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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I've always hated that Evelyn Waugh had a girl's name. I'd love to see Evelyn and ee in a cage match, but alas, they are both dead. Therefore, I cannot join any "live poets society"--not that you asked. PDS, as a Brother of the Sacred Igloo, you can infiltrate any society you want.
  2. They are both female. I never saw anything by Rand with a homosexual theme. The closest thing to man on man love I saw in Rand was when Hank grabbed Francisco to save him from death by fire. It was very Romantic. Ba'al Chatzaf Nope, that isn't it. Though I agree about how romantic all the manly maleness is in AS. Makes Mr. Darcy look like a repressed wimp.
  3. I believe he did it for some weird intellectual reason. He knew the rules of form and style perfectly, so decided to break them. Maybe there is a computer programme that would reformat his work into standard English and you could enjoy it then. He naturally wrote in a fairly classic poetic style (you notice he keeps the stanza form) and combined it with his own sensibility. As Snodgrass wrote in April Inventory: "there is a loveliness exists; preserves us; not for specialists."
  4. Phil and Ted, I am afraid that I understand the entertainment value all too well. A timid and polite person, I ventured onto this site and two weeks later was engaged in an unsightly public brawl, giving as good as I got. There is such a thing as the joy of battle. Adam, I love Cummings and always know what he's saying, I just can't explain it. That is his mystery, as Renault would put it. But you will understand this I am sure.. (long quote alert!) "his sorrow was as true as bread no liar looked him in the head; if every friend became his foe he'd laugh and build a world with snow. .... then let men kill which cannot share, let blood and flesh be mud and mire, scheming imagine, passion willed, freedom a drug that's bought and sold giving to steal and cruel kind, a heart to fear, to doubt a mind, to differ a disease of same, conform the pinnacle of am. though dull were all we taste as bright, bitter all utterly things sweet, maggotty minus and dumb death, all we inherit, all bequeath and nothing quite so least as truth -i say though hate were why men breathe- because my father lived his soul love is the whole and more than all." -for J.F. Stuart May 1,1923-Feb.17,1984 I forgot the date this year, but all day Thursday I felt low and a little lost for no reason; Friday I remembered. Still miss you, Dad. Yesterday we had a great time at your first great-grandson's 2nd birthday party. Your grandsons grew up fine and the one you didn't get to meet looks just like you.
  5. PS, When you read Renault again, tell me the main thing she has in common with Ayn Rand. It's very striking.
  6. Phil, if you want to be in that row at Epidaurus, read The Mask of Apollo by Mary Renault. In fact I will not send you your dictionary until you start. Actually I don't know if you like novels so you only have to read the first chapter. Dickens was Canadian?-- I should have been informed of this, that Nanook is not pulling his weight multitasking in culture whatever, maybe we should outsource that function. All our offshore options are ice floes though. Still, some of those walruses look pretty bright.
  7. Really? You have some sourcing for the above statement? Or, maybe a definition of "frequently" that I have not frequented? . Actually, in the United States, the percentage of union membership, in the non governmental sector has regularly declined since the 1930's, net, with some spikes, to today's lowest percentage. Moreover, I am not arguing for the elimination of unions. My argument is that public sector unions should never be: 1) closed shops; 2) able to collectively bargain all issues because their employer is the state, and, by extension, the taxpaying public; and 3) due to their public character, their ability and right to strike is and should be severely restricted by contract, e.g., air traffic controllers, police, fire, prison guards, teachers, etc. Adam I am not surprised at any drops in US unionization. I was thinking of worldwide. Re my first point I speak from impression and ask your indulgence on this. You yourself have done the same I think. My readings of libertarian and anarcho-capitalist literature have been narrow, but in constructing a society without government, I strongly remember the replacement of government and lawyers with the responsibility of insuring oneself against every every eventuality, and the competing roles of private companies in providing this insurance. I could be totally wrong in this impression - I will williingly be told so, rather than try to research what I only dimly remember. No comment on the cummings?
  8. To: Secret Plan Cadre Re: Intelligence Alert It has been verified that an operative in Sector 13 has been identified by American intelligence. Agent S, that dunce, has been spotted. An alert citizen noticed that Agent S had nothing else to do, researched that she had never produced any goods or services, and shrewdly deduced that she was being paid to infiltrate . (no word on whether the payment in American currency has been noticed). Some psychological analysis was involved in profiling Agent S's self-loathing and lack of pride, I can't say I ever noticed that but she will sure loathe herself when I get through with her also "Controller" Jole I mean Agent B, rendezvous at usual place unless I just can't take much more of this, brotherhood is one thing but being everybody's dogsbody is another. And that goes for my dog's bodies too, I do not mind lending them out but you should not overfeed them or let the kids ride on their backs. Distractedly, Nanook
  9. caroljane


