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Everything posted by caroljane

  1. Re Laughter=Medicine? John, it is good to know you can enjoy comedy. It is an encouraging sign that there is hope for you. Ba'al, I don't know about you. I hope you were writing in irony, but the line is so fine with you it is hard to tell. You are a master of deadpan. D future corpse
  2. I'm All Right Jack with Peter Sellers. And Mystic Pizza, not strictly a workplace but I liked Julia Roberts better than in any of her big hits. On this Brockovich would be my #2.
  3. Ted, "paid" is a severe overstatement - which reminds me: How could I forget "Norma Rae"?
  4. That one either. Is it in a restaurant? Carol up past my bedtime again A loving study in sadism and filth. Sounds like the call centre I worked in!
  5. Say Adam, next time you go to the Hash Hut could you hand out some fliers? I got the Shaw Festival and Niagara Wine Country -- I hear there's a Pinot Halal this year.
  6. Another coup in my meteoric career as shill outreach officer for Tourism Canada. Only pays on commission though.
  7. I'm no wiser, not that that's your fault. I've been progressively less wise since about age 20. Obviously I will never understand this stuff, it will always be Churchill's Russia to me. But I do get a faint glimmer of an answer beneath your sunny smile. Mom says hi and are you eating right, love Sis
  8. Drive-In. I actually saw this at a drive-in. "Somebody's gotta rebuild Rio de Janeiro!"
  9. Well, you know of a better God? The same Big Guy who gave us the Talmud, which Mohammed borrowed and called Shariah Law. Same ol' mountain, same ol' God. There goes your believer, Ba'al. "Christ in his mercy infinite I pray to see and Olaf, too Preponderatingly because Unless statistics lie, he was More brave than me, more blond than you" -apoligies to ee cummings for the caps
  10. This is really good stuff. From a perspective we weren't expecting, a social scientist examines groupthink with data to back it up. This guy is a real thinker who seems to learn about himself as well as his subject as he goes along. I think I'm a Haidt fan. I wonder if he plays hockey.
  11. The term honour killing is detestable since it imports the idea of honour to an act which is the grotesque nadir of dishonour. It should be femicide, or filicide, or the most contemptible cide anyone could think of. I am seeing Aqsa Parvez as I write, bright, brave, murdered at 14 by those who should have cherished her the most. Such killings are entirely tribal and cultural and occur among Palestinian Christians and Hindus in equal proportion to Muslims.
  12. You were attacked and had all your files destroyed? Isn't that some kind of crime? Is it just random destructiveness or did someone deliberately target you? I am sorry I don't know anything about webs and security so I am trying to see it like a burglarized office (as noticed on movie thread I watched GGR last night).Please explain for me if that's OK with you.
  13. A side effect of HNC was having my adolescent crushes not on McCartney or Jagger but on Harper (no relation) or Laperriere, guys with few teeth, smashed noses and 2-word vocabularies, one French, one English, both obscene.My eventual husband was a soccer fanatic with an attractively broken nose and one tooth missing from a championship game.Hasten to add however, he talked a glorious game, to the end of his life.
  14. And the India call centre movie (Outsourced?) I liked the shortlived TV series too.
  15. Are Michiganders allowed? Of course! Two words. Gordie Howe. Just drove through Windsor a few weeks ago. Beautiful town. Still miss Hockey Night in Canada from the old days... The whole of Toronto sure misses it! A whole city of total hockey masochists. HNC with the original 6 was a cultural experience so glorious, and I didn't even realize I was having it, it was just regular Saturday night with Dad's wry comments and being allowed to stay up till the game was over. Another great gotta make a living movie: Used Cars (1980)
  16. Are Michiganders allowed? Of course! Two words. Gordie Howe.
  17. For the past half hour every time I clicked onto OL I got Google Search for Jules Verne instead. Now I am back in and do not dare to go out again. Is this part of your internet marketing Michael? It smacks of Use of Force and does not seem like you. I don't know how to edit a topic title, the F is a typo and not a comment, you will have noticed I never swear.
  18. Your days of making me spill my coffe laughing are I fear just peaking. In S&S Daunce FOSI Answer your mail will you
  19. Sorry, Daunce is only unisex in the way that Stanley is. If you are shopping for a new one there's always Virago Termagant, the name of the moustachioed landlady from To Lorne Dieterling. Oh, you flatterer. No, I will keep my managra, just as some of us keep our avatars which may weary repeat viewers. I don't mean yours, actually. I didn't know you were a Doctor Who fan. And mother of a total fanatic. His dad built him a Tardis out of an old wardrobe for his 11th birthday, and his wife gave him a Tardis bookstand/endtable for his 30th. He spent hours in the old one, guess he has to mind-morph into the newer one, it's kinda small. The hilarious old Daleks were the best. Sometimes you could see the feet under them.
  20. Confidential to J. MacDonald FRATERNAL ORDER OF THE SACRED IGLOO Local 13 Ulaq of the Grand Shaman Dear Brother MacDonald, It has been noticed by many that your attendance at the Rite has become erratic, though you always show up for Bingo afterwards. Also, you have taken to paying for all your purchases at the beer store with American money, although you have not left town since the last Convention in Iqalit in 2009. Someone named Verushka has left several messages for you at my house, also an Ashlee and a man with a Yankee accent. The Brotherhood is puzzled and becoming alarmed and the Mounties are asking questions. What in the name of the Blessed Thomas Douglas is going on with you? In solidarity and sealmeat, A CONCERNED FRIEND Gord Look Joel, whatever crazy crap you are into now it hasta stop. Me and Claudine dont mind being a message drop for you, you are a friend but she is starting to think some of those women are really calling for me and I don't need the headache OK?
  21. John, Does anything make you laugh? Not head-shakingly or bitterly, but irresistibly, with joy? Are you able to truly laugh?
  22. Guys I have noticed MSK hasn't been around for hours and maybe we could set up a Canadian Corner like the important intellectuals here have, only with Bonhomme and Moosehead and Road to Avonlea posters. Of course secretly it would be a cell of the Sacred Igloo. Boring from Within.