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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. No, by all means base your opinion on the latest information, but take responsibility for your past pontifications. Like the Vatican takes its lumps for Galileo. Live and learn. Have some tasty crow. Yes, I too am glad this trailer is so exciting. Fifty years of waiting is validated by this - the opportunity once more - to mock someone. Where do I sign the petition condemning him irrevocably? Oh how proud we Objectionists. Welcome to Hollywood, Objectivists, where you get to crow and/or eat crow 24/7, and nobody knows anything.
  2. Adam, I'm interested in your remark about Muslims/family courts. Could you expand on it? Tony, you really know what you are talking about. Deeply insightful post.
  3. It's OK, I am getting patient backstage tutoring. Have to give up the struggle for now as I won't have time for a day or so- just so you know I won't be absent as a censorship protest!
  4. Thought this thread was dead..Exterminate! Exterminate! Which one is the disguised Dalek?
  5. I think I'd disqualify Disclosure cause it seems more like a new sub-genre - Workplace harassment/blackmail movie. And I don't like Demi Moore.
  6. Just to raise the tone a bit. Executive Suite "Never again will we ask a man to poison his pride in himself or his work!" - Holden's speech is waaaay shorter than Galt's. Love Stanwyck and have tried to watch that but haven't been able to get into it. You haven't replied to the mail I sent you, look to the green button on the top right of the screen. I don't see any green button - was it on PM? There's nothing there from you.
  7. Just to raise the tone a bit. Executive Suite "Never again will we ask a man to poison his pride in himself or his work!" - Holden's speech is waaaay shorter than Galt's.
  8. I? Speak ill? No, indeed, to the contrary. I am excited that you have discovered a hitherto unknown tribe in the wilds of Bala. Another tuft on the intellectual pelt of the Order, added by our newest Brother who is still on probation.
  9. Welcome Brother Adam! You get an affiliate membership for this. Your appendix on Dat Place will be invaluable for the indoctrination of our new Brothers. They've nearly finished Anne of Green Gables and are ready to move westwards in the mystical journey. Your Secret Name and church key will be delivered under cover of darkness. The Bonhomme quote was the best. Still giggling, Carol
  10. FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Dear Brothers, First, a chilly welcome to our two newest members. Each Initiation renews the blubber and sinew of our fellowship, and strengthens us all for the snows of tomorrow. 1. Conference planning is well in hand. As you know, there has been some discussion as to this year's venue, with some stating flatly that they will not go camping at Great Slave Lake again, so we are looking at places a little further from the Arctic Circle. Brother Tony, do you have a big house? 2. The Cultural Committee has called a special meeting to deal with the Senators crisis. On Feb. 14 the topic will be: "Mike Fisher: Samson, or Benedict Arnold?" 3. The overdue Treasurer's Report will be submitted as soon as Brother Joel returns from his business trip to Aglakurq CasinoRama. As always, we thank Claudine and the Ladies' Auxiliary for the delicious pemmican snacks. In solidarity and sealmeat, Doug Acting Shaman
  11. "The happiest countries, like the happiest women, have no history" would have been the opening quote of my masterpiece thesis, but I would have to try and find out who said it; boring, tedious work.
  12. I hope my posts lean to my strong belief in individual rights. But I am a socialist, in that I believe that governments need to exist, and that the best guardian of those rights is the kind of socialist system in which I have lived all my life. I admire many things about Rand and Objectivism, and especially the quality of followers they attract. But I dance with the one that brung me. Socialism ultimately produces mediocrity. Any productive system has to be minimally unfair and reward the best and brightest preferentially over the dullest and the laziest. In short, there have to be Winners and Losers. Ba'al Chatzaf I guess you are looking at the evidence.
  13. Nail on head! Sometimes things are simpler than they seem.
  14. Again with the questions! Don't you know it's after Lights Out? Yes, yes, all Canadians do play hockey, I myself play left wing for the Papa's Poutine & Souvlaki Hut Senior Sizzlers, although I have weak ankles and my forechecking is garbage. But I know my patriotic duty.
  15. "a pathetic jelly mass of ignorance and denial." Indeed.
  16. This is an interesting Randian analysis, but for the life of me I cannot see how a Caliphate would not want to restore its version of capitalism (the merchant class) along with the other supposed lost glories of Islam. Successful merchants were the backbone of classical Islam, Mohammed himself was one. How could the destruction of capitalism be a major motive of modern Islamists?
  17. I hope my posts lean to my strong belief in individual rights. But I am a socialist, in that I believe that governments need to exist, and that the best guardian of those rights is the kind of socialist system in which I have lived all my life. I admire many things about Rand and Objectivism, and especially the quality of followers they attract. But I dance with the one that brung me.
  18. I was in hopes that this topic title would be so boring that nobody would read it, but somebody did and asked me the question: "Are all the stereotypes about Canadians true?" The answer is yes, they are all true, any stereotype you can think of, except for one: We do not say "aboot" for "about". Perhaps at some time in the past, some lone Canadian with a speech impediment said it in front of an American, and it went viral, but nobody says it now. I and my family have travelled our great country from coast to coast wherever we have relatives to stay with for free, and I can state categorically that I have never, ever in my life heard any Canadian say "aboot." In either official language.
  19. Daunce, He probably thought it meant a whacked wok. Bob is also a world-class bullshitter. All he can manage is "the ironic" and "the sardonic"? Heh. Search through his posts and see how many times you find when he says he's peeing in his pants from laughing so hard. That's a standard line from him. He reminds me of my great grandmother (and I say that affectionately). She used to talk about how great she felt since she took her diet seriously. That would have been fine except for the big honking piece of chocolate cake or apple pie she would be putting away right as she said it. Michael Oh, well. As long as he wasn't pulling my leg about the haggis too. Some things are sacred.
  20. I start this thread at the suggestion of a compatriot whom I interrupted in the midst of a Mideast discussion, because I had become alarmed at signs that Canada will be going to the polls again, as soon as the polls are favourable for the Government. You Americans have your problems, but never knowing when you will have to elect a new government is not one of them. You at least can be sure that when you elect a President, you are pretty much stuck with him for four years, whatever he does. We can't vote for our Prime Minister unless we live in his home city, and we can theoretically kick him out whenever we want, except then we would have to vote even more frequently than usual.The PM's character and credentials are important of course, but he's only the leader of a party, and we only get to vote on the character and credentials of our local guy. We don't even get to make comments on the ballot about the party leaders' wives or husbands or anything. We get to make fun of their clothes and everything in the newspapers, but it isn't the same. Is anybody still awake? No? Good. This is actually a cover for our benign cultural organization, whose motto is Boring from Within, a handy drop-in for Canucks and affiliates (you know who you are) to have friendly discussions of the Secret Plan.Therefore, to the strains of "Song for a Winter's Night", soft, soft... To all our dear friends and trading partners, we wish you, as ever, Good Night and Good Neighbours
  21. Well, I asked for it. Sir, I am beginning to fear you are not quite Respectable. Getting a new idea for avatar though...
  22. OK Carol: Now you're talkin! Adam man is a genius Aye, he's came a lang wa' frae the red sandstone. You know Scotsmen; when they're bad, they're horrid. But when they're good ==aah, when they're good-- BTW you know the standard Scots answer to the perennial question, "What is worn under the kilt", I presume?