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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. A child shouldn't. The usual accepted age for youths to work is 16. As you know,exceptions and waivers are customary in everywhere[sic]. Carol: Understood. What standards should be used by the state to grant those exceptions and waivers to a youth under age 16? Adam Hey, I've answered you three times in a row. Your turn. What exceptions and waivers do you think should be granted? I bet they are much the same as mine.
  2. A child shouldn't. The usual accepted age for youths to work is 16. As you know,exceptions and waivers are customary in everwhere.
  3. By my standards the laws to protect 12-year-olds from possibly exploitive or unscrupulous employers (which I'm sure you didn't have) should stand, so yes. Look, we all know kids work, on the family farm, in the family business, for neighbours, and "chores" are understood. But 12-year-olds should not be employees, and the law should say so. They should be kids. In a time when we live longer than ever, and the media is moaning about the elongation of youth into the mid-30's, and the sexualization of children and the shortening of childhood, we should be trying to preserve childhood, not hurry it up into premature adult hood. The prime example of child labour is in the entertainment industry. The kids all want to work, to show their talent. Many become adult stars- about 1 in a million. What about the rest of them? What about the ones who hit it big as kids and outgrow their appeal? Paul Petersen, ex-child star, has a support group for the casualties, called A Minor Consideration.The horror stories he knows are heartbreaking. You shouldn't have been working at 12. Nobody should.I am truly glad it was good for you and I know many others who incorporated such work into their childhoods. But exceptions do not prove the rule here. Worldwide children long to be free of their labour, and in America, a legislator wants them to be "free" to be told by their parents to do it. In America, beacon of freedom for the world. Shame on her.
  4. You might get your wish. In one interview the trailblazing Ms. Cunningham said that both her now-adult sons had earlier worked as "miners". Carol: She meant MINORS! Actually, this does raise an interesting issue. I fudged my date of birth on my "working papers" so that I could work at Smilen Foods when I was twelve (12) and at sixteen (16) I was reporting to work at the Animal Medical Center in NY City at 8:00 AM. I had to take a bus, two trains and walk about six (6) blocks from Bloomingdales at Lexington and 59th Street to York Avenue and 61st Street. I was never late, never missed a day of work and after work one night a week, went downtown to NBI to listen to Nathanial, Barbara or Ayn. Seemed pretty normal to me. Should I have been prohibited from working at 12? Adam Adam, you have double posted, I answered you above.
  5. You might get your wish. In one interview the trailblazing Ms. Cunningham said that both her now-adult sons had earlier worked as "miners". Carol: She meant MINORS! Actually, this does raise an interesting issue. I fudged my date of birth on my "working papers" so that I could work at Smilen Foods when I was twelve (12) and at sixteen (16) I was reporting to work at the Animal Medical Center in NY City at 8:00 AM. I had to take a bus, two trains and walk about six (6) blocks from Bloomingdales at Lexington and 59th Street to York Avenue and 61st Street. I was never late, never missed a day of work and after work one night a week, went downtown to NBI to listen to Nathanial, Barbara or Ayn. Seemed pretty normal to me. Should I have been prohibited from working at 12? Adam Adam, I know she meant minors. It was actually reported with that spelling. But if I had heard her, I might have heard "miners" and been able to report that to Brant. Obviously, you were legally prohibited from working at 12 hence the fudging. 16 is legal working age most places, I assume it was so in NY so you were not prohibited. The laws in place then and now should not be repealed, however salutary and normal your own personal experience.
  6. I object to your describing the work of Butler as "opaque sludge". She is a leading artist in the Acadien Folk tradition and if her lyrics are opaque to you, brush up your French. Oops, thought you said Edith Butler.
  7. Sure, I must have cousins in Van. If somebody looks mean and hungry on the street with little squinty eyes, givem a loonie.
  8. You might get your wish. In one interview the trailblazing Ms. Cunningham said that both her now-adult sons had earlier worked as "miners".
  9. Paid? as Kathleen Harrison said to Alistair Sim in a Christmas Carol, 'ere, what for? I trust it is legal and Respectable.
  10. The Economist has named seven Canadian and Australian cities among its Top Ten in its most recent rankings. Vancouver, BC, rated first in the aftermath of the successful Winter Olympics. Canada's bestlargest city Toronto sits fourth between Vienna and Calgary (Calgary?), seething in bitter petty jealousy. Vancouverites credit their popularity to its leading citizen and tourist attraction, Mr. William S. Scherk, but he modestly rejects such praise. "All I did was invite some of my friends to come to the Olympics," he says. "Vancouver's totally superior especially to Toronto awesomeness did the rest." Torontonians see things differently. "My cousin went out there last year and he said it was just awful," says Mrs. E. Pippington, as she scrubs the steps of her Youth Hostel and Boarding House. "There was drug addicts and sex people all over the sidewalks. "If people don't want to live in Toronto that's their loss. We don't want them anyway. That's the trouble with the world today, too many foreigners." Mrs. Pippington plans to vacation this year but will not go to Vancouver. "I'm going to visit the beautiful state of New Hampshire. Or maybe Wisconsin or Missouri. Somewhere with nice people and no taxes and our dollar is at par with their dollar and if you want to shoot a gun you can shoot it." Elsewhere, Viennese and runnerup Melbournians alike burst into cheerful song celebrating their quality of life, with "Wien, Wien," and "Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport" reverberating through the urban air.
