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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I'll suspend my tiresome work on the 'greatest Phil takedown ever,' and become my sometime sunny, helpful self. Phil, I use a free file search utility that offers: <ol> <li>- Perl compatible regular expressions that allow complex rule based searches. <li>- Web style Boolean searches for ease of use. <li>- Immediate contents results view. <li>- Various wizards to walk the user through the searching process. <li>- Searches within Word, text, html, PDF files </ol> It's a 3.9 MB download and installs in 30 seconds. It doesn't index your computer like Google Desktop. I can enter something like "scherk crazypants NOT kookiepants AND fuck" and I get a two pane, scrollable result set (I can also use regular expressions, restrict to a subset of folders, specify a filename or filename fragment and restrict by date). On the left pane are returned the file names, size, date and type. Clicking on the file name returns, in the right pane, the individual search terms highlighted within the surrounding text in the searched file for each appearance in the file, and the appearances also appear with the line-number of the file. Good grief, Billy Sherk! Don't you know the crazypants go in the top left drawer and the kookiepants go in the top right and those other - activities - are for outside the house when you are grown up? Wait'll your mother hears about this.
  2. Fraternal Order of Sacred igloo local 13 to: All members, Study Group It has come to my attention that that an old, vicious and dishonest smear has reared its hideous head again, the one that says Canadian sports are rife with sexual depravity and licence. This lie has been refuted many times. I will merely point out the well known fact that the foremost player of Hockey today, Sidney Crosby, has never had sex with anybody since he is too Moral to indulge before marriage and also his lower body musculature is overdeveloped, somewhat like Queen Elizabeth I of England the Virgin. To the younger members who have shown interest in learning lacrosse, it is only played in the lower latitudes where the sun comes out two weeks a year. I expect a good discussion on next week's topic, Militarism Imagery in Rilla of Ingleside. Nanook getting too old for this
  3. The Majority is an ass. Almost all good or right ideas start off as minority stands or opinions. Ba'al Chatzaf “The mass-man is one who has neither the force of intellect to apprehend the principles issuing in what we know as the humane life, nor the force of character to adhere to those principles steadily and strictly as laws of conduct; and because such people make up the great and overwhelming majority of mankind, they are called collectively the masses.” – Albert J. Nock Shayne Yes, the people are always revolting, but they're all we've got.
  4. John Candy not wanting to go to hockey camp, and joe Flaherty as Pa McIndignant. SCTV, matchless
  5. Lachlan, cool, he was Macbeth's stepson! You lucky. My family though Loyalists never owned anything but the family farms or parts of woods. My mat grandfather however, drove everybody mad with his senile laments about how he would be rich if he had just bought a section of New River Beach for $800 in the 1930s. How we was supposed to get hold of $800 in the Depression as the poorest man in town with 6 children he never explained to us.He also had strong feelings about the 6 children, frequently stating that he should have "stopped at Lloyd" (the eldest and favourite). This said while the unwelcome 3rd, my mother, served him his dinner. He was a character. Well, it was the duty of Maritimers of that generation to be characters, n'est-ce pas?
