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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Why Ted, I was actually referring to you in "right here on OL". You didn't review but made a passing comment on a movie whose ideas you thought were vile but you said was beautifully done. A few people have also thought Leni Riefenstahl's films were well-executed: Jewish people. I still believe some critics are capable of objectivity, and will now slither back under my rock.
  2. Wait a minute.. film reviewers can hate the filmmaker's ideas but still acknowledge that the film is well-done and effective, can't they? Would you like to make a small wager on that assumption in regards to Atlas and Ayn's ideas, Carol? You got me. I was all set to prove my assertion that they can, and have (right here on OL), but you invite me to bet that they will, in the case of this movie. i don't think I can take your odds.
  3. Wait a minute.. film reviewers can hate the filmmaker's ideas but still acknowledge that the film is well-done and effective, can't they?
  4. At first I thought the Google People would be the ones who quickly research to find background on a topic and rush to post using what they find. I tried to do this with the dying Canadianbaby story and came up with exactly nothing except blog spins with no facts, not even the name of the relevant hospital or bureaucrats involved. The fact that Glenn Beck and his 40 researchers urge his viewers to seek out and evaluate evidence for themselves is not really reassuring, somehow.
  5. Marc, You'll understand that I am not dissing your first love when I say that their style of play was best appreciated by 12-year-old boys. Goalies...aaargh. I expect the leafs to put out feelers for our Rahida of the Senior Sizzlers in the Boring Canadian Politics League. She has stamina at least. As a city we are amazing though, you are right she said smugly. To hell with the Economist.
  6. If I had some decent notice, yes. But this is this Thursday and I have a mediation here in NJ. Not real happy about it, lol. Adam Too bad. Hope there are other OLers in the area who can report.
  7. Adam, will you be going after fan tickets for the NY screening?
  8. That's very interesting. I have just realized that I had your same experience in that I did not start school till age 7. I could have started at 6 (we had no kindergarten) but my mother wanted to keep me home the extra year. I was not schooled however except I learned to read from my storybooks and my father's tutorials from comic strips. There was an old one called "our Boarding House" featuring Major Hoople which was a great favourite. Also Brenda Starr who I wanted to grow up to be. I enjoy "Army Wives" on TV and realize that it's pretty sugarcoated, but does it reflect your own experiences? Glad to have you on OL.
  9. I did that all the time and one reason why I will never leave this amazing city ! As for the brooms in your previous post - very funny indeed hahaha !!!!!! Not sure if you have seen but there was a great 1 hour documentary on the Flyers of those years, any hockey fan would enjoy it IMO, I saw it on Rogers on demand last month. Those Flyers Leafs series were so amazing in the 70s . Roy McMurtry , remember him ? Was the doc called The Broad street Bullies? If so I have seen it and you are right, it was great. I think all the attention Clarke and the Thugs got maybe helped get Hollywood interested in making the best sports movie ever, Slap Shot. Remember the proto-Sean Avery forward's great line as he's bearing down on the hungover goalie Hanrahan? And the divine Hanson Brothers? McMurtry was the Ont.Attorney General wasn/t he? What was the story there? We won't talk about last night.
  10. Ah, Michael. Again and again you intercept our cunning efforts to overrun your site with sedition. You have noticed me sitting sideways, gazing resolutely to the left. I think we should try your sales persuasion course, ours does not seem to work too well.
  11. Nice memory: When the Buds were still in Maple Leaf Gardens, my son and his friend used to ride their bikes downtown and watch practice and get autographs. Did you ever do that? Their bikes never even got stolen, though that's a leading crime here.
  12. Where did you get the accents? I bought my computer right here in Canada and it doesn't even have the slightest aigu let alone a circonflexe. I am going to complain to the Human Rights Commission about it.
  13. Right the 2nd time, Linem up and shootem down. Ghs is poking because I referenced his own mention of firing off insults at sjw "very quickly, spontaneously, spur-ofthemoment" etc in order to warm up his mind for long days of writing and research. I didn't think he would even catch the reference since I was just being general abt the playground shoving and jostling which I so enjoy reading.I thought my men's book club construct was pretty neat, especially since my sons are so pleased that I have joined a book discussion forum and spend less time out lolling around the pub.
