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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Unlike you to be naive, Adam. How would you expect such a contract to read? "pork-barrelling services?" It would specify communications planning, historical research, strategic relationship building and blah blah blah like all contracts with unregistered lobbyists.
  2. Phil, I think you've done a great job here of explaining what's behind the small-mindedness and resistance to reality that is so often displayed by zealots like you, Pigero, Newberry, Comrade Sonia and Peikoff. I would add envy to the list. Insecurity/low self-esteem/mediocrity masquerading as self-confidence and moral righteousness. I think that many of the people in Objectivist circles who want to be seen as gurus, and who want to control others, are usually pretty lacking in abilities and accomplishments. I think they need to see themselves as real-life Roarks and Galts, and, since they're not -- since they can't produce at much more than a mediocre level -- their only option to keeping the fantasy alive is to tear down others. I think that's probably a big part of what you're all about, Phil. I think it's a big part of why Newberry needs to smear other artists and thinkers. I think it's a part of why Comrade Sonia needed to tear down Sciabarra. It's why Peikoff needed to get rid of people from Kelley to McCaskey. Envy. You're envious of those who are better thinkers and producers. J Good point about envy, it can be a strong motivator. It is one of the sneakiest of emotions and hard to detect in others or even in oneself.
  3. Yes, so were mine. I was being devil's advocate, and also technically accurate - in fact school is a place you must legally be. But I loved school really, the safety and the possibility. There is a wonderful John Updike story which encapsulates this feeling. I wish I could remember the name - it is in the "Pigeon Feathers " book, maybe even the title story. The narrator, editor of the school paper, is looking out on the snowy world outside, safe in his world inside.
  4. As I have said before and was not the first to say, there is no such thing as teaching. There is only autodidactism, and the teaching profession is a collection of techniques for faciltating/encouraging/enabling/browbeating learners/students/surly day-release scary types/sullen immigrants into absorbing facts , and techniques for absorbing facts, which they do not believe they ought to have to absorb. Look at any high school, or remember your own, and you will know I am accurate. What is the point of learning history, life started when I was born and only the future matters? Who needs to learn algebra, computers do it all nowadays? Hey I speak English, what you think? School is jail, and boarding school is prison. The personalities and abilities of the teachers are their lives and deaths, and the judgmentsof the inmates on each other can last for life Also, the sunny corridor opens into a door, leading to a huge world containing people who are not you, as you know yourself, and many people who are you as you wish yourself to be, and ultimately one person , who you will be and always were. This is the only education..
  5. I agree Tony. I know far less about this whole subject than the rest of you. But my impression is that out of the volcanic birth and history of Objectivism it is Barbara Branden who has most grown in stature and self-knowledge and , yes certainly, grace.
  6. I wouldn't worry about Newt either way. As he sings, "I got some friends I could go to workin' for".
  7. Awww indeed. So trusting. But just wait until that little birdie grows up! That looks like a loon! A beloved symbol of Canada, depicted on our better-than-yours dollar.... I have called you pervos before but I did not know the half of it. Sacrilege, interspecies sexy- time. debasing of there nothing you will not stoop to?
  8. wss, maybe you should change your avatar. We all know you were not a Vancouver rioter but newbies might get the wrong impression.
  9. I do not wish to be depressed so I have not read this thread. Somebody break it to me gently, please. Ms Brenda Lee
  10. What about when you were polygamously unnaturalized? Remember we have the tape! The Under the Skirt Blanket Underground Adam, you don't want to start in about unnatural...all-American sheep, various marine creatures, well-known NHL comentator Billy Boy Gruff... ring any bells? PS I am blissing out on Messiah just now. Apparently someone makes "the kinkoid straight and the rough places plain"...just a suggestion
  11. Here in Leafs Nation, it's a requirement under the Mental Health Act that all citizens have a second favourite team, officially titled A Team that Conceivably Might Have a Hope in Hell of ever Winning the Cup. Polygamously, I never abandoned my first love (Montreal Nonpareil, Habs of my heart) when I was naturalized, But I would hope against them with all , well most of my heart, and for the Leafs, because they've had theirs, and had it and had it, gloriously deserved as it was. We just need ours. My second fave is of course Winnipeg, since its triumphant return fast becoming Canada's Team. They saved me from total despondency last night by beating San Jose. Byfuglien even stayed out of trouble and got two assists. Love that Jaws thing that the Sharks players skate out of, though. Who's your go-to team when there's no joy in Iceville?
  12. With their depleted lineup, the Wilders stank on ice. By shootout time, I was out of Little House/Shruggeds and had to resort to throwing Xeroxes of Rand's Playboy interview duct taped to special edition gift boxes of the second season of Highway to Heaven that I brought as emergency backup. J Look on the bright side. At least you got to see an Aeros game without having to go all the way to Houston. Here you have to take out a second mortgage just to get a ticket to the Marlies.