  6. caroljane


    Where is the virtue? Please explain. In "The Virtue of Selfishness", by Ayn Rand, the virtues of seeking and receiving the highest rewards for one's productive activity are explained. These virtues trump "the greater good" such as the financial health of a state, for example. Carol: I do not think you are representing the "virtue" and "selfishness" of the public employees union the way Ayn meant the concept. "The Objectivist ethics proudly advocates and upholds rational selfishness—which means: the values required for man’s survival qua man—which means: the values required for human survival—not the values produced by the desires, the emotions, the “aspirations,” the feelings, the whims or the needs of irrational brutes, who have never outgrown the primordial practice of human sacrifices, have never discovered an industrial society and can conceive of no self-interest but that of grabbing the loot of the moment. The Objectivist ethics holds that human good does not require human sacrifices and cannot be achieved by the sacrifice of anyone to anyone. It holds that the rational interests of men do not clash—that there is no conflict of interests among men who do not desire the unearned, who do not make sacrifices nor accept them, who deal with one another as traders, giving value for value." The issue is not the financial health of the state, the issue is the theft at the point of the state's gun to further extort tax dollars from the taxpayers to pay for an unsustainable whim which was grabbed by the public sector unions without seriously considering the future economic consequences. I have been a teacher, I have been a school board member and the public educational system is economically flawed. Moreover, in Wisconsin, as in a number of other states, the union is a closed shop. You have to be a member. That concept is anti-freedom and anti individual. We have a serious problem in America. California, New York, New Jersey, Ohio and Pennsylvania are basically bankrupt. In an almost crazy contradiction, these are amongst the wealthiest state in the Union! This is why the Wisconsin confrontation is a watershed moment for my country. Adam But Adam, what I identify as productive individual, you identify as irrational brute. The productive individuals who I maintain are receiving adequate compensation, are being asked to sacrifice (by sarah Palin) for the collective. For the State, on the grounds that "they can't afford it." Sounds like a case for charity to the impecunious state, not robbing the productive teachers.
  7. Dennis: That quote is from Groucho Marx..."I don't care to belong to a club that accepts people like me as members." "I would not join any club that would have someone like me for a member." Groucho Marx Adam Woody Allen is equally famous for saying it, and popularized it in Annie Hall. Woody Allen famous quotes But thank you very much. I'm sure you are only interested in helping to expand my knowledge of the universe. I love that theme. Did you ever see Tony Hancock, the 50s-60s Brit comic? He had an episode where he enters a premises, having to step over a drunk in the gutter to get there. The drunk takes a good look at Hancock and says. "Eeee, they'll let anybody in there.' It also engenders thoughts on self-employment. I have realized that I would never hire me, and I would probably work for me but not very hard.
  8. But somebody did! Objectivism works simply and straightforwardly! Look at you!
  9. No, no. I have never wanted to live in times so interesting, when I feel an earthquake deep below my feet, and can only hope and pray that the beloved buried are not the blood of those I know, and love.
  10. caroljane


    Where is the virtue? Please explain. In "The Virtue of Selfishness", by Ayn Rand, the virtues of seeking and receiving the highest rewards for one's productive activity are explained. These virtues trump "the greater good" such as the financial health of a state, for example.
  11. Carol, Nosy? no chance - you are the soul of reticence. Busy, yes; and right about now, most nights, I visit this soporific thread to prepare for bed. So, please keep it going. Body-wise, it's difficult to tell, since the raincoat leaves a lot to the imagination. Gnight Tony Ah, the dear old raincoat. Dressing is so difficult for one who is uninterested in fashion, hates shopping and is incurably cheap. Yet professionally, this problem confronts me every day. I am required to not only explain Canadian clothing to the shivering newcomers, but to exemplify it. I have begged the school board to supply me with a uniform such as my son wears when repairing the streetcar tracks, but to no avail.So I have had to devise my own: an academic gownlet cut down from my dear late husband's favourite bathrobe, worn over a variety of soccer or hockey shirts from the attic, with appropriate legwear that happens to be clean on schooldays. Many of our lessons consist of perusing the Picture Dictionary and the winter clothing section is especially fruitful of discussion. I have been able to give my rendition of "I have lost my underwear, I don't care, I'll go bare...bye,bye long johns", while teaching the proper spellings and pronunciation of "TUQUE" and cautioning the students never to call it a ski hat or they will be deported. As we at the Igloo are all most anxious that you complete your rest cure, I will tell a bedtime story. a true one concerning my abovementioned son in his pursuit of core values in the public transit system. One night shift he and the crew were repairing the tracks across from Jilly's, a strip joint said to be a seedy fave of the actor Rob Lowe. Bored, or perhaps enraged at the sight of fellow citizens engaged in honest labour, patrons of the establishment came outside and started throwing bottles and rocks at the workers. The barrage became so heavy that they had to retreat to their truck and cower there until backup arrived. A police car soon came, which cowed the mob somewhat, and a Jilly's employee strolled over to the truck and offered to enjoy everybody's company at a discount rate. She offered to throw in the cop for free. He was laughing so hard he had to be helped back to his patrol car. No injuries were reported. Your eyelids are getting heavy.....
