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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Loosely related to topic, did anyone else ever read Youngblood Hawke? I found it fascinating. I just looked at my previous post and thought, "Dayamm, I shore write a long sentence, when I don't have a smart New York editor to he'p me out with my style and all.."
  2. I wish I were kidding about my tears, but not really. It is because we all know that somewhere there's a John Sr swilling moonshine in the barn, and a Grampa helping the granddaughters to get washed in the crik, and a Jim Ben beating up Jason Boy and making him swear not to tell, and moreover we know that there are more who are not doing those things than are, that makes us smirk and scorn when we are young, and cry when we are old.
  3. Dear Brother Adam, In grateful receipt of your retainer. Lapp-Finn Solstice Smorgasbord is Gramma Snowe's favourite (so thoughtful of you!) and will be a great conversation piece at our New Years Day Open House (Everybody get Snowed in 2012!!) I am sure nobody will recognize if from PolarCon 2011 As we have discussed, it is imperative that you show compliance and report to the Intensive on Jan. 2. It is a fine experience, really, not like the intro course you took before your Initiation. You stay at the Lodge all the time and have a personal spirit guidance counsellor, also Widow Furieuse and her 2 daughters come to give massages ever Tuesday and Thursday complete with birch twigs after the rock steam sauna. Unfortunately your counsellor will be Grampa McAloon but you know how it is. Mrs McA has been fine putting up with him through the past 11 Christmases but we can not reasonably expect her to have him in the house for any more consecutive days. He derives great benefit from his work with the Brotherhood helping others. ISS, Ebby Ebenezer Snowe II, LLB ,QC
  4. To Brother Adam CONFIDENTIAL Watch out! It looks like Somebody is laying a paper trail against you which might not lead anywhere good. Be cool, go on the course, and DON'T SAY ANYTHING would be our advice if we represented you. If you ever need to talk you know where we are. ISS, Eb and Eb Jr., Snowe and Snowe, the only lawyers for 1300 km
  5. Furthermore, we were not aware that in September you were taking your scouting squad in such an innovative direction, or that you were combining it with your Amcan Eagle Scout troupe who are pursuing their Duke of Edinburgh awards, or that you were all armed. Thank you for the additional information.
  6. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Office of the Grand Shaman Dear Doug, You'll never let it go, will you? Brenda and I have been happily married for 31 years, get over it. She chose me over you. She will never leave me and take up with you however much you flatter her eye-hand coordination or send her "anonymous" gifts of jewellery that go with her auburn hair. If you were not a Brother you would have been picked up by the Mounties for stalking more than once. Now you are using your sinecure Scouting job to continue your campaign. It's pathetic. You are the one that said Justin Tootoo was "not ready" for the Iqalit Inuks, the same year he was drafted into the NHL, just because his aunt, like Brenda, did not want to go out with you. It is the opinion of the Scouting Committee that you need new glasses, and would benefit from the Intensive course at the Therapy Sweat Lodge. We have pre-registered you for the next session which begins on Jan.2 Stay away from my house till then. With warm good wishes of the season, ISS Nanook
  7. Dear Emile, Help! I have just started dating a wonderful new guy and I think he is the One! My problem is, he is a professional hockey player and I am do not know anything about sports, let alone hockey and I do not want him to think I am stupid, at least I am somewhat stupid but I do not want him to find that out just yet. . so I need a crash course. I asked him what his job is and he said "utility player". What is that? So In Love , Littlemoose, Yukon Dear Silly, A utility player is someone who cannot play offense or defense but is usually able to skate most of the time. Watch the recent Red Wings game against Vancouver and you will get the idea. Don't worry about your boyfriend discovering that you are stupid. If he is who I suspect from the clues in your original unedited letter, he will not find out for a long, long time.
  8. OK, Phil. I'll bite. It's an ambitious topic. I would be very interested to know who, in real life and fiction, exemplifies the qualities of psycholigical health and largeness of mind, outside of MSK and me? Michael is a given, of course, but I will exclude myself as the topic should be from the Objectivist viewpoint and I do not think foreign socialist trade unionist utility players have much to contribute.
  9. I have a student who is so like Fatima the diner owner, in looks and force of character, that I put her in charge of coffee break. Best coffee we ever had, and for the first time in ESL history the coffee fund is earning a profit.
