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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Since the fundamental premise every religion is based on does not belong to reality and knowledge, how then can religion provide fundamental views on reality and knowledge? I think you've said the magic word, "views", and I do mean magic. (1st cent Jerusalem was chockful of magicians, among whom Jesus is believed by some to have been a master) Views, ways of looking at the world, new ways, magical ways that yet connect with the concrete of daily life and with the explanations of tradition.
  2. Byfuglien was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Cheryl Byfuglien and father Ricky Spencer. His mother is of Norwegian descent, and his father is African American. Which means that he meets the Democratic criteria to run for and become President... Byfuglien was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, to Cheryl Byfuglien and father Ricky Spencer. His mother is of Norwegian descent, and his father is African American. Which means that he meets the Democratic criteria to run for and become President... But everybody is gonna be pretty sure that he inhaled.
  3. Many thanks, Phil. I will be over on your new topic as I have always been fascinated by the phenomenon of conversion and movement-spreading, the book looks well worth discussion. As to snark---well, I will give a sermon to he who casts the first snark if it is gratuitous. Rise above. Turn the other you know what.,,,
  4. I read White Noise, and didn’t care for it. I did finish it though, that says something (I’ve yet to finish anything by Philip Roth, for instance). I’ve had Cosmopolis recommended to me, and it’s pretty short so maybe I’ll give it a shot some day. Since my senior year (High School) religion teacher was a devotee of Teilhard de Chardin, leading me to read (uncomprehendingly) The Phenomenon of Man over the summer before I started college (which is when I first read Rand), I have a certain interest in trying DeLillo’s Omega Point, which is even shorter. I’ve heard Ratner’s Star is good, and it comes recommended by people who won’t recommend anything else by DeLillo, but they say the first half is great and then it stalls. I’m pretty sure Twain’s Pudd’nhead Wilson is next on my list. The German quote upthread put me in the mood to fill some gap in my reading of Twain. I said Rubber Soul and Abbey Road. Also, add Sgt. Pepper. The songs you’re naming aren’t on any of these albums. If your reference to Summer of 69 is meant to communicate that you are still a Bryan Adams fan, I’m afraid we’re going to have to start the therapy again from the beginning. No cure for love, Doc. "Doc" I mean. I am not the only fan apparently, Adams recently had his first child with some girl who probably does not deserve or appreciate him. Way to go Bry and all that, but you could have held some auditions at least.
  5. That's kinda weird. "Happy Valley" is just east of Tucson on the other side of the Rincon mountains. --Brant Happy Valleys are everywhere. Usually they are not too far from Yad Vashem. Penn is "starting the healing" (ie pr campaign). They'll feel fine after a little while. But this place will never heal, because they appear to have had no righteous Gentiles.
  6. "I've heard that there was a secret chord that David played. It pleased the Lord! It goes like this: a fourth, a fifth, a minor fall, a major don't really care for music, do you?"
  7. Perceptive comment. I cannot, at any level, understand how any person could not have 1) killed the rapist in his tracks or 2) at a minimum dragged the rapist off the child and then immediately called 911. That's it. There are no other choices. Adam No , not for an adult or a morally mature person who could be any age. But this guy grew up (that is, failed to grow up) in the benign slave culture of Football Penn Paterno. He received no education of any kind.He ate well and got lots of exercise and did what he was told, which was usually what he wanted to hear. Happy Valley
  8. Only 106? I haven’t scored that young since the first incarnation of Romana! Sure, joke away. I and my legal representatives will hound you from era to era and make you wish you had never been reborn. Vengeance is mine, Carol/Cleo/Xanthippe/ you dont wqnt to know who else
  9. Meanwhile I am not feeling at all well besides betrayed and deceived and I have run out of pills, I still cant stand Hey Jude or All you Need is Love although I approve the sentiments ..I love the summer of 69 but I always did love it anyway, it was the best year of my life, there was no "therapy" going on there "Doctor" you heartless manipulative beast....
  10. I think I have some kind of handle on McQueary, I hope so that I can stop thinking about this. Maybe it is about growing up, have you seen his photo? He looks like a big popeyed shockheaded kid. When he saw his old coach comitting a crime he called his daddy. He's in protective custody now they say. He always has been.
  11. No Phil, I am not going to do that , I am still asking you to do that. Today is Sunday a day of rest and anyway I come here to play, not work, any day of the week. I had the impression, obviously wrongly, that my Jesus movement comment prompted you to start this new and interesting thread.I will look it up when I have time which will not be soon.
  12. You won't get out of this by making us laugh and playing the age card; You knew I was 106 and you took advantage of me! You varmint, do not pretend to be in another universe, you are observed at Als Topless Pool & Shuffleboard every Tuesday night.
