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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. What you have written here comes close to my own experience, Carol. Really! My best friend in high school and after "went to the convent"-i.e., attended the local Catholic school which was actually held in the convent. It went up to Grade 9. One hot summer day we were in the post office and the head nun, the dread Sister Majella, came in. She marched up to us and told my friend to go home and "change out of those indecent shorts". She gave me the fish eye but did not address me; she probably wanted to remark on the unwisdom of anyone, even an Anglican, with legs which could most charitably be described as short and sturdy, choosing to wear such short shorts. Anyway, my friend meekly went home. I was amazed - Carol was the spunkiest girl I knew. (There were a lot of Carols in town- in our own group she and I were known as Carol 1 and Carol 2. I often remember that when I'm calling on Mohammed or Maria 1, 2 or 3 in class, and smile).
  2. PS Adam, It would be a good a idea to wear gloves when you make your collection visit. Helpfully, Carol
  3. Congrats to you too on winning your bets. You can collect them from my business manager, A, Burrows. Tee-hee.
  4. I was always a sort of middle-aged kid and teenager, wanting to as intellectually sophisticated as the oldies over 30, or at least over 25. I didn't much like dope and I was terrified of hallucinogens and never went near them, knowing too well what kind of trips the mind can take even without chemical help. Still, I had a pretty great time in that era.
  5. Oh hell Michael, I'm sorry. I did not read your spam alert and only thought it was a troll, I know the difference now.
  6. Well, Moonbeam McSwine is already onboard.
  7. There's no excuse for "In the Year 2525" though. I feel sorry for my distant descendants who might possibly have to listen to it as a history project.
  8. I second that. I too bear a certain affection for the ol' Eve of D. And when it first came out it was a genuinely different sound from the other stuff on the airwaves, and not a worse one, so it should get points for that. And certainly the edge-of-doom theme is a timeless one - judging from a browse of the topics on this board at least.
  9. That isn't something I knew about, so I have just read up on it. It wasn't Geert who took the journalists notes, it was a move taken by his "public relations officer chairman Ms. G (Gaelle) de Graaff". It seems that she was concerned for security reasons. She was perhaps wrong and inept in what she did, but I can't find any indication anywhere as to whether or not Geert Wilders himself supported her action, or even knew about it (he was in fact giving his talk when the public relations officer did what she did). I've looked it up (again) too. Presumably Wilders, as a champion of freedom and possible martyr, gives his staff guidelines for protecting his security. Seizing a reporters' notes seems rather, well, incontsistent. Ironically, his visit to Canada was sponsored by the International Press Freedom Society .
  10. Michael, I agree with you on this, although I don't think Wilders is motivated by hatred as much as by his feeling that he knows "the truth". He is taking the role of Pope Urban --Urban was reluctant to do it but he sparked the Crusades, on ideological grounds.
  11. PDS gets some(anticipatory) congrats too.Michigander Ryan Kesler's gamewinning play brought him closer to winning the Conn Smythe trophy , he would be only the second American to do so. But he has said recently that he "almost feels Canadian" so maybe he should be rescued and deprogrammed before it's too late.
  12. So am I. Everybody is stepping up their game including the refs. The radio-TV combination was a long tradition in our house. My husband hated one of the TV commentators, considered him an idiot, fool, know-nothing etc) so refused to listen to him. This was not for hockey (there is no such thing as a bad hockey commentator in Canada) but for soccer and football. Anyway, the radio was part of a heavy stereo combo in the living room, the TV in the den adjacent. The distance between them made the noise level in the living room painful. The kids and I used to run across it like soldiers across No-Mans-Land. Eddie of course never stirred from the couch till the last whistle sounded, so he never suffered.
