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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Scene: Fish Hamble Street, Dublin 1742 Colonel M'Garry: My lord! Well met, I had not thought to see you here! Baron Ocashin: Colonel, your servant, sir! I had thought we might meet at the covert today. But the ladies... CM: Yes, my good lady could not rest, but that we secured seats for this thing of Master Handel's, and bloody dear seats they were... BO: Dear! You would not believe what I had to give that upstart Fitzkevin for two seats, and him but a barber surgeon. People do not know their places... where is my seat? CM: Who can tell, in such a crush Egad, I feel naked without my sword. BO: My poor Caroline is very unhappy without her crinoline I can tell you. Between us, she looks much better without it, but there is no telling her that, it is all fashion with the ladies...oh, here they come. How long are we in for, do you think? CM: Not too bad, three hours perhaps...I say, our diva has not left off her crinoline for space's sake! But she has left off most of her bodice, haw, haw! BO: Look at old Handel scowling at her. They say he gave up writing opera because he just could not handle those sopranos. CMM (leering) So I have heard. BO: Well, starting up--must find Caro. Quick one? CM: If you insist--uuurgh, damn fine brandy. Will there be an entr'acte? Hope so. BO: Hope so old boy. Toodle-oo. Short while later Colonel, Baron and others: Jesus Christ! Did you hear that?
  2. Monica Lewinsky... Do I win? Oh, of course. This is Canadian politics we are talking about here. If you can make the effort to think about them, much less get your lazy butt off the couch to go and vote for somebody, you are definitely a winner.
  3. However the Biebs in not in the vanguard of urban fashion. I live next to a high school and the low pants are definitely passe, I have not seen them on teens of any colour for several months.
  4. It is like Gresham's law. Bad customs drive out the good. Ba'al Chatzaf Justin Bieber has been photographed with pants down and pink underwear.
  5. Just returned from dinner with Andy and am full of goodwill towards men, women too. We met at Mihaili's , a good local place I recommend highly to anyone who might ever visit Toronto. As has become our tradition I wore my tartan blazer over LBD and my mother's fur jacket. The blazer extends four inches under the jacket but who cares. Ma was quite a bit shorter than me. Andy just coming from work, wore his TTC uniform minus the orange vest. We both ordered the turkey special of course (I hate it when people write that they had dinner but don't tell you what they actually ate, don't you). Also following tradition, I managed to embarrass him publicly a couple times. First when I asked the server if the mashed potatoes were all that mashed, or were there little lumps in them. He replied that they were mashed, and he was the only server plus the only busboy or cashier and did not look too happy about that, so I smiled warmly and ordered them. Then after a lovely meal I said something I have always wanted to say, "May I have a doggie bag? It really is for a dog, honest." Andy writhed with mortification but the couple at the next table gave me two thumbs up. We (I) exchanged gift, which was a stocking from the Pet Emporium for his English bulldog Bodie.We exited replete into the cool Christmas night. Andy whistled me a taxi which was driven by one Honek, from Ethiopia, whose cousin very possibly was once one of my students. The traffic was light as was my heart. Even arriving home and turning on the computer, and finding that the Enter key is not working and I cannot paragraph this post, cannot dampen my spirits. It's working again! Well, it did that once. I won't push my luck, just one last thought, this being a bilingual country and all...I could call this post "My Dinner with Andre"
  6. There is beautiful news about the little bald girl whose wish was to "meet a real princess" and who was hugged by the Duchess this summer. Her cancer is in remission. What a wonderful Christmas present for that family. The Cambridges have sent her a happy message. Her name is Diamond Marshall. How brightly may she always shine.
