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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. And your political ideology is the wish to punish the insufficiently respectful of what you conceive to be their betters. I don't think you are drooling about dragging Hillary to the gallows, like your fellow J, but you just wish the bovine unproductive masses to be taught their proper place, not by force,- they are mostly not illegal immigrants after all- but by the withdrawal of rights they haven't earned, as their betters have earned them, and they will have to figure out how to earn themselves. And why not, indeed? Your citizens are now being firmly led by the chief of their betters, just like North Korea. All of Korea agrees, thanks to Trump and Kim, and Americans will soon fall into line.
  2. Jeez Dale, just because my mother told me not to read your book and make friends the regular way! You sure hold a grudge.
  3. In my youth after moving to Toronto, we went to Nathan Phillips Square for our exotic treats, then later with kids to the East York community park and pool, back when East York was independent, "Canada['s only borough" as advertised...time marching on, and kids marching in various Canada parades as Scouts and soccer players etc., we always ended up at the park, our neighbourhood place whatever they called our corner of Toronto, where the food and the bingo games stayed comfortingly the same. If only we could have too!
  4. Nice one! I'm glad you responded here-- you can't be reached on your messenger by the way - did you know? I just a few days ago tried it because knowing you are a fan of Audibles, I heard some of the Shakespeare Recording Society of the Tempestwith 2 Redgraves (Michael and Vanessa) , Anna Massey, Hugh Griffith (who I researched for Wm's Diary - yes I do occasionally do research!) and I forget what other actors, but wondered if you had come across it, or maybe the Bard is too heavy for your commute - anyway I didn't think it would be of much general interest so I tried your PM. FYI and Whoah! Canna-da!
  5. Sounds to me she understood comfort all right! I think she fancied herself as a cook for a few Russian specialties n'est-ce pas?
  6. Actually your first para reflects the idea I had of you, when you still sounded like Jonathan the individual and not a bigoted Trumproid. There is nothing I can say or do to convince you I don't feel rage that I just don't feel. Who do you think I am , Lindsay Perigo? I suppose that you have felt your rights threatened and violated for for so long, -- oh, I cannot be bothered on this day anyway to find any understanding of your own motivations, maybe I am just not equipped to understand them. I most certainly do not wish to punish my betters. I just cannot acknowledge your chosen president as my better as a human being, despite his wealth and achievements, and I don't consider myself much of a human success, believe me. As human beings, Barry Goldwater and both Bushes and Ronald Reagan and yeah, Obama all stood head and shoulders above him. I don't like the idea of punishing people but of course I wish he would go away. I mean voluntarily!
  7. To my fellow tenants in the fields of the Lord, Marc, William ,jts and Jules, anyone else I have forgotten, and to all here, even those who can't see any reason for there being a Canada at all, true hopes for a blessed day. And to those who wish us harm and destruction, I will just quote from a translation of the French version of our national anthem (which of course has totally different words from the English version - talk about alternative history): "If you want to challenge Canada to a sword fight, you had better say your prayers!"* *I didn't say the translator was actually qualified, but he said he was bilingual...
  8. I don't recall thinking your post was emotional-- I said that the topic seemed to be emotive -- I was thinking of the response of your soulbrother Jan, not you, actually. Don't be so touchy. You like to insult your targets into a frenzy and then laugh at them for being hysterical or emotional, as per the Alt-Right Playbook, or for that matter the Kindergarten Argument playbook. Chill out and stop regressing to the least attractive aspects of what must have been a fairly angry childhood.
  9. Although wait! The customer wasn't Melania was it? She likely just put on the cap without noticing what it said.
  10. Yes and yes. He put his job where his convictions were. No shirt, no shoes, no (foreign propaganda) slogans, no service.
  11. PS Isn't Kim kind of fat for a man his age? Actually he is the fattest Korean I have seen, norther or southern.
  12. And South Korea KNOCKED OUT GERMANY in the World Cup! This is one happenin' peninsula !
  13. No, I have no emotions about Trump's right over his Twitter account, I am sure it won't make any difference to him anyway - I just made a comment that a court had said that as President, he doesn't have those same rights because of his being the president! I don't even care if he should have the rights or not, maybe Obama could block and he couldn't? Then that would be wrong of course. But I think O's account was always an official White House one, maybe there is some legal difference. I usually skip over the Narrative propaganda so can't answer you here, but I always like to feel I am being as just as I can. I will certainly look out for the calm and humorous tweets you speak of. I try to read what "our Billy" writes, because he writes good, but must have missed this part of them and others, in any case hands off "our Billy" if you consider him Other than a Fair Witness!
  14. Critique THIS - no thanks I do not wish to be beaten with a size 11 stiletto heel! I have suffered enough from trying to wear them!
  15. Yes, the sleepy happy well-fed turkey knows that Thanksgiving comes in October, the rational interval between Labour Day and Christmas. When Canadians give thanks, for each other really. And of course for Wayne Gretzky and Ben Heppner., etc(check out the Trumpera on about delivering a message! .Regular guys we can relate to. Chomp, peck, chomp.
  16. On one read, I do not see a connection - I hope btw that the threats were not fulfilled, of course. I have been fed etc. mainly by, myself and late husband, here and have no California connections at all. I am not being facetious at all , I do not get your point. Ultimately is obviously a clue, but please clarify.
  17. I do care about anyone bombarded with the hate of demented zealots, even public officials! - I gladly give you support to stop people bombarding you, the way Jon has boasted of bombarding Schumer. Perhaps that is the only outlet of those who feel powerless, but for whichever side they support, it is, as the saying is now, not a good look. Now can I go back to sleep?
  18. Thanks! I do my best! I think the imperative "Fuck you" eternally repeated, with an unproved criminal allegation, sounds like the initiation of force, on someone who does not wish to be fucked, and kind of threatening. Certainly it is a form of cyberbullying, the kind of behaviour most kids usually grow out of. Keep eating those Wheaties.
  19. Do not touch that sleeping mask! I am having a lovely dream, that my son just got a day job after 12 years on night work, that my daughter-in-law got a new job for more money, and that I will soon relocate with my housing costs halved. That I live and always have, maybe not so strong, but free. Drowsily, Snow White
  20. Well, he should stop sending them! Remember how he was misunderstood when he publicly admired his daughter's hotness!
  21. Er, look above at forum title. I was having a bit of fun about Trump's Twitter triumphs coming back to bite him, as the court said the president cannot deny citizens this means of communication to him- even though he started the account when he was still a private citizen. I had no idea this was such an emotive topic. I thought freedom of speech issues were fairly benign ground. I don't know about other elected officials though - maybe your pal Jon should check. If the targets of his righteous anger don't delete his thoughtful, well-reasoned messages, maybe they are gathering evidence for a dossier.
  22. Sorry Wolf, I would have bought this one but as I have vowed to stop buying any USA products, I will not buy any American published or authored books. I will just carry on stealing them from the library like usual.
  23. Well, everyone needs a hobby, I guess. But I think you would get more benefit from say, art therapy or maybe even basket-weaving. Mike Pence's wife might be able to counsel you on this!
  24. lol you wish ! #qsucks#stop the avian order#Lets be serious here
  25. Your heartfelt comment deserves a fuller answer. Consider the source - an old , bloody-but-unbowed writer who like most talented writers has not been able to make a living from what he does best. And being an Objectivist writer, he has a scornful response, to anyone's questions for him, whether friendly or hostile.