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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Avoid using the Google spell checker until after the initial posting--then go back with the "edit" function. --Brant Brant, I never use the spellcheck. I know more than it does. Modestly, Carol
  2. A woman's right is the basic question, yes. Within that right are so many other basic questions with a thousand answers. I can only say that I know my great good luck that I was never to my knowledge pregnant when I did not want to be. When I was young and single and did not want to be a mother,considering it a remote possibility maybe when I was over 30 and had proven myself in the truly important realms of life, my ideas about unborn life and abortion were much as they are now, when I have two children and a grandchild.
  3. I choose what computer functions are worth my valuable time. You're a little self-indulgent sometimes. She's a careless lazy slattern. Why do you think she always wears black? It doesn't show the dirt.
  4. I state my position strongly. Yes, so do I. Your voice is a bit louder. He's really yelling at her over there. I state a well-understood fact of reality. What proof do you cite for that? He's making unfounded assertions. I have a new, deep insight. You sound like Wynand on p. 665! She's misunderstanding Rand again. The record shows the truth of my assertions. You're selectively re-creating reality. He's dishonest. I am not evading the facts of reality. You are wilfully misrepresenting me. She's evil and immoral. I repeat, I have a new, deep insight. You intrigue me. Let's examine your premises. Your place or mine? He's restating the obvious. I state my position clearly and strongly. I heard you the first time, calm down. He's shrill and strident. She's shrieking. Forget them, c'mon, there's a cab.
  5. Either Phil is a dogmatist or he is a troll. Shayne Phil is not a troll. The snippet method has become his mark of independence, of his unwillingness to capitulate to the sweaty OL masses. When Phil stands naked on the edge of a cliff and laughs, he is thinking of the snippet method. Ghs Ghs: now this was hilarious. Kudos to you sir. Although jarring, the the naked Phil reference and the word "snippet" is one of your better efforts. Just heard there was Awards buzz going on here.J, any possibility of an artist's rendering of Phil on the cliff? Tasteful, NO PHOTOSHOP, heroic? Our people will be in touch.
  6. my post disappeare ..along with that "d". It was a very long post too.I am discourage
  7. To Mr. Cotes (what was your first name again?) You say your gift basket was empty.We have no way of knowing this is true. The baskets were provided by our sponsors. You don't think we'd go opening them up do you? As far as we know, they were full. Nobody else has complained.You say there's nothing in there, but maybe you just didn't look hard enough. Check under the lining. Sincerely, Awards Committee
  8. Adam was joking too I think. I don't understand it either but I suspect it is not a Respectable joke. Note to Adam, I still owe you the Scottish sheep one. Carol: First, I will not engage in foreign bestiality. American sheep are good enough for a red-blooded American. Hell, they put O'biwan, the bigot panderer, in office did they not? And he certainly fullly unlawfully carnally knowledged the American citizenry for the last two years! Second, although I was kidding, there was an element of truth in my "topping from the bottom" comment. In D/s semantic, it is frowned on for the submissive [male or female] to use their submissiveness to dominate a weak "top" or Dom. In essence, the submissive, or bottom, is secretly, and dishonestly, manipulating the dynamic of the power exchange in order to control the dominant. Very un-chic in the community. Phil's overt statement was a pale example of that type of behaviour. Similar to his civility charade is an example. If I had to make a call, I would bet that Phil is a secret submissive at heart. Finally, my compliments on your hockey poem. Very well done. You really write well and I would bet you have some serious poetry that you should post on the OL forum devoted to original work. I would even offer to build you a poetry closet to come out of. Adam You sure know a lot of weird things. I am not quite sure I get it but I think you just called me a weak top, well at my age what do you expect. My sons would be scandalized to think I was discussing s-e-x with strange men, I am glad they are bored with my news from my online philosophical book club. Thanks for your kind words about my Ode,I have nothing serious to offer just now but I am glad that some enjoyment can come out of the endlessly breaking heart that is Leafs Nation. To borrow from the great Bob Hope, it's playoff time again, or as we say in Toronto, "Passover."
