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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. A baby tries to walk and falls down. We don't tell him, "I was told you could walk. I knew a walking baby 'sounded too good to be true.'" --Brant I too use to be a baby who couldn't walk, then, one day, "My Father! I Can Walk!!!" Somehow I don't think Phil will like your analogy. In any case, all that Phil needs to do is take the following baby steps: Step 1: Don't write anything on civility, insults, etc., for at least 3 months. Step 2: Start writing posts on substantive topics -- literature, music, the perils of teaching school, virtually anything will do. Step 3:: When responding to critics, don't complain about having been insulted. etc., even if you were. In 3 months, if Phil follows my 3-step program, he will be walking like a man. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> (Jeez, I'm really asking for it. ) Ghs I have always adored that song, not least because the dad enjoins his son to walk like a man while singing like a girl.
  2. Fabulous, thanks Ninth. I had forgotten the Brits. Martin Amis and his teeth.. Chris and Marty against the world... I think I'm on Team LeCarre for this one, just because I like his books better than Rushdie's and I don't like the way Sal and Hitch are double teaming. And maybe I am oversensitive to the appellation of dunce , though I would be glad to share LeCarre's dunce cap, before the fact as it were.
  3. If you're charging me with belaboring the obvious I suppose I must plead nolo contendere. They don't make jerks like they used to. Can you think of any contemporary public slagfests between novelists now that would attract national attention? At least Gore and Normie had a couple of brain cells between them.
  4. Brown pinks like George and black reds like you never seem to get along. I see it over and over again. I would like to refute Brant's laughable misperceptions of name colours, but obviously he is not open to reason. I mean, the man believes he is blue and white when he is obviously bronze and slate grey/green.
  5. Sorry for repeating the previous, I can't seem to get the edit to stick. Xray, do not delay in watching the Shrew. It would be a feast just for the gorgeous Zefferelli staging alone, but here we have Richard and Elizabeth in roles they were born to play. When she scolds the other wives to be more dutiful at the end, she is gloriously indomitable in her magnificent submission. Get your husband to join you in the bubble bath and make a night of it!
  6. A WINNER With Wilding (two sons): Michael Howard Wilding (born 1953)Christopher Edward Wilding (born 1955) With Todd (one daughter): Elizabeth Frances "Liza" Todd (born 1957) With Burton (one daughter): Maria Burton (born 1961; adopted 1964) In 1971, Taylor became a grandmother at the age of 39. At the time of her death she was survived by her four children, ten grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.[37] I always had the feeling that Liz, despite all the "diva" image, was a wonderful, warmhearted mother to her children. Heere is the list of her 8 marriages / 7 husbands (she married Burton twice): Conrad Hilton, Jr. (1950-1951) Michael Wilding (1952-1957) Michael Todd (1957-his death in 1958) Eddie Fisher (1959-1964) Richard Burton (1964-1974) Richard Burton, again (1975-1976) John Warner (1976-1982) Larry Fortensky (1991-1996) Read more: Her performance in Giant was simply wonderful! Liz was totally authentic and very convincing in the role of Leslie. Liz outshone James Dean in that film, who imo was not the perfect cast for the role, especially in the scenes where he had to play Jett as an older man. Sounds very enticing! I haven't seen that one yet but my husband has, and is as enthusiastic about it as you. Looks like this is a must-see. Richard Burton is among my favorite actors too. Each time I think of Burton, I also think of his teacher, Phillip Burton, whose surname he adopted as a gesture of gratitude to the man who encouraged him to develop his great potential:
  7. Somehow I do not think you mean Canada. The Isle of Man?
  8. Uh, okay George. Okaaaay. (I hope to get to the gate in time.) --Brant There he goes! The guy running toward the gate! He's Spartacus! Get him! Can I go now? Ghs
  9. What does "Jonathan" translate to? J Jonathan is greyish pink, the sort of shade they used to call ashes-of=roses I think. For me the rainbow is small; most names are black, brown, pink, grey, white or yellow, very few are blue or green. They are each different shades of the colours. There are shades of black even. Ayn Rand is white and yellow. The white is near the shade - I have just realized this! - of Mrs W's cap in my avatar.
  10. way to go, Ryan. He must have become overexcited like our goalie Rahida. (She's on Canadian Boring if you ever have insomnia). There was an old-time goalie who managed to get the puck all the way into the other team's empty net and score the winning goal. I think it was Jacques Plante but am not sure.