  10. Today Erin was fallen in love with by another soldier, but she was initially standoffish and rejecting because she does not want to give her heart, even after 24 long hours, to another handsome hillbilly in case he gets blown up too. The Waltons are famously the Hamners, (I think it was Spencers in a movie, Spencers Mountain, also). I'd love to have interviewed the Hamner neighbours circa 1950 about the goings on of that Erin. My impression is she was very very popular with them sojer boys. All the Waltons are very busy anticipating and justifying the imminent entry of America into the war, unlike most people in Virginia at the time to whom it came as a complete surprise. No decent comic subplot, except the occasional proud utterance that John Boy is up north a-working. Yup in New York city. A- workin on what? A novel. What's a novel? Is it some kind of Yankee farm? -- and I had to make that part up myself.
  11. Phil, it is Tiara Thursday over on the Royal Order of Sartorial Splendour blogsite. TT is currently running a popular series "Top 15 tiaras" (the Poltimore is #7. There are also some tips for gentlemen's evening wear and I do mean gentlemen, at the very least. You will never wonder again, whether to wear your Commander of the Loyal Order of Epistemoloigsts, battle stars and medals from the Gulch War , or your Panthers jersey with plastic rat rampant.
  12. Only Gingrich would shift the negatie scrutiny to himself? The Dems are praying for Paul to get the nomination. Those newsletters will do him in in 100 ways.
  13. As a proud affiliate of the Commonwealth Monarchist League I will save you a little Google time. Source: OED TRYING. Gerundive, deriv. OE tri, to go and maybe do; The attempt to beget an heir to the English throne Example: Edward the Confessor spent too much time Confessing and not enough time Trying. Variation/Cognate Honour and offer (source: Kolker et al)
  14. caroljane


    I had never heard this before. Thank you so much, Stephen. You always seek the light, which is your essence, and in your seeking cast splendour upon others.
  15. Michael, my post was satirical. I was in no way protesting anything on OL, I was mock-protesting various hilarious sexcapades reported on my own turf. If you have read the terrible goings on of nameless degenerates here, and how they have tried to draw me into their sleazy world, you will know that your site never approaches porn, though it does have racy banter which is of a pretty high quality. Not that I would know anything about it. I received my MSK Awesome XX0!! last week from the ARI Sins of Life Store and this time they delivered him properly. In a body bag, and they should not have done the mock salutes, but at least it was an improvement over the last time. The Ravishyou is getting a little boring. I have some ideas for design detail improvements on this series.
  16. "Create your own virtual Galt's Gulch". How's that for business idea to put an Objectivist computer game on the market? The Objectivist NIOF answer to World of Warcraft, so to speak . But kidding aside, is it really desirable to live in any closed community? I'd miss the variety of people from all walks of life, and also the exchange and debates with those who don't share my views. "Create your own virtual Galt's Gulch". How's that for business idea to put an Objectivist computer game on the market? The Objectivist NIOF answer to World of Warcraft, so to speak . But kidding aside, is it really desirable to live in any closed community? I'd miss the variety of people from all walks of life, and also the exchange and debates with those who don't share my views. Exactly. This is what confronts everyone who finishes reading Atlas Shrugged. Do I want to help build, and live in, this world of first-handers and heroes?
  17. This is too much . In this holy season I thought at least you Americans would have a little restraint. Here in Canuckistan I am surrounded by smut on all sides. Recently a couple decided to have sex on the subway, and when kicked out they continued on the platform. The good old Toronto Sun posted the video on the front page. It was impossible to avoid seeing it. It is all very unnerving to a 106 year old. I can remember when they called it Toronto the Good. I suppose now it will be LubriCity. Could we all not keep it clean at least till the new year? Carol Standards upholder ps It is NOT Mike Z of the Marlies in those nude shots on the revenge porn site and he is suing.Andrea X will be paying real money, No wonder he dumped you , you petty little slut.
  18. Missed that one too. Mashed potatoes, ha. On Stuart's Hill the potatoes were fought for hand to hand long before they could ever be boiled, let alone mashed.
