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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I have to take issue here, because you at least twice decided to talk about me instead of the subject at issue, and your personal comments were grossly wrongful. The issue was not Q, about which I know nothing and care nothing. But your comments were about me, and if you wish to be taken seriously by me at least here, you should retract them.
  2. Emphatically agree, this is international too; my grandsons age 9 and 6 each read two books a week at home plus whatever at school. and often beg for more reading time, Flashlights under the blankets have been detected.
  3. Do not get me started! Did you visit the Toronto Reference Library, with the best second-hand bookstore of offloaded volumes in the world, and a Disneyland of tangible reads?
  4. And I you. I love the image of you and your son at the library. These are some of the most precious memories I have with my own older son, the reader, imaginative one. Especially clear is the month he and I spent in my hometown in winter, when he was 5 and his grandfather was dying there. Among towers of snow, in our small beautiful town, we walked together and selected books about Ulysses and Pegasus and Donald Duck and he became a reader, I think , at that time. So great you are passing that precious pleasure along.
  5. Will the martyrdom of the Blessed Donald never end? Now some vengeful court has said that he cannot, like every citizen of the US and maybe even some illegals who will be hunted down and .. anyway, he cannot block people he does not like from commenting to him on his Twitter account! Just because he is the president, he has to let anybody talk to him! Even those ugly women, ugh, -- well, at least Jared needs a job since the Russian market is in a cool cycle- he can do some deleting and note down the names for future firing.
  6. Dear Diary, Well, really, I mean to say. A man comes home from a four days' slog in Religion Central, at which I am assured I did rather well - there was one tricky moment when I blanked out a bit with the Greek Orthodox chappies, but McKillop whispered "Mandria the Cypriot Greek - Hugh Griffith I believe?" and I was able to place it all - although I did get a bit giggly looking at the saintly crew and thinking of Hugh Griffith's other roles-- Back on point, after a long weeks' work I expected a welcome from Dear K and our beloved children, but I was ushered into an empty set of rooms at Kensy Pally! Where is my family, I cried emotionally. After conferring with the second footman, McKillop reassured me. K had gone to her parents' place with the baby as soon as my plane departed. (No surprise there, I thought bitterly, I wonder how many more cousins and old school chums she has acquired in my absence). She had left George and Charlotte right next door with Uncle Harry and Aunt Megs and they were very well and happy. Relieved to know the form, I will just change out of my non-political neutral flying suit, which I notice is getting a bit tight, and maybe watch a quick rewind of match highlights, and then I shall reclaim my children and call Bucklebury. Ah here is McKillop with an Irn Bru Windsor Ice - his specialty. Must see if he could get a rise. Maybe we could dispense with one of the nannies, do we really need four? And where are they all, anyway? Ich dien, William
  7. You speak truer than you know Jules - loopy Janet is a decades-old signal of Swamp activity based on a character from the progressivist-laced cancelled soap All My Children, who was a actually imprisoned in a well, like another character whose name started with J in another old soap -- see the connection? Dot dot dot... Better stop thinking like this or you may find yourself in an underground location, with plenty of showers at least.
  8. lol My Canada Day resolution is to go cold turkey on my US trash gossip mag addiction. So goodbye to In Touch, farewell Life and Style - it is a long long way to culture cleansing - but my buck stops there! (Thank heavens for Hello mag's Canada edition!) Even though it is $2 CDN more. I will pay it proudly out of the proceeds of my Victory Garden.
  9. Actually, it looks stupid to anyone who is not full-on delusional without anybody needing to point it out,I don't say it is not possible, alas!. Just that is stupid. Yours sincerely, The Masses
  10. >>1952489 We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question. What are they waiting for? They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right? We may have to ‘force’ this one. Q lolol! Asking him questions never solves anything if you need reliably factual answers.
  11. May I add to this request? I became a good friend of Ted's here after initial hostilities (I am a progressivist socialist. that is to say a Canadian) and I enjoyed his delightful wit-- I remember one exchange about Dr, Who, when I remarked that Tardis we made for our son out of an old wardrobe was too small) and he said, "Only on the Outside". When he left here he invited me to contribute to his own site, which I believe I wrote some (pretty mediocre) poetry for under my anagram Daunce Lynam. I miss our exchanges and his large unique mind so much, though I deplored what I thought his wrongheaded political views as he did mine. I wish he were here to write scathing critiques of William's Diary or pour scorn on the waste of space that is a hockey rink, and parry return lunges in kind. Deepest condolences, what a huge space he must leave empty.
