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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. I should think raw hatred is what Jong Un's countless starving and tortured prisoners see from their Dear Leader.- Trump's "smart and talented" new pal. Calling the leader of his longtime largest trading partner and firm ally "dishonest and weak" is nothing to Trump - just another reflexive sneer against whoever he's displeased with at the time. But it is utterly despicable to a nation who give and expect honesty and good faith in negotiation. Michael, did you not explain that Trump's foul insults and ungrounded accusations against opponents are OK because words are his weapons against enemies who are out to destroy him? Well, he is out to destroy our major industries, and the credibility of our Prime Minister. Yet if our leader protests, it is "raw hatred." C'mon, now. Oh well, Trump admires dictators, so perhaps if Trudeau perfects his hating technique, he might get more dictatorial, and regain Trump's there's a strategy...
  2. Michael, are you implying that by co-creating NAFTA , Ronald Reagan was a dupe of the Canadian dairy industry?
  3. Which elite freeloaders do you refer to? Apparently, we have so many...
  4. The "little stunt" was speaking truth to power. I am proud of our prime minister. Correction... Trump said he liked Trudeau, past tense. Trump only likes people in political life, who are not named Trump, who bend over for him, and not backwards either.
  5. Did you not read the two posts I just wrote, one of which said he did something good in getting Kim to meet, and the other, more jokey but also sincere, about the Capitals parade? I give credit where due, yet you are determined that I am blindly prejudiced so I can fit your lefty stereotype. I mean it. If I think someone has done well even if I disagree with their politics or dislike their personalities, I will say so, maybe not gleefully (so will William, by the way). But you do not extend me the same courtesy, lumping me in with Robert de Niro etc. though I could not act to save my life. For you, everything Trudeau does is bad , because he's Trudeau. And Obama did nothing but bad, for eight years. We cannot all have the comfort and joy of being a True Believer, in any politic official, however easy it seems to be..
  6. Marc, Trudeau is hardly alone in "using these tactics", i.e. standing up for his own country even against the mighty Trump. His strategy to make alliances with dictatorships, and ridicule other democracies is a way of "changing the world" that worries the democracy-inclined, naturally enough. I disagree that getting on board with Trump would help Trudeau get re-elected. It would be more likely to get him fired.
  7. Of course it does-- so the answer we come up with is two, so far. Agreed? Signed, Carol
  8. Yes, I found this one too, though I would not say it was buried , it was probably a prominent story when it happened. And cancelling old agreements does cause alarm with us elitist cartels! But of course the rest of the world is anxious to know what eventually will replace the abandoned accords.
  9. It is good that he got Kim to agree to meet him. My question was about signed agreements though - international pacts binding on both sides, you know, Treaties, etc. As Reagan got the NAFTA agreement .
  10. Attention, attention! I am going to commend President Trump for something! He has encouraged federal employees to take 2 hours off work for the Capitals' victory parade tomorrow and has congratulated them warmly. Showing that he has proper respect for at least one vital component of North American life.
  11. Refresh my memory. How many countries (0n planet Earth) has he already got to sign agreements in his two years of international meetings? I assume you approve of the way he has dealt with your own country on trade. I don't know what business you are in, but presumably high U.S. tariffs won't affect it.. and you liked the spectacle of him insulting Trudeau, of course, as well as Canada generally?
  12. With all respect due to your source "Prison Planet", each Chinese written character has as many meanings depending on context, as does spoken Chinese depending on intonation .Perhaps the Chinese are familiar with the success of McCain's potato empire, centred in Florenceville, N.B., and wish to make the potato more popular in Chinese cuisine. Perhaps, poetically, they admire the success of the "big potato" Pierre and his deeply-rooted support for our constitution and customs. Perhaps they are indicating that his son will grow into a big potato too. Or maybe , having been through more famines than any other recorded peoples, they feel more comfortable with root vegetables big and liittle, than with foreign warlords.
  13. It is gorgeous, and the Bay of Fundy is a bay of wonders. If you or any of the OL friends ever go east,please visit me and see. I promise not to tell Trump about it lol. It just occurred to me that whatever happens about lumber and steel etc.our tourist industry will suffer. Marc, your father was a restauranteur from Paris and you never ate an oyster until this week? Expliquez s'il vous plait!
  14. La voix du Vrai Lait est la plus forte! Get out your Larousse Michael, I can keep this up indefinitely... Oh and belated Happy Birthday cuz. Many more.
  15. True d'Eau vainquera sur le Faux Foe!
  16. I have got to really appreciate the Bushes, seeing who the Republicans have now. George W is not even that bad a painter for an amateur. No Anthony Quinn or Churchill, but not bad. Also, Kennebunkport is cool.
  17. You were right, I was wrong. I overestimated the intelligence of rhe Ontarian public. You are entitled to your gloat but please do not keep it up for two years like some people around here! We survived Mike Harris so I suppose we will survive Ford. I will be moving to the Maritimes, so that if there is a trade-war recession I will have a head start. Anyway, congratulations, your guy won. I hope he can move from the heckler to the main speaker better than his southern idol!
  18. Expulsion is the meme of he day I guess, as America Firster and trade protectionist hero is now being bothered by another annoying distraction (Stanley Cup thread has details). The hugely profitable Canadian hockey industry, whose American branch grew mightily under NAFTA, threatening even to surpass football if expansion continues until 2045, has an unfair advantage since they get some income from the NHL even though 60% of the teams are American! It is too uppity and needs to be put in its place. Americans should support American sports, like golf.
  19. Interesting. Trump is already hedging his bets, saying "if they want to be here" he will invite the Stanley Cup winners, effectively passing the puck to team owner Ted Leonsis, who is no Ed Snider but equally impressive in this way. It's sad for the players who really want to meet him to have dissension about being honoured by America's highest official. I hope there are not too many of them.
  20. Really no losers at the final for fans at least, with Ovie getting his long-deserved cup and the gallant Knights fighting to the very end of a season that will require some new English sports word to describe it. The Marlies are still in the Calder Cup final but Texas made it even last night, 2-2. One of the stars of the final, who scored the tying goal, has previously said that if Washington won and was invited to the White House he would not go. Premier-Elect Ford had already called Pres Trump and offered to deport the guy back to the US to be punished for his traitorous attitudes,when he was told the guy was from Scarborough, Ontario. That did not faze Ford, he said that those details won't be so important once he gets his Red Tape Bonfires going. We're doomed.
  21. "Come back, little DiDi" !


    Your friend, 

    William Inge

    1. dldelancey


      I lurk from time to time.  :-)

    2. caroljane


      one thing I notice after looong absence, this site needs more estrogen, and I am now 214! Consider your duty to the yinyang balance girl- the planet needs you.

    3. dldelancey


      HAHAHA.  Oh, I've missed you.

  22. And Jack Layton, truly the epitome of the happy warrior and political grace. He spent election nights at the Fox & Fiddle on the Danforth - I saw him there at the first Obama election victory. If he had not died so young, at the height of his popularity, this would be a different election night now. RIP to him too. And as for RobFord, I hope he is enjoying some backsliding tonight, wherever he may be.
  23. The great thing about here is that it is possible for everyone to win something usually out of our contests,even if only experience, it is not all winners/losers black and white forever. I campaigned for Bob Rae way back , the first time he ran for premier and of course lost - pretty doleful but not crushing. Everybody picked up and started again. No scorched earth. So remember you are Canadian and do not gloat too hard if we all wake up to FordFest Forever on Friday! Good luck to you and your candidate too.
  24. lol you know I am going to cancel your vote. Well your popular vote anyway.