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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. In related news, the King James Version abovementioned, 400 years young, is at #4 on Yahoo "trending now", just below Demi and Ashton. Maybe the end really is nigh.
  2. They would start by exposing the fundamental evil of the cheesemakers.
  3. Down here in the garbage pile where they say Objectivism Truly Is. Trying to be of service to others, where help is most needed--and I thought Adam was making progress, will I ever learn, pass the soap is all I can say-- misunderstood, gettiing my goats purloined, having false memories implanted by shady doctors--I have no prejudice against foreign-trained professionals but that diploma was not from an American university or even an Earth one-- if you think rolling around in detritus with the likes of them is my idea of fun, just don't say anything, OK?
  4. Sizeable portion? I always thought you girls were thin... (ducking...) Michael Sizeableness --does it matter, really? Carol (weaving)
  5. I don't think so.. Belinda was the politician herself... I guess there would be no parallel. I thought Huffington was married to the gay governor. Did she marry Kerry later?
  6. Feeding a troll doesn’t make you a troll. Sounds like a challenge. Now I’m going to have to come up with something to get your goat deliberately. Michael, he means it! Four goats have disappeared from here already and everybody suspects me...he's cunning. Beware!
  7. Mikee, I think I love you. Use the word "horticulture"in a sentence. I dare you. Yours forever, Cqrol "Yours forever"??? Then BARELY an hour later "Tony I think I love you the most" Goes to show, you can lead a horticulture but she's still a fickle bitch. Um, the ability to hold two equal opposite ideas in your mind is an indication of something or other. Greatness! That's it! Not fickleness or anything, I'm pretty sure. Carol still thirsty and wondering why
  8. Go to your corner, Adam. Now The Pun Patroll will make sure you stay there.
  9. Michael, on the behalf of a sizeable portion of the OL female community, we wish to object to your characterization of our activities as trollish when we are merely social networking, luring and encouraging trolls when in fact we were being friendly and nonjudgmental, and feeding trolls when we were just being kind to dummb animals. As we always are! Huffily. Daunce and X
  10. Those theories come from those observations, yes. [EDIT: Actually most of them only what I called the primary cause, the wealth/apart/selfish bit.] Which is probably why you believe... John, Your above typical quote exemplifies that you are a debater, possibly a chess player,second and third guessing your interlocutor, alert for body language and catchword clues...for a layabout hypocrite, a brownie point seeker (fat chance for them around here), for a sloppy thinker who will not stay on the rigid road. You may have noticed I am no debater, and (you expected a" but" there , didn't you?) although there are many world-class debaters here, and many genuinely illuminating and fascinating debates have taken place. along with equally so feuds and riveting quarrels, the main thing that goes on here is conversation, a winding river of living water. Relax. Carol just felt like butting in
  11. </p><p>I'd say don't bother, the theory has been fleshed out <a href="">here</a> and <a href="">here</a>.</p> <p> </p> <div id="-chrome-auto-translate-plugin-dialog" style="opacity: 1 !important; background-image: initial !important; background-attachment: initial !important; background-origin: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important; background-color: transparent !important; padding-top: 0px !important; padding-right: 0px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; padding-left: 0px !important; margin-top: 0px !important; margin-right: 0px !important; margin-bottom: 0px !important; margin-left: 0px !important; position: absolute !important; top: 0px; left: 0px; overflow-x: visible !important; overflow-y: visible !important; z-index: 999999 !important; text-align: left !important; display: none; background-position: initial initial !important; background-repeat: initial initial !important; "> <div style="max-width: 300px !important;color: #fafafa !important;opacity: 0.8 !important;border-color: #000000 !important;border-width: 0px !important;-webkit-border-radius: 10px !important;background-color: #363636 !important;font-size: 16px !important;padding: 8px !important;overflow: visible !important;background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, right bottom, color-stop(0%, #000), color-stop(50%, #363636), color-stop(100%, #000));z-index: 999999 !important;text-align: left !important;"> <div class="translate"> </div> <div class="additional"> </div> </div> <img onclick="document.location.href='';" src="" style="position: absolute !important; z-index: -1 !important; right: 1px !important; top: -20px !important; cursor: pointer !important;-webkit-border-radius: 20px; background-color: rgba(200, 200, 200, 0.3) !important; padding: 3px 5px 0 !important; margin: 0 !important;" /></div> trilingual are you now? Showoff.
