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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Your actor choices are impeccable, what do you have against Branagh? Lear has a greatness that is indescribable, and for me it is confined, not amplified, by being staged or filmed. I have never seen a performance of it that had the effect on me, of reading it.
  2. Has there been any other onscreen Shakespeare that you liked? I loved Branagh's Henry V. I had to drag my husband to see it, because though a history buff he hated English kings as only a Scotsman can. But we went to see it two more times, at his suggestion!, and bought the video for each other.
  3. Nice cut! But the wrong river I think. Neil Young grew up in Winnipeg, a ways from the South Saskatchewan.
  4. Citation, Phil! You could mention that certain items of supreme excellence are obtainable only through the sluggish mediocrity of socialism in action!
  5. there is an anticanadian conspiracy against my internet connection.
  6. Daunce, I'm interested to know why you chose that picture? We have so few females on OL, and you have to choose old Mother Hubbard for an avatar? Sticking with the Whistler theme, here is one potential alternative: Just a thought. (Sorry for the detour.) No problem with the detour. We need to get out of the way of all that livestock. I chose the avatar for the image I wanted to convey -sage wisdom, gentle patience, Respectability of course. Also, I am facing left. Second reason, she is the mother of a genius and I am the mother of two, who productively use their talents for the good of all, by improving the public airwaves and the public transit tracks respectively. They may not be recognized as they should for their unique talents by a philistine culture,but they are enjoying their chosen careers and they are geniuses at being my sons and that is all I care about. Third reason, I really like the colours.
  7. It's a brilliant idea. Appealing to our natural vanity. The only problem with it is that they will probably get a three hour DVD bonus feature consisting mostly of people saying "I am John's Goat." First the sheep, then the cows, bulls, swine and now goats! Where will it end? I thought this was a cosmopolitan environment!
  8. Thanks, I learned two interesting things reading that piece. So did I.'m interested to know what your two are.
  9. It is an anagram. I have given some clues over on the Art Instinct thread (near the end, it is a long thread!). Lynam is my real married name.
  10. You are such a rascal, Selene! I hope Phil doesn't take it to heart and focuses on the wit in your comment instead. I recall some jokes made at my expense here as well, but when the joke was good, I couldn't help laughing too. X, I wholeheartedly endorse this attitude. If you haven't been joked at on here my deah, you simply haven't arrived! Carol not always a dunce
  11. "Oh come, Riel We'll make a stand Here at Batoche, down by the river. O never mind their Gatling guns. If we lose this time, We've lost forever. -Bill Gallaher,"The Last Battle" Canada hanged Riel in 1885 after the defeat of the Metis Rebellion.
  12. On sentences never written before, here is one, an actual topic here on OL that I just came across: Is Donald Rumsfeld an alien from outer space who eats human flesh? Well, is he? Has it been proven that he isn't? I would have gone into the thread but I was afraid that you and Phil were debating the question.
  13. So am I safe to infer from this post that this forum is not, by and large, in agreement with "Objectivism's quasi-puritanical perspective on sex"? I would be relieved to find objective thinkers who disagree with that. Not only do they disagree, but they do so in ways so creative that I would love to touch on some examples, but I cannot find a barge-pole long enough. Welcome to OL, CJoy. Love your name.
  14. Somehow I do not think you mean Canada. The Isle of Man? I didn't know my homosexuality was so obvious. Seriously, boy toys are fine as far as they go and for what you can do, but a woman has much better and more varied equipment, including that primary organ, the brain. And no matter how much you push and pull, you can't get milk out of a bull. ("We don't have a cow.") --Brant dazed and confused--you did that to me Brant, I am sorry my Manx reference was taken in a way I did not intend. I wasn't even thinking about the Manx tailless cats, or anything. The Channel Islands of Jersey and Guernsey also have huge autonomy and nearly no taxes and a lot of freedom and of, well, cows.
  15. Oh, no. Not again. Just when we got most of the art history majors out of the country. Clive Runnels tells me that they're hiring like crazy at Border Services and Red Green is polishing his screenplay and putting a jacuzzi in his barn.