  9. Phil, I am just curious. If you had a few friends to hang out with, say three or four more from OL besides James HN, would you consider going to this even though it would be hard to avoid DH? Just wondering -btw I DON'T WANT TO GO ,uh, hot weather is not good for my Condition and if you think you would feel friendless try being a socialist.
  10. Hey, that's my alma mater! I can put in a good word for you. I won't mention the horse or any sheep or goats or yaks, or anything.
  11. Phil, well said. Don't mind Michael. Your friend, Carol
  12. What? There's no I'M-ABOUT-TO-HERNIATE-THE-ONLY-SHIRT-I-OWN AWARD for this week? Complain to the Academy. They take bribes. Maybe Perogi was subtly illustrating his point about the perverted sex acts.
  13. I remember the book pretty well though it has been 15 or 20 years since I last read it. I first read it at around the same time as I read the Great Gatsby and Tender is the Night by Fitzgerald, and I thought Samarra was better. It is spare and focused. It's tragic in the real sense, a character study and an indelible slice of life in a certain place and time (1920s 0r 30s Pennsylvania, country-club smalltown upper middle class). Two scenes remain vividly in my mind - both are towards the end so I won't do spoilers. One is of the hero Julian alone with his beloved jazz records and his beloved-hated booze. The other is a scene with his parents and his (Julian's) wife. His wife has a one-sentence speech which has stayed with me word for word.The father-son theme is muted but memorable. I agree with JR that the title is a masterpiece, and in its way I think the book is too.It's also short! Hope this helps.
  14. Adam was joking too I think. I don't understand it either but I suspect it is not a Respectable joke. Note to Adam, I still owe you the Scottish sheep one.
  15. Also offtopic Brother, your lodge dues are late again. Gord the Griper is refusing to pay up and Grampa McAloon is still out in the woods so we are seriously short. I'll take a cheque. Also, it's your turn to go tell old man McAloon he can come back now, the Leafs are out of the playoffs as we all know but he doesn't yet. I did it last year and I'm not going again. Take somebody with you, don't go right up to his cabin, just stand back a ways and yell for him to come out and then tell him. Talk to you soon Nanook
  16. I didn't miss that part at all, but it is merely something that you pay lipservice too. You haven't held it in higher esteem than castigating Mr Jones at all. Denouncing him for his "bigotry", danger, and the "sacrificing of innocents" is to the fore. You make it clear that he shouldn' be doing it and that he's an areshole for it who should pay a high social price. You talk of leaders changing things for the better. Well, what our leaders should be doing, what Obama should say, is something along these lines: That here in the West we have the right to freedom of speech. People do and say all manner of things, high and low, from burning a Qur'an, to putting effigies of jesus into vats of urine and calling it art, to expounding views from the weird and wacky to the highly rational and sane. Here in America, in the West, we tolerate it even if we find some speech offensive. He should explain that that toleration is one of the pillars of the free world, and explain why it leads to the prosperity and advancement of the West. He should explain that it would be in the Islamic worlds best interest to adopt that wonderful institution as a pillar of their own society, if they want to flourish. And he should demand that Karzai, in Afghanistan, and whoever leads in whatever other countries its happening in, hunts down and puts the perpetrators of those murders on trial. He should not even comment on whether or not he thinks Terry Jones is a bigot. It's not his job to make pronouncements on citizens exercising their right to freedom of speech. It's his job to defend that right. That's not what you've put first and foremost in regard to this. What's come through first and foremost, loud and clear, is that Terry Jones is an unconscionable bigot and an arsehole and that he, and by extension the rest of us, should all tone down the things we might say or do in regards to our criticism of Islam. That doesn't strike me as putting love over hate. Just the opposite in fact. The very thing that you're constantly charging others with. Richard Presumably you want Muslims to denounce and socially penalize the fundamentalist fanatics within their society. Michael, as a member of Western society, denounces and calls for social penalties on a fundamentalist fanatic within his own society.Neither you nor Michael denies anyone's freedom of speech. You persistently claim to see a difference that isn't there.
