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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Just to continue the hockey talk, with your indulgence, my own team the Senior Sizzlers has been on something of a winning streak lately. Most of the credit is due to our new goalie Rahida. She is not strictly a senior but she is Iqbal (Papa)'s senior wife, and she doesn't skate too well but she is so ample that she fills up most of the goalmouth.
  2. Daunce: as (likely) the only non-Canadian on this thread who has ever played on three amateur hockey teams at once, and as someone who still has a sore kneecap due to an incident directly related to having one too many pregame Molsons back in my Glory Days of 1990 or so, I resent the implication of your remarks. I especially resent them because of their closeness to the mark. By the way, I once quite by accident dined next to Pocklington at a Bannf restaurant back when the Oilers were on top of the world, and he was every bit the Turd you would think he would be (not that I was straining to overhear his conversations or anything...) There is nothing too bad for me to think about that creature. I hope he gets stripped of his last stolen penny and goes to jail where he belongs. Btw my son has made his works hockey team and will be playing the NHL oldtimers here next month - Claudio Lemieux, Rick Vaive etc. Their big road trip will be to Edmonton. Carol Iginla fan though
  3. Poutine is gross. There, I've said it. I tried to like it, I really did, but it's just no use. I never even liked the Ur-version, French fries with gravy. Or even French fries really. And what Papa does to them at the Hut is beyond belief. You would think not even a Newfoundlander would eat it but political correctness, and a rave review by the food critic of Toronto Life just before he went to rehab,ensure a steady demand.
  4. Snap! I do not have any common sense and never have had any. People were always telling me to use it and asking me where it was. In the 90s Ontario elected a government on the slogan"the Common Sense Revolution". Their revolution consisted in finding the parts of the system that worked well and wrecking them. Since then I have been proud of my disability, not ashamed like formerly. The Common Sensers are coming back now, since everything in politics is cyclical, and this time I'll be ready for them.
  5. Note on pillow to P. Coates: It has been noticed that you frequently refer to the "boringness" of he screen version of Ondaatje's "The English Patient". It is thought that you protest too much. You're dreaming about Kristin Scott Thomas again, aren't you?
  6. The conservatives at the National Review and elsewhere obviously have not recently been employees of call centres, big-box-stores, hotels, tailor shops or other low-wage, low-respect businesses, where socialism in the form of unionization is reborn and relived with monotonous regularity. The common ethical foundation is "I'm worth more than this". And we are.
  7. If Nora and Alissa could just have shared their dollhouse...........
  8. This one is so bad it is good. Adam Wow, this means something! video shown on Objectivist web site....cats are selfish....Ayn Rand advocated selfishness....the cat is named Nora....Rand's sister was named Nora. OMG! Is this cat....Rand's sister, Nora??? REB Intellectual property theft is no laughing matter. -Schweine, Sveine and Sweine, per the Estate of Henrik Ibsen
  9. IMMIGRATION TO CANADA HITS 50-YEAR HIGH not everybody is impressed -CP wire As Canada welcomed more newcomers in 2010 than in any year since 1957, some oldcomers were voicing concerns about the immigrant experience so many are embracing. "They don't know what they're getting into", said Iqbal Omaratenti, proprietor of Papa's Poutine and Souvlaki Hut in the burgeoning Gerrard St.-Chinatown section of Toronto. "Sure, you can come here and maybe you make a living, but can you get out again to go somewhere better?" "Papa" as he is known to family and customers alike, admits that he has prospered with his business, founded on his unique Asian-fusion take on poutine. "My son-in-law Gus he makes the souvlaki if they don't want the poutine," he says modestly. But he turns sombre as he thinks of new generations who might repeat his experience. "Twenty years in front of the deep fryer", he says."When we can afford vacation, my wives don't want to go to Las Vegas.Hardly even Falls View Casino. We go back to Islamabad to visit, and it's no better than when we left. My mother doesn't even approve I go next door to the Hag and Sporran to keep good relations with my best customers. I thought coming to Canada meant freedom." But he concedes that there is hope for the young newcomer who is willing to work. "Study hard and go to dental school," he advises."and stay single, like I didn't".
  10. Way to go Phil! I'm getting the T shirt made. The buzzer pushing I always thought was the killer. My kids and my mother (a major Trebek groupie) always told me I should go on that show. (My husband like me knew I would fall totally apart and disgrace myself in public) , but nobody offered to pay any airfare anyway. so I rest on my laurels defeating the Americans at my intellectual peak age 15. You are an example to us all, Sir.
  11. From the Kama Sutra this is called the charge and is usually used on the power play...sometimes you even have a hockey stick, but that is more Canadian Kink and not required in the Southern environs... I personally reccommend it. Adam always trying to provide guidance For Gord's sake Adam, that's lacrosse, our official summer national sport played by grown men running around with baskets on top of sticks. What they do in timeouts is their own business. Carol: Sorry, it was the "ski"~ snow~ice~hockey sequence in my mind that created the brain freeze. Mea Culpa, or whatever them thar Cattlelicks say in that thar foreign tongue they speaketh when they are doin that satan stuff in them confesin booths. Adam Adam, understandable- - Gretski, Jet-ski - the permutations from each of our perspectives are endless. The main thing is to fail to engage any reader at all with anything we write, and I for one am doing my best.