  16. Give that boy a prize! Ghs Multum in parva, Mikee. Yes. There is also the need to feel in some contact with a larger group when engaged in single combat. The unknown reader who may understand and agree with you; the known minds on the forum whom you respect and have become friendly with; the ghosts of the past and demons of the present whose evils you are still fighting. "Much in little" [i looked it up]. Thank you. We are traders, traders in information and ideas. Disagreements are expected and create the energy needed for new ideas and the refinement of old ideas. Some people take disagreements as insults because they are not here to trade but for narcissistic reasons. The traders wish the narcissists would just go bugger off. I guess its mostly a mix and you just have to take the bad with the good. I love Mises. GHS: I'm nearly as old as you, the cat is young. The picture is titled "Cat in Pool" which I thought was appropriate because I feel like he looks when I participate in these forums. Along with avatars, username choices are interesting too. Over on archn blog I have conversed with an Xtra laj, a Generic Viagra (I advised him to shell out for the name brands and thankfully he has gone away) and a Mad Behemoth (he has recovered from madness and is now just a Behemoth). And that is a mild leisurely place like a library lounge, devoted to Popperian criticism of Rand's philosophy and bitching about family members who have discovered Rand and stopped coming to Sunday dinner. Young people should think well how they want to be symbolized. There seem to be two Capitalist Swines on Oonline, as M Marotta has reported, and the Galts, Roarks and Prometheii abound,but weird number combinations and flat-out boasting like "the Ultimate Philosopher" will not wear well as time goes on and you have to see that name every time you post. And you will post many times, if you get addicted like me. There's no fool like an old fool.
  17. way to go, Ryan. He must have become overexcited like our goalie Rahida. (She's on Canadian Boring if you ever have insomnia). There was an old-time goalie who managed to get the puck all the way into the other team's empty net and score the winning goal. I think it was Jacques Plante but am not sure. Plante (Jake the Snake) was one of the alltime greatest, and the bravest for pioneering the face mask and not caring a damn for being called a coward and traitor to the tradition, etc. Bernie Parent was another great. It's rumoured he was one of the models for the shall we say overexcitable goalie in Slapshot, but I remember him as rather phlegmatic. Didn't he spend seasons in boston or NY when they did nothing but lose, all the time?
  18. Phil is gorgeous in blue and white. Phil looks trim, radiant and dignified in his blue and white. Like another singular soul, if he were turned out of the OL kingdom in his petticoat, he is endued with such qualities that he could live anywhere in Objectivism.
  19. Every once in a while I encounter a sentence that I suspect has never been written before in the history of humankind. It has nothing to do with anarchism but does reference cows is one of those sentences. Ghs Thanks George,I sure hope it hasn't. They are touchy about plagiary on this site.
  20. Give that boy a prize! Ghs Multum in parva, Mikee. Yes. There is also the need to feel in some contact with a larger group when engaged in single combat. The unknown reader who may understand and agree with you; the known minds on the forum whom you respect and have become friendly with; the ghosts of the past and demons of the present whose evils you are still fighting. Nicely put. Ludwig would have been proud.... Ghs Thanks, I hope so. It was only recently that I learned von M was a 20th century person. I knew he was an eminent economist, but because of name association I assumed he was a contemporary of Ludwig van B.
  21. Somehow I do not think you mean Canada. The Isle of Man? I didn't know my homosexuality was so obvious. Seriously, boy toys are fine as far as they go and for what you can do, but a woman has much better and more varied equipment, including that primary organ, the brain. And no matter how much you push and pull, you can't get milk out of a bull. ("We don't have a cow.") --Brant dazed and confused--you did that to me While you are reeling I can't resist one of my fave Little Johnny stories, brought to mind by Ghs's mute one. It has nothing do do with anarchism but does reference cows. Little Johnny tells his teacher that he can't come to school the next day when there will be an important test. The teacher expostulates. What is so important that it can't wait till the weekend? "Honest Teach, I hafta go. I gotta take our cow Daisy over to Farmer Green's to get served by the bull. We need calves and it's the only day he'll take her." "But surely Johnny, your father could do that!" "Well, yeah..I guess he could...but not as good as the bull!"
  22. Give that boy a prize! Ghs Multum in parva, Mikee. Yes. There is also the need to feel in some contact with a larger group when engaged in single combat. The unknown reader who may understand and agree with you; the known minds on the forum whom you respect and have become friendly with; the ghosts of the past and demons of the present whose evils you are still fighting.
  23. Give that boy a prize! Ghs Multum in parva, Mikee. Yes. There is also the need to feel in some contact with a larger group when engaged in single combat. The unknown reader who may understand and agree with you; the known minds on the forum whom you respect and have become friendly with; the ghosts of the past and demons of the present whose evils you are still fighting.
  24. I should add that I have never read any of Martin Amis's books though I have often been urged to. I only know him as a literary celebrity. He wasn't even part of the Rushdie=LeCarre spat...sort of like Phil here on OL, he gets mentioned anyway, whatever is being talked about. I did read most of Kingsley Amis, he was excellent, but not nearly as good as his ex-wife and Martin's ex-stepmother, Elizabeth Jane Howard.