  12. Thanks for this! My daughter-in-law was looking for the perfect gift for their 3rd anniversary and the magazine subscription will be just the thing. Stu has been getting a little stroppy lately.
  13. XRay, quick! Over on Boring Canada! It just hit me- he's in with the Maronites, they're loaded - MacD - McDuck! Could it be - he's been under our noses all the time!$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  14. I worked in the PR office at Dal for 5 months! If I'd known those guys were in the rez I would have done a lot of information gathering on dorm life. In-depth research. Were you in this group or in the orchestra? Also do you or any older MacD relatives speak any Gaelic? I'll forbear asking your middle name or shoe size, else I would appear to be a nosy old busybody.
  15. I worked in the PR office at Dal for 5 months! If I'd known those guys were in the rez I would have done a lot of information gathering on dorm life. In-depth research. Were you in this group or in the orchestra?
  16. Ted are you an objecivist? Is Phil an Objectivist? I haven't come across one person who will tell me they are an Objectivist here and that is kind of scary considering the title of this website. I have heard from socialists and non comittals all over the place here-what is the point? Pure Objectivism is basically undoable-the proof is in this forum If some one starts talking about cells and organisms I shut down-cells and plasma aren't people You all should rename this forum Academic Living and take it from there. Hi, Pippi! It's me - down here under my rock.I see you are vexed, as so often before, by the presence of so many aliens living among the Objectivists. You have asked me many times why I am here, for example. Probably you ask yourself why you come here at all. But I bet I know why: The "real" objectivists are at OOnline, Noodlefood, and Forum4, but except for a few eccentrics they are boring. Some first-class thinkers, Mindy Newton for example,but dull as ditchwater. SOLO has some interesting characters but they are raving psychopaths and I would be scared to step foot on there to be tortured with Alliteration and Acronym and then executed by the Pomo Squad to the strains of "My Prayer". The people at OL are interesting, they write interesting things and have a huge collective body of knowledge.They can laugh at themselves, even Phil sometimes. Face it, you like some of them. Even the ones you hate are sort of invigorating, no? I know you hate me, but consider that you can judge a person by the quality of their enemies. I'd say I was a pretty high-quality one. Nobody gets paid to participate here, well except me when I am taking one of my many, many paid sick days. Learning and conversation are enjoyment.Recreation. I think you are "doing" objectivism when you apply its principles to what you choose to do and say, and to whom. Ayn Rand did this; she seemed to enjoy it.
  17. With the right makeup, of course.You Daleks should know that.
  18. Acourse. Everyone in my neck of the woods keeps asking for song for the Mira by McGillavrey until we hear it. When you feel real Atlantic you can't be denied.
  19. I can't believe I got that. It was the English sounding name,it was too far inland. How did you know that btw?
  20. Oh wait--"I wish I was in Sherbrooke now"--should it be Shelburne?
  21. The cannonball only blew only one of his legs? or something about Matthew Barrett--wrong name? Or wrong pier?
  22. Joel, you beauty! I adore and worship Stannie. The Privateers is my top karaoke. No irony. Beware ye who sail the seas for American gold --even Americans. God I loved that."She was broad and fat and loose in the stays"- sounds just like our goalie Rahida. God bless her all. Anne Murray in Song of the Mira - please? Carol proud to be corny
  23. Joel, you beauty! I adore and worship Stannie. The Privateers is my top karaoke. No irony. Beware ye who sail the seas for American gold --even Americans.
  24. caroljane


    Adam, Thanks for the explanation. I admire Malcolm X too. I think if he could see what Islamist extremism has come to worldwide, he would weep.