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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. This is why I finnd this such a fascinating speculation, .so many variables. Wd like to sayt more but have been indulging in minor surgery (not plastic alas, but ocular, so for a few days I can read print Mr MaGoo style but operating laptop is truly arduous , npt the ardour I enjoy either
  2. The Ayn Rand Institute apparently says nay, OL and others say yea. What do the rest of the Rand-interested think? I put this into Psych and not Poli, on purpose.
  3. Your point is correct, in a way, except that in the real Civil War narrative, there was a story which compelied many and helped get it started. Even "a littl e woman who started a great big war". Not a Kellyanne Conway type little woman, I believe Kellyanne is quite tall
  4. Dear Diary, Finally McKillop and I got the chidren to bed, with only the aid of an-under housemaid who was going off duty and frankly had to be bribed, My phone call to Bucklebury was answered by my mother-in-law and she replied delightedly that she hoped to see me there soon. I breathed deeply through my nose, as I was taught at nursery school when the other children made faces at me. "Carole," I replied calmly," I hope to see my wife and my son, and all the nannies we employ, here at our home sometime soon." "Oh, well!" she said. somewhat disconcerted, "they are out just now, but I will certainly tell Kate to call you " "Oh good! Toodle-oo" I said. I do not know why I said such a ridiculous thing. Maybe jetlag. Ich dien. William
  5. Is there anything more sublime than Men in Shorts, striving?
  6. Don't you dare! Statue of Liberty need a new dress#tired of upskirt photos#melania help me out
  7. that is what pretty much what my sons said, but I have not enquired further, since they are now grown up and quite close , despite some incomprehensible estrangements along the way. Being the sons of a Glaswegian, they describe things in more colourful language.
  8. Excessive! Coalition of the Ugly
  9. Oh Peter, you are so out of date! the Mounties already knocked, but it was Sgt Paul the star of North and South, a native of Iqalit,and his trusty wolf Diefenbaker, and let me say they learn how to knock in the long winters in the Northwest Territories.
  10. I for one wish him to have freedom from having to scream "I want freedom! "in an exhausted tenor after getting worked up after how ugly Hillary is, every time here is a lag in the commercial break. Not fair to him, he is a creative artisan after all.
  11. II love it considering, the poetic ancient associations of those natural-occuring weqther conditions? Want to collaborate? I can't plot worth a damn, but as we all know there are only 12 anyway.
  12. 1. I guess, if you say so. I better let them ponder this and answer for themselves. They are pretty self-sufficient emotionally as well as financially but I will try to get a sense of how they feel. Do you have siblings? Did you feel that there was never equality whatever your parents did? I didn't, my husband did, and I tended to take his advice therefore. 2.Totally right. 3.Totally right. In good faith, Carol
  13. Well, if anyone is an expert at stripping context, you are J. But context is actually a subjective concept anyway, depending on an infinite number of facts and previous happenings, and selected by whom? By you, of course, the Context-Culler-in-General. A bright future awaits you when you become an unrestricted free agent and the "New" ARI makes you an offer.
  14. Excellent observations all round. One addition as the mother of 2 boys: they were brought with us to the library every week and saw us choose our own books (sometimes the same one, if there was only one copy) and let loose in the Kidspace to choose their own (possibly too soon; there were unintended negative consequences. when Andy age 2 saw the possibility of a book as a bludgeoning tool, and Stu age seven, who had been set to watch him, initiated force which was most unusual for his peaceable nature.) Fast forward, Stu has always been a reader, Andy would rather hear stories than read them, especially custom-made stories about Catland (where our cats went at night, and my poor husband who only wanted one , wished they would stay.) , and Skunkland, under the front porch, don't ask. I even wondered if he actually could read, though he pored over the Sun sports pages enough and passed English easily, unlike other subjects which required mental stamina and resolve to master. You are both right. Boys are sensitive, often in ways girls and women might not understand, and so are girls vice versa. But readers are readers and like/love /need to read or don't. The proof is in the individual adult the child becomes, and the perennial abundance of good fiction which young adults can get lost in, whether classics or newly-minted contemporary, is a great sign. The book is a powerful imaginative weapon, which can't be battered out of existence yet, though some (naming no names) have tried.
