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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Sure, good idea - you can join us and regain your position as a British colony, plus all the benefits of being part of the Commonwealth on the fast track to becoming an independent country! But you will still have to pay extra for tea, that's only fair.
  2. Or young women! Is that how you characterize the female model, such as the former Melania Knauss when she was a working girl jts? For shame!
  3. When that glorious day of reunification dawns, I sure will sing hallelujah. Starting processes, as our former PM did with Reagan on NAFTA, only garners kudos in retrospect. Many years later when the process is completed. I hope this process will be completed in my lifetime and the kudos can be justly bestowed. Re my example, I was totally against NAFTA when it was first proposed, and distrusted both Mulroney and Reagan, but as it progressed I saw that the sky did not fall and I gained more respect for both leaders. I mean, you have to feel a certain compassion for a politician who candidly says "there's no whore like an old whore" and takes backhanders from German lobbyists.. He was the last of the old school. I fear, and makes me feel all nostalgic.
  4. This is a subject that interest me so much, that I ask the men of OL very heartily to respond. I fear that Wolf's surmise is true, I know some of my friends here do not read fiction at all, and maybe it is true of everyone, but please do say if that is right as I hope not!
  5. If it is mainstream fake news it must be wrong, right? So I am right, though you think I'm left, I mean wrong.
  6. And so do you, often, relying on your reliable sources and doing your critical thinking later, if your conclusions are questioned, and justifying them every which way but logical, often. We are all human beings, deeply protective of our deepest beliefs.
  7. What you said and Ryan L. said. Never thought I would be on the same side as Garth Turner!
  8. Your caption "Hey Ma, I got the job, but they won't feed me and I have to wear ladies' clothes", said it all.for all time. Still laughing especially after I looked at the poor boy's photo. There is more meat on poor martyred Thomas's bone after he was scavenged! #Justice for Thomas# Stop the Avian Order Now!#tomorrow at the latest
  9. Hey, I just noticed this and I think they are a cute couple. But mme Macron and Sophie - we are talking Colette sophistication here -endlesss delightful undercurrents- 00-la la
  10. "If you have the guts to be yourself, other people will pay your price."
  11. I agree with you Jules and the only conclusion I can come to is that Trump is either just affronted that Canada should have a prosperous economy without an American-style capitalist hymnbook. Or it is just greed; relatively easy pickings off someone else's labour. Remember too that every American industry that operates here saves its owners millions in the health care costs it would have to pay in the US. That was a big factor in the Auto Pact, which no one (except maybe the workers if they aren't feeling well) seems to care about now.
  12. Dear Diary, I was cornered after my polo game recently by "Woody" Johnson, a nice fellow who owns a football team (not real football of course) and is the American ambassador and a crony of the President with bags of money, like all ambassadors. He seemed a bit embarrassed and asked for a private word, a "heads-up" as it were, about an official diplomatic protest he has signed that will be delivered tomorrow. Oh no, said I, if it is official that is Theresa's bailiwick. I know, he replied, but this talk,is strictly unofficial , and Theresa had said, in essence that as it concerned royal affairs exclusively she was not going to respond to "that wretched creature" officially until the last moment she absolutely had to. And as I know Theresa and Woody are quite matey, I settled down resignedly for my unwanted briefing. Oh dear. Luckily the refreshment- tent had a healthy split or three of Dom still on ice, as Woody outlined to me the two main areas of grievance , all concerned with ancient history in Court Circular terms -- ie Harry's wedding.... oh, no, Charlotte is doing somersaults and showing her underwear again and those underwear designers get so outraged when they don't get credit like the dress be contin.......
  13. Glad to entertain you my friend, but you must not get killed for real. When Emperor Trump starts extraditing people from Canada for not appreciating him enough, I will need you to speak up for me. Maybe even help me claim sanctuary, say in your squash courts disguised as a Korean. I know you would help me even at the risk of your club membership.
  14. Wrong show. It is "America's Got Talent " and "The Voice" who have mentors, not "The Apprentice" sequel we are watching now.
  15. But Marc, Obama Clinton and the Bushes did not separate them in the first place! Only Trump did that.
  16. Poor beautiful Melania. She never signed up for this. There was never any indication in her life before that she wanted to care about anything but herself and her family, just like most of the rest of us. But there is an old British nursery saying, "Don't care was made to care." Maybe she will learn more, willing or not, than her husband ever will. about America.
  17. On a side note of Trump's Highest Class Lawyers /Advisors, Trump has often complained that he did not have Roy Cohn by his side any more. Stephen Miller seems to be the nearest reasonable facsimile. Do you think Trump will stay loyal to Miller now, or throw him under the bus after backtracking on the immigration policy Miller pushed?
  18. I agree with you here Marc, and more than this, as a person who has been very deeply influenced by novels I've read (and I have always read at least one or two a week for as long as I can remember) - in a world where few people ever read fiction, Atlas, I would bet, is the only novel that thousands, maybe millions of people have ever read, having been distributed to schools by ARI for so long, and passed by word-of-mouth at the same time. It is truly an achievement. Cripes that sentence is long ,even for me. Better stop re-reading Trollope and Thackeray.
  19. Why not? This was your mother for heavens sakes, you bought all her groceries. Did you not notice if her knuckles unknotted and her fingers slimmed back down?
  20. Interesting. I stuck at "If the American government had disbanded in 1910, the problem of Adolph Hitler would not have arisen." Very breezy dismissal of the other major variables in the arms buildup to WWI. I assume you mean that Germany would have won that war without American aiding the Allies. It is in some ways a more attractive alternative to Hitler, but in a German victory my grandfather would likely have been killed so I would not exist, so I am prejudiced. Alternative history is terrifically enjoyable in fiction and nothing in reasonable argument. .Whether government exists is a semantic exercise you've constructed. Does a landlord exist? Skip the rent and find out.
  21. OK, I'll bite, in what sense is it an illusion? Do you mean that if at any given moment, the populace devolved into resistance and riot, the mechanisms of government would cease, proving that they never had the power to govern? Or what?
  22. "I forgive you for burning down our home, son" said the frail wheelchair-bound dad,clutching his newly-acquired Bbible in one hand and his newly-released from jail lowlife son in the other. How I miss the TPB Remember when they hijacked Rita McNeil's tour bus and forced her and the backup musicians to harvest their weed crop?
  23. One thing that should be noted about original Canadian TV productions. SCTV, John Candy's King Learesque turn as demoted on-air personality...just a brilliant day's work for the crew. No words enough for how they delighted our entire youth, and beyond.
  24. Peter, Do you also have a prescription for medical mariuana as I do?
  25. Thanks for the primer. Now I am worried that Hollywood will find they don't admire our principles so much, if their government decides to tariff them for not staying in Hollywood. They don't call it show art, after all. And it is a significant sector of our metropolitan income.