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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I like "trollop", which like Schlampe meant more of a sloven or slattern than a sleeparound.
  2. I like "trollop", which like Schlampe meant more of a sloven or slattern than a sleeparound. Interesting that being a rotten housekeeper segues so easily into promiscuity in the semantic psyche!
  3. Somebody called this massacre a "politicide" and I suppose the master Templar tactician thought he was much smarter than previous assassins who murdered only leaders who represented, in what passed for their minds, all that they most feared and hated, -- the Warcraft wizard took out future leaders too. J, Kay discusses his dread of sexuality and loathing of "promiscuous" women in his family in the NP today. The similarities between his views and Hitler's are striking. Bleivik's views I mean, not Kay's. I don't equate him with dear Mark "he didn't kill Muslims so my ideas have nothing to do with it" Steyn. So far anyway.
  4. When I was coming up the sleep around girl who did not charge was called a whore. Whore was on this list. What's your favortie Old-fashioned word for slut Seems the slut word issue is quite the talk of the internet town! The absurdity of the word "slut" In my husband's Scottish youth such an l obliging lassie was called (among other things I'm sure) "the local good thing". Who'd have thought Glasgow would provide a kinder, gentler vocab in this area!
  5. At least no one is claiming he’s a Scotsman. No true Scotsman would bother his heid wi' the maunderings of a Sassenach like Anthony Flew! Antony Flew is Sasquatch? Wow, are you sure that's Flew and not Feynman? Typical academia, hogging the credit. Everybody knows the Sasquatch is Canadian anyway.
  6. Yes, a working assumption is what it is. The last I read, it was not known exactly why or how antidepressant meds work, although it is known that they do in abundance. Family history of depression is considered to be a strong indicator of predisposition, but I'm not aware that there's been absolute proof of any genetic base. As to gender, the only instance I can think of is postpartum depression which obviously only women can experience. This seems to me to argue for the biological-based theory.
  7. At least no one is claiming he’s a Scotsman. No true Scotsman would bother his heid wi' the maunderings of a Sassenach like Anthony Flew!
  8. Me neither. I've never been a soul or R&B fan especially, but her amazing voice reached across the generations to me and I loved her.She was an artist. And as the mother of a 27 year old son, the reports of her funeral broke my heart."Sleep tight..."
  9. How do you do that without eliminating the contradictions in your psyche? "I want to live" versus "I'm not worthy of living". One has to go. When you sink further into the depression, the second becomes increasingly more dominant, until it eliminates the first entirely. The psyche is attempting to resolve the contradiction, with or without your conscious involvement. Andre, This all sounds 'pat', and rationalized compared to my own experiences. (My personal, long, but mild depression - and the severe one of my mother, and a girl-friend). Seldom, or never, for instance, did I detect a "not worthy of living" aspect - or, even a "I want to live", one. I think depression predates all that. Essentially, it was about being too sunken and drained to carry out normal living. I think you are trying to make something non-volitional, volitional. (And btw, there will follow feelings of inefficacy - one's self-esteem will suffer.) Tony Your observations are astute. The feelings of self-hatred and unworthiness are effects, symptoms of the disordered workings of the depressive brain. In a person prone to it, it arises regardless of situation - at the height of personal happiness and professional success, for example. The life skills are lost, and normal life becomes as you say, unlivable. Situational depression, reacting to life events, does wear off-- this seems to be what Brant experienced. Most severe biologically-based depression presents first in the late teens or early twenties, and if untreated will recur. And everybody practices self-help, I think, a customized version of CT and positive thinking, whether we are aware of it or not.
  10. Yes, indeed, Carol. For our curious Yankee friends, the last two entries refer to Jack Layton, the headman of the New Democratic party, leader of the Opposition in Parliament. He was under treatment for prostate cancer, and now has stepped down to follow treatment for newly discovered non-prostate tumours. He announced his cancer in a straightforward media statement. He looks drawn, and the whisper of the grave has stilled partisan rancour for the moment. He takes temporary leave from his position as party leader, hopes and plans to be back when the House sits in September . . . but the sad fact remains that he is gravely ill and in a battle for his life. We take with every other part "the rag and bone shop of the heart" The mind so rich, the soul so strong, The voice that dares us to belong. A politician, who now ails. If he does not, his voice prevails.
  11. Excellent and so funny. Bien fait. Your dad's "possibly disgusted" look was probably suppressed hilarity. That is entirely correct. I asked him about it years later; confessed, so to speak. He said said that it took everything in him to not bust a gut laughing, but he held it down, because he was trying to be a good role model. He said (and later I remembered this) that he went into his bedroom, and started cackling so bad he had to put a pillow over his head. rde Always a good source of cheap entertainment Ain't no such thing as cheap entertainment. There's just entertainment, or not.
