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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I protest American imperialist meddling and propaganda in cute and teeth. I have all teeth beautiful teeth and am very cute everybody tell me even my husband Iqbal when he stop making awful poutine. Rahida Goalie Senior Sizzlers
  2. Too bad Scorsese's movie couldn't have overcome the negativity, it was excellent. You might be mixing up Scorsese's Last Temptation of Christ with Gibson's Passion of the Christ. I agree about the former, somewhere in the DVD extras Scorsese talks about the career troubles that one cost him (getting financing for later projects etc.). I remember being at a Catholic mass when it came out, the priest actively recommended it, provoking grumbles from the congregation. Yes the Last Temptation, that's it. Just a good movie. But up against the Church and Hollywood expecting more mean-streets hardass, he had no chance just to say what he wanted to say and explore a fascinating subject. Though he did it.
  3. But that's the thing Phil. Of course we all have more information, much more than we want to have, we can't help acquiring it, or deliberately collecting it. It's the integration and crossfiling that matters - how we do it. The knowledge grows: do we?
  4. Too bad Scorsese's movie couldn't have overcome the negativity, it was excellent.
  5. Typical regional resentment, wimpy parasitical Maritime spleen vented upon their Betters. Take no notice.
  6. Did you factor in dementia? --Brant Phil, I assume your scores would rise since high school because you have engaged in Lifelong Learning. That would make sense for you. But have some pity on the rest of humanity who engage in Lifelong Trying to Hold on to the Few Clues We Have.
  7. Each year Canada's largest city welcomes our American neighbours to share our vibrant culture, world-class entertainment and food, and overwhelming politeness. Some of you are already familiar with our history and sense of life through following our sister thread, "Canadian Politics". Some will be "newbies", ready to plunge into an entirely new world where they still speak English. For both of these somes alike, the following tips will help to make your visit more enjoyable' 1. Training Bus Our transit system is among the best in North America, and we recruit only the best. New bus drivers are all young adults drawn from our great multicultural community, the most creative, ever-evolving, think-outside-the box individuals we can find. When you see a Training Bus coming, run to the nearest doorway and throw yourself on the ground. 2. Our Mayor Our mayor, Rob Ford, is a high school football coach from the suburbs who hates downtown Toronto. He is not around much but has an Open House every Sunday for tourists who can prove they are not from urban centres. 3. The Leafs This is a hockey team, or "penance", which reflects the deep religious roots of our community. The annual Penitential Festival, "the playoffs" is accompanied by ritual scourgings which some critics have said are reminiscent of Bergman's "The Seventh Seal". 4. TFF The Toronto Film Festival in September is an event sponsored by conspirators whose only goal is to make the numbers of American movie stars saying "I love Toronto" reach critical mass. The ultimate purpose of this shadowy group of conspirators, referred to variously as "the Brotherhood" or "Slavus Medici", is an enigma. 5. Pizza George's, On Broadview. The.Best.Ever.
  8. I'm glad to hear the no. Since I can't even do slow searches much less quick ones it's kind of encouraging. Glad to be through the gamut now.
  9. Could you quote this record please? What a monumental ego he must have. He sounds crazy. Carol: Glenn Beck calls him the "spooky dude!" He is nice as an ex-Nazi who used to turn in his fellow citizens for cash. Adam Do you mean Soros here, or Beck? Carol: Soros is "spooky dude" which is what Glenn Beck calls Soros. Adam No, I got that. I asked about "like an ex-Nazi", your own comment. Carol: No, I am not free from sin to throw those stones. I thought folks were familiar with the story. It comes from the following stories about Soros when the Nazi's took over Hungary when he was fourteen years old: Soros alleged to have collaborated with the Nazis "Originally from Hungary there are many theories about George Soros being a Nazi Collaborator. The charges have their origin in the story that he actually supported Nazis by helping them confiscate the properties of his fellow countrymen. George Soros was only 14 years old when the invasion took place. Unripe mind of 14 had deep scars from the incidents occurring all around him. The people against him blame that that exactly was the situation which taught him the lessons of gambling. To take positions secretly, without ever considering others. He is also blamed as being against Jewish state of Israel and actually been supporting Hamas! As he heavily funded Anti-Bush element in 2004 elections, he is even blamed to have funded Islamic terrorists. On the other hand supporters of George Soros argue that he was just a child of 14 years and was just following his survival instincts by following the orders of Nazis." From what original source is this story so badly translated? I have clicked on your link to the source and I am none the wiser. It is "News Around the Globe", an anonymous website or blog, containing articles in English as a Second Language (my guess is the original would be Hindi or Urdu, but just a guess). The articles contain no quotes, no attribution, no facts as the ordinary reader could discern them, and have no bylines. Is this one of your regular research sources, Adam?
  10. Putting contestants in a glass booth is unfair to people who are uncomfortable in small spaces. The proper purpose of a game show should be to reward knowledge and thinking skills, not to punish and reward people for how they react to being confined. Contestants also shouldn't have to appear on camera or in front of an audience, since it makes some people more nervous than others. They should be allowed to play the game from the comfort of their homes, or however they feel most safe and comfortable. The proper, objective way to run a game show wouldn't be about rewarding extroverts who like to ham it up and be the center of attention. Introverts should be allowed to correspond with game show officials electronically or by mail. If they're too shy to make contact with anyone, they should be allowed to not be observed in any way, and should be trusted not to cheat. The actual "proper way to do it" wouldn't be "more" about accuracy than speed, but completely about accuracy while completely eliminating speed. No time limit is the proper, objective, rational, non-insane way to do it. Why do you hate women? Only men and computers are good enough to play games in your "proper" world? Male chauvinist pig! Then any time limit is really dumb. Yeah, let's "mull it over" for 5 whole seconds while being locked in a glass booth, you fricking claustrophiliac, short-attention-spanned, woman-hating, center-of-attention wannabe. J Unfair, Jonathan! Phil is just using the Randian "he" to mean person as we all do. I do it here too, it's easier than he/she or pluralizing everything. Phil does not hate all women as I know for sure he has a healthy respectful interest in beautiful mature actresses