  19. I just watched an old ( well, they're all old) Waltons episode. My free satellite selection is very limited this month. I am still crying buckets, and not just about never getting to watch the Jets. The show was very moving. I saw very few Waltons when they were popular. My mother loved it but my father could not stand it. mostly because his family was (and still is) highly Waltonesque, partly because his name was John and he particularly detested the John-boy character (he is my least favourite also). The Stuart homestead was (still is) in the country, on top of a hill, not a mountain. They did not own the hill or hardly anything else. The house looked very like the Walton one as seen in wide shots on the TV show, the left hand wing, to be specific. That part is about the size of Chateau Stuart. Within it dwelled Dad and his seven siblings plus parents and assorted itinerant elders. Dad simply ground his teeth when the good nights and lights outs signalled the end of the show. "We didn't have to holler good night, we only had two damn bedrooms," he used to mutter. Upside, Dad and his four brothers were very close all their lives, Sadly only one brother now remains to remember their jolly joustings about whose turn to sleep at the foot of the bed. The three sisters, though, are still thriving, glorious matriarchs, and their eternal bond is beautiful to see. The episode I just watched is set in 1939 or 40. Erin's soldier boyfriend is killed by a grenade in a training accident at Fort Lee. I don't know if Dad ever saw this one. He himself lost all the skin off his face and left hand courtesy of a grenade in North Africa in 1942. Don't worry, he did not become a Mask, he was 18 at the time and regained all his skin and later was the handsomest man in St. Stephen, admittedly there was not much competition. The episode also had a funny subplot with Yancey and his farm animals (Adam alert!), a wedding, preachy-time about America entering the war, and intriguing camera shots of the only pockmarked actor I ever saw on a mainstream series.It was sugar-coated, mind-strainingly earnest, obviously written by a committee of writers who are condescending to their material. But their material transcended them. I know why this show irritated Dad so hugely, why I can't be doing with oh-s-sensitive earnest knowitall Johnboy. Things get too close for comfort. The Waltons are not real and never were, and the writers of that show were dealing in craft and cynicism and fantasy. But my tears were real, as real as their paycheques. And I think without immodesty, the market value is equal.
  20. Molyneux for all practical purposes had no parents, so he works toward a world where nobody else gets to have parents either. He's crazier than Breivik.
  21. Dear Diary, I have had to pretend I did not hear dearest Grandmamma again, when inside I was screaming, :"I don't KNOW!! She won't tell me anything! I have suggested we get one of those pregnancy test thingies and asked her how she was feeling , I have told her how beautiful and glowing she looks and all I get are brief smiles and eye-rollings and "Do you think they would lend me the Poltimore tiara for the state dinner, darling? It would look rather well with blue and it isn't too ostentatious.."the Trying is as usual, I think, but .. dash it all, I mean, if there is anything to know don't I have the right to know it? Well, constitutionally and so on, I do not have any rights at all, but when a man's own wife will not answer a simple question... Thank God for the Falklands or wherever I am going. I have a right to go there, Mrs Catherine Cambridge, and indeed a duty, and some people should think about their duty also, not naming any of their various names. I will just stand up to her and say firmly, "Kate", I will say, .... She just came into the room, must dash.. she's got on some green wrap, rather clingy...don't think I've seen it before... Later
  22. Jerry, really! You hasten to reassure us that your describing people at Russian or Jewish is not a criticism of their ethnic/religious orientation? I didn't know you were Canadian too! Haha, we're everywhere... I think that the Brandens etal were from Winnipeg. In strict geography, that is not western Canada. It is dead centre, but it would certainly be western to Hitchens, who would probably only know the east from his touring. The Jewish community of Winnipeg in the 50s and 60s was a cultural powerhouse which produced many of our most influential writers and media dominators, not unlike the Oxford U culture which shaped and remained with Hitchens. Winnipeg earlier was the centre of prairie socialism and blood-soaked labour struggles such as the General Strike. The intellectual atmosphere was strongly left-wing. It isn't too far-fetched, I think, to draw a parallel between Rand's leaving Russia and the Brandens leaving the place which was soon to make a hero of the man who brought universal free health care to Canada.
  23. Interesting. I would like to see Dr Presley's thoughts also.
  24. I think your "happy thoughts" are a sort of cognitive therapy -- we all do that kind of self-redirecting if we can. I have never been in any therapy myself but I probably should have.