  13. Why not tell all of us helpful OLers what that title is? Actually it was my own thread Best of the Week, and honestly I could not find it. I should not be talking to you since I have found out your True Nature whatever it is, you beast, last week was way fun so I deludely thought speak to my lawyer thanks TIA for your tech help
  14. Oh goody - we've moved on to cricket. About time. Excellent news, South Africa hammered the Aussies in the first Test in Cape Town. An 8 wicket victory. The lowest runs in their second innings, ever. Now it's into the next Test, anyone listening? Does anybody care? No Tony, no we don't. The south Asians will crunch you under like always.
  15. O lovely therapeutic kitties. On the advice of my attorneys I can say little about my traumatic experiences at the hands (not to mention other extremities) of an unnamed person that we all know who he is. I can however say, women of Miami indeed all Florida, if you get into conversation with a plausible wellspoken man who implicates that he is a medical professional, and he starts to talk about triple axels and death spirals, call the authorities immediately . Just do it. There may be chitchat about recitative or intermezzo but haha, this is just deconstructionist foreplay for this cunning predator. Do not tell him your PIN number.
  16. Of course you are right, and I knew I was probably wrong in my blatant assertion. Of course all coaches have played. However else would they come to love and understand the sport? Michael is right of course, though a sports fan I dislike football, even the CFL, and I despise and deplore the college football industry.I won't belabour my previous comments on the former players and well=paid coaches who enjoyed their burgeoning careers for the past decade because they allowed children to be raped. I will just say to that senile megalomaniac Paterno, to that craven moral idiot McQueary, maybe you are not familiar with a quaint sports trope which therefore of course you had no responsibility to heed. You did not play up, play up and play the game. The game is life, in case you missed metaphor because you had a practice.
  17. BS thread Post Number 5 today at 6:49 AM : Rich Engle Sorry but I don't get it about Rich Engle. Is this a Phil Coates type of thing? I've only been here a month remember. Would RE take exception to something on the list? I like him- he's a musician who goes to church! And what's weak about#8? If your only chance to talk philosophy is with your incarcerated cousin who spent 4 years in grade 12--it mightfrustrateyourintellectual fervour. Not that I'm touchy or anything. Just glad of the constructive criticism. I am resurrecting this because I have just spent a long time in Search, looking for another thread which I remembered by title, and it never came up. This did so I thought y'all might like to know that Eugene will be home soon.He is not exactly getting out but he is being transferred to a Canadian institution where we can visit him. He is sad about leaving his new friends at Coleman especially Conrad Black who is the only other person in North America who would discuss Ayn Rand with him. Conrad told Eug that his wife Barbara was a lot like Ayn Rand only prettier. Eugene looked at photos and agreed. He thought for himself. We are all proud of him.
  18. I just realized that Voltaire’s famous battlecry “Écrasez l'Infâme” could easily be adapted to express solidarity among those of us who are sick of Phil. Écrasez Schoolmarm! You speak of sick, 9th "Doctor"?? you medecin malgre lui, I am suing you and like you care my condition is worse, you charlatan!
  19. Anyone notice that UScollege foootball coaches, unlike coaches at all levels everywhere else in the world, have hardly ever actually played? Quickly they have removed their vulnerable bodies from the slaughterhouse they rah-rah the kids onto. Long and fruitfully they motivate and strategize and win games and get rich. They never even walked the talk, really. They never thought the thought. They never even noticed that the flow they were going with, which they were directiing, was full of the foulest sewage. Even now they wonder what they are drowning in.
  20. Phil could you please quote or transfer my" Jesus movement..Objecivist failure...spark"comment from previous thread? I think it belongs here. Thanks, C
  21. I love it too. Incidentally is is pronounced Bufflin which further connotes bumbling and baffled, which he obviously was on that boat and often is in the penalty box. "Huh? What am I doin in here..I didn't do nothin..."
  22. He's not a doctor? What???!!!!! He's been treating me for my extremely rare condition for months...oh, no.....
  23. Er... Thanks, I think. I prefer to start right off with the insults and then let the fallout peacefully diffuse. You're in great form lately, Phil. Non illegitimi etc.
  24. I'm intrigued. Maybe you can recommend other videos/texts by her that show the Machiavellian side a bit more? :-) I have zero respect for Diana "Ethel" Mertz- Hsieh, she has built her weird career by betraying her betters and violating the sanctity of friendship. But I agree with George, there is an attractiveness there, which I am sure her Noodlebrained acolytes appreciate. Ick. I don't find her attractive at all. In fact, she's almost revolting to me. She looks too much like a dude, especially in the chin/neck area. She's got a droopy, jowly, Brit Hume face. J Hey, my face is jowly and just yesterday my landlord told me I was beautiful. He often says stuff like that but never offers to reduce the rent. In fairness he is extremely nearsighted and I take care to stay two armlengths away. Squinty eyes of the beholder.
  25. Wrong Judy's. Try Jones and Gerrard E. My little cross-street is, wait for it, Galt Ave. I did not notice this until I had lived here for 2 months. You can run from Rand, but apparently never far enough.