  11. As resident expert on Boring, no. So here you are! if you hiding here just to get away from me, tough. You just can't get rid of some people. I miss pippi real bad already. I knew she would implode sometime, but couldn't she have held out until spring at least? Why did MSK have to call her adorable and tell her he liked her, he should have known that would cause her to swear at him. I had all my tasty menus planned out and now it's all ruined. Plus I have to scrounge up$100 for PC's gottahave gadget between paydays. I don't have to pay you to be on here do I? Depressed, Carol
  12. Michael, your student music experience really strikes me. Music, though seldom seriously addressed by Rand, is so vital to one's self=definition. I once knew a young Objectivist who told me he was writing a symphony - he could not actually read music but knew he could through application master the technicalities and fully express his sense of life. He loved great music and wanted to participate in that world. I don't want to intrude again on personals, but the difference between your practical collision with Cage etal, and L. Perigo's theoretical one as he has described it, is what immediately struck me. You went on to become a musician. He went on to decide that his sensibilities as a listener made him a superior human being. Music sets us all at play in the fields of the Lord. And we're all the lords, knowing that few of us can be players.
  13. Oui vraiment! You have saved us. Your reward will come in the edible linings for your parcel which you requested. All pre-chewed by our fine Ladies' Auxiliary and guaranteed by Papa's whole clientele. Hint: it starts with a "p" but is not poutine, no, no.
  14. Wonderful, Phil. You can help the Igloo combat the calumnies against your fellow Virgin Sidney C. I still love "and then it goes back" from the World Cup by my homeboy the SomaliCanadianworldguy.
  15. LACK OF CANADIAN CONTENT 1st warning Please confirm that M. Renault ever visited or talked about Canada. A. Rand has known Canadian associations but was a non-communist Russian so she loses 3 points here. You know the rules. Gerard Officieux BB/Grandfrere Sector 13
  16. I asked you not to mention Fluffy! Hurry up with that joint custody will you.
  17. Clue: It is not any similarity between the authors (though I didn't know about them being the same age - interesting!). It's within the books themselves.
  18. C'mon Adam, you're just jealous you were off the thread and didn't get in your own asininity first! Carol serious from now on. trust me.
  19. Pickled Poutine Pour Philippe Please,Patent Pending.
  20. Adam, I'd still be interested in your observations of the homeschooled children you have known or known of. I think you mentioned that you, like me and studio, are an only child. As mentioned in my previous post I am also very intrigued by the studies on how birth order affects one's adult life, and would like to invite any interested OLers to offer their thoughts on this. Not the research! unless you happen to be familiar with it. Just if you think being an eldest, middle, youngest etc had an effect on you or those you know. Carol spoiled rotten fun fact: both my parents were third-borns and so was my husband, and my closest cousin (more like a sister)in a family of 10.. She married a third-born from a family of 11. We're not even Catholics. They have to hold family parties in the arena.
  21. I don't know what Paypal is but if Phil does not Pay me for that dictionary when he gets it, he will no longer be my Pal.
  22. I am surprised that this is a relatively new thing in Canada. It is not a 'new thing' in Canada. Adam's obscure, undated, and unreferenced 'blog link' is meaningless in context: when was it published, what evidence was adduced for any of its statements? More importantly, what is the present law of the land -- what was the result in law -- of the controversy in 2004/2005? My sources are even more obscure than Adam's, consisting only of vague memories, but I think the idea of incorporating sharia here in Ontario was put forward, thoroughly trounced by public opinion, and rejected. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms ultimately underwrites and overrides every new law, and some of the old ones, to the profit of lawyers coast to coast.
  23. They are both female. I never saw anything by Rand with a homosexual theme. The closest thing to man on man love I saw in Rand was when Hank grabbed Francisco to save him from death by fire. It was very Romantic. Ba'al Chatzaf Well, it wasn't homosexual but there was the Roark-Wynand relationship. They did take a cruise together in Wynand's yacht and they seemed emotionally much closer than Roark and Dominique. What I'd like to see instead of Wynand being the newspaper tycoon, Dominique being the tycoon combining the Dominique and Gail characters. It is also interesting that "Gail" is a name for both sexes. This is my imagination at work, not a suggestion for a rewrite assuming it was rewritable. It isn't, of course. --Brant Brant, I have often wondered if Gail/Dominique wasn't an artist's subconscious variation on Ayn/Frank.
  24. [quote name='PDS' timestamp='1298399755' post='125927' I've always hated that Evelyn Waugh had a girl's name. I'd love to see Evelyn and ee in a cage match, but alas, they are both dead. Therefore, I cannot join any "live poets society"--not that you asked. Did you know that Evelyn Waugh's first wife was also named Evelyn? Those Brits are so kinky. As to the cage match, many such were arranged on sctv in the 1970s under the sponsorship of the Mystical Outreach Wing of our Sacred Brotherhood, and who knows when there might be a revival.