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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. There is a more in-depth discussion of this at The Blaze, with more videos: Did Leftist Panel Member Admit Glenn Is Right About Occupy Wall St? October 25, 2011 Jonathon M. Seidl The Blaze You might also enjoy the statement by one Natasha Lennard (who writes for the NYT) on another video at that link saying that the "anti-authoritarian" and "anarchist" folks are not speaking in public because they don't want to "out" themselves--or the gentleman at the end of that clip who tried to clean up her boo-boo by making a point to emphatically say that we do not really, actually, you know, not seriously, live under an "authoritarian" system. I got all teary-eyed listening to that dude. He sounded awfully like someone on, say, Hannity all of a sudden, telling us what a great country we live in right there in the middle of all those OWS lefties... Argggghh... I can't resist. I gotta post that video: <iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Michael There is a more in-depth discussion of this at The Blaze, with more videos: Did Leftist Panel Member Admit Glenn Is Right About Occupy Wall St? October 25, 2011 Jonathon M. Seidl The Blaze You might also enjoy the statement by one Natasha Lennard (who writes for the NYT) on another video at that link saying that the "anti-authoritarian" and "anarchist" folks are not speaking in public because they don't want to "out" themselves--or the gentleman at the end of that clip who tried to clean up her boo-boo by making a point to emphatically say that we do not really, actually, you know, not seriously, live under an "authoritarian" system. I got all teary-eyed listening to that dude. He sounded awfully like someone on, say, Hannity all of a sudden, telling us what a great country we live in right there in the middle of all those OWS lefties... Argggghh... I can't resist. I gotta post that video: <iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Michael
  2. Oh, that speech. Brant, you are right about it. The "Your minds, your stupid, stupid minds!" speech as scholars have characterized it. In my view she was a novelist; why should she have to sit down and write a lot of dry boring philosophical treatise? Wisely she got Branden, and then Peikoff, to do the hard graft. George, you didn't need to look up palaver, you already know how to do it.
  3. Just came across this. The sourced list looks like a fairly representative cross-section of North American society to me,the all-powerful American Comunist Party excepted.
  4. caroljane


    Indeed. I am a pater familia. No one between me and the Brink. I am next over the edge or my wife., So it goes. Since it is inevitable I don't worry about it. Ba'al Chatzaf it's interesting isn't it. I have a whackload of thriving aunts, but I cannot bear the thought of their dying, I would no longer be me in my proper place in the family/world. At my mother's funeral, my darling aunt Charlotte said to me, sobbing, ,"You poor child!"She remembered me being a child, and her brother and sister-in-law whom she had so loved. It was the only time I cried,myself.
  5. caroljane


    Brant, I do not want to intrude on your experience. But mayI ask, do you hear your mother's words or fee lhler presence?Since she diee it has happened to me, andI am very rational.
  6. Good heavens, did I have the last word here on the wonderful Dudley Moore? Not only did he go to Oxford on an Organ sholarship =a great start for a comedian if I ever heard one - but he on an engendered one of the great philosophical questions for the ages: "Moore, do you have apples in that basket"? Imagine, just imagine, if he had said oranges.
  7. Serendipitous. I worship Mozart. As the quote goes, he is not the greatest, he is the only. But he had a robust enjoyment os scatological humour, of which I am unnaturally squeamish and cannot appreciate even in words let alone depictions. A small, unimportant part of the whole human being. What a piece of work is man.
  8. Wow, I can hardly do any of those things. You ever think about relocating to Toronto? Wistfully, Carol
  9. Great, just great. I managed to put my comment in the middle of the vomitous graphic I was commenting on. My gag reflex is never going to recover from this.
  10. I accept the blame, and damned well if I do say so myself. I am a trained Blame-Absorber, a little-known job niche with almost limitless potential. I am experienced in all areas of the field right up to the point where they wrap you in a goatskin and throw you off a cliff. But if you think I'm so nice, the quality of my PMs must be slipping. Was deQuincey Scottish? It's well known that it's a mortal sin for a Scots Calvinist to have sex standing up, because it might lead to dancing.
  11. caroljane


