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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Ms. Bartleby: next time JR asks you to write such a letter, just tell him you would "prefer not to." I don’t get it, Casaubon is a last name, both in fact (ref Isaac and son Meric) and in fiction (George Eliot and Umberto Eco). But anyway, I’m only posting because I don’t know what “Crawley” refers to. Kindly enlighten. Eliot-Thackeray-Melville civil-snobbish-clerkly Ninth have you not read Vanity Fair? If so you haven't lived! I've finished the Crying and waiting for time to talk with X and you, maybe by Tues if she has also finished.
  2. Ms. Bartleby: next time JR asks you to write such a letter, just tell him you would "prefer not to." I don’t get it, Casaubon is a last name, both in fact (ref Isaac and son Meric) and in fiction (George Eliot and Umberto Eco). But anyway, I’m only posting because I don’t know what “Crawley” refers to. Kindly enlighten. Eliot-Thackeray-Melville civil-snobbish-clerkly Ninth have you not read Vanity Fair? If so you haven't lived! I've finished the Crying and waiting for time to talk with X and you, maybe by Tues if she has also finished.
  3. Possibly someone with a sense of humor...a beaver design on a chastity belt to cover maybe you do have a point, socialist government does operate on useless redundancy. Adam Useless? In certain contexts we Canadians find redundancy to be Virtue. I suppose MSK will never take us out of the garbage pile now.
  4. I bet he'll shave, for sure. On the Hugh Akston somebody wrote that he seemed to "come out of another movie..unfortunately that movie was Easy Rider."
  5. Victor Newman, her fave. He's German, though. However I could see Laurence Harvey with an accent - and he was Lithuanian. I think a lot of readers were expecting a young Ricardo Montalban or Fernando Lamas or, as you said, Errol Flynn. Now there was a playboy. To Ellen, did you like the Peter Sellars Giovanni? I only saw it on TV but was just enthralled. I saw the singer playing Elvira died this year, she was unforgettable.
  6. the reactions to The Movie roll in, most people seem to object most to the actor in the d'Anconia role. "Mexican drug lord" is one of the milder appellations. I wonder if this is a misfire in the attempt to modernize the "look" of the movie. The business heroes can be pretty well translated from Rand's/ 40ish Mad Men look to today's and tomorrow's; business suits and short hair don't need much updating. But an ascetic international playboy who is moreover the only non-Northern European type major character in the novel needs some thinking about. Did they hope that going with a "Euotrash" vibe would work for a 2011 audience? So far it doesn't seem to. Other end of the scale, everyone seems to love to hate Lillian.
  7. Oh, but I would never be so gauche as to presume to have the first dance with the lovely Miss Ellen. That is Mr. Riggenbach's right as the party's host. Civility Rings and triangular watercress sandwiches with the crusts cut off! Oh, how lovely! Cordially, Jonathan Oh yes how lovely! I'm starting to feel like in a Jane Austen novel! Will there be a dress code? If Mr WhyNot aka Tony reads that her will be sandwiches with the crusts cut off served, I know he'll be attending! But what is that I am reading here? The tea suddenly has been changed to beer! Changes the atmosphere at once, but then I'm from a city famous for its beer and it would be interesting to do some comparison taste tests with JR's lagers and bock beers. But I prefer wine to beer actually, so my question: Will wine be served too? If not, I'll bring some. Would a red Burgundy Côte de Nuits sound fine? Or a Dolcetto d'Alba? Or a good old Chianti Classico? I'm not sure though whether beer or wine served is conducive to the party goal "Vow Renewal Cermony with Civility Rings exchanged" ;) After all, there's the in vino (or in cervisia) veritas effect to consider, tongues will loosen, and instead of exchanging civility rings, folks may find themselves in a ring exchanging verbal punches in arguments ... Xray, bring as much as you can carry. And don't pay attention to your date Adam's comments on the dress code. He is just trying to impress you as usual, but his understanding of European fashion is, well, Americans are so insular aren't they? I must confess I envy your chic chastity belts, ours are all government issue and the quality is just adequate and the designs - really! maple leaves, loonies, beavers -- who is in charge of the Ministry of Creativity anyway?
