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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Then why not keep a journal, rather than posting online? Like Mike Marotta, I'm rather bemused by that. It is arbitrarily selective that the person asking a question doesn't merit a reply, but a general interest by others - which is hardly possible to ascertain - does. Why should numbers matter? Anyhow, in general, engaging on forums, apparently one can take two approaches: either a direct communication with one other person, or a broad appeal to the dozens or hundreds, who will be looking in. Or some combination. For me, I'd probably get self-conscious if I kept in mind that this is a public forum, visited by, gawd! a lot of people. That's enough for writer's block to set in, and three posts a month all she wrote, from me. (Which some may think not so terrible to contemplate... ) Of course, this is no more that a perception, but I direct myself at that one member, or at most a handful with whom I've had pleasant/provoking/well-intentioned exchanges in the past. To each his own, and many are comfortable with a general audience. I'm just a one-on-one type, I guess. Tony Write more posts, Tony. I'm the only one who will read them, honest.
  2. Only in novels - and I don't say they're bad, just that their use is dicey - it depends on the character, the context, the type of novel.Legal thrillers for example would of course need speeches.
  3. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 CONFIDENTIAL REPORT Criticisms of Catering at PolarCon We have analyzed the catering situation at our recent successful convention and address the main criticisms below. 1. "Nobody got anything to eat". This is a baseless accusation. It is true that Brother Tony did not eat anything, but he was the only one. He slept most of the time after the Reception, and had sufficient energy to be the life and soul of the Farewell Campfire with his Zulu/Xhosa fusion war dance. Brothers Gord, Doug, Nanook and the other Gord shared pemmican and cheese sandwiches that Gord's wife Claudine packed in their shelter. The Riel twins ate some Kraft Dinner that their mom packed, right out in the open and would not share with anybody else. Brother Joel was observed behind a large rock opening a basket and eating different things out of it, with cutlery. Furthermore, the Lapps shared reindeer meat and the Trans-Siberians had brought a whole sack of whale blubber with which they were generous. In addition the Hot Drinks, as always, contained a maximum of nutritious ingredients. Our conclusion is that "Gripes" from "Constant Complainers" should not prevail over the glorious tradition of Fraternity, Cooperation and Individuality which is the essence of our sacred Order. Respectfully submitted, Catering Committee F.X. Bushman, Secretary
  4. The exception -proves- the rule, which means it tests the rules. Rules with exceptions are false rules. Ba'al Chatzaf The rules of science may, but this is literature. All rules have exceptions, including this one.
  5. I saw your mention of Bernie Parent and as a life time Flyers fan ( as you are aware ) I ask if you remember the ''sign guy '' in Phily circa 1970-1980 and my favorite sign of his read " Only the Lord saves more than Bernie". Ok .... the race ..... NYR play at Phily today , then home to Bos, Atla and NJ. Carolina plays @ Atla, then home to Buff, Det and TB Leafs play @ NJ and home to Wash and Mont . Tougher considering Cains are ahead of them as well, but alive nonetheless. And the classic, "Jesus saves!...and Richard scores on the rebound!" btw the above son is playing in two tournaments this weekend - one in Niagara Falls and a final in Toronto tonight. Heavy commuting.
  6. So you'll be coming down south to see it after all? If he is, hope you've finished digging the Hospitality Gulch and stocked up on lawnchairs! He'll have a carful of high-maintenance guests.
  7. TIA for illustrating with some text examples from AS where Rand is doing this. If you can't find it in the first run of The John Galt Line you are either purblind or it's not there anywhere. That passage, btw, is the most powerful piece of narrative fiction I've ever read. (The greatest speech in fiction I've read is that of The Grand Inquisitor in "The Brothers Karamazov.") --Brant Speeches in fiction are dicey things. For me as a reader, if characters need to make speeches - if the author can't resist making his point declaratively and definitively through a character - then the novel qua novel isn't good enough. And why is that? Have you read "Karamazov"? --Brant Exception proving rule - there are many of course, especially among the great Russians, and greatness makes its own rules anyway. It is the nature of some characters to be oratorical, and necessary for dramatic points that speeches be made. But the speeches in that case should be revelatory, not just recapitulations or expansions of previous points.
