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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. More on the Finnish Flash, courtesy Downgoesbrown: "My wife has finally realized that the player I've been raving about is not in fact named "T. Mussolini", and I wish I were making this up."
  2. Cute as all get out, Adam. I have given in and masochistically turned on the Game Day show, to be reminded that tonight we face the best power play team around (Canucks) whereas we are, you know, not exactly the best at killing penalties. You are all smart people here, any ideas what they should try? All I could think of was, DON'T GET ANY PENALTIES.
  3. "Asking why there is something instead of nothing, while an interesting exercise, is like asking why Toronto Maples Leafs--notwithstanding many decades of unwarranted swagger and unmerited adulation from a heartbroken nation--struggle to ever defeat the Detroit Red Wings." Oh, what's the use. I am trying to divert my mind from the crucial essential cosmic issues of life, with trivia about the meaning of existence, but it's not working - back to what's really important: If we don't beat the Red Things, we might not make the p-p-p can't say it. I don't mean Detroit either. God, this universe is heavy Atlas
  4. What do you have in mind here? Don't go spoiling a nice theory for a few facts. I do have personal knowledge of somebody who fits - who became a lifelong recluse, ineffectual at earning a living, or relating to anybody. Along the way, I have read references to studies made about the inability of some geniuses to cope, or, who retreated into escapism and addiction as youngsters. Sure. But being immobilized by the realities of life, or driven to escapism and addiction, happens to (dare I say?) nearly everybody at times, and doesn't permanently affect geniuses more than anyone else.I should have added ..."to a greater incidence than the average." The way I recall it. That's without taking into account the logical - but maybe flawed - assumption that geniuses have the 'potential' to achieve more than the rest of us. Though I've been arguing against it, I think the "greater incidence than average" may be right. I am thinking of the studies which show mental illness in families of geniuses to be more common than in the families of control groups with average intelligence. Like you though, I am hopeless at remembering where I read it. Carol Not a Genius
  5. Thanks a lot Bob. If I ever decide to become an amoeba, I will keep your advice close at hand. Since I have yet to find a good answer for Why Does Existence Exist Anyway? Why is there Something instead of Nothing?,I will have to go with Ba'al on this one, striving on a good day for two out of three. And that ain't bad. Carol Protozoan.
  6. What do you have in mind here?Don't go spoiling a nice theory for a few facts. I do have personal knowledge of somebody who fits - who became a lifelong recluse, ineffectual at earning a living, or relating to anybody. Along the way, I have read references to studies made about the inability of some geniuses to cope, or, who retreated into escapism and addiction as youngsters. Sure. But being immobilized by the realities of life, or driven to escapism and addiction, happens to (dare I say?) nearly everybody at times, and doesn't permanently affect geniuses more than anyone else.
  7. I would say rather, if her expectations had been reasonable. It's because Rand was a proponent and exemplar of reason, that she gets bashed for personal actions which defy it. She could not claim to originate and embody"A Philosophy for living on Earth" without inviting comment on the way she lived on Earth.
  8. Excellent post, absolutely true. The fact that a jerk/genius has admirers who constantly enable and rationalize his jerkiness, makes the jerk's behaviour more contemptible. A genius of all people, we feel, should know bettter.
  9. How good is he at shot putting and throwing the javelin? Can he hurl the caber? And what is his batting average? Ba'al Chatzaf The caber is tossed, not hurled. The stone is curled... I've never seen evidence he could wield a broom, either
  10. You could also use this for a literature quiz - "Give example of an "unreliable narrator"--- - couldn't resist.
  11. Knowing that Jonathan will be in attendance , packing serious philosophical heat against any untruths or irrational behaviour he may encounter, I have done extensive research on tomorrow's Islander-Wilder matchup. A key finding of my exhaustive studies is that the NY lineup contains a Reasoner. Marty Reasoner. Could this be a turnaround point for a troubled group of individuals who are unacquainted with the rewards of productive achievement? Or even with the location of the other team's net? There are also rumours that their latest coach, whoever he is, is threatening to suit up and tend goal himself. But by tomorrow night he might not still be the coach so it wasn'tworth looking up his name. As league leaders, Minnesota should easily dispose of their hapless foes, yet Janet tells me you can get good odds on the Islanders to win. Because as cummings reminds us, "Nobody loses all the time."
