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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Glad to see there is a southron branch of the TP Brotherhood. Of course it isn't a real trailer park if it isn't in the Maritimes..I have met Bubbles in person. Of course in real life he looks so normal he is nearly unrecognizable but eagle-eyed I spotted him on the street. He is super nice and of course, super bright.
  2. Please forgive my being blunt — but shouldn't extremities such as these tell you something? About whether your pursuing this obsession is doing YOU any good? Blunt for blunt: If you'd really been reading this thread you'd know George is wrapping it up. --Brant George has said that this outpouring has in fact done him good. I also thought at first - and even in the middle - that reliving this stuff could not be good for him, but I have come to think that it has been therapeutic. He has been stating his case among friends who are, literally, in his corner.Telling the truth can hurt for sure, But!TM being heard and understood is always healing.
  3. You can get the comic book version in "Aristotle Responds on Catachresis" in the LOLOL section. Welcome to OL, Fred.
  4. Thanks for posting this Adam. I knew a lot of what they're now calling "helicopter parents" while I was definitely more of the rubber raft variety. Now I don't have to feelso guilty any more. I could never understand where they got all the energy to live their kids' lives as well as their own.
  5. Of course "Bertrand" is an interested party. He doesn't give a shit about the facts. He won't even read the posts that I linked on my Master Post and to which I have referred him several times. He ignores this essential evidence and combs my other posts (apparently while taking notes) in search of out-of-context comments that might trip me up. Typical troll behavior. Fortunately, this troll is not the brightest bulb in the chandelier. Teacher, my ass. He couldn't teach a bear to shit in the woods. And he is a coward to boot. Ghs I'd guess a student - there's a dogged immaturity that's emerging from him/her. But why would a young person be so interested in ancient events?
  6. And penuries of plagiarists. Let us not forget Cliques of Canucks! Btw, I fiddled with you quote tags so they would work. I hope you don't mind. Ghs or Cackles of Canucks. But beware when an Anger of Anarchists approacheth!
  7. It's "Ghs," carol. The Phil thing was speculation. I don't think any apologies are necessary, especially since Phil never apologized to anyone for anything. Ghs I didn't say it was necessary. I said it would be gracious. Uncharacteristic, but gracious. cjs
  8. To paraphrase Herbert Spencer: Another great theory destroyed by a nasty little fact. ghs already apologized in advance to Phil if the not-so-great theory was wrong. It would be gracious of JR and Doubting Thomas Brant to do likewise. Smugly, Carol
  9. But I get the joke beneath the joke--it's jokes all the way down. --Brant you and Wendy have something in common Oh, all us Canadian gals are basically the same.
  10. Brant has plagiarized the post I was just going to write. I am considering legal action.
  11. I thought I'd chime in here to say that I think Phil could write Bertrand's posts without breaking a sweat. I had myself suspected that Bertrand might be Phil. Then George gave voice to the same suspicion. In addition to the points George made, I'd note further Bertrand's devotion to tiresome bilge about "civility" and "namecalling" and "attacks" and supposedly "childish" conduct (to say nothing of his tacit asumption that we're all here for the identical reason - the only valid reason to be here, namely that we yearn to have a polite, structured discussion of important issues and "persuade" each other of our points of view on those issues. All this is very reminiscent of Phil. JR That's very interesting, Jeff. I'm going back and read every word again and see if I can grok what you say. --Brant Reminiscent of Phil, maybe - but I'd put my head on a block, not Phil. This is all too calculating and dishonest for Phil, who I'd hazard takes himself and his Objectivism too seriously to stoop so low. [Edit: He has always struck me as essentially an innocently sincere guy under the school marm - or because of it. ] Tony I agree. Regardless of the subject I do not recognize Phil's style in BR's. And was he ever known to post anonymously before when he had flounced off? Brant and JR peg him as a pedantic faulty reasoner but I have noticed that there is more than one of those on the Internet. Innocent until proven guilty I say.
