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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. <...> I assume by "scum," you mean "police officers." JR If JR had to work as the mayor of NYC for some time, I bet he'd be glad to have what he calls "scum" to help him do the job. JR wouldn't ever have to work as mayor of NYC or anywhere else. He wouldn't run for the office, and, if somehow "elected" to it anyway, would refuse to "serve." He gets no kicks out of telling other people how to run their lives, much less out of locking them in cages and seizing their property if they don't take his advice. JR Yet you live, without consent, without approving, without the least commonality between you and the world beyond. How is that, JR? Is one man an island?
  2. Andrew, come on. Nipples are not offensive, they are just nipples. It is the owners of the nipples who care to have them looked at or not, you are viewiing this issue inside out.
  3. Abject apology and correction! This is not apocryphal but a documented statement of Freedom Fighter Perigo from September 2007=Galt bless him and all who sail in him. All four of them.
  4. The Raelians!! they are feminist like L.ron hubbard was a theologian. Carol: I had never heard of a Raelian before this thread that I started. Wiki Raelians here I believe your assessment is quite on point. However, at least Phil has a home religion that he would "feel" comfortable with. He can even apply some of his physics building trusses for the exceptionally grandiose examples of their "parishioners." Adam Well, that's a relief. If Phil has an inner Howard Hughes, viva engineering. I can't pretend to know how men feel about their bare chests being stared at by the general public. I would guess pretty indifferent. As a feminist with breasts which I was told were fairly aesthetically acceptable in my youth, I have never felt any desire to have them looked over by the public. These days of silicone do give me some political twinges... but I'll spare you. Vivent les differences, I suppose.
  5. EYES ONLY Frothy: Best send McSporran over to interview these chaps (they may be the same person or a figment of each other's imaginations); no need to alert M16 as yet. We have enough on our plates here with that wanker who keeps managing to steal the Earl of Wessex's underwear from the laundry. Keep in touch, Piggie
  6. PRIVATE -CONFIDENTIAL-URGENT Woo-hoo, Adam! Better take to the hills and get out the light saber! I never shoulda sent you those uncensored shots from the Sun- if they catch you, don't mention my name! ISS You Know Who
  7. OFFICE OF HRH THE DUKE OF CAMBRIDGE Richard D. Engle, Esq. Sir: Your interesting communication mentioning a Mr. Selene has been hacked intocome to the notice of the Duke's Office. We would be grateful for further information on the proclivities and activities of this individual, and a representative of the British Government will be contacting you shortly. We trust we will have your full cooperation. Yours faithfully, Col. the Hon. Swithin Frothington-Fforde, KBE Principal Assistant Secretary
  8. [quote name='Jeff Riggenbach' timestamp='1313624600' post='141 I, for example, am an advocate of socialism - not what the Marxists mean by socialism, because I'm not a Marxist; rather what I mean by socialism, which is a system in which everyone has lots of beer. Presto! I'm an "advocate" of "socialism." JR See how easy it is? Just lose the quotation marks and you're on the right path, Brother! In solidarity, Comrade Carol. Hic.
  9. Dear Diary, Back to work. All the fellows talking about the appalling riots. I did not mention our recent family conversation. Grandpapa said it is a great pity we do not have Transportation any more or hanging. Papa said it was the worst demonstration of mob degeneracy since they burned down the Savoy Palace in 1405. Oh well, said dear K brightly, at least they were just looting and attacking their own neighbours and not us. Grandpapa did not take this well. "US?" he nearly yelped, swivelling around to glare at her... really, not a very pleasant dinner. V. glad to be back in Wales, before Papa brought up King Charles II again. He has confided to me that when he ascends the throne he intends to be crowned as King George VII. One of the Georges lost America and went mad, and two of them were hated by everybody for other reasons, but he still thinks it's a luckier name.
  10. One could use the passive voice until the cows come home, but since his own family put out the newsletters under his name, if he was too inattentive to notice them, who knows what other little details he might miss, however fine his libertarian principles ?
  11. Shame is a powerful. Especially as relates to children and teenagers. Very sad, this information. Makes me think even more fondly of Theo Flurry, for what he overcame. Theo is a real hero to many of us, and most especially because of what his speaking out may be preventing for other boys. His attacker is reportedly now facing new charges.