  7. "...the written material which was a big source of his income." And of course, you have his income and the amount derived from the newsletter handy for all of us to see? My source is you, Post #21 above in this thread. Carol Second hander "One issue is that Dr. Paul raised over one million [$1, 000, 000] dollars through subscriptions." I should have clarified this. I thought the use of the word issue made it debateable. Secondly, over a period of ten (10) or fifteen (15) years, minus costs, it does not amount to much. My error. I should have put in allegedly. Very sloppy on my part. Also, assuming that he "...stormed off CNN's interview..." without having viewed the interview was shoddy on my part. A weak moment. Mea Culpa. At least I did not assume that he personally got the money, nor whether it amounted to a "...big source of his income." Adam contriteness sucks! You are forgiven, my son. Three Hail Aynds. Go forth and sin no more. The storming off is a nonissue (he clearly didn't) and the antiPaulists would be foolish to push it. Donations are more serious. I think RP has said himself that a significant source of donations was the mailing list of a controversial racist type organization but I forget what it was.
  8. There is a general view that conservative, right-leaning thinkers are more susceptible to conspiracy theories than their opposite numbers. Being a left leaner I tend to subscribe to this theory myself. From what I have read and heard about Ayn Rand, as well as from her own writings, my impression is that she acknowledged coincidence and accidents, but distrusted deeply the idea that they influence events more than the intentional concerted actions of motivated collectivists, mystics etc.. This has some relevance to the politics of today, as Ron Paul's association with Alex Jones will probably soon get the MSM treatment. What U think?
  9. "...the written material which was a big source of his income." And of course, you have his income and the amount derived from the newsletter handy for all of us to see? My source is you, Post #21 above in this thread. Carol Second hander
  10. As we gather in the Satellite Hut to watch whatever is managing to come in at the time, we frequently discuss the news we see about people who are running for prime minister down in the States.. We are not sure of the basic qualifications for the top job there. We know our two. The PM must be able to speak English and French, and play a musical instrument preferably the piano. We know the US candidates don't need French, or even English like GW Bush, but we have not heard anything about the musical qualifications since Clinton and the saxophone. What gives?
  11. Paul was not "dumb" or inattentive for 10+ years, about the written material which was a big source of his income. He is lying now, that is spinning, as a politician does. If he isn't , he is far too dumb to run a Chuck-E_Cheese franchise, let alone the United States government.
  12. So what? Paul can't have it both ways. He raked in the donations from the racists and conspiracy theorists because of the ravings (written in the first person) under his name. Sure, he never promised the crazies anything. But the scandal is his to own, and his hands will never be clean of it, nor should they be. The newsletters also contained various pronouncements ostensibly by Paul "based on my training as a physician." such as, the HIV-infected should not eat in restaurants, as AIDS is transmitted by saliva. Is Rockwell an MD also?
  13. Careful, Baal. How would you react if 1. Ron Paul does get nominated, and then wins the election 2 Gulch 8 (an M.D) is in reality Ron Paul himself, keeping in touch with the grassroots Henry V style. Talk about working on apologies....
  14. Delightful video, George. Since every woman is somebody's ex-girlfriend, I'll claim that greeting too. Very best to you, keep on syncopating. Carol Respectable Renegade, 2nd Class
  15. The CBC is showing Messiah with the Montreal Symphony performing in Notre Dame Basilica. Kent Nagano is conducting. It is the best one I have ever seen. I don't recognize any of the soloists except for one (from their faces) but I think this is maybe an old rebroadcast. The choristers are fantastic, and there is joy and awe in their faces, as there always probably and is on mine when I hear this greatest of oratorios. My favourite recording is the Beecham one, but this musical miracle is just impossible to ruin. When it's risen to as in this performance, the pleasure of the audience is almost painful.
  16. Leader in goals... Goals G 1. M. Gaborik NYR 21 2. P. Kessel TOR 20 3. J. Neal PIT 20 Points Pts 1. C. Giroux PHI 43 2. P. Kessel TOR 41 3. E. Malkin PIT 40 Oh well, one measly goal that should have been disallowed. Kessel still has the edge in leadership, however. He is the league leader in honouring the standard NHL player clause, "Never say anything interesting to the media." When interviewed he gives a good impression of John Galt writhing against his bonds and hoping desperately for deliverance from an ordeal beyond his endurance.
