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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. What authority? I asked you a question, about your own authority on the subject, possibly not as respectfully as you deserve.Your own many fallacies of logic I have not addressed, let alone your breaches of argument (your charming ad hominems, e.g.) Say something original, or remind me of the real person I thought you to be, or keep up your rote Trumproid hatefests, your choice. I really deplore the wry enjoyable sense of humour you used to have, but I see you now only endow it on the worthy.
  2. lol , the head of a charity whose charity entirely benefits himself wants to add this to the curriculum of Trump University as a smart business technique. Shortly someone will explain that the University has now been wound up and absorbed as a tax loss.
  3. All so sad and so true and so deeply unimportant to those who now make decisions on the 24-hr news cycle and the whims of a semiclad emperor. But I will take a guess at what Trump wants from Putin; what Henry VIII wanted from Francis of France, what Emperor Wilhelm wanted from the King of England and other minor countries' leaders - obeisance and endless admiration. Good luck on that one, Donald.
  4. Big deal! Chasing rats with sticks is nothing to North American youths, especially Florida hockey players, as attested here by our own 9th Doctor, and well-documented elsewhere. Putin (whose forechecking skills are nearly nonexistent) will have to do better than that, to frighten Real Hockey Men.
  5. Sorry to Florida non-gun owners and late-lamented Phil Coates!

  6. I don't mind admitting I would definitely worship Satan in those circumstances ! But are they sure the guy was not an illegal immigrant? A Florida citizen would surely have had at least one gun instead of a puny knife!
  7. He has lots of time to wreck it forever! He'll get around to it , don't be so impatient. There is probably an executive order he is working on already to get them to shape up.
  8. The horrible evidence of the scum who abuse and exploit children(usually their own relatives) through child porn is too sadly apparent, and is irrefutable. I was talking about evidence of the "elite" rings of pedophiles whose exposure is regularly predicted soon here- the rest of the iceberg .
  9. Didi, I looove you- wuh-oh-0h0h0h-(I know Spector's in jail, but boy could he write} I have two of those critters, all grown up now, and they never hated me. The older was a self-contained introspective type, who married young, the younger a flaming extrovert, whose every girlfriend who climbed through his window since he was 14 I heard about if I wanted to or not. They lost their father when they were 23 and 18, which made us necessarily closer. Youngest just got married, oldest just got divorced, and the beat goes on. I would not be me without them.
  10. Don't faint away, Jon, but to me that sounds as likely as anything these days, and it might well be true. Trump the reluctant soldier plays General MacArthhur in the ultimate video alt-history game - who knows, he might win.
  11. We are zealous in our belief in what is ethical and rational and especially, humane. My beliefs change when facts show me that the foundations of my beliefs were wrong. (Unlike those who ignore facts and double down on beliefs). I am absolutely not a liar and ( cannot believe you consider me one. How could you ever know when another human being lies to themselves?n I do not believe I can do that, it seems impossible. So I do you the honour of believing the things you say, as you should do me. Your universalizing of "the left" is grossly offensive and demeans you.
  12. Yes, I understand that Trump did not risk much of his own money, which we will never be able to estimate since he will never release the extent and sources of his wealth to public scrutiny. I do not understand the pedophilia fascination of Trump supporters and pray that it does not mean they were victims themselves of this horrible crime. There is no evidence I can see but plenty of evidence of hysteria and unreason. Wall Street I understand is part of the Swamp and will soon go under, finally.It had a good run.
  13. No,I didn't but know,I thought they had supported him in the past but I should have looked it up.. I sincerely apologize for my mistake. Justl ooked up quickly - one of the brothers did get on the Trump Train in the general election (David?) that must be where I got my wrong impression, the other 2 are con -God I did not even know there were three of them! Again sorry for my mistake.
  14. Respectfully, before he ever started his campaign, he was encouraged in his Birther campaign and other PR efforts by influential backers, Koch brothers etc.We all know he is too close with a buck to pony up his own money on less than a sure thing, and as we all know it wasn't sure. OMG, you are a buddy of Sheldon Adelson? Am I too poor to know you? Will you still hide me in your sauna when the Apocalypse comes? (I mean only when the Koreans want to play squash). I may be poor but I am still Respectable.
  15. Just one quibble - "scratch" does not really describe his overwhelming financial support from fellow billionaires. The playing field of the super-rich was pretty level. Of course that includes Obama and Clinton supporters, before you leap on me to remind me that the left is always worse; but it isn't always richer, all I'm saying.
  16. What did Loretta Lynn ever do? -Isn't she dead? Oh, she's Loretta the singer not Loretta the pol -- oh well, "Beat her for her bad verses!" - (Shakespeare knew which side his rum was buttered on)
  17. He's got it exactly, a universal truth that would have been as true five years ago, or fifteen, with adjustments about who was angry. We live in good times compared with nearly all of our ancestors, but like them tell terrifying stories in the dark, to frighten ourselves and stir the blood.
  18. Not so funny though, is that the blameless and well-regarded Red Hen restaurant in Barrie, Ontario, is getting a barrage of obscene threats from semi-literate Trump enthusiasts. I shudder for Red Hens, everywhere. Stop the Avian Order!
  19. Yes, evidence indicates that they do. Even life-ending problems, sometimes.
  20. DD, As I was writing after Catherine Walker interrupted, with a hand-wringing harangue which it took a while to quell, all about standards and foundation garments-- Woody was a great help here, apparently he has four sisters and three daughters. The President has two main grievances about Harry's wedding, the first one is that he has wishes Woody to stress. He never wanted to go to it and had many more important engagements on that date. However he has heard that the entire guest list was constructed only to exclude him, which he does not care about except that Melania and Ivanka had dresses far better than any of the other guests had, and it was a slight on them as the world's most important women , which somebody will pay for. Second was the bride's veil.which his confidential sources (ie Voque mgazine) reports was embroidered with 50 countries' flower emblems, plus the Californiq poppy, but not the Stars and Stripes. He has signed an Executive order to institute an inquiry if this is legal and maybe to "lock her up", if not. When he saw my alarm, Woody steadied my arm as he poured me another glass. "It's not urgent. Executive Orders are like Time in the great old hymn --"like an ever'flowing stream, bears all its sons away".. He is a religious kind of chap so I hope he is right.Always like Abide with Me though it is a bit lugubrious. Ich dien, William
  21. 1 more quote for you - this from Gratien Gelinas, Quebecois poet etc. "Ecrire c'est encore esperer". (New laptop has no French accents either. I blame the Fords.) Et mille mercis encore
  22. Fair do's, Jonathan. Sometimes you also sound like a douchebag in support of your own Narrative,,whatever a douchebag sounds like which I have never really understood. Likely it is whatever I sound like to you.. Even so, the guy has experience and is entitled to his informed opinion.Have you spent time lately in the Diplomatic Service?
  23. Seems reasonable, from Trumps point of view, as the fastest way to make profits Great Again for every American billionaire,especially him.. Climb every mountain, exploit every loophole, extract every dollar - till you find your dream!
  24. 1 more quote for you - this from Gratien Gelinas, Quebecois poet etc. "Ecrire c'est encore esperer". (New laptop has no French accents either. I blame the Fords.)
  25. Jules I have lost the thread of this one, but wanted to ask you, you said you were going to Fort McMurray recently - I thought you lived in Ontario,-- anyway I am just watching Fort McMurray-Still Standing on tv just now and am so admiring of that community. Do you live there now or were just travelling?