  14. Well it sure seems like this year they could actually get in the playoffs ! Closed the gap from 14 to 4 points as of last night but now its 6 pts again. Once a team gets in we all know what can happen - remember last year with Montreal and Philly being 7 and 8 seeds ! Living in Toronto ( although a big Flyers fan since I was a kid ) I would just love to see the Leafs get in and watch the city go wild ! Marc, I remember when the Blue Jays won the World Series and the city-wide, though stately celebration. If it could ever happen with the Stanley Cup most of my generation would probably die of sheer joy, so in my own selfish interest I accept the reality that it isn't likely. The Leafs always do this to us, late surge and even if they make the playoffs just collapse at the unaccustomed effort. I was always a Canadiens fan but had to convert, at least superficially, when I moved here and married, then mothered, hopeless Leafs cultists, lost to all reason. And the Argos, now the TFC, it never ends. What would we do without it? Daunce, I remember as well that after those 2 WS wins, the Jays never drew anywhere close to the 4m fans a year again ! Also, when the Argos finally won, people stayed away in droves ! If the Leafs ever win , will fans then stay away I wonder. This is one strange sports town indeed because in other cities it would be the complete opposite . As in your Montreal, they do it right and stop supporting the losing teams , n'est pa ? 5 points out now and a huge game stars in an hour. It would be nice to see although if the Leafs do get the 8 spot , I am figuring that the Flyers will use their brooms hahha ! Marc, the jays are baseball and the CFL is a very niche passion, always needing to be propped up. The Leafs are the LEAFS. If they could win, the insane demand for tickets that already exists would probably cause another G20. Oh no, don't tell me the Broad Street Bullies are using brooms now. My nerves are wracked enough with hockey, I can;t take curling on top.
  15. Ted, your fan chart above is just what I've been looking for!
  16. Daunce, The theme of Atlas Shrugged is "the role of the mind in man's existence." A scene that "dramatically illustrates the value of independent judgment" would be unlikely to weaken the intended impact of the movie on its audience. Having said that, I must admit I am at a loss to make sense of your post. Perhaps that's my failing, and if so I humbly apologize for my denseness. It was probably my denseness, so it's for me to apologize. I was comparing the viewer's independent judgment on "Does Dagny's judgment make sense?" to Dagny's judgment in the scene. I would want the viewer to agree with Dagny, not feel doubtful about her qualifications to risk lives based on the evidence presented. Then again, I just read the dialogue; I didn't see it. Maybe I wouldn't have noticed it in watching the movie.
  17. The Maraachi baby is becoming a Terri Schiavo for the anti-euthanasia, anti-Obamacare machine. I just looked for coverage and found Fox and pro-life blogs; no statements from the doctors or government here. I will have to go out and buy a newspaper. There is a statement from the Detroit hospital they want to transfer him to, and from the father, who I truly hope is receiving more comfort than stress from all the help and support he is receiving.
  18. I would love to post my reply but I am too Respectable. And that of course is an evasion. I thought hiding behind the "powder puff" was not the stance of a liberated, empowered female? As a Synaestho-Fatalist feminist I can take any stance, or preferably seat, that I want. Is that a different branch, or was there some conversion that I missed? You are correct. It is the logical branch of my philosophy. All that nihilism was just too much work. Destroy this, destroy that, never a minute's rest.
  19. Don't lie. You're just going on the road with the Wings. Best of luck with the trial. Bring back plenty pelt to the Igloo.
  20. I would love to post my reply but I am too Respectable. And that of course is an evasion. I thought hiding behind the "powder puff" was not the stance of a liberated, empowered female? As a Synaestho-Fatalist feminist I can take any stance, or preferably seat, that I want.
  21. J, this is a seminal insight. But in the interest of geographical integrity I would have to conclude that I might be looking, as it were, sort of downwards.
  22. I would love to post my reply but I am too Respectable.
  23. I love English for its huge vocabulary and varied registers and accents. French I love for the feel of it in the mouth, its diction. Spanish I love for its simple orthography written and for the sensous variability in its accents and dialects. Why do you think you fell in love with English? I fell in love with my own language in my preschool years at church. The Anglican liturgy - the good, the bad and the funny. My dad was always tickled by the Benedicite Omnia Opera (even the name) and would solemnly intone around the house, "O Ananias, Azarias and Misael, bless ye the Lord." And the splendid Victorian vocab of the hymns! "Crown him the Lord of Years the Potentate of Time Creator of the rolling spheres Ineffably sublime" And of course at Christmas the songs were all about ME.
  24. Have you ever integrated, after much introspection, the phenomenon of socialist women who start inane threads with the possibility that such women are not nearly as clever as they think they are? You will be much happier when you realize this. Ghs Rhetorical question from someone who visits OL only to warm up for more serious endeavours. It's probably much cleverer than I think it is.
  25. I think that a lot of the pathologizing of onlies came from the era when large families were the norm, and an only child was a rarity. There was only one other only in my age group in my small town of around 4000 people. Now they are as common as kids with siblings. And in China we have a whole countryful to look at. One of my students immigrated here because of the only-child policy. They had a daughter and wanted another child, hoping for a boy. Four months after their arrival, his wife had triplet girls. Four children under the age of three. He was always falling asleep in class. Still no response from the home-schooled community. I guess we'll just have to wait till Suri Cruise grows up.