  11. Dennis and Michael, thank you for the information. I'm sorry I caused you extra work, Michael. I knew the term spam but somehow made a connection of "Spam and Cheese", taking it to mean a boring or banal post. Such as is never found on OL!
  12. [ghs] I would rather that posters use their real pics instead of avatars, because a pic gives me better sense of the person I am dealing with. Still, I find the choice of alter-egos, as manifested in the choice of avatars, interesting at times. A change is too late now, however, whatever the complaint. Ghs is mine -- mine, do you hear? Ghs is who I am, and I will not tolerate any of that "I am Spartacus" crap. I am a man of self-made soul! Better all of us be crucified than I should abandon my soul. Ghs As an avatar person I am of two minds on this. It would be interesting to know what the posters look like, but I am sure everyone will forgive a lady of my mature years and unfortunate resemblance to Ludwig von Mises for denying you the opportunity in my case. We build a vague image of the person in any event. For me it is based on their names because of synaesthesia --Ninth is a slim black name, for example, Ghs you are brown and pink, and so on. I don't mean I visualize the person as being black-or-green-skinned, it is just the name. I enjoy most of the avatars, especially Ninth's aforementioned, Mikee's cat and Ted's, even though I now know what it is. I'll just keep pretending it's a Dalek. Phil's, well....Phil, if you ever decide to use a photo instead, you should definitely have a lectern like George's. But bigger, of course.
  13. There is also a fangroup who show up at Sidney Crosby's games dressed hopefully in wedding gowns. He has not taken the hint yet. He is a great player but not much of a conceptual thinker.
  14. Just saw some pics of Vinny. It sure is a good thing he's taken already. Yes, there is just no getting those iceborne menschen away from their wives no matter how old and ugly they get. I speak as one who has pined unrequitedly for Jean Beliveau for 40 long, lonely years.
  15. Jen, if you have time you could join the book reading group on PracticalObjectivism Forum. They will be doing Atlas Shrugged.
  16. Veering offer the topic, why are movies made out of O'Hara's novels so unsatisfactory? Gary Cooper was good in 10 North Frederick, but Paul Newman was wooden in From the Terrace. And Laurence Harvey sneaking around with Liz Taylor and hiding her instead of immediately leaving his wife for her like any man would (and did)? Give me a break. Appointment in Samarra would make a beautiful small film and the role of Julian English would be a career maker for the right actor. John Agliolaro, are you listening?
  17. Classic Cavett. He like Mozart was not the best, he is the only. Substituting the moon for the sun there made me fall off my two capacious chairs laughing. Thanks, ND. It was Mailer who got his meat minced on this occasion. Is the lady Lillian Hellman? She was no lady in my opinion. A good writer but a dishonest memoirist. How about Queen Liz's worst films? Butterfield 8 comes to mind. Miscast and utterly unbelievable as a needy insecure amateur whore.This was a role for Marilyn Monroe.
  18. I can name her children, Liza Todd, Christopher and Michael Wilding Jr., Maria Burton. Her best film was Giant where I think she gave the best and most of herself,
  19. that is a really interesting analysis. I had thought that the masculist literary tradition began in the 20th century when men started to feel insecure and needed to fight bulls and build tall, tall cylindrical buildings.Men in the smugly patriarchal society had other fish to fry I thought, size of fish no object. Maybe I was wrong.
  20. I'm afraid you need a tutorial on identifying canned processed pork. If it's a new user, and there's a commercial link embedded, it's Spam. MSK will be around to delete it, and the fact that you quoted it is going to mean it'll take him twice as much work. So, be a good citizen and don't quote Spam. This person hounds me from thread to thread with obscure references which mean nothing except to his crazed self. I speak always only the truth and he speaks of canned processed meat product, which I do not even like, so I shall let the record speak for itself, although it does not actually need my permission, though I grant it graciously anyway. Above it all, Caro;
  21. Did you ever see Buckley(Flaherty( duking it out with juia Child(Candy) on sctv/?Let alone mother teresa and Bobby Bittman head-to-head. Life seldom got better.
  22. You are right about Dick Cavett. My fondest memories are SCTV ones where he hosted the unspeakable and the inedible, and poor Joe Flaherty tried to convince the audience that the upcoming Monster Chiller Horror Theatre movie would be terrifying because of his intelligence.
  23. Celin Dion!! Are you interested in joining Jim Carrey and Michael J, Fox and K.naan in buying the Leafs who are now up for sale? You could design killer new uniforms with sequins and bust the ratings just singing the national anthem!