  12. Thanks! I was thinking of one you posted somewhere before, with maybe a tomato commanding the cauliflower troops (I think you said he was your uncle).Apocryphal I'm sure.The more meh-meh the merrier. Contra LP and pro Bach I like to be where sheep may safely graze.
  13. I consent to chewing that conversational cud completely cause credibility clearly claims consistency. Ohyeah Adam, we all know your close affiliation with rams. ewes* and various kinds of kine...A+ for alliteration! *American only of course as you have specified! nice, but I long to gaze upon your valiant troop of cauliflower sheeple again, and show the Antipodean Avenger that some of us will be awake! Let's be having them!
  14. I consent to chewing that conversational cud completely cause credibility clearly claims consistency. Ohyeah Adam, we all know your close affiliation with rams. ewes* and various kinds of kine...A+ for alliteration! *American only of course as you have specified!
  15. Surely it's those newsletters of Paul's that were the propaganda. I'm really shocked that a candidate who allowed such things to be published under his name is being seriously considered as president material. Wow, you're buying it too. Buying what? Are the newsletters fake? Sorry, I just read this thread and don't know any of the background.
  16. furthermore... "I relish the battle and despise those who eschew it. I regard them as conventional, cowardly conformists who are substantially less than fully human..." LP, ibid. Whew!
  17. Surely it's those newsletters of Paul's that were the propaganda. I'm really shocked that a candidate who allowed such things to be published under his name is being seriously considered as president material.
  18. "There are so few of us, each one is precious...ultimately it will be a small, on=fire minotirty who will reinstate our freedoms, or instate them, probably by force while the sheeple are asleep." ==Lindsay Perigo Apocalypse When?
  19. Just a note in the spirit of two-countries-divided-by-a-common-language. Various politicians are appealing to the masses who are most likely to vote on both sides of our longest formerly-undefended border. Our guys and gals are beating the drum for "working families." Yours are rending their hearts over the "middle class." These groups obviously represent the same cull of a broadly cast net, people with jobs and responsibilities. I think it's touching that Americans maintain the outdated term which, to me, connotes a net-curtained house and a salaried job, but I think ours is more realistic. In any given family these days, if all the adults aren't working, neither are the heat or cable. In the increasingly wide space between the extremes of wealth and of poverty, the excluded middle listens to the either-or of the politicians.
  20. This thing definitely smells like ARI, but look at the difference now! Jennifer Burns, Anne Heller, Al Ruddy and Ed Snider, etc., all beside Mike Berliner, Andrew Bernstein, Harry Binswanger and Yaron Brook, etc. Whodda thunk it coming from over yonder? I'm impressed. It's about friggen time, too. Michael Cast and Crew look fine , but if editing is by Mayhew, I'm not watching.
  21. There was a time when I was certain that Peikoff was choosing his hair styles based on villains from movies and television programs. For example, in the late 80s and early 90s, I thought he was basing his look on the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and then in the late 90s and early 00s (as seen here), I suspected that he was going for the Star Trek Cardassian look (sort of "keeping up with the Cardassians," as it were...hmmm...DIM Cardassian?) These days it appears that he's kind of drifting back to the Child Catcher look. J What a merry sprite he looks in your link. Peter Pan Ph.D. More like a merry spite... I understand that merry spite is the only form of jollity allowed by Ortho Objectivism.
  22. There was a time when I was certain that Peikoff was choosing his hair styles based on villains from movies and television programs. For example, in the late 80s and early 90s, I thought he was basing his look on the Child Catcher from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and then in the late 90s and early 00s (as seen here), I suspected that he was going for the Star Trek Cardassian look (sort of "keeping up with the Cardassians," as it were...hmmm...DIM Cardassian?) These days it appears that he's kind of drifting back to the Child Catcher look. J What a merry sprite he looks in your link. Peter Pan Ph.D.
  23. Not all of his 36 Youtube videos are mere audio + photo. Some have the Dour Doctor young and fresh and vibrant, sounding just like (pre voice-training) Preston Manning, wearing an abundance of what we used to call Hockey Hair. Here's fifteen minutes of delight, from the last century, with a stunning 28 views: You speak in jest but you are on to something. The hockey hair, the nearly simultaneous voice training - has anyone ever seen Manning and Peikoff together? All of North America Should Be Told.Separated At Birth at the very least, I suspect.