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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Weirdly, it seems to indicate the defense position. Sandusky's lawyer is saying that "it makes no sense" that fine upstanding men like Paterno, Curley and the other guy, would ever hear of a child rape and do nothing. Therefore McQueary must be lying about telling them he saw it. McQueary is the bad guy, and Penn State the victim. You could not make this stuff up. McQueary could be lying. He could be "queer." Based on his statement, he is, basically a piece of dog feces. He could, and he is. But it is hard to believe that those now 10 boys are lying, or that McQ, Joe "I wish I had done more" Paterno, and many, many ore whose names we will never know, did not close their eyes to the ugly little squashed blob on their ighty, shiny football machine.
  2. Weirdly, it seems to indicate the defense position. Sandusky's lawyer is saying that "it makes no sense" that fine upstanding men like Paterno, Curley and the other guy, would ever hear of a child rape and do nothing. Therefore McQueary must be lying about telling them he saw it. McQueary is the bad guy, and Penn State the victim. You could not make this stuff up.
  3. Apparently he wore a Penn State tracksuit to his arraignment.
  4. Good news indeed, for the children at risk from him while he was free. Did you see his NYT interview? His aw-shucks boyish enthusiasm about being attracted to young people- he couldn't even remember to say it wasn't a sexual attraction, even though his lawyer was prompting him from the sidelines? He is either the dumbest, or most entitled-feeling, or the deepest-denying serial rapist ever exposed. Of course, he was a great defensive coach. They must miss him on the practice field, if not in the showers.
  5. On behalf of my fellow dragoons, welcome to OL. Patience! A female lady woman person! Yesss! Carol could easily pass for 93 in the dusk with the light behind her
  6. Phil: Perhaps you misunderstood, you would have to pay us, the promoters of the match, for the "exposure" on the pay for view event. Adam Capitalist Pig Yet another of Adam's attempts to get Angela naked, this time cunningly disguised as a business proposition. Well... the youth of Athens used to wrestle naked in the palaestra before trooping off to listen to Socrates. It might revive an interest in philosophy unrivalled since the Python soccer match.
  7. Yet it argues a point I was making! I didn't know that etymology but to me persuasion - the winning of the heart and mind - involves more thqn the rational. Convincing involves winning debates. Very few people change their minds, let alone offer up their souls, because they lose debates, or even hear others lose debates. As ND said, the initial Christian persuasion was laced with magic, hearsay, strongarm tactics and urgency, The little Cult that Could.
  8. Christianity started as a reform movement within Judaism, so it had an institutional foundation from the very beginning, most notably the Greek speaking synagogues in Jersusalem. Christianity also had a hierarchical structure of authority from its inception. Peter, James, and John were the three "pillars" (as Paul called them), and during the 40s, "James emerged as undisputed ruler of the church" (W.H.C. Frend, The Rise of Christianity, p. 88). As Frend makes clear, Christianity didn't start out with a bunch of unconnected individuals in search of converts: Ghs Yes, Christianity is at root a Jewish heresy, but that it became so much more within relatively short historical time, is the phenomenon we are looking at here. The synagogues were there to be preached in but so were the marketplaces. (Modern America has its synagogues, the universities which Peikoff etal have been storming fruitlessly for decades.} I agree that the primacy of leadership is crucial. What would Oism have been with successors as charismatic as Rand?( I do not think NB could have filled that role, split or no split.) Also there is the bond-strengthening tie of martyrdom - anathema to Obbjectivists.
  9. Offtopic, but as to religions Ba'hai is one of the best. Anyone seen the amazing new Lotus Temple in India (architect a Canadian)? Carol getting over the flu and feeling grateful for more than own immune system
  10. George and Phil are both on point here. To spread and grow the movement, the infrastructure of churches had to be established. But first enough people had to be persuaded, and stay persuaded. That is what happened with the first two generations of evangelists, who personally transmitted a revolutionary message - not only to the monotheists who might be more receptive, but stunningly, to the pagans who had to renounce an entire worldview and culture (it was the pagan intellectuals who saw most clearly how Christianity would destroy the classical world). In the beginning it was the message itself which mattered , Personally I do not think Objectivism could duplicate this feat, for a variety of reasons. One of these is that the message, in the 21st century, is just not revolutionary enough. It does not offer a "new heaven and a new earth". Jesus' only real commandment to his followers was "Lo ve one another as you have loved me." Ayn Rand's was "Love yourself as I have loved myself." To do this properly you need to go to a whole whackload of lectures. The new Christians could just get on with loving their neighbours, the Gnostics got quite carried away with it. Jesus founded his church on a man, Peter. Rand founded hers upon a speech in a book. To me this is a barrier to the ideas spreading from person to person. Persuasion and devotion to an ideal will always contain an element of the irrational.
