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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. The kinder, gentler rebranding of this popular podcast has already paid off in a big way, as the quality of questions and answers, already high, is consistently excellent. A few examples from the current question queue: Is it immoral to tie somebody else's tie for them, although they are physically and intellectually capable of learning to tie it themselves? Not a bow tie just a regular necktie. How can the irrationality of a Minimum Driving Age be explained to people who have not read Galt's speech? Are Obama's cufflinks a significant symbol of his marxism? How do you persuade someone that a metal bracelet has more intrinsic value than an orchid? Can somebody help me with my psych paper? If you really like a girl but you pretend to your friends that she is just OK, are you being dishonest? Should Objectivists sanction proms by going to them? Please answer by next Friday, TIA!
  2. Loved the ninja cat -- a dead ringer for our dear departed Whiskers. Since many of her amazing leaps from unknown locations landed on our heads, the video introduction, "From a Modern Master of Psychological Terror", was totally appropriate.
  3. If onlyJohn O'Hara were alive and writing today. No one could have rendered this sordid tragedy into art as he could have. He knew Pennsylvania, and the daily intersections of taught morality, self-interest and self-image -- college football too. Cynical lapsed Catholic, chip-on-the-shoulder shoulda-been Yalie, he could have looked on all this and unlike most of us, not looked away.
  4. I don't think the Bests are very good this week. It makes me think of the couple times the Chopin competition jury has not awarded a first prize. Imagine coming in second that year! Normally, if you come in second it means you could have come in first, like Mitsuko Uchida losing to Krystian Zimerman one year, they both went on to big careers, no biggee, right? But when the jury comes back saying no one's worthy of first place, I mean ugh... I don't think the Bests are very good this week. It makes me think of the couple times the Chopin competition jury has not awarded a first prize. Imagine coming in second that year! Normally, if you come in second it means you could have come in first, like Mitsuko Uchida losing to Krystian Zimerman one year, they both went on to big careers, no biggee, right? But when the jury comes back saying no one's worthy of first place, I mean ugh... Yes, the Committee considered this precedent when pondering whether to have a "Sexiest Objectivist Man Alive" category.
  5. Tut tut, je suis désolé, nein nein. New Testament scholars nowadays generally don't believe that Paul wrote the Timothy epistles, and believe that the part in 1 Corinthians is a later interpolation. Otherwise, 'splain me this, why is it that earlier in 1 Corinthians Paul specifies that when women are speaking during a service, they should have their heads covered? Why bother, when later on he says women aren't allowed to speak at all? The scribes must have shipped their manuscripts to Denmark to impart such a rotten smell on them. Oh well, if you're going to get all "the real Paul this" and "the real Paul that". We'll never allocate all the intellectual property in either testament with certainty. I'm going by what was written under his name, and stayed written.
  6. I don't think the Bests are very good this week. It makes me think of the couple times the Chopin competition jury has not awarded a first prize. Imagine coming in second that year! Normally, if you come in second it means you could have come in first, like Mitsuko Uchida losing to Krystian Zimerman one year, they both went on to big careers, no biggee, right? But when the jury comes back saying no one's worthy of first place, I mean ugh... Disagree! They are the best Bests that have ever appeared. You are obviously biased for your own twisted reasons. Pityingly, Diana, Paul and Negative
  7. This is so great. Sounds good to me. <div style="background-color:#000000;width:368px;"><div style="padding:4px;"><embed src="" width="360" height="293" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" base="." flashVars=""></embed><p style="text-align:left;background-color:#FFFFFF;padding:4px;margin-top:4px;margin-bottom:0px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:12px;"><b><a href="">Conjoined Fetus Lady</a></b><br/>Get More: <a style="display: block; position: relative; top: -1.33em; float: right; font-weight: bold; color: #ffcc00; text-decoration: none" href="">SOUTH<br/>PARK</a><a href="">more...</a></p></div></div> The conjoined fetus lady is not available. Sorry, guys. There is a God.
  8. I did not read this thread, the title just came up on the online list or I would never have noticed it. But I just have to say.... That topic title really says it all.
  9. Really? What are your sources? His epistles elevating faith above works. Jesus was practical as many Jews are. Doing was more important than contemplating or believing. The belief is in the doing. Paul preached against that. Ba'al Chatzaf Yet he was atavistic in restricting the role of women back to the Jewish model. Women had been doing too much of the works and getting too much authority in the infant church until Paul came along to put them in their place.
