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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Soar on wings of rationality, Joel, and scuttle furtively as needed. Hope this does not mean you migrate from the OL habitat permanently. As you know, global warming is an evul myth. Ha-ooo-oo, Carol
  2. It's hard to refute an argument made up entirely of condescension. --Brant I have to agree with Brant there, Jonathan. The comment is more condescending than anything you critique AR for saying, let alone JR. What does it amount to except a threat?: Unless JR says he doesn't believe "the silly crap that he's saying," there goes your "estimate of his intelligence and personality." How is this one whit better than AR's "And so, gentle reader, do you," which you've interpreted as an intimidation technique? Ellen Ellen, Is it just me, or is there an undercurrent on this thread of the perennial male sport of the assessment and measurement of each others', uh, brains? Daunce: it took you only 1400 posts to figure that out? I hereby petition MSK to strip you of all of your hard-earned dollars signs and require that your post-count start from zero, once again. PDS, you mean I earned those dollar signs? I thought they represented what I owed MSK for publishing me! I was living in dread of getting the invoice. Delightedly, Carol
  3. It's hard to refute an argument made up entirely of condescension. --Brant I have to agree with Brant there, Jonathan. The comment is more condescending than anything you critique AR for saying, let alone JR. What does it amount to except a threat?: Unless JR says he doesn't believe "the silly crap that he's saying," there goes your "estimate of his intelligence and personality." How is this one whit better than AR's "And so, gentle reader, do you," which you've interpreted as an intimidation technique? Ellen Ellen, Is it just me, or is there an undercurrent on this thread of the perennial male sport of the assessment and measurement of each others', uh, brains?
  4. "Wait up, son! I got something to give's a long form...."
  5. This take on criticism is solely from the perspective of the criticized, Rich. There are many who put tons of discipline into what they do, yet the finished product is mediocre or worse - look at the bestseller lists. I'm sure you know some examples from the music world also. I watched a hilarious doc last night on the making of Troll 2. Ferociously dedicated, driven, disciplined (more or less)people creating what has been called the Worst Movie Ever Made.
  6. Kat, that looks really interesting. Are you and/or Michael planning to go? Your report would generate a lot of discussion on here I'm sure!
  7. Betcha they couldn't do that on skates. Before you say it Adam - I know, the Leafs can't do it either. Carol: Structurally, hockey has their plays also here which I know you Option 4 - Skater 2 continues along the boards toward the goal. Skater 1 cuts towards the net. Skater 2 cycles the puck near the net and continues to the offside of the net for support. Skater 1 skates the puck out of the corner and makes a pass to Skater 2. Skater 2 makes quick one-time shot on goal. Yeah, we had a tough time trying to teach Rahida to defend against that one. She couldn't understand why the players couldn't all just wear #1 and #2
  8. Betcha they couldn't do that on skates. Before you say it Adam - I know, the Leafs can't do it either.
  9. Nobody qualifies to be the designated intellectual heir of a loopy lying non-designated intellectual heir? Who would want to? David Harriman? The Ultimate Philosopher?
  10. Coincidence! Since I joined OL my IQ has gone up but my PQ (Productivity Quotient) has gone down. Carol 5'4" and holding
  11. Seems to me O is in a no-win situation all 3 ways. If he doesn't produce it but gives a reason: Say for example, some incompetent back then lost the long form or failed to file it. Hospitals have been known to mix up and even lose actual babies, so I'd believe that one, but the diehard birthers probably wouldn't. He produces it. The dhb's would probably think him capable of forging it. He continues to ignore the issue. Status quo.
  12. Who is Lady Slapper? She is the producer of Perigo's tv show. Lady Slapper is his typically Klassy name for her.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. In seeing JR's anger about others' enjoyment of sports, and his comparing it to the enjoyment of rape, murder and dismemberment, what popped into my mind was Hannibal Lecter's asking, "What did they do to you, Clarice?" Apparently someone badly hurt JR, and all these years later he's still lashing out at anyone who likes the things that his tormentors liked. J Yikes. I thought JR was just being polemical. Sports apply the mind to the body in specific focused ways for intense short periods - this kind of theme is addressed by literature, including some writers he admires-- though I see he thinks Roth is mediocre and obviously he did not enjoy The Great American Novel as much as I did, especially pitcher Gil Gamesh. I think of the non-enjoyment of sports as I do my non-enjoyment of jazz. But I don't think of the perpetrators and appreciators of that intensely irritating noise as subhuman or malevolent. I know they are highly intelligent and I just wish they had gone into a more agreeable line of work. Daunce, if you'll send me your real-world e-dress (using OL Messenger), I'll send you a couple of mp3 files that I think may challenge your "image" of the way jazz sounds. Care to try the experiment? JR OK Jeff, you're on. In return you get Jean Beliveau's career highlights reel. No fast-forwarding!