  13. Carol: Thought you figured this out by now....William is a man of reason and peace. ERGO, since as we all know from Ayn and Aristotle the "A" and "A" is "either-or" and this is hockey: well you know what I mean... The DEFENSE never rests...hit, hit, hit, board em, check em into the cheap seats... Adam Thanks for the fun montage. How on earth did you dig up the photos of my pets, Maurice and Paul? What an opener, eh. How Kesler stayed onside in that last play Ill never know. Just as games, the ones I've seen so far have been the best post-season ones I remember seeing. If the final keeps up this level, this year could go down as one of the best playoffs ever, whoever wins. Don't know if you got the same coverage I did - Lucic (Boston) is from Vancouver and his dad said on CBC that though a lifelong Canuck fan, he is naturally hoping for his son's team this time. "I know the Cup's coming to Vancouver", he said. "I just want it to come right here, to my house."
  14. I'm a little worried about wss. I don't think he's a particular hockey fan, but he lives in Vancouver. He might be tied to a chair in front of a TSN screen somewhere, forbidden to say anything except "WOO-HOO, "NOOOOOOOOO" "YESSSSS" and "LUUUUUUUUU".
  15. Geert Wilders may be brave, but he is no great advocate of journalistic freedom. When he came here to speak last month, one of his first acts was to forcibly confiscate the notes of a reporter (incidentally from the Toronto Sun, a very anti-Islamist daily) and destroy them.
  16. C'mon Brant. We're just value-trading here. Some supermodel said that she didn't get out of bed for less than $100,000. I bet we could get you out of Tucson and into the Duchess of Cambridge's wedding gown if the price was right.
  17. Could I sidetrack a minute and fix something? Bad grammar in songs is usually deliberate and makes the song work, but sometimes it's unnecessary and bothers me. So I need to adjust a song I llove so I can fully enjoy it. Chorus from "I Just Want to Go Home" from Van Helsing. ..."You know we had to see How high the sky could be Whatever happened to you and me? I just want to go home." Thanks, I feel better now. Carol English Teacher and Part-time Pedant
  18. Maybe we should have two categories, worst performance and worst song.As a subcategory, worst performance of anthems.As a connoisseuse of the latter I would nominate the guy who recently rendered the Star-Spangled Banner as a dreamy jazz number, to flat effect, musically and emotionally. But I can't remember his name or what game he was singing at. For worst song I'll bring out my pet dead horse, My Way, and beat it up again. I know, I know, it helps individualists express their feelings like no other song. But the lyric is hilariously bad. "the words of one who kneels" and "not in a shy way"- on crescendo! - such straining for a rhyme achieves the very nadir of bathos.
  19. I get the same result by cursing. --Brant Wow. I envision you cursing a Diane von Furstenburg classic sheath down from $400 to $250US, and looking fabulous in it. You can strike "and looking fabulous in it." I resell this stuff on eBay. --Brant mo money Oh, too bad. I guess this means you don't even try them on first. So even though this is on Humour, it wouldn't be ethical to photoshop you into couture to strut alongside Phil's checked gingham in the OL Crossdressing Gallery. Even if a modelling fee could be arranged?
  20. I get the same result by cursing. --Brant Wow. I envision you cursing a Diane von Furstenburg classic sheath down from $400 to $250US, and looking fabulous in it.
  21. Btw don't you love the Vancouver national anthem singer? He says he's famous as a singer for not singing. I like his wearing the tux in the tradition of the immortal Roger Doucet. Watching the players during the anthems always makes me think of the "let loose the dogs of war" speech from Henry V(Im sure this observation has been made many times but I'll make it again). I see Brian Blessed from the Branagh movie in the lineup, lunging forward and baring his teeth.
  22. I have come to but will require heavy medication until the end of the series. First the Seadogs take the oldest, hardest-to-win prize in hockey in an historic first. Next the Jets are returning after fifteen years of exile. Now Canucks are one up in the final. I am living the Canadian Dream, Maritime division.
  23. I got audio echo on this and could not make out the lyrics. Was she singing in Klingon? (I hope)
  24. Mock all you want. There is such a thing as rational prayer, which is practiced by my born-again cousin. She prays for parking spaces to open up, and dresses to be marked down on sale, and it always happens.