seems credible and not unsurprising. Well, the extent of his homophobia is a little surprising. The question is "why?"...isn't he a MD by training? Refusing to shake someone's hand, a presumed ally, is deeply insulting. Simply shows another unsavory and frankly irrational dimension to the man. What else is he irrational about? I don't shake hands either. It is unsanitary I bow like the Japanese do. You don't know where the other fellows hand has been, do you ? Ba'al Chatzaf Bowing, however, opens you up to a front snap kick to the bridge of the nose and/or shuto to the clavicle, all without knowledge of where the person's hands or feet have been. Food for thought. As a fatalist, I always gladly shake hands. Even with OLers and all too often, we do know where they've been.
  15. The rest, however, seems credible and not unsurprising. Well, the extent of his homophobia is a little surprising. The question is "why?"...isn't he a MD by training? Refusing to shake someone's hand, a presumed ally, is deeply insulting. Simply shows another unsavory and frankly irrational dimension to the man. What else is he irrational about? Apparently he cited his MD training as a reason for his sanitary precautions. Well, he does look like he got his training in the 1890's.
  16. J, this is a classic. As with all great satire, or the anonymous letter saying "I know what you did! Send money or I will tell.", every part will strike home with somebody. Why even I, sweet little old lady that I am, was once threatened and abused by a Territorialist, just because I was trespassing.
  17. On one point Dondero is clearly not credible. Paul did, under great duress, vote "yea" on Afghanistan, but he most certainly did not vote "Yay"!
  18. You're very welcome, Phil. That era is a favourite with me too. The Brandenburg concerti, plus Mozart, were the first classical music that I really "heard", except for the church music I loved but did not know was classical at the time. I remember a quote attributed to Handel when he completed Messiah (this is from memory so probably inaccurate). He said that when composing it "Methinks I saw the Heavens open, and the Great God Himself." That was sort of how I felt, first really experiencing great music.
  19. When Messiah debuted, Dublin was a "Paris of the North" with a highly sophisticated musical community. In the high baroque era generally, works later considered masterpieces and classics were as often as not, dismissed or ignored on their initial performance. The Messiah premiere however was a smash hit. One audience member, a local clergyman, was so overcome by Susanna Cibber's singing of the "He was despised" aria, that he leapt to his feet and cried, "Woman, for this be all thy sins forgiven thee!"
  20. Beethoven agreed with you. He called Handel "the master of us all...the greatest composer who ever lived. I would uncover my head and kneel before his tomb." Uncle Ludwig could be grumpy at times, but he knew the value of a swoon.
  21. Oh, no....Helmet Head Harper says there will be "major economic reforms" this year...notice he announced them after Christmas. I don't want to find out what they are. When the old Scrooge uses "economic" and "reform" in the same sentence it always means that the poor will get more children and less family allowance. I just hope he isn't checking his list of back tax owers twice.
  22. Reluctantly on the music issue I must award the palm to Harper, who is trying to ruin Canada however good a pianist he is. He is just excellent on the keyboard and vocally he blows his nearest rival Bob Rae out of the water. We must face facts and these are the facts.We can only hope the rumours are true, that Nycole Turmel plays a mean harmonica.
  23. Excellent post, Carol. You should have taken up writing as a career. Few people can make a dinner this amusing and interesting. Ghs She can write almost as good as I can write if I could. --Brant Brant, I like very much that you write as good as you do. I especially like that I think I know when you could write things and don't write them, and even think I understand why, and don't think I would be taking liberties. In that spirit this might not be the happiest Xmas you ever had, but I hope it is a nice one.