  13. Adam, no, I hadn't heard of Cochran before your post. What a character he was! Ninth, of course you would not find RR on the net, at least not easily. Tho the days of "plain brown wrapper" are in the past, the ARI Objects for Living/ Sins of Lifestore guarantees discretion. Which is why I wish to complain about the delivery of my order. True, it was free delivery, but was it really necessary for the Fedex guy to "walk" Howard up to the door without his quarryman's outfit except for the drill? And did he need to bring fourteen "assistants" along in the van? The neighbours all pretend they didn't see it but already they've "forgotten" to invite me to Quilting'n' Quaint Quotations night at the rectory, and I fear worse is to come.
  14. Dear Emile, The above is a perfectly normal reaction. I did this the day I came home to find that my wife had removed all 17 of my Coffey posters from our bedroom. You were too easy on Wits. Your advice to her should simply have been, "Grow up, lady!" - Mother Knows Best in Michigan
  15. Wow! there's gotta be a category for this. -BOW Committee
  16. Beautiful pome. Last night was Blue Saturday for the OL bleacher screechers, for sure. Oh, Detroit did manage to squeak out a win-- but the quality teams were robbed. The Wilder are going off on a long road trip now. I got a poignant glimpse of the team being loaded into the ambulance , and two autographs from the players whose hands are not broken.
  17. Dear Emile, My boyfriend is a wonderful guy and our relationship is very good except for one area, his undershorts. He is a big hockey fan and our local team is not doing well, and he has vowed not to change his "lucky" (Ha! the team is at the bottom of the league!) shorts until they get into the playoffs. I don't say he doesn't wash them, he just won't change them. I have pointed out to him that they are "Jockey Shorts" not "Hockey Shorts."(he isn't a big reader). I have said, look, you can hardly even call them shorts anymore, they are pretty much rags. Once I suggested that he just take them off, carry them in his pocket, and go commando, but he started shrieking and went home to his mother and did not come back for two weeks. Emile, what else can I do? I've tried everything. You are my last hope. Wits' End, Columbus, Ohio Dear Wits, You poor, poor girl. In my hockey career as Assistant Equipment Manager for the Manitoba Moose I heard many, many stories similar to yours. You are not alone. I will give it to you straight. You can do nothing about the underwear, and if you keep pressing the issue you might damage the team's chances, so you must desist. The best course for your relationship is to encourage your boyfriend to pursue other interests. Hockey fandom in Columbus is an utterly lonely, misunderstood and even ridiculed pursuit, you should be more supportive of what your boyfriend goes through. And encourage him to join another group which is more mainstream and universally accepted, like an Objectivist club.
  18. Anything to take my mind off tonight's result, maybe I'll think about the Montreal coach hoo-ha. Yes, any Habs coach has to speak French. It's just a business decision for the management who are hiring. Minimum requirement. They don't have to be fluent. I don't agree that they have to be francophone. Montreal is very American friendly and an American coach, if he were bilingual, should be hired if he is the best coach available. It is ridiculous to expect an experienced anglophone coach to learn a new language on the job. If they say they can do it, they are untrustworthy from the get-go. I hope the above will influence the Canadiens management not to hire a good coach until Toronto can beat them a few times.
  19. . "On the home front I have put a new door on my shed with a small cat door with flap, on the bottom. One cat has figured out how to use it so far. I tried to push all gray 10 month old Sookie (named after the Anna Pacquin character on HBO’s “True Blood”) through it and she scratched me. I also have cats named Eric and a Bill. Ouch. It’s $125 to have them spayed or neutered. Peter" At least you could get one cat to learn something. Others are not so lucky. We had a cat , ostensibly male, who presented us with five kittens as an early Christmas present. We thought we had just been feeding him too much. Three litters later (he managed to disappear and get pregnant before we could get him to the vet) we were a permanent unsuccessful Adopt-a-Kitten site, with a rotating population of at minimun four cats in the house (the neighbour cats freeloaded at mealtimes) for at least a decade.
  20. Those Sedins are really triplets, you know. There is a huge coverup going on with shift changes, and it's just a matter of time before the scandal explodes.
  21. Peter, what great taste you have. I have loved Ian and Sylvia since first hearing. I actually saw them once, before they became really famous. I don't remember the year but it was just after their first album came out, they were touring the northeast US and the Maritimes. my dad had called from work and mentioned that they had just crossed the border and were waiting for the vehicle check, so I tore down there to gawk at them, I didn't approach them or tell them how I loved their music, of course. I was too shy and anyway it's unCanadian. I thought Ian Tyson was the handsomest man I had ever seen, and Sylvia (then Fricker, they weren't married yet) the loveliest woman. They looked to me the way their voices had sounded,a uniquely beautiful blend of masculine and the feminine.
  22. There are reports that they are thinking of abandoning the tactic "Just ignore that extra forward and he'll go away", which has not been working too well.
  23. Hold the refs families/mistresses/boyfriends/farm animals/all of the above hostage until after the game? That was tried once, but the goat chewed through the hostage room wall and got into the press box, where he bleated out the whole story. And Toronto lost on a shootout anyway.
  24. This is hilarious. The "Return to school with financial aid - do you qualify?" Ad at the top of the page has a row of pics that look just like Newt!