  12. I don't wish to accuse anyone unfairly, but do you suppose Phil would seek revenge by posting under the pseudonym "Bertrand"? The posts in question have the same style of argument that Phil used to use, e.g., the stress on logic and fallacies written by someone who doesn't understand much of either. And then there is the pedantic stress on irrelevancies. As I recall, Bertrand has spoken of his "students," but he has not specifically said that he teaches philosophy at a university. I think Phil teaches some kind of logic course for high school students. If I am wrong, I hereby apologize to Phil for suggesting that he may be "Bertrand." My theory obviously doesn't fit with Bertrand's remark about having learned of this thread on some Facebook page, though that might have been a cover story. But my theory does explain why Bertrand will not reveal his real name. Just a thought.... Ghs I'm sure you are wrong. "Necessities and niceties of logic" does not sound like his style at all. Bertie might even be Roberta, for all we know. Also I don't think anonymous attacks are his style either. I could be wrong too of course, but I don't think so.
  13. Rubes tend to stick together, after all. Flocks of birds, gaggles of geese, schools of fish -- and rabbles of rubes. Ghs And penuries of plagiarists.
  14. I second this. Bertie, every person on this thread, especially George, has been attacked with high words and low blows, vicious venom and scorching scorn, and that's just by each other, on topics far less incendiary than plagiarism, which is particularly detested on this site. They have counterattacked with facts, truth and, yes, logic - not as you use it, as a feint, but as a bridge between facts and truth. Also, of course, with high words, low blows,etc. In this particular fray you appear to be unarmed.
  15. No, no, he's got me converted now, you vile liar! Hey Bertie, you're welcome to come to tea anytime, just please bring your teapot. Can I come too? I'll be mother and pour out. I promise to dress in my frumpy best. Granny L
  16. Still and all boys, when all's still and stillness is all she says the universal Yes.It could have been No as like as not and then where would we all be?
  17. George: I was chuckling when I heard the statement. I just saw an interview with Chu, the Police Chief and he is claiming that the "anarchists" wore Vancouver gear as disguises. He asserted that they were carrying gasoline, molotovs and other weapons. I have seen some of the video and photos and I am not surprised by his assertion for the following reasons: 1) Vancouver has a significant left wing anarchist component; 2) the seventh 7th game win or lose provided good cover; and 3) they had the 1994 example. Well, at least Chief Chu, being Asian, provided us with a different slant on the issue! So this was an anti- Boston Tea Party riot? Adam Careful Adam, remember the Duke of Edinburgh got into hot water over Asian eyelid comments. You do not want the Multicultural Anarchist Hockey Idiots Anti-Defamation Reague against you.
  18. Ick, file this under Demographics.
  19. "Fire up the barbecue - hold the relish."
  20. This is scary. My son's exgirlfriend is Egyptian Coptic and has many relatives over there. I hope they are all right.
  21. Shameful indeed. Juvenile, disgusting, ugly. Way to drag the maple leaf in the mud, you cretins. Can't even blame Gary Bettman for this one.
  22. LOL! JR, who knows all the details of my personal life, used to joke by calling me "Rasputin," because I appeared to have a mysterious hypnotic effect on helpless women, and used my almost-supernatural powers to draw them into my degenerate lifestyle. I got so pissed-off by the women (including Wendy) who refused to take personal responsibility for their own decisions, that I initiated a policy: If a woman expressed interest in following me down the path to perdition, she had to say she wanted to do this explicitly and at least two times. If I said, "Do you want to do X," and she said, "Yes," this wasn't enough. I would have her expressly say, "I want to do X," and then repeat this statement. And I would always tell the woman that she was engaging in a risky activity and might later regret her decision. I guess I should have gotten all this in writing, because some of these helpless waifs later complained that I had seduced them into a corrupt lifestyle, despite their explicit consent, which was typically given with great enthusiasm. I really wish I had those Rasputin-like powers over women. Those hypnotic powers would really come in handy now, since I have grown very tired of the celibate life. Ghs Ah, but you still have your memories. Oh wait, you only have 2/3 of them, courtesy of Mr. Martin. But you do know, don't you, that those willing women were thinking simultaneously, "He wants me to do X" and "I want to"--or maybe sequentially.