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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Indeed, knowing nothing and the lack of interest, and authoritative definition of uselessness, are strongly interrelated. Impressive demonstration. I
  2. You sum up your practical objectivism most succinctly. Well done.
  3. Adam, I admire her for that too. Marriage is many, many things. I think she married Bill against her better judgment in the first place, I think she loved him and in some ways still does. Her reasons for staying with him are not only pragmatic I am sure. I will be very presumptuous here, I have been open about my own status . May I ask if you have ever been married? If you don't want to answer , no harm no foul. You just seem to understand marriage.
  4. Just to report that at Randbash central (ARCHN), the consensus is the same as here: Looks good, way better than expected, hope the movie is great. Whingers will whinge everywhere, but the whole world which has been touched by Rand seems be as one (with reservations) on this. Savour the moment!
  5. I don't think anyone thinks we are kidding, Joel. Jewish New Scotland? Arab/Scots running the province of PEI? A Muslim Mayor of Calgary? A Prime Minister inviting a TV satirist for a sleepover at the Canucki White House? Jack Layton, trilingual socialist member of parliament, in a Mao jacket at a multicultural pancake breakfast? Why would we kid? Carol, here is Ma Chow, Olivia Chow, Rick Mercer . . . and Jack speaking Cantonese . . . Man, can that lady cook. It's worth learning Cantonese to eat like that.But I bet Jack sneaks in the Kraft Dinner and gorges in secret too. Newfies will indeed eat anything. They even swallowed joining Canada, albeit forcefed by Joey Smallwood.
  6. Yes, it was, and I felt them. Chacun a son gout. For me this was the best moment of the trailer. It's the argument from authority, and a man speaking to a woman, so annoyed at having to pay attention to her in the first place. As I have learned, most objectivists are men, but they may have wives and girlfriends and sisters who will go to the movie with them. And the women will love that moment like I did,knowing who needs to finish speaking.
  7. Yes! Our plan is working! If we can put Phil Coates to sleep before he is good and ready to go to bed, we can do anything! My dream is the one we all share... the perfected version of the Python concept, where everybody turns Scottish. Just think, tomorrow, some tomorrow, they will all wake up and prepare poutine with maple syrup for breakfast, briefly peruse both the National Post and Toronto Star for balance, then order the CBC and NHL channels from their local cable provider. Then they will set off on their snowshoes to town, there to check out the complete works of L.M. Montgomery from the library, and thence to the hardware store to stock up on duct tape. Sweet dreams, Phil. Sweet dreams.
  8. So this is where you been hiding! We need that treasurers report and we need it now, and you need to know that your position at Canadian Tire is not as secure as you think because your brother-in-law is about to get the heave, and you know who is the grand shaman next year. Get that Russian woman off my back now. I mean it Gord not to be trifled with either ps you will be smiling out of the other side of your emoticon when claudine gets ahold of you
  9. reI see it's back. Our secret police are such wimps! A little net protest and they think there's going to be a revolution or something. Poor Laureen's face says it all. How much air guitar can one woman be expected to endure? And inviting Mercer without even mentioning it to her first. She and Mrs Chow have really bonded over this issue and they would warn Ignatieff's wife about it if they both weren't so loyal to their men.It seems Olivia could have married a real professional, a specialist doctor instead of a big mustache talker who rides a bike like little boy, and they both hope Rachel will have more sense.
  10. wss, we better watch it. The video of Hardper singing has been disappeared, obviously by CSIS. or maybe those Trotskyites at the Royal Conservatory of Music.
  11. Carol: Jolie is actually a better actress than I thought also, but my starting point on her "actressing" skills was close to zero, so that is not saying too much. I agree she would have been a physical mismatch to my image of Dagny. This actress perfectly represents my mental image of Dagny. I also think she nailed the few lines in the trailer. Her "pixieish" [sp??] look when she responds to the miscast Jim's question as to what she is going to call her railroad line is perfect. Adam Jolie can act. She just usually doesn't have to. Her father could and can really act, and so can Brad, and if one of her bio kids goes into the biz, I will quit smoking and drinking and try to live till they grow up.
  12. Wai? Wai? That my daughter? Meimei you pick up phone. That Lick Mercer he come to door with overnight bag again. I say to him, Jack not here, he go Quebec to Duceppe place, you go stay there. Hee-hee!Las time he leave newspaper and bottle all under bed. You say to your husband, I make his favourite potine gai pan tonight.He tell me he sick tired meatloaf.
  13. All the money is on Team PEI PS -- why aren't you dead? MacDonald, of course. Obviously a CaBretoner who braved the perilous journey to the bright lighthouses and unlimited horizons of PEI where dreams can be realized. Those people are so versatile. They rule the coal mines deep, and are the seas' commander. Carol niece of Mary daughter of Angus son of Mary daughter of Angus you get the picture
  14. Re Dagny's age - this version is updated to now, when a woman can rise to the top job in her 20s, especially in a family business. I think Dagny looks great. I've never seen this actress before. Before the movie was cast some people touted Jodie Foster, who I thought totally wrong, but this girl has something Fosterish about her and seems totally right. (A. Jolie would have been really wrong also unless she's an even better actress than I think she is)
  15. I always imagine our politicians using their electoral rhetoric at home. Layton strikes me as one who has a hard time shifting into normal English. Here is him at home complaining about Olivia's household management, and calling on the kids to help sway the House. "Canadians are asking for a change of the towels. Folks losing their socks, looking at their last pay cheque don’t know where to turn. Husbands are trying to decide what bills they can afford to pay. There is a majority Coalition in this House that’s ready to act on pressing issues for Canadian families. For the families already hurting from the economic crisis, we are having meatloaf, again. Business and labour leaders demanded action, and we get meatloaf, again. How long will ordinary Canadians put up with this government's refusal to listen to the people?" Read more: I love it. It even gets better when his Chinese mother-in-law (who lives with them) gets home from the flea market to show them her bargains. "Nice new picture, look. Only twenty fi cent and all bright not like old Ed Bloadbent up on wall. Jack you go get nail, I can climb ladder." Note to southerners: Layton is the leader of the NDP, the leftest of the three biggest parties here. Broadbent is a former, much-loved leader of that party.
  16. Just to raise the tone a bit. Executive Suite "Never again will we ask a man to poison his pride in himself or his work!" - Holden's speech is waaaay shorter than Galt's. Love Stanwyck and have tried to watch that but haven't been able to get into it. Stanwyck was luminous in that movie, but her part wasn't very big.
  17. The election will be announced soon. Jack Layton has called me three times to invite me to a town hall meeting. It's the only place we can ever be seen together in public so I guess I'll go.
  18. China is just tidying up their legislation. They already banned birth and are trying to prevent recidivism.
  19. The trailer aready looks better than the book.
  20. [quote name='John Tate' timestamp='1297497531' post='12472 I believe the culprit is... useless people, too useless even to be hairdressers... Objectivism can't help me, because its clearly been flooded with.... people wherever I go. I think we have identified your problem.
  21. There's a good discussion led by the excellent Steve Paikin on Boring TV tonight. One remark: "a cautious, conservative revolution." Leading maybe, maybe to a new country, even a "new Arab" with the joy and pride and hope we see in Egyptians today.
  22. Me voila! Thank you, thank you-- I have so many people to thank tonight, my wonderful parents who always told me I could do anything--ok ok, I see you waving, thank you Ted and Mike!