    You are unclear as usual. Why do you bother? Damn you are so affected! How can you live with yourself? source dictionary dot com Easily. Adverb. I don't have to look it up.
  10. Mary: I like the one I highlighted the best for networking and recruiting. How about: Even Norma Rae Would Not Be a Member of This Union Today! <<<<<<<<<<<<Her union eventually became a part of SEIU! I did not know this fact about how she died though: "The North Carolina union organizer who was the inspiration for the movie "Norma Rae" died on Friday of brain cancer after a battle with her insurance company, which delayed her treatment. She was 68." Norma Rae Died 2009 Brain Cancer Adam Insurance comanpanies are frequently suggested as the best arbiters of all civil matters in hypothetical government-free libertarian societies. The union movement will not be killed for the simple reason that it cannot be stopped from reproducing. New workplaces are unionized regularly to fight for the rights of the individual worker. As cummings said, "All ignorance toboggans into know, then trudges up to ignorance again."
  11. caroljane


    Apparently the only jobs deserving of above-minimum wage pay (and who needs those stupid government interferences anyway) are the ones you happen to be working at. Keep those Opinions Humble, kid.
  12. Nonsense. Anyone reading that post, even with no contextual knowledge of the writer, would clearly deduce that "taking a poke" was its chosen focus; and that the writer's sense of life was something like this: "I am a figure of importance in the world. The world consists of (1) my enemies and (2) my friends." Pokes, indeed. Sure, it was his chosen focus, and it's absolutely clear that giving pomowankers etc a hard time is of great value to the writer, but there's no indication that it's his ultimate value. OK, if you say so. Let's be benevolent then, and assume from indications that his highest value is a certain very dead opera singer.
  13. Um, I am being kept in the basement. Sorry, Unc! We forgot about you down there.Heard some feeble tappings last night but thought it was just the rats again. Good news, we're getting a new household help from Missouri soon - not like old Mrs Drudgeon, this one is strong and young, real young.
  14. Sorry, it's Aunt Jane and she's still at large. Un deterred even by mockery from Jay Leno, the fearless child's-right-to-work activist Rep. Cunningham has explained that her bill is a good thing because (1) it removes the state from the parent-child relationship, in which parents always know what's best for the kid, and (2) kids who work always outperform their parasitic classmates at school. She knows (2) because she talked to a (that would be one) public school teacher who said she could always tell the child labourers because of this outperformance. I foresee a bright future for Rep. Cunningham in innovative conservative think tanks, doing research.
  15. "Islam has a large majority of talkers and very few fanatical 'doers' ". Goodness, Tony! Are you suggesting that Islam is just like the rest of us? Excellent post.
  16. Nonsense. Anyone reading that post, even with no contextual knowledge of the writer, would clearly deduce that "taking a poke" was its chosen focus; and that the writer's sense of life was something like this: "I am a figure of importance in the world. The world consists of (1) my enemies and (2) my friends." Pokes, indeed.
  17. I'll suspend my tiresome work on the 'greatest Phil takedown ever,' and become my sometime sunny, helpful self. Phil, I use a free file search utility that offers: - Perl compatible regular expressions that allow complex rule based searches. - Web style Boolean searches for ease of use. - Immediate contents results view. - Various wizards to walk the user through the searching process. - Searches within Word, text, html, PDF files </ol> I can enter something like "scherk crazypants NOT kookiepants AND fuck" and I get a two pane, scrollable result set (I can also use regular expressions, restrict to a subset of folders, specify a filename or filename fragment and restrict by date). Good grief, Billy Sherk! Don't you know the crazypants go in the top left drawer and the kookiepants go in the top right and those other - activities - are for outside the house when you are grown up? I have updated my entry and am now using "Phil AND them AND 'some folks' AND 'those people' AND 'page endlessly' NOT 'thank you' OR 'can you please give a link to the marvelous program, it is just what I am looking for?' NOT interested AND 'I am still mad at you' OR AND 'yes, it does sort' NOT 'thanks' OR 'I would like to know where to get it, please' AND 'I am NOT talking to you' OR 'la la la . . . fingers in my ears' AND NOT 'argh'" He always gets like that when he can't find the right pants.
  18. Dear Tony, you humble me. I did not think of it as a correction at all but probably a typo, and just grabbed an opportunity to banter. Your comment on my teaching is wonderfully complimentary and perceptive too, it makes me realize that this is in fact the way I make corrections when the chance is there. About half the time in our class is spent laughing. Usually at my outfits though. Caro
  19. Abandonnez l'espoir, tout ceux qui entrant ici. Boxers or briefs? Disbelief is my only refuge. None of the Above! The Male Commando Movement What are you, some kind of weird Italian Scotsman? Jeez, even wss wears pants even if he puts them away in strange places.
  20. [quote name='whYNOT' timestamp='1298243616' post='1256} There you go again, switching objective, for subjective, and visa-versa, at the drop of a hat.( :rolleyes Tony Tony, do you have visa-versas in SA too? Ours have "In Flanders Fields" on one side and "Un Canadien Errant" on the other. They cost a little more than the regular visas but are very popular.
  21. "Indeed, the slithering cuttlefish and furtive newts in their mysterious unions usefully refuted Ari and Theo, although they knew not why" -Catachresis
  22. caroljane


    Re citizens' arrests - the law is being amended here to validate them. A shopkeeper chased down an habitual thief, tied him up and detained him till the police came. The shopkeeper was arrested for kidnapping. All is now well. I can't forbear saying, in right-to-bear-arms territory, this could have been a murder trial.