  12. And the category question could also be, "Four of the 76 Objectivist-influenced People in Canada" First of all, Rush is a trio. Secondly, I wonder if you watched that debate, Peikoff and partner vs. socialists, from 1984? I linked it recently. That was done in Canada. There were certainly more than 76 people in the Peikoff claque that night, and their numbers can have only grown since then. Faster than Mormons, we O'ists multiply. Also, the Brandens, Peikoff, and some others in "the movement" are Canadian, at least originally. 1984 indeed. That claque were all bussed in from Buffalo. The Branden-Peikoff tribe became Americans as fast as they could, so they don't count. Sorry, I thought Rush was a quarttet. That makes it 75.
  13. I assume it would be RUSH...right? And the category question could also be, "Four of the 76 Objectivist-influenced People in Canada"
  14. Mom, can I go back on Facebook to like, defend Dad with all my clothes on?..Pleez... -Paulina I'd like to say yes, dear, but it's a solid 4 to 1 that he'd hit the roof again. -Janet
  15. I wonder how much of this is meant to be a joke. Hmmm maybe all of it? That crack about Gretzky was NOT funny .. watch your back, Counsellor! Mark Messier still in shape
  16. This is marxism. I dunno about that. She had an orange and you threw in an apple, without explanation. Also, a part of Marxism is not Marxism. The belief that there is a finite amount of work to be done and workers who are to do that work and each worker should therefore dislike qualified competition under capitalism, that is a part of marxism. It's not all of marxism, but it's part of that ideology, and one of the most important parts. And it's wrong. People like to believe it because the unemployed then becomes the victim. Sentences like "They are qualified, but there are not enough jobs." rest on this. I didn't expect to have to spell something like this out - I would have thought that everybody's marxism alarm to go through the roof on "...job market is finite...". But, at any given time, the amount of work to be done might be infinite, but the actual number of existing jobs is not. We may not be able to count them, but that does not mean they are not countable. There's nothing philosophical about it. Similarly with workers, for each job opening there are X number of applicants, plus Y number of non=applicants who are qualified - we don't count Y, but X+Y is a real number. If that viewpoint is marxist, marxism is sensible.
  17. The 11 Phoenix fans could just throw themselves onto the ice, grab sticks and probably play better than the Coyotes.
  18. OK, if your bigger than lifeness made real is bigger than the Ravishyou's, I'll take the Absolutely 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed offer on you too.
  19. I appreciate that it's out of the question to you. I believe in the opposite none the less. I even believe that human being's minds are "designed" (by natural selection) to allow lying to oneself, since total honesty, even to oneself, is harmful in the presence of hypocrites. I appreciate that it's out of the question to you. I believe in the opposite none the less. I even believe that human being's minds are "designed" (by natural selection) to allow lying to oneself, since total honesty, even to oneself, is harmful in the presence of hypocrites. What kind of hypocrites were our evolving ancestors being threatened by as they hauled themselves out of the primordial ooze and made the trek towards bipedalism?
  20. "Everywhere" was way better,and all your phony therapy will never convince me otherwise
  21. Good Gord! The league leaders Minnesota have been defeated beaten pounded faces thrust iinto the dust ok Winnipeg. It maybe wont happen again so revelling when I can
  22. Well said, Adam. Phil, if you say that tai kwon do is your preferred highroad, I will be very very disappointed. I think we are making progress here. Maybe I will get Fluffy down off the roof after all. It didn't work with Uncle Theo, but frankly his cognitive skills were inferior to Fluffy's Cats have to act as if they have nine lives, but they know that humans only have three..
  23. Nice video, but where's my lifesize 50% off Roark Raavishyou? yOU TOOK MY CREDIT CARD NUMBER!
  24. Could I intervene with my bullhorn here? I feel a little like the guy in Best of Show who could not negotiate his own son off the garage roof, but here goes. You are both longtime, passionate, committed Objedtivists with a wealth of battle scars and hard-earned self-knowledge to share. You are both deeply weird strange guys I happen to like a lot, so could you please not fight bad enough to drive each other away?Is that to much to ask? I don't ask for much, really.. ask anybody.. just a little consideration... a few dollars here and loyalty and dedication...sorry, wrong thread....