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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. What if you live where there are only six houses? Sincerely, Desperate Disparate is more likely. --Brant Go ahead, have a nice witty laugh at the less fortunate. Sitting in your nice warm house with your pricey dictionary. And you havent even paid your dues for the whole year but oh yes, you feel entitled to front row at the Mongolian Throat Singers concert. Hypocrite.
  2. Depressing? No, quite inaccurate. Just like the bullshit baggage story that has followed him for twenty (20) years. You know, the one where he served his wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital with cancer. Shock of shock, it was not true. Besides which, that kind of despicalble behavior is owned by the Democrats. Paging Johnny boy Edwards... Adam I was not aware that despicable behaviour was ownable in the US. Can I get some kind of proxy international shares or take out a patent or something for up here? My despicable behaviour is unique and cutting edge but it doesn't pay a cent, quite the opposite, and everybody can just copy it and knock it off cheap. I don't think I can even trademark it. I need justice.
  3. What if you live where there are only six houses? Sincerely, Desperate
  4. Finally, a subject on which I can presume equal knowledge with George H. Smith. Stupid English monarchs. No offence, I can't help it what dynasts named their children, but pick a George, any George. Not fair on George III was merely crazy and otherwise conscientious and a doting father, but he did manage to lose half of an entire continent with relatively little help. Up next we have George !V who thought nobody would ever notice that he was married to a Catholic, which was legal for everybody else in the country but illegal for exactly one person, him. He also thought that Jane Austen would be flattered when he invited her to dedicate her next novel to him. James II at least was a great naval commander, shrewd, brave and beloved of the sailors, and savvy on the finance side as Pepys reported. If Charles had taken the trouble to keep him permanently afloat as far from British shores as possible, I would be peeling grapes in my tastefully decorated grace and favour apartment at Kensington palace right now
  5. The bottom of the Stuart barrel was James II, a real dolt. Though a Catholic, James seems to have had a thing for Protestant mistresses, and homely ones at that. I don't recall her name offhand, but one of his mistresses speculated on why James liked her so much: "It cannot be my beauty, because I haven't any. And it cannot be my wit, because he hasn't enough of it himself to know that I have any." After James II fled, nosebleed and all, to France during the Glorious Revolution of 1688, a French lady said of him: "James is a good man, but an extremely pious one. Piety makes people outrageously stupid." (I quoted these from memory, but they are pretty close.) Ghs I think the original quote was from Arabella Stuart, a cousin. I have been told by unkind persons that I resemble them both. No wonder I use an avatar. Poor Charles II was well aware of his brother's total hopelessness, but blood loyalty trumped all - loyalty itself, really, for him. He refused to divorce his barren wife although he could easily have prevented the revolution, which he knew would happen the minute James tromped foot on the throne.\, by divorcing her. He refused to take away one bit, anything, of his wife's honour and position in the world. He was fascinated by real know all that. He was deeply cynical and fatalistic, and lazy. On his deathbed he said, "Let not poor Nelly starve", but he never bothered beforehand to make sure she wouldn't. And she did.
  6. Do you mean that you're an authority on matters testicular because you've got so much experience playing with your own and other guys' balls? So, you admit to being a Kantian! Ayn Rand on "duty": J It's definitionism that is the concept killer. Beware the thesauri within yourselves.
  7. In The Rise of Christianity (1984), W.H.C. Frend writes: Ghs For those OLers who have neglected their daily Bible readings, here is a famous passage from I Corinthians 13 to which Frend was doubtless referring: Ghs That is an awful translation, losing the poetry. T Please provide the King James version. Carol (Jane Elizabeth) Stuart Monarchy, what can I say. the wisest fool in Christendom, stuffed with education from infancy entirely by Scots religious types, a total buffoon, repulsive to everybody who ever met or even saw him but unlucky for them he was bisexual and like, you know, the King.Hobby: witch burning. He gave us this book. Well, he gave it to me, and when our just claim is established and we reascend the throne, we will re-establish his reputation. It wasn't all that good in the first place, but an interesting challenge on the witch burning thing to a modern readership.