  8. It's no use not talking! They just look at the Canadian license plates, and they know everything!
  9. APPEAL TO TECHNO-GODS BY WHATEVER NAMES YE BE KNOWN BY I have issued forth another answer to the lovelorn, of useful study by maidens or indeed youths so inclined. This scroll is lodged in another site where I cannot copy or retrieve it, without the aid of demigods. I would bring such words to LOL here, if you could PM me if you feel called upon to do so. In Awe, Carol
  10. In New Hampshire "live free or die" is a plea to let the folks grow weed in peace. Ba'al Chatzaf IYou wouldn't think so if you'd had to follow their licence plates the way I have. I was scared to death I tell you. what if they stopped me and gave me the choice? "Can I just pay a few taxes and get a non=fatal illness?". I don't think so,
  11. So you didn't heckle? It was pretty good, but not perfect in the way each and every Objectivist could think of, and you didn't speak up on that important point? Sister, I'm disappointed in you.
  12. Isn't "Live free or die" New Hamspshire part of New England? Didn't a group of Objectivists move there to make a stand for capitalism and liberty? Aren't they doing anything?
  13. Wait a minute, I can't think when you've bothered to seriously insult or vilify me. I take it, therefore, that you're now claiming I'm not a "thoughtful poster". How insulting! So many posters, so little time. --Brant Hmm - maybe Brant is right and the large number of thoughtful posters is the reason for JR's backlog? Nevermind, all the more room for us! Carol Thoughtless poster
  14. TIA for illustrating with some text examples from AS where Rand is doing this. If you can't find it in the first run of The John Galt Line you are either purblind or it's not there anywhere. That passage, btw, is the most powerful piece of narrative fiction I've ever read. (The greatest speech in fiction I've read is that of The Grand Inquisitor in "The Brothers Karamazov.") --Brant Speeches in fiction are dicey things. For me as a reader, if characters need to make speeches - if the author can't resist making his point declaratively and definitively through a character - then the novel qua novel isn't good enough. I dislike the qua but can't avoid it here.
  15. There is no fun like reading a good book together and discussing it. You learn not only about the book but about yourself and the world, enjoy this wonderful experience.
  16. This hateful agenda is to do what? Turn people against muslims so that I, and other "haters", can get some kind of twisted satisfication from persecuting people? Why the hell would such a person have an interest in Ayn Rand and Classical Liberalism, and seek a free society across the board, even for Muslims? It just doesn't make sense. Because Richard, You're crazy. Crazy for thinking so lowly, Crazy for feeling so drear You know, that you know the truth wholly, And somehow,you'll convince somebody here. Worry - why should you let yourself worry Knowing - we'll all be hit by the bus? You're crazy -thinking that your words will save us. You're crazy for scrying and crazy for plying And crazy for posting thus. -apologies to the immortal Patsy Cline
  17. I figure it will probably look better if I just tell you now. Someone else will discover it soon enough. Donald Henry Rumsfeld. Pure coincidence, I assure you. And it is undoubtedly true that you have never seen me in the same room with Diana Hsieh. But I can explain that. You see. . . She would probably never go to a conference or lecture that would allow tolerationists like me as a guest. There. That should explain it. No, really. . . Of course, of course that explains it. Heh, heh. Just a coincidence, like the fact that oh I don't know, David Hassellhoff is said to be in "rehab" whenever you are out and about in public...isn't it ridiculous the silly things people notice.... David Hasselhoff? You have to be kidding. . . Just because I have her (insufficient memory to display photo again) on speed dial?? I've got lots of people on speed dial. I need a drink. Let's hope he's passed out. He is toying with my terror now, sending coded messages. That girl is a Canadian.I turned on the computer this morning and this topic had 666 readers - the NUMBER OF THE BEAST. I hurried trembling to work, averting my eyes from the Donut Hut though I was hungry. I am no longer afraid of Rumsfeld because DH has probably eaten him by now,since he's served his purpose.And I know the Hoff would never hurt a fly since he could not reach one. I'm still scared of Diana Hsieh though, more than ever, but who isn't. One good sign, no goats or elk on the road. “Never had a Rummyburger, before. Thanks, Hoff. Delicious! What did you say was in it?” Laughing too hard for good response. Must regroup. (I have a group too and they're vegetarians...or something).
  18. Zap to 5:35 The transcript (link below) reads “headquarters”, though it does sound more like “hate quarters”, particularly because his “d” sounds too much like a “t”. That's good enough for me. I'm arrogating to myself. Might be a nice variation on Slop, etc. While I'm at it I'll take Hidequarters too - that's where a lot of people are... Thank, you, PERIGO!
