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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. For future nostalgia, the legal drama "Suits" is also fimed in Toronto, which for the past seven years featured a little actress called Meghan Markle.
  2. Two separate questions lib-conservative, (our versions), usually even-steven. Self-identified Libertarians,I would have to look up but I don't recall one ever getting elected. It sure is not 51% anyway, and we don't have an electoral college praise the Lord!* *That would be my current favourite lord, George Gordon, Lord Byron, who wrote, "yet standing on the Persians' grave,/I could not deem myself a slave." I can recite the whole of "The Isles of Greece" from memory, and many longer selections from Housman to cummings - you really should invite me to a party sometime.
  3. Did her joints also shrink back to normal size?
  4. Bill, your headaches sound like what in my family call the "eye-ache{", a form of migraine which no painkiller could conquer when I was young. Both my sons inherited it but have found relief in OTC and (I am glad you have too. Pharma forever, say I. JTS, I can tell you that Tylenol 3s are not addicting. I know this because the drugstore forgot to fax my doctor for a refill last week, so I have had none for 6 days now. I don't feel any withdrawal symptoms but I do feel a lot of arthritis pain. I also have a prescription for medical marijuana but have not been able to afford to fill it yet.
  5. Funny, that is the same feeling I get about your trusted source Alex Jones and practically every liberal he talks about! I know Trump is all too human. I have even known people who resembled him. Human beings are capable of anything. and everything.
  6. My opinion has been formed after reading of and hearing thousands of his words, uttered publicly or reported to have been said privately, so yes. I now see everything he says as a pursuit of his strategy to keep everyone permanently off-balance- even sometimes his supporters.
  7. His words can't be relied upon to convey his real feelings or intentions. It is his deeds we must use as the measure of the man.
  8. OK, I think I understand your position. And you do often quote progressive sources. Yet I don't see an answer to my original question about what the media should actually do, or stop doing, to discourage racism if it actually appears in reality. Ignore it as a minor aberration? Should Anderson Cooper and Alex Jones both confine themselves to a recital of proven facts, without commentary? Or should they both slink away from the field, having killed the myth of impartiality in journalism, and leave it to the partial to slug it out individually? Pretty bleak prospects!
  9. But surely all of the media are just as prone to those failings of power. You must have noticed misreportings o/n your side too. The most salient example is the Birther fiction, very heavily promoted by rightwing media , and if that was not racially inciting, what was? I remember many "Kenyan" and "darkie" and go-home-to-Africa memes that were widely circulated and applauded. The racism was barely veiled. It was an encouragement to the likes of the white supremacists. Have they stopped hating blacks and disappeared just because they haven't been in the news lately? I doubt it.
  10. You confirm my (very positive!) impression about Brazil and its people. But I cannot let your assertion that "up here"( I assume you mean all of North America) racism exists because the media keeps it up, go by without questioning it. I take that to mean that if the media did not report or comment on racial issues, or reported all stories including crime reporting, without identifying people by race, that racism would wither at the roots. That gives a huge power and responsibility to the media. Is this part of how you feel about the issue? I don't have any lefty agenda here, I really just want to know.
  11. Well said, Jules! And reruns of "The Plouffe Family " from the 1950's. Downton, Schmownton!
  12. lol her husband is named John but he is a retired radio host, who flunked high school algebra,no designing engines for him! Trudy would totally agree with you about Trudeau that is for sure.
  13. Don't be modest Michael, you are also cute, in fact the Men of OL are quite magnificent in their wrath, raving loonies excepted.
  14. Many thanks for kind words, Marc. My friend Trudy does have some Dagny-like characteristics - she is a self-made success though, did not inherit a railroad to run but started her own business, but as a person she does not resemble Ms Taggart of the Scornful Smiles, thank heavens. She is more into the Verbal Lambasting or the Hot Retort, and is a great storyteller. Good question about Atlas, I don't know if she has read it, I will ask her. If not she might try it, if I don't tell her about Galt's Speech. On the other hand, do I want to give her more ammunition to be a righteous righter? Must think about. For the last two days I have been like you! by working out and taking saunas. The workouts consisted of dragging myself from my bed to the door, and the saunas occurred when I opened the door and went outside. Thank god we can all breathe again today.