  10. Wherever the balls are in the public education system here, there are plenty in our national symphony orchestra, as they proved on Thursday when, as an NAC spokesman told media, "They will be performing with their scores but without their clothes." I told you the Canadian classical music scene is world class. These dedicated cultural warriors are intrepid in bringing Rimsky- Korsakoff and Borodin to the length and breadth of our country. In this case Charlottetown, PEI. I wonder if the women's champion field hockey team were in the audience.
  11. Ah, the perfect gender feminist agenda: a zero balls policy Yes, a nation of subserviate eunichs will make these malecreants ecstaticly happy until the hordes of barbarians start closing in, but then there will be no one with the courage to stand a watch and keep them able to be free to be the lunatics they are! Adam wondering who will teach these idiots how to duck Here writes an obvious product of private or self education. ) Not the misspellings (malecreants is clearly deliberate and very good) but the fact that you failed to successfully feign bad spelling through overconfidence. You used the correct horde. Carol not born yesterday
  12. He comprehends with the poet's heart, and "downward bends his burning eye / on mysteries so bright." LC has always been steeped in religion one way or another. And he's a Montrealer. His novel Beautiful Losers centres (if there is a centre) on Catherine Tekakwitha, the first Huron saint. He's a Buddhist now and has to keep touring at his age because his ex manager (female of course) stole all his money. "Until the sea shall free them" is the most haunting line for me. Pure Cohen. Contrast Mordecai Richler, who hated his rabbinical rearing and became, as one character says to another in and early novel' "just another goddam Jewish atheist."
  13. Wasn't Jesus "a very Jewish Jew"? --Brant Of his time I would say not very. Caiaphas didn't think so anyway.
  14. I don't know, I don't think it lives up to the hype. I've been down here all night and I haven't seen one flower yet. - Suzanne And it is this type of post that makes her an OL treasure... One of my all time favorite songs, unfortunately by a Canadian who cannot sing, Leonard Cohen, but one of my all time favorite voices, Judy Collins, slightly worn by age, provides a great rendition: Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river You can hear the boats go by You can spend the night beside her And you know that she's half crazy But that's why you want to be there And she feeds you tea and oranges That come all the way from China And just when you mean to tell her That you have no love to give her Then she gets you on her wavelength And she lets the river answer That you've always been her lover And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that she will trust you For you've touched her perfect body with your mind. great line And Jesus was a sailor When he walked upon the water And he spent a long time watching From his lonely wooden tower {beautiful} And when he knew for certain { section} Only drowning men could see him He said "All men will be sailors then Until the sea shall free them" But he himself was broken Long before the sky would open Forsaken, almost human He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone And you want to travel with him And you want to travel blind And you think maybe you'll trust him For he's touched your perfect body with his mind. Now Suzanne takes your hand And she leads you to the river She is wearing rags and feathers From Salvation Army counters And the sun pours down like honey On our lady of the harbour And she shows you where to look damn can this man write lyrics Among the garbage and the flowers There are heroes in the seaweed There are children in the morning They are leaning out for love And they will lean that way forever While Suzanne holds the mirror And you want to travel with her And you want to travel blind And you know that you can trust her For she's touched your perfect body with her mind. Judy's voice is a little strained, but I literaly get harmonic tingles up my spine when I hear her sing...beautiful. Great catch Carol... Adam Back at ya. I agree with your assessment of LC's vocal skills. That's why I think Halleluia is so good - even when he sings it himself, it stays a great song.
  15. BEST OF THE WEEK SPECIAL EDITION THE ***HOTTIE!!!***AWARDS First category is Hottest Couple. And the nominees are : ** Dr. Paul Hsieh and Dr. Diana Mertz-Hsieh, Noodlefood ** Lindsay Perigo and Whatshisname, you know that guy, the only other person who ever posts on SOLOP And the winner is... DR PAUL AND....we are tired of writing all that out. We'll just call them Fred and Ethel for a while. Congratulations you two. Keep steaming up the philosophical action! Sexiest Objectivist Woman Alive Award In a stunning upset, Dr. Diana "Ethel" etc. has beaten out Ayn Rand and the four other Objectivist women for this coveted trophy for the first time ever. Analysts speculate that pivotal voters were swayed by rumours, believed to emanate from the Mertz camp, that Ayn Rand is not actually technically alive. HOTTEST NEWBIE Negative Meat Popsicle, Objectivist Living What can we say? Ironic, edgy, sizzling cool. The whole package.