  8. In The Rise of Christianity (1984), W.H.C. Frend writes: Ghs For those OLers who have neglected their daily Bible readings, here is a famous passage from I Corinthians 13 to which Frend was doubtless referring: Ghs That is an awful translation, losing the poetry. T
  9. Update, the penguins have gone somewhat viral and there is a good chance they will not be separated. Penguin lovers (pretty much everybody on the the planet, do you know any penguinphobes?) have expressed their outrage, and even Mayor Ford the zoo library and Toronto hater, has been forced to respond to the media on this one. He has explained that he mistook the photos of Buddy and Pedro for photos of himself and his brother Doug. A natural mistake.
  10. Shane: He will not do well in prison. I am assuming all his victims were white, but if they were not, it will be even more brutal once he gets in general population. Apparently, his attorney at the age of 49, and while representing a 16 year and 11 month old girl in an emancipation petition accidentlally had an erection and tripped over a stack of law books and entered the girl and in a state of surprise, impregnated her and she had the child just shy of her 18 th birthday. The attorney married his teenage client. You just can't make this shit up! Here is the link: http://www.thedaily....awyer-teen-web/ Adam Adam, I was waiting to see the part about tripping over books. No luck. That certainly would have proved the saying about fact being stranger than fiction. What struck me most on that article is that his lawyer is comfortable leaving his kids alone with Sandusky. Honestly, I think that statement is an attempt to blow smoke up the public's ass about Sandusky being trustworthy around kids. Ludicrous. Sandusky made a lot of wrong choices, his lawyer being the latest. That dude's toast! ~ Shane That must have been some erection. How high was that bookstack? Please nobody start a Does size Matter thread. Adam I know you are researching for your talk at the ArcticCon, but we already have enough questions in this area, mostly the same question that Brother Anonymous has asked 47 times to date trying to disguise his handwriting. Great competitive bagel list, high five bro! We are all licking our chops. Old Mangy's chops actually, he passed away peacefully last Thursday. It was his time. In a hurry if I don't get at least the dishes dried before Claudine gets home I will be in for it. ISS Gord the real one Shane: He will not do well in prison. I am assuming all his victims were white, but if they were not, it will be even more brutal once he gets in general population. Apparently, his attorney at the age of 49, and while representing a 16 year and 11 month old girl in an emancipation petition accidentlally had an erection and tripped over a stack of law books and entered the girl and in a state of surprise, impregnated her and she had the child just shy of her 18 th birthday. The attorney married his teenage client. You just can't make this shit up! Here is the link: http://www.thedaily....awyer-teen-web/ Adam Adam, I was waiting to see the part about tripping over books. No luck. That certainly would have proved the saying about fact being stranger than fiction. What struck me most on that article is that his lawyer is comfortable leaving his kids alone with Sandusky. Honestly, I think that statement is an attempt to blow smoke up the public's ass about Sandusky being trustworthy around kids. Ludicrous. Sandusky made a lot of wrong choices, his lawyer being the latest. That dude's toast! ~ Shane That must have been some erection. How high was that bookstack? Please nobody start a Does size Matter thread. Adam I know you are researching for your talk at the ArcticCon, but we already have enough questions in this area, mostly the same question that Brother Anonymous has asked 47 times to date trying to disguise his handwriting. Great competitive bagel list, high five bro! We are all licking our chops. Old Mangy's chops actually, he passed away peacefully last Thursday. It was his time. In a hurry if I don't get at least the dishes dried before Claudine gets home I will be in for it. ISS Gord the real one Yes alright, so I have asked 47 times and I will keep asking until I get an answer. When will that be? I suppose when the disgraceful corrupt power structure of this lodge is finally dismantled, too late for too tragically many but giving hope for those to come. I will gladly volunteer to cast the first snowball. Fearless for my own safety except for the left hip that you all know about. ISS Anonymous
  11. Shane: He will not do well in prison. I am assuming all his victims were white, but if they were not, it will be even more brutal once he gets in general population. Apparently, his attorney at the age of 49, and while representing a 16 year and 11 month old girl in an emancipation petition accidentlally had an erection and tripped over a stack of law books and entered the girl and in a state of surprise, impregnated her and she had the child just shy of her 18 th birthday. The attorney married his teenage client. You just can't make this shit up! Here is the link: http://www.thedaily....awyer-teen-web/ Adam Adam, I was waiting to see the part about tripping over books. No luck. That certainly would have proved the saying about fact being stranger than fiction. What struck me most on that article is that his lawyer is comfortable