  19. Don't forget "goblinism". Ugh, he has his own lingo. And it sounds as bad as it reads. Actually I just thought it was the way he pronounced headquarters. Has he written hatequarters on SOLO? If not I want to trademark it and make everybody use it and pay me for using it.I'll give you a discount rate. The open /e/ sound of dead and mess is raised to the open /i/ sound of did and miss. So, if he is just speaking with an accent, rather than intentionally engaging in wordplay, headquarters should sound like hidquarters, not hatequarters. If someone wants to give me the time index I'll listen to him, but I am not going to listen to the whole damn thing again. Thanks Ted. Don't know the time index but it was in the interview, very short time into it. Can you tell an Australian accent from an NZ one when you hear it? I can't, and can tell South African from either very seldom. We don't have many much-different regional accents in central Canada so don't get much listening practice I guess. He wrote that response to his first show from "the mainstream" had all been positive. The mainstream of what? Objectivism, or NZ rightwingers or NZ mainstreamers in the media?
  20. Don’t forget "goblinism". Ugh, he has his own lingo. And it sounds as bad as it reads. Actually I just thought it was the way he pronounced headquarters. Has he written hatequarters on SOLO? If not I want to trademark it and make everybody use it and pay me for using it.I'll give you a discount rate.
  21. Hey, 'nook, that is a downright fib. I was carried IN to an establishment, once - but I have always walked out. Proudly, Tony If you say so, brother. Me and the other 77 witnesses will let you keep your pride. The Trans-Siberians don't read English anyway. Cynically, Nanook This reminds me of a great exchange in Dickens: (in court) Counsel: Ever been kicked? Witness: Yes. C: Ever been kicked downstairs? W: No. C: No? I have here reports of numerous occasions upon which you were kicked downstairs. W: I have never been kicked downstairs, Sir. I have been kicked at the top of the stairs, and went down them of my own accord.
  22. So you don't care whether he is or is not unjustly treated? I don't know anything about him or how he is being treated. It is only certain actions that are of concern, and it is clearly through certain teachings that they are explained. What is actually wrong with identifying those aspects of Islam? Certain actions are not explained by certain teachings, they are rationalized/justified by the actors using the teachings . So it should all be examined through thought and unthought, through knowable and unknowable circumstances? Sorry, but that's just gobbledegook not aimed at clarifying anything. Yes, it is gibberish. Excuses in earlier post to Michael.
  23. Tony, the last time you were carried away was from the Hot Drinks Reception at PolarCon, and it took four of the youngest Brothers to lug you. Try to stay upright. ISS, Nanook'
  24. I figure it will probably look better if I just tell you now. Someone else will discover it soon enough. Donald Henry Rumsfeld. Pure coincidence, I assure you. And it is undoubtedly true that you have never seen me in the same room with Diana Hsieh. But I can explain that. You see. . . She would probably never go to a conference or lecture that would allow tolerationists like me as a guest. There. That should explain it. No, really. . . Of course, of course that explains it. Heh, heh. Just a coincidence, like the fact that oh I don't know, David Hassellhoff is said to be in "rehab" whenever you are out and about in public...isn't it ridiculous the silly things people notice.... David Hasselhoff? You have to be kidding. . . Just because I have her on speed dial?? I've got lots of people on speed dial. I need a drink. Let's hope he's passed out. He is toying with my terror now, sending coded messages. That girl is a Canadian.I turned on the computer this morning and this topic had 666 readers - the NUMBER OF THE BEAST. I hurried trembling to work, averting my eyes from the Donut Hut though I was hungry. I am no longer afraid of Rumsfeld because DH has probably eaten him by now,since he's served his purpose.And I know the Hoff would never hurt a fly since he could not reach one. I'm still scared of Diana Hsieh though, more than ever, but who isn't. One good sign, no goats or elk on the road.
  25. Carol, Man, is that a weird conclusion. Are you writing in secret code or something? Michael You are right, Michael, it is weird. My Inner Postmodernist just leapt out and seized the keyboard and I let it.That's what any prolonged exchange with our Infidel will do to a person. My thought about the unlikelihood of defeating terrorist fundamentalism by "proving" that a religion was fundamentally evil at its inception, has already been expressed by you on this thread - and others - and better than by me.