  12. And watches the big men fight. cock fighting Why aren't they wearing their team jerseys? I can't tell who to root for. The one on the right looks kinda like Tie Domi. Never knew about this dude... Hockey Goon Tie Domi Tie Domi was born on November 1, 1969 in Windsor, Ontario. Growing up, his favourite hockey player was Dave "Tiger" Williams. Tie played his major junior hockey with the Peterborough Petes of the Ontario Hockey League (OHL). The Toronto Maple Leafs drafted him the 2nd round, 27th overall in the 1988 NHL entry draft. After playing a season with the Newmarket Saints of the American Hockey League, Domi got his first taste of the NHL in 1990 and played in 2 games for the Maple Leafs. He was then traded along with with Mark Laforest to the New-York Rangers for Greg Johnston. He spent a couple of seasons in the Rangers organization, establishing himself as an NHL enforcer. In December 1992 he was traded to the Winnipeg Jets with Kris King for Ed Olczyk. Domi was a fan favourite in Winnipeg, never hesitant to take on fighters much bigger than him. In 1995 he was sent back to the team that drafted him. The Jets traded him to the Maple Leafs for Mike Eastwood and a draft pick. Tie now became the fan favouite in Toronto, providing much needed protection for skilled players like Doug Gilmour and Mats Sundin. The 5"10 left winger has tangled with several heavyweights including Bob Probert, Mike Peluso, Sandy McCarthy, Rob Ray, Georges Laraque, Gino Odjick and Andre Roy. His stay in Toronto has also included several incidents that have landed Domi in some hot water. His elbow to the head of Scott Niedermayer in a playoff series with the New Jersey Devils and his altercation with a Philadelphia Flyers while in the penalty box lead to suspensions. After the recent lock out, Domi was a free agent and was wooed by several teams including the Pittsburgh Penguins. He has instead decided to stay with the Toronto Maple Leafs for the couple of years. Tie Domi currently sits 3rd all time in career NHL penalty minutes with 3406. Domi's NHL career has likely come to an end as he was bought out by the Leafs in the summer of 2006. You don't know the half of it! He isn't as dumb as he looks. That honour would go to his brother Dash Domi whose sole source of income was influence peddling in his brothers name and getting caught numerous times on camera (he thought the camera part would get him a better movie deal)....the brains in the family seem to have devolved on Tie's son who is a truly talented and promising forward/. Tie also had an affair with Belinda Stronach ex...MP, Canadian version of Paris Hilton crossed with... I just can't think of an American cross.. heiress politicians who are upfront about their normal social lives? Anybody? Help me out here.
  13. Sorry Ps! Tony as the firsthander I think I love you the most. More.Whatever.
  14. Mikee, I think I love you. Use the word "horticulture"in a sentence. I dare you. Yours forever, Cqrol
  15. Job interview, 2003 Hi, nice to meet you. You too, gee, great office....see you got Coach on the wall there. Yes Coach Paterno is a strong symbol of inspiration to all of us here at Penn State. And there's coach Jerry too.. never could understand why he won't be carrying on... He loved the kids more . You have to go where your heart is. I'm getting choked up.. It's OK son, we all feel that. iIt's the great strength of Penn State. Yes it is Sir.I truly believe that. Then we understand each other. Now, we're here about the Assistant Professor job..Philosophy.. I know you have fine qualifications. Yessir I do,I don't mean to blow my own horn but the coaches believe in me. And the hours wouldn't conflict with the team practice schedule, pep rallies, away weekends or volunteer work (good for you!)? Nosir, I believe thqt can all be worked out.. they're going to help me till I find my feet.. in those ethics parts that I need to work on. Well, we would expect nothing less from those guys... here's the contract. Is that spelled M-C-Q-U.....?
  16. And watches the big men fight. cock fighting Why aren't they wearing their team jerseys? I can't tell who to root for. The one on the right looks kinda like Tie Domi.
  17. Deathbed utterances: Hunter S. Thompson: I'm through trying to screw money out of f***!!!&&**ing Jann Wenner. -the Onion
  18. You will have noted that ND does not depict his heroes like that. They are warm and sociable.
  19. MOMMEEE! DADDEEEE! Michael grabbed my new troll and threw him inna garbage and we wasn't through playing with him yet!