  16. Delighted at the progressive actions at Earl Beatty. My classroom is in the basement and the book locker is in the gym, going back and forth to it I am frequently hit in the head by basketballs thrown with force by large men. I shall be actively pursuing a Zero Balls Tolerance agenda for anywhere (not just schools) I go or ever might happen to go. Tragedies can be averted, if we all work together. On the upside, my wrist shot has improved considerably.
  17. I don't know, I don't think it lives up to the hype. I've been down here all night and I haven't seen one flower yet. - Suzanne
  18. Hello boys. I was just away thinking for a while. Not because anyone made me!!!... I decided to do it all by myself. Mikee, I have no objection to regular religiosex based swearing, it can be quite the art form. SEE, Jonathan, I am not totally prudish, just 90%. In fact Trailer Park Boys is my top favourite show. Big Ricky fan. I am not speaking to Adam. He has bashed Toronto one too many times. We have enough bashers right here in Toronto without foreign intervention.
  19. Have any of you heard, or read, any statements that Sandusky is a homosexual? Just veiled hints that he was "shy with girls" and totally focused on football in high school. His mother set him up with his future wife.
  20. Sandusky's defense strategy appears to be, "Look at all the kids this man didn't rape. There are literally millions of them."
  21. Brant has a much better answer than mine. My answer is whether a person asking that question has a child or whether he is a college ethics professor with no children. My feelings about a mind that can pose such a question shall be kept extremely private, but trust me Bach boy, you do not want to hear them. As an aside, it was just announced that Joe Paterno has lung cancer, and I certainly hope he recovers and my best wishes go out to him and his family. Adam I am not afraid of what you think of me, so go ahead, do your worst. I didn't see Brant's answer. but if you are including him in your gauntlet toss, you might want to be a little afraid. He's armed you know.
  22. I told you JP would soon become too frail to answer any awkward questions in some uncomfortable place! maybe the lawyers can keep getting stalls until he hits the century mark. I.m just waiting for Sandusky to start spending all his cutrate bail time getting counselliing with his pastor. He will be photographed. in public clutching a Bible at all times Carol not smug
  23. Brant has a much better answer than mine. My answer is whether a person asking that question has a child or whether he is a college ethics professor with no children. My feelings about a mind that can pose such a question shall be kept extremely private, but trust me Bach boy, you do not want to hear them. As an aside, it was just announced that Joe Paterno has lung cancer, and I certainly hope he recovers and my best wishes go out to him and his family. Adam I did not infer from the question that Cariad thinks child rape is the same as raping an adult. It seemed more a question about degrees of wrongness, the area where ethics meet law.All crimes, are by definition unethical. The penalties for crimes are determined in part by the degree of harm to the victim and the outrage to society. Sex crimes, according to SVU, are especially heinous, and child sex crimes the most heinous of all. The victim can reasonably be expected to suffer the longest aftereffects because they will live the longest. Society instinctively revolts most strongly against these subhuman acts. I admire that you can feel some sympathy for Paterno. I can't, except as a cancer sufferer, if he really has it. I do feel sorry for his wretched family whose lives he has ruined. They are innocent too. I take back the cancer sympathy too. My father and my husband both died of lung cancer, at ages 60 and 58. Unlike P they were lookiing forward to retirement but they never made it. King Joe does not deserve to be in their company.
  24. Brant has a much better answer than mine. My answer is whether a person asking that question has a child or whether he is a college ethics professor with no children. My feelings about a mind that can pose such a question shall be kept extremely private, but trust me Bach boy, you do not want to hear them. As an aside, it was just announced that Joe Paterno has lung cancer, and I certainly hope he recovers and my best wishes go out to him and his family. Adam I did not infer from the question that Cariad thinks child rape is the same as raping an adult. It seemed more a question about degrees of wrongness, the area where ethics meet law.All crimes, are by definition unethical. The penalties for crimes are determined in part by the degree of harm to the victim and the outrage to society. Sex crimes, according to SVU, are especially heinous, and child sex crimes the most heinous of all. The victim can reasonably be expected to suffer the longest aftereffects because they will live the longest. Society instinctively revolts most strongly against these subhuman acts.