  11. Brant, having been ringside for some of this I'd say "no dog in this fight" would be more entirely pc here.
  12. SECRET PLAN UPDATE Overseas operations to implement the infiltration of Royal Families with Canadians are on target. Autumn has produced a Red-and-White Diaper Baby and the martyr Karen will close her eyes and think of Canada with Spencer (ugh). Prince Haakon of Norway is still resisting Dianne Lacroix of Carbonear, NL, but a the recent airlift of Screech to Oslo should do the trick. The Maple Leaf Forever!
  13. I see you have provided the middle with the Kroft interview. Clearly, Soros was never a Nazi, never turned in his fellow citizens for cash. That you would casually make such an allegation on a serious thread is shocking to me, frankly.
  14. The second "take" on history, which you edited in after I asked my question, is so incompatible with the first that I can't perceive any reality in the middle. Either the Nazis chose a 14-year-old Jewish boy as their henchman, or they didn't. He betrayed his "fellow citizens" and profited from their murders, or he didn't. You quote the "stories" and indicate that you believe them based on the evidence you have. Is this so?
  15. Could you quote this record please? What a monumental ego he must have. He sounds crazy. Carol: Glenn Beck calls him the "spooky dude!" He is nice as an ex-Nazi who used to turn in his fellow citizens for cash. Adam Do you mean Soros here, or Beck? Carol: Soros is "spooky dude" which is what Glenn Beck calls Soros. Adam No, I got that. I asked about "like an ex-Nazi", your own comment. Carol: No, I am not free from sin to throw those stones. I thought folks were familiar with the story. It comes from the following stories about Soros when the Nazi's took over Hungary when he was fourteen years old: Soros alleged to have collaborated with the Nazis "Originally from Hungary there are many theories about George Soros being a Nazi Collaborator. The charges have their origin in the story that he actually supported Nazis by helping them confiscate the properties of his fellow countrymen. George Soros was only 14 years old when the invasion took place. Unripe mind of 14 had deep scars from the incidents occurring all around him. The people against him blame that that exactly was the situation which taught him the lessons of gambling. To take positions secretly, without ever considering others. He is also blamed as being against Jewish state of Israel and actually been supporting Hamas! As he heavily funded Anti-Bush element in 2004 elections, he is even blamed to have funded Islamic terrorists. On the other hand supporters of George Soros argue that he was just a child of 14 years and was just following his survival instincts by following the orders of Nazis." From what original source is this story so badly translated?
  16. Could you quote this record please? What a monumental ego he must have. He sounds crazy. Carol: Glenn Beck calls him the "spooky dude!" He is nice as an ex-Nazi who used to turn in his fellow citizens for cash. Adam Do you mean Soros here, or Beck? Carol: Soros is "spooky dude" which is what Glenn Beck calls Soros. Adam No, I got that. I asked about "like an ex-Nazi", your own comment.
  17. Could you quote this record please? What a monumental ego he must have. He sounds crazy. Carol: Glenn Beck calls him the "spooky dude!" He is nice as an ex-Nazi who used to turn in his fellow citizens for cash. Adam Do you mean Soros here, or Beck?
  18. I love the song, but why is there no portrait to look at? Is it just too postmodern for me to understand?
  19. Could you quote this record please? What a monumental ego he must have. He sounds crazy.
  20. Context, I think. He is just out of prison, unfed apparently, possibly in some degree of clinical shock. The risks he ran were all for the ideals of loyalty to his country and the rights of its citizens. That subsumed everything. The suggestion of treason from any source would touch off such an emotional obsessiveness, and Arabs are not afraid of emotionalism.
  21. Dear readers, Mr. Harper burns his lamp late into the night, advancing his Treatise on Hockey slowly but surely. He is in correspondence with Mr. Peikoff as to whose tome shall be completed last; and the staff fear that he will discover, through some mischance, that the Duke of Dryden has already published such a work, entitled The Game, to considerable acclaim. Such a revelation would bring about storms, since His Grace is a Liberal, with all of whom the House of Harper has long been at variance, even unto enmity. (I have elevated Ken Dryden to the nobility since he is the exemplar of Anglo-Canucki Menschianism, as Jean Beliveau is of the Franco variety.)
  22. But Michael, these patterns have re-occurred throughout history in various ways long before Beck or Soros or America existed. Anyone could say "there must have been Omniscient Manipulators at work" and how could it be disproved? It's like looking at the world and saying there must be a God, or not.
  23. Are you talking about 2012? Unless O leaves Michelle for Lady Gaga, why would the Dems shoot off their own feet by dumping an incumbent?
  24. Carol: "scored on herself" isn't that illegal in the Catholic sections of Canada? Adam. Yes, it is, but luckily Fr. Jerome missed the game because of an interfaith conference at the Scientology Centre, so it's all fine. And we still won.
  25. Sounds like Rahida all right. You are correct, that is her nick. She is good-natured about it but says she would have preferred "Samosa", since the rink is the one place she can get away from her husband's constant experimentation with new gravy spices. She is starting to move around a little in her goal, not always a good thing. Last night we were whomping the Yummy House Bubbletea & Squid Balls 5-0, but she got overexcited and scored on herself.