  15. The evil of Climate Change Charlatanry knows no bounds!
  16. Yes,I know and am grateful for that and other wise acts of leadership he accomplished. Canadian Conservative PMs have acquitted themselves honourably in general.
  17. The Ukrainian famine, the more horrible because deliberately imposed, -- just no words. Holl's father's family, the Romaniuks had emigrated earlier , escaping what the Soviets did to destroy everything they had been. Perhaps that was the genesis of that old chestnut joke about the Hungarian recipe for chicken: "First, steal a chicken...." no doubt it was everyone's recipe, the reason they stayed alive to enjoy gallows humour.
  18. Why Stephen Harper, the crafty devil. Hope he is not auditioning for an on-air Fox News job, which I hear they are calling "Lord He-Haw", a contemporary mix of the classic down-home comedy series with hard-hitting news updates on the Trade War. The buzz us that both John Voight and Roseanne Barr have expressed interest in the role of Grandpa Jones.
  19. lol, I would send you a Maple Leaf handkerchief but it would cost me $100 and brand me a traitor. As I am now 213 or thereabouts and you must be at least 100 by now, we both have (think Laura Secord and the nascent D.C Fire department) in the words of one of your greatest cultural icons, been there before. May the best innovative niche market must-have product win! Ever the idealist, Carol
  20. My god - flashback, do you remember Pippi here long ago? She put up the same image, but it was only me she was sick of so no harm done.
  21. What is it about capitals? Augusta, Maine, was a hot cheerless place in the summer and a cold same in the winter, to my childhood recollection. Good for the G-G! I had the misfortune to be in the summer in Ottawa (whose native named means Cursed by all Weathers) when I was 19 and the heat nearly killed me then. But in fairness the winter nearly froze me to death ,and I came from a more northerly part of Canada! and was pretty tough, so I thought. Apparently the climate is hardly bearable in Washington either - but they all seem to thrive on it. In their ways.
  22. Oh, it is just too hot to eat here, but my cerebral kitchen is twitching. My new daughter is of Ukrainian- Acadien heritage, and god can all of those people cook. Their seasonal parties are divine and the cabbage is unsullied by being put into pierogies with potatoes (ugh) but beautifully rendered in family recipes some of which taste nearly Chinese, which suits me fine. No Putin in our poutine,, then no problem! #Stop the Avian Order#justice for Thomas#sauce for the Gander
  23. So do I too! he maybe was one of our most complex members, but how smart politically! (he basically predicted how Trump could win, via the electoral college, long before Trump even ran!} There was something cynical/honest about him I loved, and we had such a good comic rapport., hey Adam if you are still around, come around here.
  24. Dear Diary, Barely had I had the first sip of my Irby Ice when the door was knocked upon very forcefully, and dear old Harry practically fell into the room! We exchanged greetings, and I thought his handshake was even more fervent than usual. He looked rather haggard, I thought, and was very glad to see me. He suggested that I come next door to see my children who had so missed me, even declining an Irby I while I changed, so unlike him. He opened the door and I expected two small bodies to barrel out and grab my legs, but I saw nothing but a large untidy heap dominating the floor. The I saw Megs' head above the untidy heap, just glowing as usual (does she put on makeup every half hour?), and she said "Hallo, William, we are just playing Legos here, want to join us?" Well I didn't frankly, so I said "Maybe later". "Well then, George and Charlie, chop-chop! Here is Daddy to take you home now!" My two eldest children emerged sulkily from the heap. "Want to stay here. We are have a new castle all for our ownselves! All Lego! Aunt Megs promised!" Maybe later, I said, teeth clenched. Now they must go home, and Bronwen will put you to bed..." "No she won't, hee-hee ", "she has gone off "cried George, "well, somewhere.." "And Maria, and Antonia, and Maribeth are all gone off too I suppose." "Oh yes," said Charlotte. "Mama needed them to help with that brother you brought us. Can you take him back? We don't want him, do we George?" Why visions of my Aunt Anne flashed into my mind I do not know."McKillop" I shouted as I manhandled the sparring two into our own doorway. "Another Ice if you please, and what can you tell me about bathing children at bedtime?" Ich dien, William