  20. Which writers? ~ Shane Erika Holzer’s Eye for an Eye and Robert Bidinotto’s Hunter are probably the examples she’s thinking of. But why not include Ira Levin and James Clavell in the category of “Objectivist-influenced”? BTW, I can’t help thinking that this “goof” is in fact a publicity stunt. It sure has people talking! The authors I read, Terry Goodkind and Nicholas Dykes, were pretty damned good at their books. But, that is my opinion. Terry Goodkind does have revenge subplots, such as when Kahlan goes into her Con Dar (not all instances are vengeful, but there are one or two). But his approaches are far from being revenge novels. Nicholas's book is a "guide to happiness" fiction, and I don't recall any revenge there. Although it's slanted more towards anarchistic points of view, the plots are extremely tame. Suffice to say, it's hard to nail down that "Objectivist-influenced fiction writers produce competent revenge fantasies, nothing more." Just sounds like stereotyping. Hence the question for specific authors ;) ~ Shane Shane, how did you miss the gleeful humiliation of the trespassers of Galt's Gulch West, or the triumphant foiling of stereotyped cops and officials in Scotland, or indeed the instant financial success of Jaques at age 18? Plus, he also gets to go to Oxford. Pure revenge, Dykes style. I did not know that Clavell was Oinfluenced, I loved Shogun and very much enjoyed the Jardine novels. Don't know of the first two to comment, however, I cannot argue the point of Jaques being well off. I'm guessing that implies revenge against the system. I'm working with you. But do you really consider the entire novel as being revenge? That's what I got from your first statement. I see pieces of revenge, not the whole puzzle being revenge. ~ Shane No, I certainly don't consider it revenge novel, and in fact ONTGH was not even in my mind when I made my comment. I was thinking of the genre thriller stuff. The Guide is just that, a detailed guide to Nick's own brand of anarchocapitalism, throughout which he exercises his authorial privilege of wreaking justice on his real life enemies from time to time. It is a tour de force. He might not be entirely satisfied with that description, but upon consulting his principles I don't suppose he would mind the free plug, Also I was thinking of the stories that turn up on Oist creative writing boards , the template being: "Look at me, not that I care if you are looking or not. I am unique, free, unconquerable. I am not looking at you...I vaguely sense that you are many, drab, hunched, slack jawed with awe at my dazzling physical beauty..." Hey, effective opening paragraph!
  21. Hi again, hope you don't think I'm being's seldom that anybody as interesting as you comes to town. It is mostly guys here but I am a gal and so is my best friend who is a beautiful blonde. I am a fun brunette and we are both excited about meeting you. We all fill out an Entry Survey here,, would you describe yourself as Loaded, Wealthy, Well Off, Comfortable, Employed, Poor, Broke or My Grandmother is Rolling in it and the Old Hag Can't Last Forever? TIA
  22. Hi, Jesus! Welcome. From your first name I am guessing you are from South or Central America. I've always wanted to visit there, travelling amongst the wonderful colourful people and spreading the Word of Truth. Why didn't you come in on Meet and Greet? Tell us a little more about yourself. Not sure what you mean by "you all". North America is pretty big, and I don't know about the rest of it. I just stay here where it is safe and we all agree with each other all the time and write fan letters to our fave ARI board members. But even here which is pretty small, there are four people who are not idiots. They don't post very much though. You'll probably never meet them.. they're a little scary actually.. all those brains... luckily we have Drs Piekoff and Hieh to think for us.. and now YOU! Your photo is cute but you could maybe lose a little weight and you would be even cuter! Just a tip.
  23. And spare a thought for the subcategory, Mothers of Stupid English monarchs. Sophia of Hanover, tied with Prince Rupert for Brightest Stuart, would have made an excellent queen but was doomed to overseeing the upbringing of sons so dense and loutish that it is a testament to her fortitude that they actually lived to grow up. Queen Matilda's son William Rufus was a gay atheist in the eleventh freaking century and he didn't care who knew it. It never occurred to him that anybody might, oh I don't know, disagree with his opinions or lifestyle or assassinate him or anything.Matilda must have sat around wondering, where does he get it? Not from my side of the family, pure English through and through. It's those Norman father-in-law, that bastard.... Queen Charlotte had to give birth nineteen times,,, that did not make George 4 stupid but there must be a connection somewhere. Edward VIII inherited a certain animal cunning from his mother May "I'll marry whichever heir to the throne lives the longest" of Teck. She loved jewellery but was cheap so she developed a good system of "borrowing", expropriating or outright stealing it. Even when she could afford to pay she seldom would , because she didn't want to. E8 didn't want the hassle of being king and doing a lot of stuff he didn't feel like doing, although he liked the wardrobe. Loving Wallis got him out of it. He didn't inherit any brains from anybody.
  24. What if you live where there are only six houses? Sincerely, Desperate Learn to build, real fast... Thanks for your help, I mean that sincerely. I did think you were being dismissive and uncaring with not answering me 47 times and all, but I was talking to Marsha about it and she said it was Tough Love. She said it was the best kind of love and she knows a lot about it, and she complimented me on how ripped I am getting with sawing logs and hauling around roofbeams all the time now, and I think I can get her to align with me pretty soon. Looking forward to seeing you "North of Everywhere", woo-hoo! ISS Anonymous
  25. You are leaving out "Created" equal. Starting equal . Essentially equal at birth. Very objectivist I would think. Carol little lady who starts some big bar fights