  17. I prayed for you, but God said he was busy. He is having a birthday party for himself tomorrow, and there is a lot to do. Ghs, Thanks for trying anyway, George. Typical God. I will just go out and do as he does and not as he says, serve Him right. I will buy myself some presents even tho it is not my birthday. I have finished reading and drinking all the gifts I got for everybody else.
  18. Doesn't everybody do this? In St Stephen, N.B., the men do it all year round. Except for the charity part.
  19. Today is Christmas Eve for everybody but me. Both sons are working over the hols so our Xmas will be on the 28th. I plan to buy all the gifts in the Boxing Day sales. . I hate shopping with a fierce passion. I know you are not theists, but pray for me.
  20. Er, the league leading scorer was a Toronto Maple Leaf, last time I looked. Beating the Isles is not exactly a herculean feat (except for the Wilder, Jonathan, haha). I confess I am apprehensive about facing the Rangers and, well, anybody else. There is hope that we might have an edge over NY though, due to those rumours that Tortorella is planning to claim asylum as soon as he crosses the border. He will file his refugee claim as a torture victim due to having to coach Sean Avery.
  21. Michael: I hate to go out on a limb, but maybe it has something to do with objective reality? You am/are/is, therefore you think... Adam would love to meet Valiant in a dark alley with my night vision glasses! Whose project was that book anyway Did the ARI hire him to write it ?
  22. If science can become certain doesn't it cease to be science?
  23. I never watched the Waltons, but my Mom was quite a fan (the show also ran here in Germany). I remember her telling me once that a type like Johnboy and I would make a good couple. I didn't know what Johnboy's role was in that series (to tMe too!his day I don't), but did take a look at his picture she had cut out from a magazine. With the picture, I connoted something like "the ideal future son-in-law" many moms dream of, but those ideal sons-in-law were just the types I was not interested in. Me too! I think my mother's IFSIL was not a TV type however, but "Such a Nice Anglican Boy" , she was always sighing about how handsome he looked as a crucifer. He was the only other "only child" in my class, and whereas I was just spoiled, he was positively smothered by his mother. He was good-looking, smart and had a good sense of humour (he needed it). I never wanted to go out with him. As Ma watched my character develop I think her specifications focused down to "Any Son-in-Law at all, please Lord!"
  24. Dear Emile, I wrote to you for advice recently and would like to follow-up and let you know how it worked out for me. Soon after I got your reply my big chance came. We were entertaining a big VIP, so big they would not tell us who it was! Me and Rob Schmerk got picked to go with the CEO and COO and VP-CR and that schmuck Schmerk pretended to be like all shocked that I got picked and rolling his eyes and stuff. Anyway I only had time to get down to the fish market and no time to practise, I did make sure it was dead though, thanks Emile! The first one they tried to sell me was wriggling a little. Luckily I had a topcoat, it was my uncle Morrie's but good quality. Of course when we met at the arena Schmerk pointed out that everybody else was wearing Wings jerseys why not me I said I thought my Holmstrom helmet would provide contrast, I like to think outside the box. The CEO raised his eyebrows at that! I think in an approving way. Then the VIP arrived and we all went into the box and the game started. It was a woman, with a whole lot of security around I could not see who. Whenever I got a chance to lean in and look Schmerk would shove his stupid self in and offer to get more beer. Then everything happened real fast like in a movie. Everybody was booing real loud and looking at the rink and I just thought "This is your chance" and I stood up and took the octupus out of my pants and I threw it. What a feeling. I didn't see where it landed, it's unclear until after the investigation, but the VIP stood up laughing and said, 'That was great" and you know who it was Hillary Clinton! The CEO and COO and everybody started laughing too and clapping me on the back. Schmerk, that weasel, said slimily to the Secretary of State, "That was gracious of you to pretend you didn't notice his bulging pants." She smiled and said, "What bulging pants?" The CEO whispered to me, "You can pull them back up now, son." Thanks, Emile.
  25. As a member of humanity, to me it matters. L'chaim, slainte Carol all mothers are Jewish mothers