leaving his kids alone with Sandusky. Honestly, I think that statement is an attempt to blow smoke up the public's ass about Sandusky being trustworthy around kids. Ludicrous. Sandusky made a lot of wrong choices, his lawyer being the latest. That dude's toast! ~ Shane That must have been some erection. How high was that bookstack? Please nobody start a Does size Matter thread. Adam I know you are researching for your talk at the ArcticCon, but we already have enough questions in this area, mostly the same question that Brother Anonymous has asked 47 times to date trying to disguise his handwriting. Great competitive bagel list, high five bro! We are all licking our chops. Old Mangy's chops actually, he passed away peacefully last Thursday. It was his time. In a hurry if I don't get at least the dishes dried before Claudine gets home I will be in for it. ISS Gord the real one
  12. It's not always impressive. It's often pathetically quixotic. J It's not always impressive. It's often pathetically quixotic. J Pathos is inexpressibly powerful. -Miguel de Cervantes ex galley slave
  13. "The bottom of my shoe is more honorable than you...." "Eat shit. Shut your mouth." "Someone like you eats shit, you Son of a Whore." "Fuck your mother. Fuck your sister," etc. etc. Hey, those guys belong on OL! Ghs Love it. Those guys must have spent time in Toronto. I don't speak Fuckish of choice as you know, but I understand it (pretty easy, one word and a few modifiers with the odd preposition). Recently I witnessed a heated debate in the middle of the Danforth at rush hour,between two taxi drivers who obviously did not have a common language. It was so good I started to write it down as fast as I could. D1: Fuck you you fucking fucker! D2: Fuck your mother, my fucking (untranslatable, pointing at passenger door) you will fucking pay fucking crazy, stupid... D1 Fucking everybody cant fucking drive idiot motherfucker fucking information fucking police D2 (calming down a little) Fucking police will take you to fucking jail. Motherfucker. D2 (not calming down) Taking you to fucking jail for fucking life (exchange information with much bristling and squaring up) D1: I am fucking you you fucker. D2: No you are not fucking me. I am fucking you! At this point they both noticed me recording their exchange and , turned their oratorical abilities in my direction. The police, who had been standing beside me for a while assessing the situation and stifling their chuckles or sighs with doughnuts, advanced upon them wearily.
  14. How many O'ist types would be willing to endure similar hardships to spread the word? Would you, Phil? Ghs This passage exemplifies one of the many aspects of this topic that fascinate me. What enables, what drives the evanglist to endure, to suffer, to find comfort and continue unto death? The ways in which the second generation of Christians, who never knew Jesus personally, used and adapted their individual psychology and all their talents and energies, into their epic enterprise, are endlessly discussable. In my limited observation, Objectivists who "stay the course" and spread the word to the best of their abilities, do endure real hardships, many if not most of which they inflict on themselves. I know it is unlike me, but this comment is not meant to be sarcastic, ironic or even remotely funny. It is the simple truth of what I think.
  15. Please do not bring the crustaceans into it. Carol not having a good day
  16. Oh, Adam, I obessively think about this.Not wanting to... you know my visceral feelings..there is only so much you can rail and cry.. thx for sharing the burden
  17. Trying to edit through Bill's post, to hell with it. Richler had an intersting heritage, orthodox plus total crazy, religiously and psychosocisexually all over the .lplace. Perfect petri jar for a writing genius.
  18. I don't even use one. I do that, but I'm too eratic in my concentration to catch all cases where I simply hit the wrong key. EDIT: I spell better than I speak: It's usually the IPA I have to look up from the spelling, not the other way round. I don't even use one. I do that, but I'm too eratic in my concentration to catch all cases where I simply hit the wrong key. EDIT: I spell better than I speak: It's usually the IPA I have to look up from the spelling, not the other way round. Too erratic in your concentration..attention deficit as we say over here? Many hyperbright people suffer from it'' has this been a problem for you?
  19. It is so great to find you a Richler fan (I assume , since you are rereading him). Did you see the Duddy Kravitz movie? I loved it although it miscast the thin, sallow, wiry, ugly Duddy as irresistible cuddly Richard Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss made the part his own with hustler energy and oh yeah, genius acting talent. I'd love to see this movie remade. Nobody could be better than Dreyfuss, but they could try.
  20. Are you enjoying it? I so much prefer his earlier stuff.. later he got so self-reflective..too Philip Rothian to my mind. I love Roth, but somehow felt Richler, not lost his way...don'tknow what I mean here , really. His first best books had a crude blazing beauty that spoke to me, a sheltered smalltown Anglo girl, and to everybody. His later books spoke to himself and his then world, friends who understood him, family to protect. This is just my feeling.. does it make any sense to you?