  11. I meant that you should not be doing those things if you want to be "remembered." Hmmm... Are you clicking the "sign out" button before leaving? If so, you shouldn't be doing that either if you want to stay logged in. J Nope. Tis a puzzlement. I used to stay logged in before, but not now, doing all the same things.
  12. Yes, it is checked but I still don't get remembered and have to sign in again everytime. Are you resetting your browser, clearing cookies, deleting temporary files, etc., between visits to OL? If so, that's probably the problem. J No, I am not doing those things - do you mean I should be doing them and that would fix it?
  13. Yes, it is checked but I still don't get remembered and have to sign in again everytime.
  14. Carol: Have you ever listened to him for two (2) consecutive weeks? [10 days x 3 hours = 30 hours, 1800 minutes, actually without the commercials, 1200 minutes]. A simple yes or no works. Adam Cumulatively on long car trips I have listened to him for , say, two hours. Felt like much longer,
  15. Carol: I always found this piece of "history" amusing, Rush Limbaugh explained the following : How many of you believe that we actually swindled Indians when we bought Manhattan from them?I've always thought that 'til I read this book.It's called Commissioner Roosevelt:The Story of Theodore Roosevelt and the New York City Police, 1895 to 1897, by H. Paul Jeffers.And here is the relevant paragraph: "A persuasive case can be made that the city of New York began with a swindle.For generations school children have been taught that a slick trick was played on unsuspecting Indians by the director of the Dutch West India Company, Peter Minuit.In 1626 he purchased the island of 'Manna-hatin' for sixty gilders worth of trinkets, about twenty-four dollars.What Minuit did not know at the time, however, was that his masterful real estate deal had been struck with the Canarsie tribe, residents of Long Island; they held no title to the land they sold to the Dutch. In due course, the intruders from Amsterdam who thought they had pulled a sharp one on the locals were forced into negotiating a second, more costly deal with the true landlords."So it was the Indians that pulled the real estate scam when they sold Manhattan because the ones that sold it didn't own it. We got taken. I have to straighten all of this out on this type of show on this day. And this set the stage for the revenge! Remember the Maine! Hell, remember the Canarsie! Adam chuckling, tucking and rolling from incoming fire from the North Oh, Adam, you don't still listen to Limbaugh do you? You were making so much progress! Carol Staunch within the Library Yurt
  16. soft sculptured dolls unlimited A sample: If this is what George has in mind, I can get an estimate and we can send around the collection plate. If there were specific anatomical elements you wanted, George, please indicate. Cripes! Cousin Letty -- what are you doing here?
  17. I'm wondering: What do you think about Rand's argument that no land could have been stolen from American natives as they had no concept of private property? She said that? "It's OK to steal from somebody as long as they don't realize it's stealing"?? Was that one of those off the cuff answers? I know she said some loopier things, but this is a new one on me.
  18. But personal vitriol dims the lustre. Daunce: I happen to agree, for the most part. But then again, and as merely one example, I have managed go the entirety of my OL (and online and real-life) existence without calling someone a "cunt", so let's just say our friend Phil (sometimes) gives as well as he (sometimes) gets. Yes, Jonathan likes to slap Phil to sleep and then slap him for sleeping, it is true, but those episodes are mostly well-deserved comedic asides to the main thrust of Phil-dominated threads. Our generous host MSK has subtly diagnosed what is "really" going on with Phil-dominated threads and has dissected their entirely predictable arc. MSK's analysis is, as they say in the business, "dead nuts." For the connoisseur, following the MSK-diagnosed predictive arc is the true joy of reading a Phil-dominated thread anyway. Being a sensitive, hockey-loving soul like yourself, I have felt the occasional pang of sympathy for Phil in such situations, but the feeling passes away soon enough, sort of like a case of mild heartburn. I am afraid you have to just ride it out. If you are subject to occasional bouts of sympathy I hope you have read my Toronto SOS. We are under attack from our Mayor, our local tab the Sun which has declared war against all public art,and the rest of Canada like usual.Please send warm blankets and a goaltender.
  19. But can't you just stay logged in? That way you don't have to remember anything...path of least resistance etc. No, that's the thing. There used to be a "keep me signed in" box but since I got reconnected it has disappeared.
  20. You did not extend greetings to the bad people of OL. Quite right and proper. Still, we are hurt.
  21. Great to see you are practicing your Inuktikut. Wish all the brothers had your dedication! ISS Nanook
  22. Well, you are wrong. We think they are vibrant with profound postmodern echoes, and we will think so anytime we write anything lame.
  23. I think the login process on the forum would be made easier by adding a box for "I've forgotten my name." Not username,