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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Speaking of ESL I was obliged to have "the conversation" about PSU with my Academic Writing class today, someone wanted the news stories explained. Thank god it wasn't my Level Ones, I think I will skip newspaper day for a while and hope they do not hear about it.My teaching skills are not up to it. In addition to never having heard an English word until last month, some of them alas (my favourites) are to use a technical term, dumb.
  2. I don't get that impression, his writing is idiomatic and his mistakes are typical of a native speaker...and is Tyson a German name? But Xray's English is also fluent so maybe I am wrong, I believe many Germans are bilingual in English. Do they learn it at the (shudder) public schools? Maybe X can put some clothes on and give us the rundown.
  3. Well done Huskers. Good to see all the blue. No riot. Carol glad to be wrong
  4. Yes! I will rein in my prurience and concentrate on essential sticks..nakedness..various winners of the Lady Byng Trophy...oooohhh...
  5. Michael, What you are saying politely is, he's a Randroid,and as for German Adam has beaten me to it. I was going to say I hoped sometime my bff Xray would meet him and pound some sense into his head. Typical hockey fan... You have nailed me utterly Mikee. So which do you fancy? Angela and John naked in the cage (graphics by Adam) or Old Testament head pounding (Judith and Holofernes)? I'll be wearing the Jets jersey whoever gets killed.
  6. Michael, What you are saying politely is, he's a Randroid,and as for German Adam has beaten me to it. I was going to say I hoped sometime my bff Xray would meet him and pound some sense into his head.
  7. My impression of Great Thinkers' family lives is that they sit around Thinking and Writing while their remarkably intelligent partners schlep the laundry and the children around and develop good relationships with the local pawnshop. Except for the pawnshop, that sounds like Marx's family. The son-in-laws were abusive and looking to parlay money out of Marx. Thank Galt, my daughter-in-law although she may not think highly of me , has never been anywhere near abusive, A perk of never having thought about economics. One of many.
  8. Easy young lady, there is no testimony or evidence that he "organized a coverup." Let's just say that he did nothing to prevent a coverup. Adam OK, let's just say that as the King of PSU, he allowed a coverup to happen. It's all going to come out in the wash. Pump-priming isn't necessary. --Brant I see seven books over the next ten years Movies sooner, I think Adam;s suggestion, "Malum in Se"would be a brilliant title for a docudrama. But since the collaborators would likely be technical advisors, it would likely be called Fourth Down or something.
  9. Oh, no! Obviously I am overwrought indeed. That last post of course should be in Penn State thread -- is there any way to move it? Sorry, Carol
  10. Of course I am overwrought on this subject. " I been there before." Maple Leaf Gardens, Graham James. Why did nobody learn from us? We learned. After the coverups, after the courage of the victims who came forward because nobody else would, we learned, and things are better and safer here now because we had to learn. Pedophiles will always go where the children are. It is illegal, everywhere in Canada, to observe or suspect child sex abuse and not notify authorities, directly, yourself. The penalty is 6 months in jail and a $2000 fine. As if it needed to be.
  11. Easy young lady, there is no testimony or evidence that he "organized a coverup." Let's just say that he did nothing to prevent a coverup. Adam OK, let's just say that as the King of PSU, he allowed a coverup to happen.
  12. Oh, this is too much. After retaining an attorney, Paterno is now "totally distraught" about the rape victims he knew about. Nine years ago he was so distraught that he immediately organized a coverup of the rapes and the enabling of future rapes. But now he's distraught about the victims. You're never too old to learn.
  13. As of now the game is still on. Nobody is brave enough to draw a line. No surprise. Nothing to say but Go Nebraska, I guess.
  14. Thanks to ND I luxuriate in the full glories of the exposition, at times when my sanity needs saving. It always works.
  15. You loathe and fear the National Restaurant Association?!?! J Wellyeah, as the president of the Canadian Association of Cowards I fear pretty much everybody, but I do not loathe the National Restaurant Association and you got me good, J. I was thinking of rifles, my mistake. However I do disrespect the resteranteurs in the USA because they do not pay minimum wage and they fire employees without cause. I know it is legal but it is not right, P.s. I know whereof I speak here. I myself was fired from an American restaurant, because my mother told my uncle to fire me because I should be home studying and not traipsing across the bridge to flirt with those lowlife Calais boys. I forgave her eventually, because I am a good person.
  16. My impression of Great Thinkers' family lives is that they sit around Thinking and Writing while their remarkably intelligent partners schlep the laundry and the children around and develop good relationships with the local pawnshop. Hey, it worked for me.
  17. What is this wonderful quote? It surely can't be translated from French... who wrote it? The poor Fishwife, reduced to an it although her screams are male!
  18. Indeed? I believe that private boarding schools are league leaders in this particular sport. The British ones are quite famous for it.
  19. You loathe and fear the National Restaurant Association?!?! J Wellyeah, as the president of the Canadian Association of Cowards I fear pretty much everybody, but I do not loathe the National Restaurant Association and you got me good, J. I was thinking of rifles, my mistake. However I do disrespext the resteranteurs in the USA because they do not pay minimum wage and they fire employees without cause. I know it is legal but it is not right,
  20. How so? At a cancelled game the Nebraska supporters would not be there, lessening the numbers. And the rational Penn students, if there are any, would not be there. There would be a riot but not larger.
  21. Exactly, you throw it out and scour the pan as best you can.
  22. Adam, I checked it out. I think Ann Coulter is fairly silly,nd totally, wrongheaded, and I loathe and fear the NRA, but I agree with both you and Michael on this one. Just goes to show we're all human, right?
  23. Adam, I think you misunderstand me a little. Of course it would harm the Nebraska players, and the Penn ones, and they are innocent. But they are collateral damage already. For Nebraska to win would be defeating the pedophiles. For Penn to win would be the triumph of the enablers. That is what the symbolism is, as of this week. Why subject the players to that? Why encourage crowds to roar about that? I think cancellation is the rational choice.
  24. Students are organizing a Wear Blue campaign to support the victims. Others are organizing a Wear White campaign to support, guess who, Paterno. Saturday should be a colourful day. Anybody remember the Blue and Green riots between chariot-race supporters , and near-destruction of the Byzantine empire in the 6th century? Well, maybe not everybody is as old as I am. They had Justinian and Theodora to mop up that one, who does the NCAA have? Cancel the damn game, you stupid, stupid idiots. Cut your damn losses. Anything won by either side will be bathed in the tears and blood of children forever. And I don't mean the children of all ages who would attend that game, although they are the ones who should shed them.