  12. Some people think M. Fisher should have to reapply for his citizenship and get rejected without even going to jail. I don't say I agree with these people but I'm just saying.
  13. In keeping with our educational theme I must note that the 1991 Lacrosse Final in Moose Jaw occasioned some constitutional history. As Trudeau famously said, "The government has no business in the bedrooms of the nation", and the courts ultimately ruled that "bedroom" could be construed as "dressing room" and "hallway" also.
  14. From the Kama Sutra this is called the charge and is usually used on the power play...sometimes you even have a hockey stick, but that is more Canadian Kink and not required in the Southern environs... I personally reccommend it. Adam always trying to provide guidance For Gord's sake Adam, that's lacrosse, our official summer national sport played by grown men running around with baskets on top of sticks. What they do in timeouts is their own business.
  15. ? Dr. Joseph-Ignace Guillotin produced the most painless form of capital execution yet devised. He is a benefactor to that portion of mankind that favors capital execution. It was unfortunate that creatures such as Maximillian Robespierre co-opted it. Ba'al Chatzaf The guillotine has always seemed to me a too-rational pragmatic, unintended =consequence reality of all revolution, all ideas carried to their logical conclusions.
  16. Brother Tony! Remember our motto: Cement fixes, liquor kickses, but ICES is NICEST! ISSS D.
  17. No, in fact I never wondered why I never wanted to entertain a debate with you, you're even more concrete-bound than George is. The burden of proof principle definitively falls on you and George to specify why in a particular case what you are commanding me to do must be done. It's not my task to just fall in line with your religious commands. So George has definitively lost this debate. Shayne All I did was ask some specific questions about your own views. If you didn't want to answer my questions, then you should have said, "I don't want to answer your questions," and that would have been that. But instead you darted all over the place, while demanding to know my reasons for asking the questions. Your ideas are an absolute mess. You should clean them up before you take them out in public. Ghs free washing is available on LOL thread
  18. Hey, that's the same washing machine they used to clean up the Bath Notions from Aisle 9.
  19. Is is just me or did anyone else see GHS, sjw and Brant rolling around in there?
  20. Your mother is so ugly that she hired my mother as her beauty consultant! Ghs Finally, something on this thread that I can state with confidence: George, you mother is uglier than the back of my balls. If that doesn't end this debate, nothing will. I understand that mothers have been mentioned. I trust they shall not be mentioned again. There is such a thing as Inner Beauty, you know.
  21. Brothers Tony and PDS: NO, there are no parallels with Gretzky AT ALL. He did not want to go to LA, he was sold down the river by that crook Pocklington. If he could've stayed in Edmonton Paulina would be married to a nice local boy by now, and Janet would just gamble normally at Bingo. I am assigning you both extra readings in Religious History. Nanook
  22. Philip Coates, are you awake already? Back to bed young man, it isn't time to get up yet. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO local 13 Cultural Committee statement The Committee has met in extraordinary session to discuss the crisis in Ottawa and issues the following resolutions: 1. Since Carrie's career will last longer than Mike's, it makes sense that he move to Nashville and start networking so he will have a good basis for a post-reirement career, instead of just standing backstage holding her makeup bag and water bottle. 2. Fisher is a lousy stinking betraying traitor, unworthy of Canada or even of humanity, and its name shall nevermore be allowed to pollute the lips of the Brotherhood or the sacred air of the Igloo. Nanook McGuire Secretary
  23. [quote name='daunce lynam' timestamp='129766Despite my gymnastic abilities, which I thank gord did not develop or i would have dreadful arthritis now... I can't resist retroactively boasting here. The highlight of my gymnast/dance routine was to put a glass of water of my forehead, backbend, and rise from backbend without spilling the water. Also did that going in and out of a split. Nearly cracked the bones in my neck. I can still do cartwheels.
  24. Adam, I admire her for that too. Marriage is many, many things. I think she married Bill against her better judgment in the first place, I think she loved him and in some ways still does. Her reasons for staying with him are not only pragmatic I am sure. I will be very presumptuous here, I have been open about my own status . May I ask if you have ever been married? If you don't want to answer , no harm no foul. You just seem to understand marriage. Carol: Yes. Two beautiful children. One 25, graduated from a Ivy school and is out and about in the world. My daughter is in her last year in a little Ivy in the mid west. No harm, no foul! Dayaaam, as Michael would say, the hockey chick uses USA basketball lingo, or does that apply in Canadian Hockey also? Adam Hey, you know we're multicultural, especially in sports. Basketball was the only winter sport my high school could afford. Our star centre was 5'6'' but very wily. We nearly defeated St Vincent's Quispamsis for the provincial championship in our grad year.Despite my gymnastic abilities, which I thank gord did not develop or i would have dreadful arthritis now, I was a dreadful athlete and too insecure to try out for cheerleader. Mazel you Toff dad.There's no life like it is there.