  17. The Hollywood North Foreign Web Critics' Association presents: BEST OF THE WEEK 2 Wow! Another week has tiptoed past, and what a week it was. As you see we now have a proud sponsor, the HNFWCA, and would also like to thank and acknowledge the consultancy group which we hired at great expense, the WiseSmartSage Agency, who ensure that the Awards maintain a rigid standard of subjectivity and inconsistency. So here's this week's best and brightest: HELPING HAND AWARD Who says Objectivists aren't benevolent? Not we! Look how a senior philosopher (the Ultimate Philosopher, in fact) took time to reach out to a newbie: "There's a big problem with people not "getting it"....are you familiar with Sciabarra's works? A good understanding of (his works) is absolutely essential to "getting" Rand as a philosopher. That, or a well-developed familiarity with Leonard Peikoff's lecture courses,but those are a lot more pricey and I wouldn't expect you to buy them at this point." - Chris Cathcart to Daniel Barnes, Rand and Aesthetics 4 thread, ARCHN blog. BEST GRATUITOUS USE OF EYE CANDY Tie: Dennis Hardin and Ninth Doctor, Objectivist Living LIGHT UNDER BUSHEL AWARD Too often thoughtful, insightful, infrequent contributors are not responded to or ignored altogether; but not by us. This week's award goes to an underappreciated but uniquely valued by us OL member, Mr. Bill Cotes. BEST USE OF QUOTATION "Jane, you ignorant slut" - Michael E. Marrotta, characterizing a comment of Jeff Riggenbch's on Xray, Objectivist Living EAGER ANTICIPATION AWARD Question queue for the Rationally Selfish Webcast, Noodlefood. Another whole week till we know the crucial answer to "Is it moral to lend a friend a book?" Wish it were sooner. My friend is on the verge of giving up and just going to the library. FEEL-EVEN-BETTER AWARD PERIGO! has "hit its stride after only two strides" (SOLO)and was even more awesome than last week, if that were possible. This week's winners will receive fabulous gift baskets courtesy of our fine sponsors. Well done, everybody, keep up the good work and don't ever change!
  18. Heard from him a couple days ago, he's busy and immersed in Mideast unfolding.
  19. ODE TO A FALLEN MAPLE LEAF Outscored by the foe A-golfing you go Sixth time in a row! You overpaid schmo. So brilliant your skate Right up till too late; Past months not so great Determined your fate. So how do we show Our impotent woe? Away should we go And cheer you no mo'? ...Well, not really, no.
  20. I only read the article, you're warning led me to click the link to the photos. I only saw the first 3, and particularly the 3rd was beyond...I don't have the vocabulary resources for it. Folks, be warned, you don't want to see it. Thank you guys, I was just going to click and now won't. Too many images I've already seen are still with me. Appreciate the warning.
  21. Uh, bad example. Flight 93 and the plane that hit the Pentagon were reportedly supposed to hit the Capital and the White House. As to that little incident during the War of 1812, careful how you provoke our resentment, you Canuckistani. Moi, a true daughter of Peace Order and Good Government, provoke resentment? Just when you mentioned that what 21st century murderous hijackers failed to do, 19th Century Canadian regular troops did? I provoke but patient smiles and the occasional eye-roll.
  22. As I wrote that last post, I just started watching Ken Burns' Civil War again, seeing again what tore the glorious new Republic apart after a hundred years.
  23. Your suggestion seems quite reasonable on it’s face. But don’t forget there’s a herd mentality in the MSM, so there doesn’t need to be a big conspiracy afoot for the reporting to be all wrong, everywhere. And she is pretty cute. Uh-oh, she's only 17, jail-bait! Watch it 9th, you are now up against Dennis for the Best Gratuitous Interjection of Pulchritude Award, and you know how he hates to lose. He hasn't been around lately though...
  24. That's two conferences that Dr Mrs Dr has organized in the past six months. She sure is energetic. Does the ARI underwrite these shindigs?