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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Since you presumed to judge and condemn my family life and personality, falsely in every detail and with no evidence, I thought a simple inquiry about facts of your own education was practically an olive branch. Sigh. I am wrong again.
  2. this is just mathematically funny in so many ways. What on earth did you major in at university? Non-fake Polls from All Time, with specialization on the verified popularity of the founding fathers, - with a minor in Euchre?
  3. Mutual, I did think your comment was lighthearted and hope I responded in kind. But of course I had to do some of my daily fulminating, just to keep my strength up.
  4. Closet collectivist! Call the Rand-Branden patrol, stat!
  5. You did learn from the anti-Trumpers, as you constantly learn from many sources, for which I admire you. But being me, of course, I wish you had learned more from studying your imagined enemies than just that! I finally get that the concept of the "loyal opposition" has no traction on the ol' Beltway. Resignedly, C.
  6. Tsk tsk J, how dare you so slyly disrespect your political ancestors of the Know-Nothing movement?
  7. Thanks for trying to help matchmake (you can't hide your soft heart, ya big lug !) but alas in vain, Naturally as soon as I found out Jules was rich I immediately proposed marriage, but I was refused in a very gentlemanly fashion on religious grounds (his brand of Objectivism prohibits him marrying anyone over 90 years his senior-- ) I am crushed, but since I have been rejected by nearly every apparently sane man on this site who seems to make a decent living, I will probably survive this latest blow from cruel fate. I only came on OL in the first place to find a rich guy, along with my bffs Xray and Deanna, and then got sucked into this politico-philosophical stuff. Now I am hooked, and it certainly is not my fault! At least what's-his-name was nice enough to say we can still be friends, Platonic friends, I mean Aristotelian.
  8. lol Rand lied quite a lot, it was part of her uniqueness. She refused to be judged by anyone but herself which was part of her humanness, because ultimately we all do that. Her philosophy was all about how we should judge ourselves, and inadverdently, she taught how to rationalize our judgments. She was a genius and still endlessly interesting to ponder, if you are into pondering.
  9. What? I just noticed this comment - where did I make my racist comments, I cant find them. Or the vicious ones either or the vile ones. Un Objectivist of course, I never claimed to be an Objectivist in the first place. Neither have you, that I know of, but if you are they are welcome to you.
  10. Most of the things you say about me really are not worth commenting on, so I don;t. but littleness, in spirit, in soul, and oh yes- in fingers -I am human after all, and yes, the old wive's tale my friends say is true - you are a worshipper of a skinflint of whom one of his closest associates called."the meanest man I ever met." He cheated both of the mothers of his children out of fair divorce settlements and was proud of it , he conned the city of NY out of millions and considered that one of his greatest triumphs, He is now in the process of conning you and the gullible others out of your irreplaceable heritage of freedom and reason, and you are loving it. Enjoy.
  11. Holey moley, who woulda thunk? Hey remember who liked you when they thought you were poor! Still poor but proud, C.
  12. Almost right. Dont know about the others, but Hitler had shamefully compliant religious leaders, and Pope Pius's role is still contentious. But Dietrich Bonhoffer, that shining light. I stress that this is just an impression. I have no facts I have looked up; But I see Merkel as a spiritual daughter of his, and as a fine representative of his legacy.
  13. Satan Claus is Coming to Town, has now officially displaced former champion Headless Body in Topless Bar, as the best headline ever written. I still cant see well enough to delete all the other preceding stuff here and let the quote stand alone in its glory, but imagine a huge Comedy Tonight mask emoji dominating the screen.
  14. Me too, not that I was wee, and Shogun was my alltime fave, and the TV series was wonderful. That and Braveheart were the perennial top re-watches for the lad I read and watched with. (Whom I only met because work dried up in Calgary and he had to move east, so thank you, Alberta!)
  15. Dearest cousin Michael, we are both right. And wrong too, but that is life. Hopefully, C,
  16. I disagree that Candace Owens and Ann Coulter are minorities, as they are both in high esteem with the reigning government pundits , I am a bigot against them, as I disagree with their political views, and have found their wrtten words to be untrustworthy, and will not trust their words until I find them truthful again.
  17. Dear Diary, several kind friends have shared photos of me and my head, from my recent visit to the Middle East. from which I have the implication that I and mu head are two separate entities/ All very funny but looking at that photo, my head does look alarmingly large. As if there were another, smaller head atop it. I consulted with the family.. "Looks like a good plot of herbs to harvest -- remember when Pa got his hair transplanted?" guffawed Harry. "Bald men are the sexiest men" whispered Meghan. "And with more room to be bald, the better the balder, you know?" "No doubt your head does look large there". said Dearest K in here bracing way. "It simply shows all the room you have in there for your brains, darling! Or, you know-- all the room you have in there, anyway." I feel comforted, I think. Ich dien, William
  18. Marc, turn on brain! Here you live where journalists are fairest and best. Candace Owens is an American Internet opportunist who has never done an honest day's journalistic work in her life, and who turned her political coat when she saw better personal prospects elsewhere. If you admire her I am ashamed of you. She aspires to be the new Ann Coulter, a truly degrading aspiration. ps, that is spelled "Hear, hear". Sorry, can't help it, compulsive editor.
  19. This is good, but I still like the episode where he realized he still had 2 minutes airtime to fill and was obvious;y exhausted. He worked himself up to hating on Hillary for her evilness and ugliness, and then he collapsed back in his custom-made ergonomic chair in his million-dollar studio, attended by his laviahly-paid toady, and cried weakly, "I want freedom!" Definitely a classic.
  20. Missed this but yes! As an Anglican I regularly am in touch with "the communion of saints" ( did you know the definition of saints has at least 2 meanings?) Also I feel somewhat qualified to channel Rand, whom I would never have dared to come near when she was living, and I would rather not be haunted by her now that she isn't. I play the gender card which I have never done before, and you in your fairness will attest. I feel I have an insight which our male members do not have because they are not females.
  21. Soy beans are so emotive to me! My Eddie was the union president at Victory Soya Mills on the Toronto Lakeshore, surviving (and winning) his battle with with the new American management and leading 2 strikes - but as he said, nobody wins a strike. The Confederates picked up their marbles and went home. Personally I do not like soybean taste much although it is a very useful oil.
  22. lol and you sure never will. He made sure to avoid sacrificing his precious hide and tender feet pro patria mori many times , despite his prized military school training, which equipped him admirably for his business life of bullying, blustering and bluffing.
  23. ;lol my middle sight is still all blurred but my long sight is amazing. I I had no idea I was so nearly blind, I must have been a public menace. As to my psychic abilities, I think they are developing nicely thank you. Along with my feminine intuitions about AR and her beliefs about the correlation between outer beauty and inner integrity. And as Jonathandsaid it would depend on her mood at the time. Even thoiugh J has decided to despise me, he is so often right on nonpolitical things.y
  24. Actually I tend to agree with you on this, but there are other factors of her fascinating personality- I can't decide. We know she would not vote for a woman, as she stated. But still what if it were Sarah Palin instead of McCain against Obama> ? Could she have adjusted her thinking?