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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Roy Cohn Alger Hiss John Ehrlichman Spiro Agnew Charles Colson Sandy "that's not a secret document in my pants" Berger Lynne "I love terrorists" Stewart You forgot Lionel Hutz of the Simpsons (voiced by the late Phil Hartman), who claimed to have studied at Harvard, Yale, MIT, Oxford, the Sorbonne, and the Louvre. Hutz ran “I Can’t Believe It’s A Law Firm!” out of a shopping mall in Springfield. His business card, which turned into a sponge when you put it water, read: LIONEL HUTZ ATTORNEY AT LAW AS SEEN ON TV! KLondike 5-LAWW CLOGGING OUR COURTS SINCE 1976 Ghs just wonderful, I have not seen many Simpson episodes. "Clogging our courts since 1976" alone is worth the price of admission, thanks for sharing!
  2. Roy Cohn Alger Hiss John Ehrlichman Spiro Agnew Charles Colson Sandy "that's not a secret document in my pants" Berger Lynne "I love terrorists" Stewart OK, you certainly have a point with this group, though I have heard that Erlichman did a pretty good limbo when he had enough beer in him. I must say that Cohn is one of the most loathesome human beings I have ever heard about. and didn't James Woods do an amazing job of -playing him onscreen?What an underrated actor.
  3. Scandal has erupted on the Quebec leg of the Canadian honeymoon tour of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. The Duchess has been caught on camera cooking for an official dinner, leaning right over the mixing bowls, without a hairnet. I, along with all other outraged loyal citizens, of course immediately phoned the police and the Minister of Health, demanding that she be fined and possibly jailed. However, I was reassured that in this case a waiver has been issued to Public Health Regulation 1699-a-paragraph 17 (d) ("In the event of Best.Royal. infinitum") at the special intervention of the Ministry of Commerce. It seems that any hairs encountered whether in appectizers, mains or desserts whatsoever, will be immediately confiscated by the diners and auctioned on Ebay giving a great boost to the national economy. The Duke required no waiver, as he does not have any hair. Also the Duchess will be eating the dinner herself so if she finds a hair, tough on her. These Royals, who do they think they are. I never got special treatment when the kids used to find hairs in their oatmeal. And it wasn't usually even mine, it was the cat's, but guess who got the blame anyway. It's all right for some.
  4. John Grisham! Scott Turow! Maybe you could live without them, but how much fun would that be?
  5. American lawyers. So was Lincoln, so was Darrow. I just watched "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" the other night and saw to my delight that his first law partner was one John Stuart - the name of my father, my son and the founder of our clan who emigrated to Massachusetts in 1702. Considering the enthusiasm with which the Stuarts have bred and inflicted ourselves on all parts of the continent, he might even be a distant relation. Of MSK's too!
  6. Ahh, hence the derivation of the cluster fuck. A group of attorneys negotiating! First, let's not kill allthe lawyers. Our OL friend and valued lodge Brother PDS is one of them. I myself got a good LSAT score and was encouraged to go to law school, by a professor who told me "You think like a lawyer", though I am not sure that was a compliment even from him. I didn't go, because I knew I would never be willing to work that hard, but I have a lingering respect for those who were. Also, my favourite part of unionizing was the meetings with the local's lawyer and hearing his wonderful, hilarious war stories which illustrated just how breathtakingly wrongheaded and dumb our glorious workers can be, outdone in boneheadedness only by their management opponents.
  7. It's a matter of which bar he passed. I understand California is the toughest (you need not go to law school to take and pass pass that bar). New York is tough too. JFK jr had to take it, what?, three times (my step-Mother, once). He should have spent the same effort really mastering instrument flight. He flew to his death out of the airport at Caldwell, NJ, where I once flew my flying club aircrafts out of--and Teterboro too. He wasn't so smart. His Dad was a little smarter but seemed smarter than he was because he talked well and Daddy's money. Every so often I pass the place in Tucson on Stone Ave. where I watched the Senator drive pass in an open convertible in 1960, scarfing up delegates for his nomination to his incompetent Presidency. Eight years later I watched his brother, Robert, give an impromptu speech on the back of a truck at the University of Arizona on his way to his assassination in LA two months later. He looked good, he spoke good. Very dangerous man. Then all that was left was Teddy--and de facto homicide by cowardice and power-lust. I only feel sorry for Rose, perhaps out of ignorance, who lived long enough to experience most of it --Brant I preferred the old man, who destroyed his clan with his money, hubris and elan: fuck his sons, and they all got fucked, natch I don't feel so sorry for old Rose. She had her inconveniently retarded daughter lobotomized and sent away from the family, as she was extra weight on the campaign train. There was an Edwin O'Connor novel about Joe Kennedy- I forget the name, and what he called the clan, but I remember one scene. Joe's having a big outdoor reception for some occasion, and an old down-on-his-luck Irish enemy is standing on the sidewalk outside roaring: "I hope it rains and rains and rains like the hammers of hell [Joe Kennedy], all over you and your goddamned garden party!" You have to admit that eventually, it sure did rain.
  8. [/quhh} ???? That's not even ballpark close. Creative writing doesn't work with html tags. Ghs Little you know, George H.Smith, quhh is an an ancient blessing of the Sacred Igloo, there is nothing creative about it, your tags are the devils work anyway, everybody says so.