  8. WSS, This event is about Civility and Benevolence so stop fighting with Joel about who gets to wear the good suit. One of you wear the pants, one of you wear the jacket. I'm sure you both must have a jacket and some pants. You'll meet Yves and the beer truck at Kicking Horse Pass at the arranged time. He made it nearly to Mexico before so I'm sure he can find Texas this time. Gordspeed, Nanook
  9. To Mr. Michael Kelly, Esq. Dear Sir, On behalf of Mr Geoffrey Riggenbach Esq., I am requesting that you remove the correspondence regarding his upcoming Afternoon Levee and Civility Ceremony from its current unsavoury surroundings. Social Event of the Season would make a suitable title, but of course that is at your discretion. I write on the advice of the family firm of solicitors, Wright, Lleffte and Wronge. Yours faithfully, Casaubon Crawley-Bartleby Principal Secretary to Mr Riggenbach
  10. How many times has he done this already? Hate to spoil your reverie, but he’ll be back, same as before. So sad, when good love goes bad - Phil and Don
  11. I was watching Demetrius and the Gladiators. Make of it what you will. With Victor Manure? JR The very same. Who after retiring with a tidy fortune applied for membership to a golf club who told him, "We do not accept actors." And he replied, "Hell, I'm no actor, and I've got 49 movies to prove it."
  12. I was watching Demetrius and the Gladiators. Make of it what you will.
  13. Very interesting and thoughtful post. As an outsider to this I see an urgency to identify oneself with specific political values which are very personal, a very American phenomenon.
  14. Suppose he supported his argument by quoting or referring to a moron who was a rightist? Let's say this rightist moron was equally "foul mouthed," i.e., given to using words that were regarded as crude and uncouth in the court of King William (the Conqueror) in the 11th Century because they were of Anglo-Saxon rather than French origin. Would that somehow be better? JR You're referring to William le Batard here, right?
  15. Brother Taylor, verily you have had a vision, please don't tell anybody else. I was thinking of our French designation "Les Saints Diaboliques". I actually lived for 20 years a half block down from a Mormon Temple and met these young men daily. They were young, handsome, sincere and woefully undereducated. As Turner said to Hurt, and I would quote if I were not so Respectable, I like that in a man. "You're not very smart, are you? I like that in a man." --Brant I don't Well, you didn't have to respond politely at the bus stop to them most weekdays. I usually told them that I subscribed to the theory that Joseph Smith had plagiarized the Book of Mormon from the religious-mythical novel of a minister for whom he had worked as an itinerant farmhand. They always responded, politely, that they had never heard that before. Give me a break. For 20 years, the elders couldn't have given them a script for Common Objections? I could not help but compare them with my own , rambunctiously know-it-all but questioning, young wide-ranging sons, and respect them but feel sorry for them.
  16. Brother Taylor, verily you have had a vision, please don't tell anybody else. I was thinking of our French designation "Les Saints Diaboliques". I actually lived for 20 years a half block down from a Mormon Temple and met these young men daily. They were young, handsome, sincere and woefully undereducated. As Turner said to Hurt, and I would quote if I were not so Respectable, I like that in a man.
  17. I thought LSD was illegal in Toronto? No indeed, the Mormons are just as tolerated and successful as all the other missionaries.
  18. Word has it that Mr and Mrs Michael S. Kelly have had a rational domestic discussion about the upcoming Civility Tea Dance and Beer Bash . She has agreed to attend, dance with all the wallflowers, and not insist on an all-Beatles rrepertoire, and he has agreed to wash the dishes for the rest of his life.
  19. [] [] Did you notice that she and the ever-firm hubby will not be attending OCon this year for "various reasons", so the only chance for the Noodleflock to meet them will be at the NoodleCon next month? Interesting....
  20. I thought JR was known for his beer bashes. Sounds like more fun. The big question is, what kind of beer, and is the music chosen to match the suds. Here's a good one for our foul-mouth buddy Phil: I will be helping Brant in the kitchen (Hic) and I believe the catering is well in hand. The Moosehead beer truck hijacker is out of jail and looking for work.
  21. Oh, but I would never be so gauche as to presume to have the first dance with the lovely Miss Ellen. That is Mr. Riggenbach's right as the party's host. Civility Rings and triangular watercress sandwiches with the crusts cut off! Oh, how lovely! Cordially, Jonathan I just hope Mr R has a good social secretary to handle the guest list. Lady Olivia Slapper is threatening to jet in from NZ with her retinue. All agog, Carol
  22. Adam and XRay are planning to go together, telling their partners they are at a philosophy lecture. Well, it's basically true...
  23. That's only for the living room. Back in the kitchen . . . --Brant beer Rumours are already starting that there's going to be a Vow Renewal Cermony with Civility Rings exchanged, and JR and Jonathan are vying for the privilege of leading Ellen out for the first dance.
  24. Thanks Peter. I don't like being mad at people, also I love cats. Pleased to accept your gallant invitation to the waltz, but I will not be available for JR's tea dance whenever it is held.
  25. I suggest locking the thread, its only possible future direction is downhill. If Peter responds honourably to my post it will be uphill.