  12. We can agree on that I think. at least .. the Sublime makes me think too uncomfortably of L Perigo, and his righteous Objectivist Rage and his tiny, tiny, tiny world in which only Mario Lanza and "Linz" himself are heard, I would have to brush up on Kant (like for a year!) but I think he was more honest than his modern interpreters.
  13. It's kind of flattering, really. I haven't been called a hot mess since I paired my mother' s beaver coat with a tie-dyed ball gown for my 20th college reunionj! Mixed reviews as you would expect.
  14. Yes, there is! There are 203 verified honest bones and seven neutrals! Dr. M. ShelleyFrank, Osteopathic Specialist notarized.
  15. Well, if you say so Jonathan, but I do not know anything about Newberry except he is your epistemological enemy and not a good an artist as you. (I know nothing about art but have seen examples of his and yours and thought yours better.) As I have said before I am not very good at hating, but I do dislike proven persistent liars, disloyal friends or allies, and vengeful petty mean-spirited people, in whatever walk of life I find them. If the extra small glove fits, your president can wear it. The bad behaviour of others has no bearing on the moral burden of each individual, and you know that.
  16. Michael, I agree with you, and I should have thought how young these new smart minds are, how vulnerable. Thank you for thinking wider than I did.
  17. I appreciate your measured response, and I think I did read a lot of the background material and known facts of her career history that you did. From these facts obviously we have inferred different things (no surprise!) I will follow her statements and hope to get a good idea of her views and their foundations. I will agree that if power-lust is not in line with her history ( which could merely mean that she did not get power she had hoped to from previous actions) it will become apparent in the integrity she shows henceforth. Anyway, if she is what America needs now, she will be supplied.
  18. lol and you can play with your toy guillotine - maybe an entente is in the future?
  19. Owens is a stunning example of the true political opportunist, who helps earn politicians every bad name they have ever been called;
  20. Dear Diary, Here I am in Israel and Jordan, not at the same time of course, where I did not know I would be until McKillock was packing my bags and I asked him for what? "The Mid-East, Sir" he replied imperturbably. Servants always know everything first! "The mideast of what?" cried dear K, distressed. "I hope you mean mid-Essex because that is where you promised me a weekend break without the children!" I shrugged helplessly. Luckily the Undersecretary of the Foreign Service Mesopotamian Desk was announced at that moment. "Now see here" I fulminated. "I cannot go haring off to that hot dry place right now, with the England game coming up. Also, I know nothing about Israel except what I learned from that old movie Exodus - which is in my opinion a classic - but still, it did not portray Britain all that favourably as I recall." ""Indeed sir, time has shown critical opinion has found the portrayals of Sir Alec Guinness to be .... "Fine, fine", I countered crisply. "But I cannot set off knowing only what I saw in a movie with my nanny when I was 10...surely!" "Of course you can, Sir, most people go over there only knowing what they read in the Bible!" said the undersecretary, chuckling. "Sir Alec was dead brilliant in that movie" opined McKillop as he folded my favourite trousers for watching matches. I caught his eye. "That Paul Newman was a good hero, but he didn't look Jewish enough to me... oh, Sir, apparently Prince Hussain is a big footie fan, and you will be there on the day of the England-Belgium game. Should I pack your England jersey, or would that be what they call provocative.?" So here I am. Ich dien, William
  21. Don't despair, Korben. At least you are just a moron, and not a hopeless case of a lying narcissist like me -- so hopeless that I will -probably address your fellow accused moron if I feel like it, despite his kind requests - alas as he notes, some people never learn.
  22. And so am I, and you and all men of good will, so Galt bless us every one.
  23. Speaking of seeing, I wish I could see the files that show up here beside the devil (I love the devil face though I usually don't love the content preceding!) and before your signature Michael. I think I miss a lot of nuances or actual points made by the inadequacies of my laptop . What I do see is that you see WSS is a good person, which in my opinion, nobody can deny. For he is indeed, a jolly good fellow.