  21. Speaking of, what's with all the Jesus and God stuff? Who the fuck talks like that? Is this the beginning of the book? Or is it something from the middle, carefully chosen to demonstrate her chops? Look "Doctor". if by "her" you mean me, I know you have something against people who like to talk about Jesus and show off her Phd in Sunday school and fantasize about St Stephen the martyr...OK fine. But do not penalize fine intellectual historians on other threads just because you did not get the "chops" you wanted at Seniors Luau so-I-thought therapy session over on Hyperaynia. in 41131..just let go fo the the past/future . In fairness the session was/will be pretty wild fairly productive. SUB JUDICE
  22. I don't think early Christianity is snow to Eskimos. Like Marxism, it was (modern Christianity is different) a fell-good ideology that excuses your shortcommings and shifts blame on others: But the fell-good ideology never fell, not even badly. Why? As I hinted before, spellcheck is not your friend. I know you know your verb tenses. But there is only one way to look like you are a good speller, and that is to take an actual dictionary and look up all the words you want to spell until you find the right definition. It's laborious but 100%. Alternatively to use a synonym that you can spell. But this does not always work with idioms. Also, Eskimo is archaic, the correct term is Inuit. I am sure you want to be sensitive to that. The aboriginal peoples will appreciate it.
  23. How is Sgt, Respectibility doing. I have to give her a personal examination. At any rate, Lt. Lewinsky has not been properly trained in the first position. One critical failure in her "stance" is that her mouth needs to be closed. Secondly, her hands need to be behind her back. I have told her this specifically, but she seems to have a head of her own. Adam Soon to be retrained women of the 4th NY State Militia, "Col Bogey's Own": You are not alone. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. At this moment we are organizing a campaign around your slogan: "Col. Selene! Col. Selene! Col. Sanders was better than you ever been:" We have some other good suggestions to keep your hearts up, "Hey, hey, NBI!" How many..." well we need to work on the lyrics, that one came from Old Lady McAloon and she thinks the NBI is those people who try to make her pay the telephone bill. My work amongst her and others who might ever vote for me is a constant inspiration to me. Sororally, Claudine Brind'Amour MPP "don't pay any attention to Gord"...
  24. They pay for interviews in the US I believe. Its pension might get tied up in lawsuits and its lawyers need money upfront.
  25. Funny, I've always been a part resident of lthe Montreal of Richler's St Urbain's Horsemen, although Richler himself didn't like it much and it was long gone before I read my first Richler story at about age 13. Since then part of me has always lived at Tansky's Cigar & Soda, such was his art. Growing up in the Maritimes Montreal was my Mecca. Nobody wants to live in Toronto, even its mayor who doesn't. No surprise we won the most hated Canadian city prize in the annual unpopularity contest, we always do. I never wanted to live here, and when I first did I hated it, although in fairness that was the fault of my then boyfriend and the weather, not the city itself. There are various reasons for this constant in our national psyche. Hating Trona is as Canadian as poutine. It's the largest city for starters, we distrust sheer bigness. It is a true "world city", utterly multicultural, sophisticated, tolerant, full of public spaces where everybody can mingle in large numbers and do pretty much what they want except riot or say bad things about hockey.Who knows what those foreigners are getting up to on our hard-earned tax money? It is cultured. One example,It has a great symphony orchestra and two world-renowned opera companies.Opera Atelier, my fave (check it out) is going from strength to strength on the integrity of its original vision. The COC regularly turns a profit, a profit I tell you, this is opera we're talking. How could anybody not hate that, especially when your grandson can't get his music career off the ground because you can't raisie the fare to the American Idol auditions. It's a great place to live. Everybody lives in a neighbourhood even in downtownest downtown, you can walk between them and eat great food and have privacy and sociability all at once, you can wander the streets all night and feel safe (except from the police of course), you can actually leave your door unlocked and the worst that happens is your landlord wastes his whole day guarding the place and worrying that you have been abducted. It's exciting and peaceful and livable, and not everybody gets to live here, and that's just not fair. I forgot to mention the libraries ... they might not be around for long, so if you're planning to visit better make it soon. PDS, I know you are a lawyer. Is there anyway to set up a baseless harassment international lawsuit, say from Potential Tourists Victims of Ford We Hate Football, against a civic official here? I name no names.