  14. Michael, I don't think your example is really analagous. Objectivism and communism are different types of philosophical thought. What about a philosophy-hater, who considered philosophy a silly form of daydreaming about life, invalid as a proper pursuit for adults, who should engage in the study and practice of science, arts and sports? Music, art, storytelling and sports have been part of human culture for as far back as we know about. Wouldn't you question the grounds for dismissing one of these constants as worthless, or even destructive, and its participants as inferior to the rest of humanity?
  15. Great uke! Give it up Adam, the guy was born. You'll be rid of him within six years at the latest, guaranteed.
  16. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Dear Brothers, As you know we are a nonpartisan apolitical multicultural nonjudgmental rational individualistic collective. In that spirit we speak on behalf of ourselves and of course our Sisters, the Ladies Auxiliary, especially Claudine, in urging you to think deeply before voting in that there election. Despite their best efforts (which included chasing Prince Harry for several miles) Claudine and the girls could not persuade our despotic current Prime Minister to take Laureen to that wedding, and no reasonable arguments could change his mind, and we ask you do we want such a person in charge of our government. We say no, we do not, and we join Claudine in not voting for the old meanie. Make up your own minds, Brothers. ISS, Nanook McGuire Asst assistant to the Grand Shaman pro tem
  17. Our choir did quite a few today, including Chopin's Prelude, Op. 28, No. 20 --an arrangement for choir, piano, and electronic keyboard (I got that job, even though I am primarily a guitarist. Then we turned the choir around and did Randy Newman's "You've Got A Friend In Me" (the "Toy Story") theme song. That one included accordion, an Akai breath controller doing tuba parts, a young girl playing piccolo, percussion, and yours truly handling ukulele parts (I learned how to play ukulele for it yesterday). After that some standard hymn faire, and the traditional spiritual "Wade In The Water." We also had our friend Kat Epple (she's a grammy winning flutist) play a flute/piano duet with our director Chuck Grinnell. It was a very odd, large flute, I forget what you call them. It was a busy day! What a programme. I can hear the reverberations from here. There was a wonderful CBC radio series on the ukelele about 10 years ago. I wish I could remember the details to access it.
  18. MEM, I am with you about the voice. The first music that spoke to me was all orchestral, symphonies and concertos and so on, the evocation of our voices and minds was everything. I have always sort of thought of the voice as icing on the cake, but now of course, oh what glorious icing.
  19. Hey hey, you start messing with the Monk, what's to keep you from banishing Mingus? I'm calling foul. Next we'll be stuck with Mario Lanza. OMG 9th, you heard that rumour too? That Perigo is coming in on Lady Slapper's jet disguised as a roadie
  20. Congrats to all the Predators --not you,Nameless.
  21. Beautiful Rich, thanks. At you-know-where today a soprano from the Canadian Opera Company sang Handel's "I know that my redeemer liveth." The marrow of my bones is still pulsating.
  22. A committee has been struck to remove JR's Thelonious Monk collection from the premises before the party. Volunteers?
  23. I was thinking the same thing. In seeing JR's anger about others' enjoyment of sports, and his comparing it to the enjoyment of rape, murder and dismemberment, what popped into my mind was Hannibal Lecter's asking, "What did they do to you, Clarice?" Apparently someone badly hurt JR, and all these years later he's still lashing out at anyone who likes the things that his tormentors liked. J Yikes. I thought JR was just being polemical. Sports apply the mind to the body in specific focused ways for intense short periods - this kind of theme is addressed by literature, including some writers he admires-- though I see he thinks Roth is mediocre and obviously he did not enjoy The Great American Novel as much as I did, especially pitcher Gil Gamesh. I think of the non-enjoyment of sports as I do my non-enjoyment of jazz. But I don't think of the perpetrators and appreciators of that intensely irritating noise as subhuman or malevolent. I know they are highly intelligent and I just wish they had gone into a more agreeable line of work.
  24. Great typical Cherry quote just now on the Sedins. "Jeez, they're the only two Swedish people I know who don't kill penalties."