  12. (Guy on the right) Who's gonna tell him to put on a hard hat? There's a big rock teetering up on that girder!
  13. Yo, foreman! Don't hand out those paychecks just yet!
  14. Wow. Only child, "extreme eccentricity" in the family -- I was cooked. Carol: It is interesting that you posted this because I thought the obverse would apply. Since, as you know, I am also an only, and, have been lucky enough to not be plagued by debilitating depression. I wonder if there are any worthwhile studies on "onlys" and depression? Have not found any. Good general website I doubt it. Only children are too relatively recent a phenomenon in scientific terms to merit much study - but they are rapidly becoming the norm in much of the world, so the profs better leap from their towers and get their skates on! Also I would like to piggyback onto this a reply to Jonathan from an earlier post--it was in response to JR's description of professional self-doubt, no matter how many times he succeeds. J said, "But doesn/t this often happen to very talented people?" My immediate thought was, it happens to all people, but the very talented just write more about it and are written about more, But the question of , is there a real difference between excellence and genius, is perennially interesting, and it reminded me of an article I had used for one of my courses. I wish I could remember more of it,. It did not address the question of correlation between genius and mental illness. But it reported on a study which surveyed a large number of historical figures considered geniuses and identified common factors in their lives. It included only the ones whose biographical details could be reliably known, therefore left out Shakespeare for one. One factor was, a significant period of isolation, illness or dislocation in childhood or early adolescence. This made me think of Dickens in the Blacking Factory, though he was not referenced. Another was, a close family member with mental illness. Go figure.
  15. Brant, I just noticed this post and since the thread is about Depression, I think it is misplaced...depression is "anger turned inwards", among other things, and in my experience depression strongly negates feelings of victimization. The depressed person feels entirely responsible for everything they are suffering, but incapable of taking action, and therefore ultimately unworthy to live, in the worst case.
  16. Ghs Caplan is great. Where was he when I needed him? I was the opposite of a helicopter parent, more like a flimsy raft. Basically I felt, what I don't know about my kids might hurt them, but it won't hurt me. Shameful to admit but true. We all survived.
  17. Excellent and so funny. Bien fait. Your dad's "possibly disgusted" look was probably suppressed hilarity. Rich: Good story. One of the better attachments was a "suction cup type" perfectly shaped I might add. I was lucky enough to have two girls of the same age as I, to experiment with in addition to the device. Ahh, wonderful memories. Adam just an innocent participant in human sexuality and its advancement - bringing pleasure to each corner of the world! Sir, I was complimenting Mr Engle on his fine writing yet I feared further posters would rush in with their own sordid reminiscences. To No Surprise you are the first - is there no corner of Respectability left on this site? Carol mother of two sons who were either less precocious or more wily than you two
  18. Wow. Only child, "extreme eccentricity" in the family -- I was cooked.
  19. Wow. Only child, "extreme eccentricity" in the family -- I was cooked.
  20. Excellent and so funny. Bien fait. Your dad's "possibly disgusted" look was probably suppressed hilarity.
  21. It is seldom that a TV news headline strikes a chord. But I just heard this one on CTV: "Politics are set aside as a collective nation has Jack's back." Yes.
  22. Interesting observation. Attraction and falling in love, and the choosing of a marriage partner, are two different emotional experiences. Whatever we've internalized about who is attractive, and who feels like someone we could comfortably live with every day, probably come from so many conflicting subconscious influences that it's amazing that anybody at all ever gets or stays married. My parents had a good marriage and growing up in that atmosphere leads you to expect that intangible ether of easy communication, enjoyment and appreciation of each other, and unity that you sense between your parents. I don't think there was much Elektra-like in my feelings for Dad, but I do think that my observations of him as a husband (the spineless jellyfish!) helped determine my own absolute confidence that I was right when I met the man who "felt right", and for the first time in my life I thought of marriage not only as a tough lifelong job but as a desirable state. . Btw both my first love and my husband were seven years older than me.
  23. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Office of the Grand Shaman Dear Brothers, We will be suspending regular activities to concentrate on Healing Ceremonies for Claudine's boss (and affiliate Brother) Jack. Thanks to all the members and affiliates who have already volunteered to set up the hut and interview the eldest elders about correct ceremonial procedures. All others, please contact Nanook to receive your assignments. If you don't he will contact you, so we expect to hear from everybody by tomorrow night before supper. This means you too, Grampa McAloon. ISS Gord Asst. Shaman