    Brant, I just saw this sad news, belated sympathies. To lose such a mother must be hard to bear. But mothers, you know... they never really go far away. Carol
  12. Hey, you never told us your nickname was Stuffy!
  13. Huh? You must mean Canadian mulligatawny, whatever that may be. P.G. Wodehouse fans know what real mulligatawny is, since Psmith is so often knee deep in it, and there's no carrot, potato, or baby on the ingredient list. Well the potato is rather a vulgar vegetable when one thinks about it... and one could hardly expect Psmith to acknowledge a baby.
  14. This does not address the real question our new friend has raised though, the perennially troubling issue of the duality of Rand's depictions of childhood (which you have documented) and the implications of her philosophy, asexpounded in the Comprachicos as Michael referenced. Add to that her references to her own childhood and intellectual development, and you've got a fine kettle of borscht.. On the one hand, the child mind is a tabula rasa on which improper philosophy can write unspeakable, indelible horrors (Compprrachicos, etc). On the other, everybody is capable of perceiving reason, even after such a childhood. On the third hand, she herself perceived the true nature of reality at age 3, had basically formulated her philosophy at age 7, and was stoutly impervious to all irrational influences of the adult intellectual world thereafter. Because she so often used her own life as illustration of her philosophy, it seems heretical to disentangle them, but it is so fascinating that we are all still doing it, fifty years on.
  15. Does it look like an Irish baby? It most certainly does -- and look at those vegetables. A mulligatawney stew if I ever saw one. mmmm...tasty.
  16. Well, yes - pass the salt, please; I have a nice open wound in my throat to sprinkle it. Though I said all year the Kiwis had the top team, in all justice they deserved the Cup. It was the 'Boks going down to the Wallabies by one point that really hurt! No ways! that ref needs specs. Tony At least you got to see the final. When I was getting only the Free Preview satellite, I got interested in the World Cup because of the war dances - I could watch those all day! My son had played rugby in high school but I never understood the game. But now, since the only other sports choices were gaelic football and synchronized swimming, I found the rugby gripping. I still didn't know what was going on of course, but the team stories backgrounders and the national anthems made me feel part of it all. I followed the results in the newspapers and was surprised that France even played rugby, let alone well-- anyway I was very pumped after the seis , when of course the free preview ended, replaced by The Mom channel.
  17. Thanks George. May I say how enjoyable it was to arrive back in the midst of a crucial incident in the ever-evolving relationship aon gst Smithland, Shayne Republic and Coateswana, with UN mediation by MSK and colour commentary by the ever-reliable team of Tony, XRay and Brant. Classic brinkmanship! I too am distraught about poor Kim. How tragic that isuch a timeless, deathless love could not even last through one 13-week cycle of the TV season. IHowever, I have not even written my sympathy note to Kim yet because I am agonizing round the clock about the Duchess of Cambridge who is NOT PREGNANT YET and might be too thin to get pregnant...I think Kim should reach out to Kate, nobly rise above her own suffering and offer sisterly support. If anyone understands the stress of an entire nation's future hingeing on your own personal life, it's Kim.
  18. I changed my mind, I'm coming as Papageno. Holy Handel, the Bergman 1974 Magic Flute movie just came on TV here, keeping me up too did you know?
  19. Followup - they have prepared charges against nearly 700 Van rioters according to Cdn media. In related Justice Prevails good news, Sean Avery has been sent down from New York to the minors. According to the inimitable Sean McIndoe (no relation), Avery has already set the record as the most fashion-conscious player in the American Hockey League, surpassing that guy in 1989 who did his laundry once.
  20. Ahh, the bitch is back, cold stone sober as a matter of fact! You go girl! Sir! I just called you a knight in shining armour, and you refer to me as a female do? You, ewe, you!
  21. Kids: Trick or Treat! Adam: Hi. kids! Are you prisoners of the state indoctrination system, or do your parent encourage your natural reason? Kid 1: We hafta be home by nine. Both: Trick or treat! Adam: Heh-heh. Here you go, this is the best treat you'll ever get! Clunk Kids: It's a book. A: It's not just a book, it's the book, the best reading treat of your lives.... K1: Is it a Bible? Because my dad said to not bring home any Bibles. K2: He said don't bring home any goddam Bibles. K1: Shut up. A: You dad sounds like a rational man. No, it's the opposite of a Bible, it's wonderful and inspiring and your dad will like it. K2: It's awful heavy, mister. A: It's heavy with ideas -- here, take some candy too. K1: Chocolate dollars, cool! K2: Hey, is this a chocolate gun? Because my mom said, don't bring home--- A: OK, OK, eat it on the way,-- nice costumes, kids! A: Thanks mister, you too - are you a sheep? A: Actually a ram-- see the brand mark? American Grade A!
  22. Who? I just googled the name, it's not a very familiar one, and I can't figure out what the costume looks like. Sure you didn't mean Eccleston? Anyway, next time I'll come as Lohengrin. Poor Ish, forgotten already. "I Am a Camera" - Berlin Stories - Cabaret was based on it. I like you as Lohengrin but it's Adam in the shining armour this time (with pink trim). Though reports from sources on the scene suggest otherwise -- see next post
  23. I got my BA from U of T. Back then I thought the atmosphere was fairly centrist or right-wing even (this was 1983) Academically it's a good school, though. Especially for the sciences.