  15. OK, Reagan co-founded free trade negotiations with Canada, which later, after his time and Mulroney's in office, expanded to include the rest of North America and led to the NAFTA agreement. I am sorry I did not spell out the sequence of the process. Do you think Reagan would have balked at including Mexico? I wonder. I do not know enough about him to make any guesses. I know Mulroney was very pleased about it. Readers, if you are bored you will have stopped reading this exchange already and gone on to something more interesting.
  16. What do you mean, Gotcha? You said you thought NAFTA started in 1989, which it did, with the opening negotiations. It came to legal fruition in 1994. So we were both right. Michael 1, me one. Bilaterally, Carol. I must have missed your Canada invasion plans. You didn't publish them for the world to see, surely?
  17. If I am incorrect on facts I will gladly admit it. I s it about the date? "More than thirty years ago" was the agreement of Reagan and Mulroney to begin negotiations. Congress passed it on November 17, 1993 and it became effective on Jan. 1, 1994. I don't see where we differ here. The two conservative leaders co-created, as in envisioned, then building the legal structure of NAFTA. and the two liberal (small and big L) continued the process and signed off on it.
  18. I said Reagan because he agreed with Brian Mulroney, then Canada's conservative PM, to begin the long process of negotiations, which continued throughout changes of government in both countries. NAFTA was Mulroney's baby and has turned out to be his major legacy. Jean Chretien had bitterly opposed it, but as PM instead of dismantling it,he passed it into law, as did Congress under Clinton in 1993. It has been generally considered a win-win-win deal by all three countries until Trump's "show me more money" campaign began.
  19. I just clicked on TMZ for the latest court news (basketball and legal, which is all they seem to cover, ) and there is a picture of Manafort with a guy who is a dead ringer for the late John Cazale, the wonderful actor who played Fredo Corleone. Look and see if I am not right!
  20. Yuck, that saying should not go anywhere but stay in Brazil. Maybe next time a Brazilian proverb is the best to illustrate your point, you should render it in original Portuguese to convey its-- full savour.
  21. In the first preliminary skirmish before the commencement of the Trade War (rural division) - Canada has triumphed! Our farm team has beaten your farm team, Trounced them, actually. Great game, best part the ritual handshake after the game. This is what I hope for after the War. Toronto Marlies win the Calder Cup against the Texas Stars, first time a Canadian team has won it in 18 years, on home ice. This is my kind of faceoff.
  22. I thought it was just me. I could not finish the first book because the love scenes, which seemed to be written and rewritten to drain any earthy excitement out of them, interrupt ed rather than complemented the thriller plot. So I gave up. I usually skip sex scenes in novels, unless one is bad enough to earn a Bad Sex Award. There is so much foreplay -- oh, get to the point, think I, because I am a crabby old but still,above all, a Respectable Widow! I agree 9th, kill off Annie or better, let her skip town with the pool guy.
  23. Happy Birthday, Donald! People just don't give you enough credit for not lying about your age - people are such envious losers!
  24. Marc, I feel the same about you even though, as you say, we do not see eye to eye-- I doubt we will ever be eyeball to eyeball , Canadians are good at agreeing to disagree. (My best friend from Grade 1 to present is now the president of the Conservative Party in Charlotte County, NB, a raging rightwinger that you and Michael would love. There is just no talking to her-- she is always right! and I do mean right, but I love her anyway. (Her husband feels the same). To your other post, I have met many, many Korean guys over the past 20 years (including even a few who had escaped from the North). They would be ready to fall down and worship Judas Iscariot (and a lot of them were Christians) if they thought he could get rid of the Kim Jong regime and/or guarantee they would not be blown up. As to most Canadians, have you spoken to all of them recently? When you do, tell them not to tell such outrageous lies to the pollsters. I do, sincerely, admire your optimism and enthusiasm for good change.
  25. Just enchanting, like getting leisurely tapas and siesta (I spent 6 golden months in Spain in my long-ago somewhat prolonged youth). But push to shove, for the guitar, give me los Romeros, Any one will do, but stronger together!