  9. Sharon, dear sister! There are no terrible typists, only terrifying truth-tellers. Welcome to the fold.
  10. Dear Sharon Presley, Thank you for your inadvertent (though you know your Freud, there are no slips!) priceless contribution to this thread and site. OL and its members have been called many things by its non-admirers (those silly self-deprivers): "mad band of odd bods", "women-haters", etc. but as a compatriot of Weird Al Yankovic on this happy mutual national weekend, I salute you for giving OL its best designation ever. We are now officially the Weird All.
  11. This really is the thread that has everything - an Iliad of the Internet, where every wandering bard, heckler, ranter and raider has his words marked. The Siege of Smith has already lasted longer than the Trojan War, with no relief ships in sight - keep it coming!
  12. Quite right too. I was too hasty, it is only the rich Objectivists I thought were cheap, and I never met any of them . The poor ones were generous, just like regular poor people.
  13. Guys, I have so loved today. The citizenship ceremony, as it always does, moves me beyond myself. It is not just a matter of moving here and signing some papers, to become Canadian. There is a test to write, which is not that easy; most native-born Canadians could not pass it. I have taught citizenship classes and seen how newcomers struggle, not just to get the right answers but to really understand, how truly different this country is from the one they have left. Before that there is the time of waiting, of decision, of anguished or terrified or calculated leavetaking of everything they know and the elder loved ones who truly know them. Some who I know suffered worse; entire bereavement, jail, torture. As their resilience and practicality and humanity have buoyed me up in the years I have been privileged to welcome and teach them, so will they buoy up our country with their universe of knowledge and experience and skills, and their wonderful children, who are now ours. July 1, 1984 is the most shining ceremony in my memory. It was my husband's, he had waited until we had our second child, so that the boys might have the option of British citizenship if they wanted later.His sister and her husband had come over from Scotland, my favourite people.Arthur ("the shortest cop on the Glasgow police force")was something like Rumpole of the Bailey. Mary...well, my husband's great pickup line when we first met was, "You really remind me of my sister." The baby didn't cry once. The photos with the judge and the Mountie were great. I wouldn't trade that day, for all the fascinators in Cambridge, Ontario or England.
  14. Beautiful Duchess! Was there some special Canadian protocol for all the Greeks to be in the first row? Protocol? They're Canadian Greeks! They will sit in whatever row they want. Carol longtime Danforth resident (the Greeks own all the rows and have long leases on the aisles in these parts)
  15. In all fairness I must add that in the clip, the Frugal Physicist does exhibit a certain animal magnetism.
  16. I should add for those who do not recognize the reference: Kennedy and Fleury were not schoolboys but adolescent hockey players, who (along with many others) were raped and forced into submission by their influential coach, who controlled their careers and in effect their lives and those of their families. This man's name is well known in Canada, I will not soil this site with it.His crimes were eventually prosecuted and he went to prison, although not for long enough in my opinion, he is now out. Kennedy and Fleury have freed themselves from from what was done to them, as much as is possible, as has Stephen Fry.
  17. He didn't disclose the woman's full name, and far as we know she enjoyed the encounter, so ladies, don't, in spite of Carol's advice, cross genius physicists (or bongo players) off your list of potential sex partners. On the other hand, take Stephen Fry's memoir. In it he gives the full name of the upperclassman who "deflowered" him in boarding school, describing circumstances which amount to child rape. He goes on to share with the reader the man's current occupation, marital status and even what town he lives in, if I remember right. Lesson to 17-18 year old bullies, rape 13-14 year old boys and you may never hear the end of it. Good for Stephen Fry. He joins Sheldon Kennedy and Theo Fleury, courageous men who named their exploiters in defiance of shame and silence. But Feynman, good grief. Since we are going on his word, I'll accept that it was worthwhile for the lady in question.. but $1.10! well, OK, per minute or quantum second or whatever -- I guess that would work out.
  18. Just noticed this - this will be the third serving. Beautiful indeed, but sorry, not too beautiful to eat. Yum, yum, pass the bechamel! Carol Cauliflower enthusiast
  19. The total bill was $1.10, she paid him back, then slept with him anyway. The story doesn't include identification of the sandwich type. You haven't heard of Feynman? I guess you're not into bongo music. Do they even have bongos in Canada? Um, I think we have a couple but we call them Ulaqitukaroni. I guess the Lesson for Ladies here is, never sleep with a genius physicist who is crazier than you are, or at least get your sandwich up front. Enjoyably, Carol And I thought Objectivists were cheap!
  20. The pleasure is mutual. Remember, there's no "me" in t-e-a-m! Well, there isn't the way some people spell it. Nevermind. I am watching the Will & Kate show. OMG, Greatest. Hat. Ever.
  21. BOMB BRANT!!! --Canada Bryant University 1150 Douglas Pike Smithfield, RI 02917 Dear Canadian Warmonger: This Cease and Desist Letter places you on notice! Peace! Out! Signed in Bold so you will obey! Hon. José-Marie Griffiths, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs Dear American Nosey Parker, Ooooh, a lawyer's letter, I'm a-scairt! I do not take instructions from anybody except the Grand Shaman and sometimes Nanook, and you can't make me cease and desist from not taking them, you ivory tower bubblebrain. I shall forward your laughable communication to my Attorney for American Affairs, Clueless ("Wrong-way") O'Connigan of Atlantis, Iowa, who is a pretty good joke in himself.